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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beerkeg View Post
    The correct and adjusted proc rate better be available for viewing before IO slotting. I don't want to plug in and out procs because they've screwed with the system to the point where you need to do math on paper to figure your correct PPM.
    I also hope for this. I don't know if they'll be able to pull it off, since it will require some sort of user interface change, and those seem to be among the hardest changes to get done to the game. But I do agree with you that it's very important. The math for this isn't trivial by most people's standards, and making the effect also mostly inscrutable is just not cool at all.

    Even Mids doesn't (yet) have a place to clearly display how this works, let alone the actual game.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    I never used it, is there a short explanation of Arcanatime and why they are bad?
    Expanding on what Hopeling described, the server can't react to the fact that our attack has finished activating any faster than the "ticks" of the server-side timer that processes everything going on in our shard. (There may be more than one timer handling things, but there is definitely just one responsible for processing our attacks.)

    That means that all our attack activation times are rounded up to the next largest number of server ticks the activation time fits into.

    FYI, current versions of Mids allow you to set whether your displayed activation times include adjustments for this effect. That's great if you are working on optimal attack chains (since it affects how fast you can actually fire the next attack in the chain), but it has nothing to do with the way PPM procs calculate cycle times. PPM always uses the base, unadjusted activation time (plus recharge time).
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Edana View Post
    From the store bought version on beta Achilles Heel is dropping a tier from 20% to 3PPM.
    Hm, that sucks.

    Remember that Neutrino Bolt was standardised when ported to Blasters, an Apocalypse proc at 90% recharge slotting is still ~29%.
    Good point. The Defender and Corruptor versions are still super fast cycling (and low damage scale), but the Blaster version is not.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    I guess this destroys buzzsaw builds?
    Sort of. Buzzsaw builds were never as good as anyone thought back when they were all the rage. Coming to an understanding of the "Arcanatime" mechanics meant they weren't as effective as we originally thought. I haven't seen folks in the min/max discussions in the various AT sub-forums talk seriously about a buzzsaw build in a really long time.

    But yes, anyone who has such a build (and I know from the forums that some folks do, sometimes for concept reasons) it now won't perform as well.
  5. In this thread I've gone through several times showing that the only things getting nerfed are super-fast cycling powers like Neutrino Bolt, Flares or Shadow Punch, and even those powers mostly only if you slotted purple procs in them. If you have even purple procs slotted in powers with approximately 5s cycle times or longer (which means 4s recharge and around 1s activation times (which, you know, is a huge fraction of powers in the game, even across Tier 1 attacks), you probably come out right where you were or slightly ahead. Anything longer than that comes out ahead. Powers like Follow Up? Freezing Ray? Way, way ahead.

    Yes, there are powers that having procs in will be nerfed. Yes, smart people put existing procs in them because they were the best place to put them today. Things change. But guess what? All the other powers in your build will be better places to slot procs.

    The one thing I don't like about the change is what happens with Alphas like Spiritual, but the claim "it doesn't make sense" is ridiculous. It's slotted recharge - that's what it does for powers. I get that it's annoying that it counts against procs in powers that may well not be benefiting from the added recharge, but it "makes sense" because it's like slotting more recharge in every power.

    But, man, stop freaking whining. It's one thing to state your dislike, it's another to run around saying "you don't understand" and "why are they nerfing us?" If your build gets hit, I'm sorry. Some of mine are. But the new system makes sense for letting procs be useful in places they never were before, at the cost that some of the old places they were extremely useful won't be so hot. Try adjusting sometime.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rakeeb View Post
    That's a really good idea, Uber. I don't have the numbers tho.... point me in the right direction and I'll get to work straightaway.
    There's a pretty good thread on the topic here, complete with a link to a Google docs spreadsheet that does the math. But the thread's gotten pretty fairly big, so here's a summary.

