62 -
Gilgamesh went on to another game
Sometime I wonder if he still reads these forums, stalking us like we stalked him.
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*Assasination Strike*
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*Dives in front of Gil, taking the AS for him*
Gil! -
First...I confirm that we're working on right now (as in pohsyb in the next room) to add CoV costume parts into CoH if you own both games....
Then we repeal the hated stealth nerf. The reason why: many well reasoned posts. It's that simple. You guys pointed out the problems.
AND now...we're changing the way Archvillains spawn. A ton of forum goers disliked adding so many AV's into missions a while back...so we've come up with a solution. If the team size and mission difficulty are ABOVE a certain level, an Archvillain spawns. Below that, players will face only an Elite Boss. If the mission is set on the first two levels of difficulty, it takes 4 heroes or more to spawn an Arch Villain. On the third level, 3 heroes or more. On the fourth level, 2 heroes. On the highest (Invincible), a solo hero will spawn an AV. Note this works in BOTH City of Heroes and Villains.
In order to incentivize larger teams, Positron is going to add a bonus to AV rewards!
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You have just made sooo many people's day. -
First...I confirm that we're working on right now (as in pohsyb in the next room) to add CoV costume parts into CoH if you own both games....
Then we repeal the hated stealth nerf. The reason why: many well reasoned posts. It's that simple. You guys pointed out the problems.
AND now...we're changing the way Archvillains spawn. A ton of forum goers disliked adding so many AV's into missions a while back...so we've come up with a solution. If the team size and mission difficulty are ABOVE a certain level, an Archvillain spawns. Below that, players will face only an Elite Boss. If the mission is set on the first two levels of difficulty, it takes 4 heroes or more to spawn an Arch Villain. On the third level, 3 heroes or more. On the fourth level, 2 heroes. On the highest (Invincible), a solo hero will spawn an AV. Note this works in BOTH City of Heroes and Villains.
In order to incentivize larger teams, Positron is going to add a bonus to AV rewards!
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You have just made sooo many people's day. -
Anyone know if the amount of WL Babies you killed last year (Without getting the badge) counts towards the badge this year? I'd be interested in knowing how close I came on a few of my heroes.
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I believe they do.
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Posi's right. They do. I didn't get the badge last winter, although I came pretty close. But today, I got Cold Warrior by defeating only 15-20 snowmen. -
The Entire Thread
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I guess some people enjoyed Easy Mode(TM). Personally, I did not.
My MA/Regen Scrapper got boring as hell around level 37, when I had all his defenses and attacks pretty much maxed out. I stopped playing /Regen and made some alts. And while the low levels were full of a lot more newbies, they were also a lot more intense.
Obviously, some people don't like "intense". Some people like to turn on a few powers and strut through a mission with +4 mobs without ever dropping below 80% HP. That just wasn't for me. I like to live on the edge. That used to be what Scrapping was all about...
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Just a question. Outside of Blasters what wasn't easy mode in Issue 4 and prior?
Also, if you weren't having fun, why didn't you try what many of us did. Just turn IH off. I think I ran IH for the Envoy of Shadow and Terra and for not much else from 35-40. After I3 and Integration got it's healing, Instant Healing was pretty much for large teams and AV hunting.
So, I guess I'm confused. It was really easy in give yourself more of a challenge with Regen. Do you not have much self-control?
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I don't know about the other archetypes. The only ones that I really played above SO level was my Regen scrapper and my Fire/EM tank (created when I got bored of Regen; I wanted to see what herding 'n' burning was like. I got to 37 in less than half the time it took my Regen, but like before, I got bored again around that time).
As a matter of fact, I wasn't even playing with IH on most of the time, and yes, I was soloing missions on Invincible. I only turned IH on for bosses and larger spawns, or when I was on a big team (like you said). It was still pretty much Easy Mode. -
The Entire Thread
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I guess some people enjoyed Easy Mode(TM). Personally, I did not.
My MA/Regen Scrapper got boring as hell around level 37, when I had all his defenses and attacks pretty much maxed out. I stopped playing /Regen and made some alts. And while the low levels were full of a lot more newbies, they were also a lot more intense.
Obviously, some people don't like "intense". Some people like to turn on a few powers and strut through a mission with +4 mobs without ever dropping below 80% HP. That just wasn't for me. I like to live on the edge. That used to be what Scrapping was all about... -
Well.. considering that it hasn't even been a month since CoV launched, there wouldn't be as much datamining needed for Rep earned as for, say, time spent in SG mode...
Super Speed's Stealth does not apply in PvP -- it only affects critters Perception.
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Yeah, I wish people would get it though their heads that the stealth on SS is only there so you don't get yourself killed running into mobs on accident.
Really wish you would make the Stealth on SS no stack with any other kind of stealth...
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Whatever its purpose, SS's stealth is still fairly effective in PvE. Unless you run right through the middle of a mob, it will never notice you.
As a Scrapper in CoH, I often leave SS on while solo'ing so that I can fight individual enemies without attracting the attention of the whole mob. -
No, disorient is useful on Villains, just like it is on Heroes.
