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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
    In court they would probably argue that people who create emulators for CoH are in essence stealing customers from their other games, as well as suing for copyright and trademark infringement. Now, trademarks will eventually lapse if a company makes no effort to sell the trademarked product. But that won't do the programmers a lick of good when they're forced to defend themselves in court, which would cost them thousands of dollars.
    If anyone even let the first argument into court on its own merits, they should be run off the bench on a pole. You could use the precedent that would set to sue makes of other games entirely. It'd be the most pro-monopoly stance imaginable. "Don't let other people create something that might steal my customers!"

    Now, I could see claiming that the copyright and (if applicable) trademark infringement damage was exacerbated by the lost customers, basically playing on the heartstrings of a judge or jury to increase damages since it had this additional aggravating factor. But claiming lost customers as a primary grievance? That seems awfully tenuous.

    You may think that these legalistic arguments are bogus. But what competent programmer who has to pay rent or college tuition, or feed their kids and make their mortgage payments, is going to risk getting sued and going bankrupt so that the rest of us can continue to play a game on an emulator that will undoubtedly be riddled with more bugs than Champions Online?
    You do know people have a history of doing this sort of thing, right? People in general, not specifically our community. These same concerns existed and people did it with other games. Some have had more success than others, both in implementing something functional and in either not being sued or working around attempts by others to sue them. But it's been done.
  2. OK, going to try again this coming Sunday for Triple Threat. This badge isn't all that hard to get, but it does benefit a ton from a large league. We have to split the league up among the three AVs, and they are a lot harder to survive with less buffs and debuffs per team.

    I'd like to start forming in DA at 6 PM Eastern. That's a lot earlier than I've been doing, but I figure (a) it's a weekend day, and (b) we might get more folks earlier in the day.

    If you are looking for this badge, or just want to help out, try to get the word out to other folks who might be willing to help. We need folks! (Folks with Lore and Destiny unlocked, but folks still!)
  3. Thanks to the folks who came tonight, but it was sorta bust due to low turnout. We had enough to start, but not really enough to both DPS and survive the AVs.

    I'm going to try again this Sunday, new thread inbound.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    true but not sure if its morally right to "bootleg" another's work for their own use and enjoyment without giving proper compensation to the owner, especially without their permission.
    There's a distinction between "I'm going to use this service you provide without paying for it" and "well, I'd keep paying you for this service, but you're demising it, so I'd like a way to keep playing it without you."

    If emulator makers start charging for access (not just accepting donations) that gets into significantly muddier waters. Even donations are iffy unless there's a very strong message that they explicitly help keep the emulator going. (Some proof would be better than just a message, but at some point you make the burden of proof such that the people would just be better off being a proper business, and then they would really be a nice fat target for litigation.)
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    Apparently the new motto for the community is:

    "We are heroes. We don't give a sh*t if it's illegal."
    You seem to have this strange idea that all heroes adhere to the letter of the law.

    In this game's context, I think Manticore would be amused by your Statesman-like ramrod ethics.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BricksTown Thug15 View Post
    Um hell no.

    This game is terrible without the community on its A game
    I played CoH for the game first and the community grew on me later. I would miss the community aspect of a resurrected CoH if it lacked one, but I would be perfectly happy playing the game itself.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    I would try it out, illegal or not.

    Would I stick around? That would depend on what the new "devs" do with it.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KritikalMass View Post
    I find the ice patches extremely annoying. They play merry hell with my robots...and I'm fighting at +0x8, so there's one in every DA mob, so I have to deal with them constantly. GRAAAAHHH *turns green*
    Ah, that makes sense.

    I never have enjoyed characters with a strong dependence on pets, so I don't play Masterminds. That means I tend to forget how big a deal stuff like this can be to someone like a MM. Now that you mention it, I recall those patches messing with my Lore and/or Dark Servants, but that's generally not a major issue for my characters.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
    nothing was even yellow 10/11/12 this game is done i will commence giving away everything.
    You're a freak.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mind Forever Burning View Post
    Did they change the Hami raid reward table to account for incarnate powers?
    4 Shards is one of the options, along with the HO and 53 Reward Merits.