    Most current 15% chance procs will become 3*1.25 = 3.75 PPM*
    Most current 20% chance procs will become 4*1.25 = 5 PPM
    Current 33% chance procs and SBE purple procs will probably become 4.5*1.25 = 5.625 PPM
    Current ATE procs will probably become 6*1.25 = 7.5 PPM

    * Some of the low-chance procs may move up a tier, as Synapse has agreed that some of them seem to have lower chances to activate than other, similar procs for no clear balance reason.

    The chance a proc will activate is governed by the following formula.

    Proc% = PPM * (ActivationTime + RechargeTime / (1+SlottedRecharge)) / 60
    • The above quantity is capped at 90%
    • Activation time is the "raw" value, not accounting for "Arcanatime"
    • SlottedRecharge should only include actual enhancement and/or the ED-observing part of Alpha slots like Spiritual. Global recharge and/or the part of Alphas like Spiritual that ignores ED do not apply.
    Of specific importance here is that slotting 90% recharge in fast-cycling powers with PPM procs is likely to reduce the effective proc rate compared to "flat-rate" procs. The higher the flat-rate chance and the lower the cycle time, the more likely it is that the PPM version will proc less often. An Apocalypse proc in Neutrino Bolt, for example will almost certainly proc significantly less often than one does today. Proc rates for longer-cycling powers, though, are significantly better.
  7. Since you're making projections for I24, it might be wise to use the projected I24 math for PPM procs, since we're told all %-chance enhancements will be modified PPM versions of current flat-rate versions. You might have already - if so I missed that in your write up.
  8. My Defenders currently lack Kismets because they all have Tactics at Defender values. My Corruptors all have Kismets because, well, they all have Tactics, but at Corruptor values.

    Most everyone else has one too. Super Strength characters are also an exception for me. For a while my BS/Invul Scrapper also lacked one, but I tacked on on since the +toHit from Invincibility isn't all that, and he would sometimes have issues getting a defense cascade started on high defense foes. I'll add now one to my Defenders, too, and may well seriously respec into the snipe on my Dark/Psi, since suddenly she could be firing Psychic Lance with a 1s activation time.


    * Refocuses on monitor * What was I saying?

    Oh, yeah, if this goes through in current form, I expect Kismets to become very much more popular. You don't need to min/max or want to fight high over-level foes (who are hard to hit) to want to be able to insta-snipe.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TommyTrD View Post
    Why are we punishing min/maxers in a game about being overpowered?
    They aren't, on two counts.

    (1) I'm a min/maxer, and in almost every case my current non-ATE proc rates are going to improve. So they aren't unilaterally "punishing" min/maxers.
    (2) They aren't trying to punish anyone. They're trying to build a system that they think works better overall. There is almost never a version of such changes that go beyond adding a number to everyone (which isn't the sort of improvement they're shooting for here) that doesn't bring up the low end and bring down the high end. That's usually the point of such changes. Min/maxers live at the high end, and so such changes usually mess with them. That's the price of being a min/maxer in a context where online play is subject to change.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
    THIS always grates at me. While mez'd a corruptor can...? Nothing. A defender can...? Nothing. A Blaster can... continue to use T1 and 2 from their primary and T1 from their secondary. Blast away.
    While it's not an option available to all Defenders or Corruptors, any I ever solo always have powerset choices that severely reduce foes' opportunity to mez me, their opportunity to defeat me while I'm mezzed, my susceptibility to mez, or sometimes all three. Very few Blasters have such tools unless you try to count the ability to defeat foes faster. Those who do have such tools never have them at the levels of potency that are available in Corruptor secondaries or Defender primaries.

    I solo all three ATs, and believe me, my Blaster got mezzed a whole lot more. So much more that I really couldn't approach the same difficulty settings with my high-level Blaster that I could with my high level Defenders and Corruptors.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quinz View Post
    The main problem I have is the detoggle... Is it possible to get the technology to just have 2 minutes uptime and 2 minutes 'suppressed'? Would prevent the clicky clicky and lack of realizing 'oh I haven't had it on for 6 minutes while it's up..."
    Given that it has downtime, I wouldn't actually like that so much. I tend to time when I restart it based on really expecting to need the extra protection, rather than just whenever it happens to be back.

