1100 -
Not nerf, reverse-nerfed. Her no longer follows you out of range of his regen buddies. Nor can he be bribed with cookies.
Pixie power! -
I'll gobble the last slot on this as though it were a cookie.
Please sign me up, I'll probably come as Galvanic Lens again.
Please add Galvanic Lens (Elec/Shield Scrapper) to team 2.
*eats cookies in a pattern that represents 'Happy Birthday Noire'*
Is someone still trapped when they are trapped with cookies?
*eats cookies until this thread makes sense*
*sets aside respec cookies*
Quote:Also, if I remember correctly, the system has a problem with characters "auto-sidekicked" up. To get drops, the higher character has to be exempted down to where they are within 3 of the target.Is the "within 3 levels" strictly for all PvP drops or just in the Arena?
(Note: was a while since I've tryed to get PvP drops in the arena, so things may have changed, or my memory may not be working) -
Definitely going to do it on Ulli first (there are cookies...um...I mean badges involved!)
On a side note: Some of the cookies you give to Ulli may be returned to you as well
*masters 900 cookies early in the morning to celebrate*
*eats cookies 'till cuteness wears off*
Please sign me up for this
Red Side: Ullikummis (level 50, stone/stone tank)
Blue Side: Joy Heretic's Cat (level 50 bots/dark MM) -
Please count me in on Ullikummis (level 50 Stone/Stone tank)
So sorry to hear this.
You are in my thoughts and prayers. -
Happy Birthday Herri!
*eots Cuukeiz to selevrate* -