Small problem: All Villain powers are Clicks. Even movement powers.
So, just like a human player, a Villain's AI says "get away, you're mezzed!".
And they do. Since they are gifted with Hurdle automatically, and since all movement powers are Clicks, they don't drop when the villain is "mezzed".
See? It's quite simple. Disorient doesn't suck, this is all just a side-effect of the game engine!
Doesn't that make you feel better?
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There's one thing wrong with your logic: You can't use click powers while stunned.
Anyway.. this has already been explained as a bug. -
I always play CoH with music on, and I generally turn the FX and Music down really low, so I don't really notice the looping sounds at all. However, judging from how many complaints I've seen about it, it seems to be an important issue to a lot of people... I'm glad this is finally being fixed.
New sets? That'll be nice. I actually had thought of giant bugs and thugs as sets and was considering sending them in as suggestions.
They NEED to do thugs, preferably stereotypical mobster types. I don't care if they're basically a remix of the Mercenary set with different animations; it would still be cool.
The reason I thought of giant bugs is because they need to have something for science/mutant origins. Ninjas works well for magic and natural, Necromancy for magic, Mercenaries for Natural, and Robots could work with tech or natural. You can't really justify mutant or science unless you take say the poison secondary so you can spit poison. There should be a primary that works for each origin, dagnabbit!
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Technically, you CAN use any origin for any powerset, it just depends on your creativity.
For one thing, the secondary powersets correspond to your origin more than the primaries do, since your secondary is your personal powers, while the primary is just what type of minions you control (unless you count Dark Blast, Gloom, etc., in the Necro set).
But taking your examples...
Ninja could just as easily be Tech. Can anyone say, "Robot ninjas?" A Mut/Sci origin story for a Ninja MM would depend more on your secondary. Let's take a Ninja Mut for example: Let's say you were training at a ninja dojo or wtvr, and because of your incredible mutant powers, you were able to rise quickly in the ranks. Now, you command your own squad (or wtvr a group of ninjas would be called).
"Necromancy for magic". Well, that's an easy one for Sci too. You could be the next Dr. Vahz. Or Mutant, you see dead people lol. Or... Tech... Tech is never hard.. they're not rly zombies, they're robots in disguise! (lol)
"Mercs for Natural". Well, you can do anything with Mercs really. Let's say you're a Sci/Mut Merc MM... You were either born with psychic powers or recieved them thru some crazy experiment, and now you control an army with your mind. or you can just say, like for Ninjas, you rose thru the ranks of the army or whatever revolutionary group you're part of, with the help of your amazing powers (Mag/Mut/Sci). Or.. my old favourite.. the soldiers are robots! lol...
"Robots for tech/natural" Well, if you were a mutant, you may have been born with some sort of weird ability to speak robot language. When the robots found a human who could understand them, they immediately assigned you leadership of the robot rebellion... lol... or you don't even need to be the leader.. you're just the man on the inside.. the meatbag spy. as you gain more info, you please your robot overlords and they build a few simple-minded robots for you to command. as the full-out robot rebellion comes closer to initiation, there's less of a reason for you to remain secret about your betrayal. so as time goes by, you gain more robots to control as you please your masters, and more freedom to show your power. (hmm.. I might just keep that one lol).
Anyway, that's all I got off the top of my head.. but really, you could do just about anything with anything. You're only limited by your own imagination. -
After refreshing you still don't see the update?
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I refreshed several times and didn't see the Mastermind stuff, but when I used CTRL+Refresh, it worked. -
Did Statesman get with his Quasi-Step-Sister and then Marry her, Betraying his best friend in the process ?
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Er.. technically, Monica wasn't Marcus's step-sister. Their parents were never married. Marcus was Monica's father's adopted son.. I dunno what that makes Marcus and Monica, but I don't think it makes them step-siblings. I could be wrong though. And what's with this betrayal nonsense? Marcus married Monica long after Stefan went to the dark side. -
I just can't believe how COLD Stefan/Lord Recluse became after they drank the waters. And being I love Greek Mythology, the whole play just gave me a great kick. But if you think about it, the Furies said "If two entered, two others must die." That prophecy DID come true, and no one died as a result.
I think they meant that the moment they drank the water, the people they were would die and a new being or person would be born. So, Marcus Cole and Stefan Richter died that day, and Statesman and Lord Recluse were born. They just needed that space to do it.
VERY good book so far.
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Well, since you've obviously read the book, I guess you completely forgot the part where two members of the Cole gang die while exploring the island where the Well of the Furies resides. The first one dies from a trap in the well, and the second one dies at the hands of Stefan after he and Marcus discover the black box.
PS: This whole thread should really have a big, bold, red spoiler warning on the front page. -
Dark Watcher: Magic Mind Control/Force Field Controller w/ Stealth and Teleport pools
Vambrace: Technology Electric/Energy Blaster w/ Flight Pool
Hmmm... Vambrace is a two-man team. James John-Smythe would probably count as a Technology Illusion/Kinetics Controller.