    Then again, I'm someone who never puts Hasten on auto.
  12. Someone like MMs are ostensibly the main use case intended for Radial. Because it uses the damage scale no matter what AT uses it, it should work out nicely for folks with very low damage scales. Masterminds and Defenders are the two ATs with the lowest scales in practice*, so it should work out well for them. Its other quirks, discussed in the rest of the thread, can mess with this, however.

    * Controllers have a low scale too, but they can often get double base damage out of Containment, making whether Radial adds more than Core depend a lot on how good your powersets are at setting up Containment. On my Mind/Rad Controller, I believe actually get more mileage out of Control Radial, since I have a 70% chance to immobilize foes with my damaging AoEs - a dramatic improvement over having to rely on Mass Domination and Mass Hypnosis for AoE applications of Containment.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    the -tohit still does diddly to the an AV though, i think it does only like 0.6% debuff to tohit on an AV due to the resistances so it will cap out at little over 2.4ish %
    If you're responding to me, I posted that Diamagnetic is terible for AVs earlier in the thread. There was a spin-off discussion about always taking the DoT-ing Interfaces period, not just for AVs, and I mentioned Diagmagnetic as not completely terrible for that. Not for AVs.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
    For a softcapped character I don't think -tohit is matters at all since the auto hit ratio doesn't change. Now if it was -acc it would be a different story.
    Right... but all characters are not softcapped. Nor are all "softcapped" characters necessarily capped to every vector or damage type.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    That's actually a design rule involving melee and ranged attacks. And unfortunately, that's not a guess either.

    No, wait.

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
    Than they shouldn't make it a toggle in the first place but I know I am talking to a wall.
    Mechanically, there are only two options for what they gave us in Hybrid - toggle or passive. That's it. We can't have the effects that Hybrid offers, like scaling mitigation on Melee or the AoE buffs from Support, without a pulsing, consistently refreshed power. The only powers that fit those bills are passives and toggles.

    A passive version of Hybrid would have been way weaker, and clearly doesn't meet their "conditional use" requirement, so a toggle was the only other option.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Issen View Post
    Again, then maybe that's a problem of running at an extreme difficulty, rather than the AT. We're also not taking into account things like what powersets or what enemy group.
    We're not taking it into account because it's actually not important to take it into account. Taking it into account doesn't change the outcome. Please, note what I said in my previous posts - I chose my words quite carefully. More powerset combinations can solo successfully on such higher difficulties for other ATs than Blaster combinations. It isn't relevant to my point what particular powersets do and don't solo better, only how many per AT by comparison.

    Here's the other part of that - it's a fair question to ask whether those powerset combinations for other ATs are actually gaining something for their reduced ability to solo. In many cases where we're talking about the "support" ATs like Defenders, Corruptors and Controllers, they have weaker soloing because they have powers that only affect allies. So they are weaker alone, but often strong force multipliers for allies. What do Blasters gain in exchange for being comparably weaker soloists?

    And your statement sounds an awful lot like "Blasters should be balanced to be able to solo those difficulty settings" which Arcana stated was NOT the case because higher difficulties are NOT the average, nor the standard for balance.
    There's no version of using higher difficulty as a microscope on general performance that cannot be restated that way. You seem to want to focus on the motives for which one would say that, and because you seem to dislike the "me too!" motive, you want to dismiss the methodology. It doesn't work like that. It just so happens that the "me too!" mindset happens to share something with a valid approach to finding and explaining what it is about Blasters that make them historically lag in actual performance and also have increasing abandonment with increasing levels.

    But saying "Blaster can't readily solo extreme difficulties, fix it so they can"?
    Not everyone is saying that. Some people are, because that's a simplistic way of looking at it, and most people don't want to dig into the details. But when we examine why other ATs scale well to higher difficulties and Blasters don't, that's potentially instructive about what Blasters may be missing.
  18. Diamagnetic's -toHit can be nice, especially if you play on high difficulty, especially if you have defense or other -toHit to stack it with. That said, I almost never use it even on the characters I took it to T4 on. I use one of the DoT ones instead.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    According to Arbiter Hawk, what is broken is that the Level Shift from taking down the lights is only hitting 16 players, not all players and their pets. That will be fixed in an upcoming patch.