    Also, it's common to get 3-7 Shards as drops from Mitos. It works best if you're on a team, which usually isn't a problem, at least on Justice.

    Either shard reward is a pittance for what you need for high-tier rewards beyond Alpha, but I found them pretty convenvient for actually building Alpha slot powers. I think I took the Shard reward entry once or twice because the characters I was at the raid with often had thousands of Reward Merits, but mostly I took the Merits and got plenty of shards as Mito drops.

    (At this point, most of my 50s have many dozens of Shards on hand, and most of them are from Hami, but I play my 50s a lot, and take them all to raids.)
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
    Let me add another theory to the pot: we have less to talk about.

    There is no feedback or theorycraft to provide on new arcs, powers, bugs, balance issues and the like.

    I suppose we could continue to argue how far apart ice blast and dual pistols are in relation to other blast sets, or whether it's fair for your brute to be sturdier than my tank, or whether you can make more profit convert purples or flipping them, or critiquing the finer points of designing costumes with new pieces, etc.

    But since there is no one left to make any changes we propose, we are left with arguing about the best method to save the game, or if it is even possible to save the game, or what new game we should scurry to as refugees.

    Look at the AT subforums. Most of them haven't had any posts for weeks.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KritikalMass View Post
    Also, as I was reminded while playing through the DA arcs earlier tonight: Ancient of Frosts. SO MUCH HATE.
    Hm. What do they do that's especially nasty?
  13. Hey, Folks,

    I'm planning some badge trials this Friday starting at 9 Eastern. The last couple of tries at Really Hard Way have been kind of a bust, so I want to focus now on getting Master Of Magisterium.

    I know a number of people are only missing Triple Threat (where you defeat Shadowhunter, Nega-Pendragon and Chimera within 5s of one another), and I never wanted to run it when we had a league tuned for Really Hard Way (which was way overkill) so I would like to focus a few trials on Triple Threat a bit now.

    If you're interested in helping, we do need some DPS (so damage-dealers, +dam, -regen and/or -DR) for this. It's nothing like the requirement for RHW, but we still need to be able to crush the AVs fast when the time comes, just to reduce the window for undesirable stuff to pop up at a bad time.

    Hopefully, I'll see you guys in DA on Friday.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    God how I loved the 60s mag 4 stun that Malta MINIONS had.
    Minions never had it. LTs did, and still do, however.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
    Yes, that slider does exactly what you think it does... Lets you speed up the sluggish demo camera all the way to Ludicrous Speed! Told you that you'd like it.
    Ooh, freaking awesome!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
    Of course, the raid goes so much faster these days that I'm not sure I was actually contributing much.
    Trust me, getting the yellow Mitos to not pick on the other teams is probably one of the strongest contributions any single player can provide to the raid, because their attacks are so disruptive - they not only deal a butt-ton of damage in an AoE, they stun, too.

    I do agree, though, the yellow damage team in particular really rages through them these days. Between cheap jet packs (which has of course been around a long time now), IOs and AT Enhancements, AT and powerset buffs (hello, Fiery Aura and Stalkers!) and of course, Incarnates, the firepower the melee team can pump out is pretty intense.

    The damage others can pump out is pretty intense, too, but since there's no dedicated "ranged" team, per se at Justice Hami raids, melee is the only category we see in isolation.

    I remember when yellow and green teams used to actually be competitive in clearing speed, but that's incredibly rare these days. I don't pay a lot of attention to the composition of the green team these days, but I kind of doubt we're stacking that much less mez, so I'm assuming most of the difference is in increased damage by the yellow team.
  17. No, but I did list them for very cheap - certainly way under the last 5 price. They sold for that price: 500k and change apiece.
  18. Huh. I can't believe I forgot Rularuu.