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Wouldn't the Dark Watcher be an Illusion/FF Controller with the Teleport pool? He doesn't exactly control people's minds; it's more like he takes their worst nightmares and uses it to scare the crap outta 'em (Spectral Terror anyone?).
And I wouldn't have given St. John Smythe an archetype at all.. -
Er... I don't see anything about MMs. The other 4 Archetypes are there though..
From the NC Soft Site
User Statistics
Operating Matrix (City of Heroes)
U.S & Europe As of September. 2005
Highest concurrent users
June 04 31,085
Sept 04 26,870
Dec 04 15,741
Mar 05 21,283
June 05 20,911
Sept 05 22,340
Daily access
June 04 69,011
Sept 04 68,073
Dec 04 45,318
Mar 05 56,366
June 05 59,969
Sept 05 59,133
Monthly access
June 04 169,925
Sept 04 163,053
Dec 04 124,435
Mar 05 140,481
June 05 162,922
Sept 05 150,068
So -- let's discuss the actual numbers here, rather than snapping at Stateman's heels.
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Correct me if I am wrong but this is numbers of those who logged in right? So then this would also include the ones who had free trials since they did log in as well. Also being the case meaning those numbers would be boosted because of this.
[/ QUOTE ]The free trials aren't included in the numbers. That was already covered somewhere earlier in this thread. Check the Dev Tracker for Statesman's previous posts, one of them refers to what you're talking about I think. -
We know Jack was States, but who was who else?
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Oh I was SO there, too!
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Yup, and pwnd in Mercy 3!
heh! I was actually surprised we got anyone to less than half health, it was pretty gruesome lag and difficult to see YOU of all the heroes, being kinda.... halfway transparent already...
[/ QUOTE ]I was personally targeted by WW and defeated by her single-target attacks! What an honor! *swoons*
PS: I was MidnightMaster on Training Room (the one w/o a number). I was fighting WW on MI 11 I think, that one, or MI 1, I forget. -
Actually, I managed to score a critical on Synapse.
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Who CAN'T score a critical on Synapse, LOL. Synapse = The Whipping Boy of the Freedom Phalanx
I did manage to punch War Witch in the face once. Unfortunately I got no screenie on that
[/ QUOTE ]I didn't see Synapse all night. He was the only one I missed. But I got to beat on the one I most wanted to - Positron! Damn you and your 5 hour TF (which I exemped on my Main). Ravenstorm was one tough cookie, when he wasn't busy running -
What if someone else picks you nose?
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In Soviet Russia, etc.
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In Soviet Russia, nose picks you! -
Second, were still scouring the boards for bugs and other issues, but weve finished making large changes to the power sets. Well still be looking at issues as the arise. For instance, there are issues with Defense builds; were going to look at that problem more carefully (the Damage Resistance Inspirations are a step, but there's a little more to come).
Thanks for all your great feedback!
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Here's some feedback, YOU ARE A LIAR. I know you hate to be called that and would love to see how you tap dance around the massive enhacement changes as not a change to powersets. /em remembers a famous quote "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
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Well.. "liar" is not the right word. The upcoming ner.. er.. "change for the benefit of the game".. is a large change to the enhancement system, not to the powersets.
The right word is misled. We were misled. This really hurts. Contrary to the general forum population, I actually liked the changes in I5. It made my Scrapper fun to play again. But this new enhancement system is a real blow to the player base. I'm losing faith in the Devs. I will, however, try to reserve judgement until it hits Test. -
Wow.. I can't believe you ppl are still [censored] about I5.. personally, I love it. I applaud the devs on their decisions in I5. Buff.. nerf.. wtvr.. I'm having so much more fun than in I4.
First, there's the exp boost. I've been leveling faster doing missions on Tenacious in I5 than on Invincible in I4.
Second, now that there's actual risk involved, now that I'm not invincible with IH running all the time, the game is actually fun. I was so bored of my main (37 MA/Regen Scrap in I4) that I just stopped playing him. Even on Invincible, missions were a breeze.. it just got so boring. I've been having a lot more fun now that I've had to use some real strategy rather than just repeat 3 attacks over and over and over.. I've had to pick up Cobra Strike, a single-target disorient, and swap Thunder Kick out for Air Supp for the knock up. Fights are a lot more intense now and thus, a lot more fun. Once again, I approve of most of, if not all, the I5 changes (can't really speak for non-Fire Tankers or Defense sets) and I'm having more fun than ever with my main now.
EDIT: One minor gripe I have is that Defiance should really start either kicking in sooner or at least give you the bigger DMG buff sooner.. As it is, your bar barely goes above .2 until you have just a sliver of HP left.. and while we're on the topic, I think the Defiance meter should really be simplified.. using decimals is kinda confusing.. maybe change it to percentages? I know it's the same thing, but it would be easier for a lot of people to understand. -
Good luck and take care, Gil! Don't forget to drop by and say hello every now and then.