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  1. I've had a lowbie WS for a number of years. I'm just not playing her because I like playing my 50s. Now, with the I23 changes to PBs, I plan to get her to 50 next.

    I will say that I didn't want either a PB or a WS until I came up with a concept that involved basically making her into a Galaxy (before those really existed). She's infused with a Nictus that has no personality.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Ideally, what should happen is that for each Well of Light that is defeated, Tyrant should have his level shift reduced. After all, we aren't empowering ourselves. By severing Tyrant's access to the well we are supposed to be making HIM weaker, not ourselves stronger.
    I don't actually think that's the case. We've stolen the quills from Black Swan, and she goes on about killing us with our own powers. We're using the Quills on the Wells, so I think we are supposed to be stealing the power for use against Tyrant.
  3. Won't be long? People were doing that yesterday.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HunterSmith View Post
    My main problem with the new trial, is what happened to their vaulted Risk/Reward, running & succeeding in one of the hardest iTrials should give better rewards then a lowly Common.
    Eh. I don't like getting commons either, but I don't actually think this is one of the hardest trials. I think both MoM and UGT are "harder" in the sense of being more likely to fail. (UGT gets rewards that make that somewhat worthwhile IMO. MoM, not so much.)
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    The issue is only one trial to get the IXP for the Hybrid slot to be unlocked AND the mechanics within just has people bypassing ALL four of the AV's and Tyrant and resetting the trial right after killing 250 IDF for the IXP alone. The AV and Tyrant fights don't make the radar under this soon to be standard scenario.
    In an ideal world, they would have given us another trial and/or some other way to earn iXP for Hybrid. For whatever reason, they didn't. I'm neither supporting nor condemning that decision, because I don't know what went into it.

    I can tell you that if was in charge of design, God help us all, and all the other things we have going on were handed down to me from on high (one iTrial, no new iSalvage, new iTrial the only source of Hybrid unlock) we wouldn't be able to farm it like that. The reward would be better distributed through the trial. And frankly, a lot of people who are farming it right now would probably be annoyed by that, because right now they have an easy path to unlock that I wouldn't have given them.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    I was really trying to make a general statement, not specific to raids. If the content is fun and offers similar rewards, it will be played. If there has to be an additional carrot to lure players to it, that's a possible hint it might not be good enough to be played.

    We're not even talking about bigger rewards, here. We're talking about exclusivity.

    Yes, MMO players tend to flock to the easiest option - but there's ways to balance that so every set of particular tasks is roughly in the same range, and despite a particular one still being "best" and a particular one still being "worst", players will run fun content first. The merits system for TFs achieve that quite well. For that matter, even at the height of Katie runs when it was a rare reward roll regardless of TF length, you still had plenty of people running the other task forces.
    I think that's a nice theory, but there's a self-fulfilling prophecy here. They decided to make raid content. Raid content requires a large group of people - larger than other, prior content, by definition. Getting large groups of people together is harder than getting smaller groups of people together, and giving them something that is challenging is also harder. So to give them a reason to bother gathering large groups of people, you need the reward to be worthwhile.

    I don't believe the devs are intentionally creating crap content they expect us to play only because they put new shinies behind it. I think they are hit and miss on what content people will enjoy - just like they are with TFs, missions, zone events, and everything else. And people who really dislike the very notion of raids sometimes point to the misses as "proof" that they're hiding behind the shiny as an excuse. I don't buy into that.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
    * Looks for the "Like" button...
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    Logged in on Freedom, checked Pocket D on search... Nobody. Set myself LFG for Magistarium, went on to do a few missions for half a hour... Nothing.
    I'm vaguely amused, because I logged in to look at something in the Incarnate crafting interface for a post, and someone was forming a Magisterium in Pocket D. Go, Justice!

    I just still think it's poor design and shows a lack of confidence in the actual quality of the new content.
    I don't understand that claim. It's designed as raid content. I get people not liking raid content in general, but I don't get how that shows lack of confidence in anything. They're creating content with the aim of catering to people who want raid-style play. I'm not sure that's a great fit with CoH's overall community, but that's what they're doing.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
    The Incarnate system is about as alt-unfriendly (or even alt-hostile) as you can get in this game.
    Let's be honest here. Any additional means of progress would be alt-unfriendly. If they had added progress to level 60, that would be alt-unfriendly, and the longer it took to reach 60, the more unfriendly it would be.

    There's nothing about the Incarnate approach that's inherently more alt-unfriendly than that, with one exception. Level shifts inherently break the SSK system, which is indirectly hard on alting compared to availability of SSK play. IMO, we need to never see any more slottable level shifts from iPowers, because that will drive further diffusion of players into content for which are appropriate to their characters' current shifts. I don't think CoH can afford that currently. (Level shifts granted in missions, like the ones we get from the pillars, are fine, as long as they're available to everyone in the mission.)
  10. While I would love it if that was actually their design document, where have we ever been told that was their design intent to anything, other than being common sense to not try and actively bore their players?

    I could rattle off a litany of things that people do terribly boring things to do to try and shortcut their path to as fast as possible. "Farming" for merits of various sorts, or for Inf, or purples, or PLing in the AE. This is neither the first nor, IMO, the worst "grind" we've seen. Don't act like this is the only one in an effort to somehow suggest it deserves more attention than any of the others.

    Now, that's not great praise, but we know more options will come later. They won't come fast enough, and people will grouse and moan about that (and they will have some justification in doing so), but they will come.

