Not-Quite-True Descriptions
On a side note: Some of the cookies you give to Ulli may be returned to you as well

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
On an Emp/Dark Defender...
Blackstar You can unleash a devastating blast of Negative Energy around yourself, dealing massive damage and severely reducing affected foes' chance to hit. This power leaves you drained of endurance and unable to recover endurance for a while. |
Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf
You do get the End back, but it's all such a small amount that you don't notice it. The highest End return from Elec Blast is Zapp, which can return 7 End. Snore.
At least you have 4 powers from Elec Blast that might give you a little End back (Charged Bolts, Lightning Bolt, Zapp, and Tesla Cage). Elec Melee only has two: Charged Brawl and Havoc Punch, with the potential to return 2 or 3 End, respectivly.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

Well, that's awfully sad.
You do get the End back, but it's all such a small amount that you don't notice it. The highest End return from Elec Blast is Zapp, which can return 7 End. Snore.

I have it slotted in Stamina, and so it gives me 10 END every few seconds.
Does slotting Elec Blast powers with Endurance Mod IO's increase the End return?
I tried that on my "Secondary Build", but I didn't notice any difference.
-- Vivian
Yes, but not by much:
Does slotting Elec Blast powers with Endurance Mod IO's increase the End return?
Charged Bolts
Default End Return: 2.6 End
1 L50 EndMod Common IO: 3.702 End
2 L50 EndMod Common IOs: 4.766 End
3 L50 EndMod Common IOs: 5.176 End
Lightning Bolt
Default End Return: 4.265 End
1 L50 EndMod Common IO: 6.073 End
2 L50 EndMod Common IOs: 7.819 End
3 L50 EndMod Common IOs: 8.491 End
Default End Return: 7.200 End
1 L50 EndMod Common IO: 10.250 End
2 L50 EndMod Common IOs: 13.200 End
3 L50 EndMod Common IOs: 14.330 End
Tesla Cage
Default End Return: 3.430 End
1 L50 EndMod Common IO: 4.884 End
2 L50 EndMod Common IOs: 6.288 End
3 L50 EndMod Common IOs: 6.828 End
Zapp gives the best returns when 3 slotted for End Mod, but it's a Snipe, so that kind of makes it impractical for combat.
And since you initially mentioned Elec/Elec, /Electricity Manipulation has 3 powers that also return a small amount of End: Charged Brawl, Havoc Punch, and Shocking Grasp.
Charged Brawl
Default End Return: 5.095 End
1 L50 EndMod Common IO: 7.255 End
2 L50 EndMod Common IOs: 9.340 End
3 L50 EndMod Common IOs: 10.140 End
Havoc Punch
Default End Return: 6.760 End
1 L50 EndMod Common IO: 9.626 End
2 L50 EndMod Common IOs: 12.390 End
3 L50 EndMod Common IOs: 13.460 End
Shocking Grasp
Default End Return: 9.100 End
1 L50 EndMod Common IO: 12.960 End
2 L50 EndMod Common IOs: 16.680 End
3 L50 EndMod Common IOs: 18.120 End
And if you go for Elec^3, you can grab Shocking Bolt, too:
Shocking Bolt
Default End Return: 5.330 End
1 L50 EndMod Common IO: 7.590 End
2 L50 EndMod Common IOs: 9.771 End
3 L50 EndMod Common IOs: 10.610 End
Now, that all looks fine and dandy, except IIRC, none of those powers have a 100% chance to return End. I'll have to look that up...

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

It was bad enough that you would have to spend half your possible enhancement slots on Endurance Mod IOs in order to maybe get enough of a constant END boost to make this all work, where you're already going to be fighting at a major disadvantage, since Electrical Blast is one of the (if not the) slowest cycling Blaster powers in the game.
Now, that all looks fine and dandy, except IIRC, none of those powers have a 100% chance to return End.
But to hear that the END return is only a % chance -- on TOP of that -- makes it all the more unappetizing. If it's only a % chance of getting any END, then that END reward should have been higher, especially given the slow base rate of attack that Electrical Blasters have. Well, IMHO, that is.
-- Vivian
Alpha Slots. The End.

Just reaching out to everyone with the thought -- what do you feel is the largest "Truth in Advertising" failure when it comes to Power Descriptions in the game?
For me, it's "Some of this Endurance may transfer back to you" on many of the powers in the Electrical Blast Power Set. I've been playing a fully setted Electrical Blaster for 5 years now, almost every day, and if I ever got any END back after an attack, I sure never noticed it.
-- Vivian