    I haven't seen anything said officially that the weighting is what's broken. I've seen comments from players claiming it's broken, but nothing from the Dev team.
    I have rarely seen such a claim from the devs on any iTrial that gave people threads unusually often, until a patch note came out.

    I have seen too many people report the 10 threads reward to think it's normal. And that's happened in other trials before, and it has always eventually been followed in a patch note mentioning making it easier to avoid that.
  20. Reactive and Degenerative both affect AVs in a way that speed up time-to-defeat and aren't particularly resisted. (DR debuffs are resisted, but no more than they are by any critter.) Both also have a damaging DoT side, which, from what I can tell, dominates the time to defeat the AVs. (In other words, I believe most folks go for DoT+HP/DR debuff.) In contrast, Diamagnetic has no DoT and affects regen rate, and AVs do resist heavily.
  21. Yeah, the effect on Follow Up is crazy. I was looking at it on a Night Widow, but still.
  22. Yeah, I can see very much how Claws' static design makes Assault Radial pretty consistently less good on Claws than it would be on almost any other powerset.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stupid_Fanboy View Post
    Me: The formulae for base damage and areafactor used in both processes happen to be the same.

    We cool?
    We are. I just wanted to make sure you got that I was saying PPM/Assault Radial are dynamic, and (supposedly) use the same formulas that (usually) determine the static values used in attacks.

    And it's because some of the static values actually deviate (sometimes strongly) from the formula that DoubleHit is sometimes crazy good in comparison.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
    Honestly, it really isn't that bad. It's not a very "good" trial in my book, but it definitely isn't as bad as, say, TPN. Though since the reward table is also apparently bugged at the moment, I'd say it's still not worth finishing yet. That's actually a bigger problem than the difficulty for me, even now.
    I'm not sure the reward table is bugged, per-se. It seems likely that the participation threshold is too low, which seems to happen a lot to new trials. If you don't get threads, you should get the reward table, which is supposed to be weighted towards the rare end of things. (Edit: I've run it like 20 times and haven't gotten threads, but then I haven't ever gotten threads, ever.)
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Issen View Post
    But there are other ATs that also have issues at +2/x6 as well I'm sure.

    Controllers unless they take very particular combos (Fire/Kin) I'm pretty sure have WORSE problems than Blasters do at that difficulty.
    Oh, my goodness is this not true. It's something like the truth, but you are terribly overstating it. Controllers who can solo at that kind of difficulty include Plant/anything, Illusion/anything and most any primary with /Rad, /Dark or /Time as a secondary. The least helpful primary for soloing is probably Ice and the least helpful secondaries are probably FF and Empathy, though Empathy can be kind of powerful if it's using its buffs on a decent pet.

    Here's what I think is a much more true statement. Not all Controllers, Defenders and Corruptors can solo strongly enough to run at such difficulties, based on powerset combo.

    Now here's what I think is the competing Blaster statement: Almost all Blaster combos have trouble soloing at such difficulties.

    I think the issue is what's being used as the example of "The AT is underwhelming". Using an AT attempting to solo +2/x6 and saying "This is what happens compared to other ATs" is a bit...misleading?
    I don't think it's misleading, but I think it can't relay the whole picture. But I do think it's informative if I (or anyone) can take most other ATs, find powerset combos that we can build and play such that they can make decent progress at some difficulty, but it appears harder to find a Blaster powerset that can do that.

    Now, if any one player, or even a minority of players has trouble with that, it may not be particularly informative. If it looks like a lot of players have trouble with it, I think that starts to suggest something about Blasters that probably has an impact even on lower difficulties, and maybe even when teamed.

    +2/x6 isn't an average, it's more of an extreme.
    But what if it's comparatively average of what other ATs can achieve? Yes, it's extreme compared to baseline, but what if it's not that much of a stretch for many (or all) powerset combos in all the other ATs? What would that say about Blasters, in comparison?