    You are happy to grind BAF and Lambda because they are, at this point, terribly easy for a lot of leagues doing them. You aren't happy with this trial because (a) you might genuinely hate it for subjective reasons and (b) it's got a high failure rate right now. Sorry that you hate the one thing they've given us, but more will come. Everyone doesn't always like everything.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    Actually they are not the same complaints since Tyrant is 54 +5 and the max most people are in the trial is 50 +3. The average pug is already facerolling it since they are only doing the first 250 IDF and resetting it.
    If you destroy all six pillars of light, you get six level shifts for a duration I'm not clear on, but is good for a few cycles of my characters' attack chains, certainly. So intermittently, you are as high as 50+9. I made a point of saving my big debuffs and things like Judgement for those times.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
    I think its going to go on the ignore list pretty quick because its so easy to fail if you dont get really selective in keeping out low damage AT's.
    That's not true at all. I succeeded on a team last night that was support heavy and failed on one that was heavy on Blasters (we formed a full team of them at one point when juggling people of them around).

    Your posting history doesn't endear me to the notion that you really know what works well and doesn't, for this. You're alarmist, overly general and pretty much Chicken Little incarnate. You may make good points sometimes, but you slather them in a coat of hyperbole that could hide an elephant in a day care nursery.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
    Most servers dont have the population to run both Baf's and Magi at the same time.
    "Most servers" don't do the same thing.

    Justice rarely runs BAF/Lambda only. People usually run "streaks" of the more popular iTrials, including BAF, Lamda, TPN, Keyes, and DD. MoM and UGT are not run as often, the former because it's easy to fail for comparatively low reward and the latter because it's long and somewhat easy to fail for its reward (even though the reward is good).

    I expect the Magisterium trial to be added to the list, as I don't think it's going to be nearly as easy to fail once we get it down pat, as MoM and is comparable in length.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
    People werent intentionally failing and farming them and creating a culture of boredom.
    Yeah, they were.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
    THe trial is surprisingly unpopular...
    Based on what, exactly?

    Justice was running the crap out of it last night, and there weren't complaints about it that I saw. I mean, yeah, people didn't like failing, but it wasn't all "damn, this trial is awful". There was lots of "well, it's new, we'll figure it out".
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
    Doesn't one of the T3s offer both (Partial Core (and Radial) Graft)? How does that play out against the slotting that only provides one or the other?
    Given the significantly lower chances to trigger that these have, with lower stack limits for the +damage portion, I would expect them to be inferior to the Embodiment (T4) versions no matter what.

    It's not clear to me which is better from a purely Graft (T3) perspective. The chances for the bonus from the "other side" of the tree (i.e.: the damage bonus for the Partial Radial Graft) seem pretty low.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
    So does Assault get passed onto MM pets?
    There were some bugs with it on Beta, but I do believe it was supposed to. I am not sure where the bugs ended up, as I do not play MMs so didn't follow that very closely.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
    I don't think you get enough even bothering with the first 4 AV's. Just do the 250 IDF, quit League, rinse and repeat.
    Agreed. The AVs aren't worth that much. Around 3% for the first 3, I think. It's faster to just cycle through the IDF, as they are worth around 17% each pass, with some variation based on how many LTs and minions bite it compared to bosses (since it cuts off at 250 no matter what their rank was).
  19. Then I think Codewalker hit it on the head. That suggests we can't boost the effects of the iPowers (damage dealt, strength of debuffs, etc.) but we can boost the intrinsic attributes of the powers (accuracy, end cost, range) except for recharge, which is flagged to ignore all boosts - even those from Alpha slots.
  20. Hm. I don't have an EM Blaster, but I do have +10% range on some ranged characters from superior ATEs. I might be able to test it with that.
  21. Ah, OK. I haven't found a need to fiddle with the tray, in the sense of trying to change what's in it.

    I'm surprised by the notion that you need to dig for temp powers that go in the tray. Under what circumstances?

    I do think the tray could really use slot number binds, if they don't exist already. I'm seriously considering letting that tray be how I deal with my Kheldian forms instead of traditional tray switching binds. Doing so will require other bind swapping, though, possibly to direct form power names.

    Edit: Heh, timing. Good to know they do exist.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
    Beta gets some of the best players out there
    No offense to the ones who are in this thread ... no it doesn't. Not even close.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
    Accuracy may "slip through the cracks" as it were, since the flag for ignoring outside buffs only applies to the effects, not to the power's base attributes like Accuracy, Range, Recharge, and Endurance Cost.
    I'm fairly sure that's not the case, since that would mean things like Vigilance and Conserve Power would reduce the cost of Incarnate click powers, which I do not believe is the case. However, I've only been concluding that based on qualitative observation, so I do need to test it to verify I'm seeing what I think I am.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cheetatron View Post
    "Accuracy bonus" is also a global attribute so is "damage bonus".
    That's not what I'm talking about.

    There's no such thing as "the damage of your character". There is only the damage of individual attacks, and this is what damage bonuses affect. Similarly, there is no such thing as the "accuracy of your character" (despite how natural that phrase may sound), only the accuracy of individual attacks, and this is what accuracy bonuses affect.

    There is, however, such a thing as the "base hit chance of your character against critters of a given combat level difference". This is not an attribute of individual attacks, though it is used in every power's hit calculation. It is, essentially, this value which +toHit (and -toHit) modify.