    I'm not sure where they rate on my earlier list. They would have to be up around Arachnos for me, but I'm not sure if above or below. Not only do they have the wicked defense debuffs and +acc everyone is fairly aware of, but Brutes have the potential for extremely strong stacking +damage. They also have healing LTs (so harder to kill than the minion rank healers we see in a lot of other factions) and a fairly high mez stacking potential - my melees have been held by them many a time. They also deal a decent bit of Psi an energy damage, though their exotic damage dealing is not so standard as it is for Arachnos or even the IDF.

    Despite being in the SSAs, I think I mostly forgot about them because you really don't see much of them if you don't visit the Shadow Shard often, and I think most of us don't.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    I remember the first time I encountered Rikti magi on my DM/DA - I swear that they had every damage type in the game, plus mezzing.
    The first time I met one was on a Dark/Dark Defender, solo. He took me by surprise mostly by having the ability to chain some rather fast activating, really damaging powers. That was actually fairly rare back in those days. Plus, yeah, he mezzed me, which detoggled me, which was all bad.

    I went back and was a little better prepared. I think he might have whooped me one more time before I really stopped trying to zerg him. After that, I definitely gave the Magi in that arc proper care on future characters.

    I must say, while it makes very little lore sense, having EB versions them in the RWZ ship raids was fairly ingenious. I recall reading or being told that players were walking all over ship raids in beta until someone had the idea to add Magi to the spawns. To this day they can still cause wipes if there aren't a lot of FF bubbles, Cold shields, or Incarnates popping Barrier, and very occasionally, even then.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Seriously. Any x8 spawn of Longbow had at least 5 and at most 10 Nullifiers in it, all of whom dropped a -30% resistance debuff AoE.
    No x8 spawn in normal content has 5-10 LTs in it. The most I think ever saw was like 5, maybe six. Which is still a ton, but significantly less than 10 and definitely not a minimum of five.
  21. Well, despite having to take down something like 20 DE Monsters tonight, I only got 3 EoEs. I did sell them after the raid, though.

    I almost never use them, and honestly have gotten lazy about bothering to collect them. Based on this thread, though, I made a point of picking them up this time. Not for the money. I have plenty of that, and what am I going to do with it, now, anyhow? I figure if people are buying them, they have a need for 'em, so I'm glad to pass them on.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
    See, this is what I mean.

    'Trollish' thrown in on the second line - despite what I've said just a few posts ago.

    Here's a hint ....

    This is not a troll thread. It never was - it's just turning into one because of posts like yours.
    You don't seem to understand something fundamental. People refer to you as a troll no matter what your intentions, if they perceive you to act like a troll. While I might have wondered, depending on where you went from the OP, I don't think you started this with the intent to troll. However, your behavior is trollish for the reasons I stated. You can act like a troll without trying to be one.

    I don't need a hint. I don't need to be corrected. What you intended is largely irrelevant - if you impress on people behavior that makes them think of actual trolls, they'll call you a troll, or at least claim you're acting like one (which is not the same thing).

    Maybe, just maybe, you should consider why people might think that other than just that they disagree with your OP thesis.

    Or not.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Troll= Any topic/statement they disagree with whether or not they actually read it.
    I happen to disagree with the thesis of this thread, but that's not why I consider the OP trollish (and I do). I think he's trollish for his adherence to the claim that the AE single-handedly "killed" CoH despite significant evidence presented in the thread to the contrary.

    I also think it's notable that some people who often vehemently disagree with one another on this forum collectively disagree with the OP.

    Also, very few people responding in the thread have claimed the AE was in no way harmful, yet many of the OP's replies have tried to make it look like everyone who disagrees that it "killed CoH" is saying it was utterly harmless. Again, that sort of argument style, applied repeatedly and aggressively, feels "trollish".

    I agree that some folks like to throw out the "troll" moniker any time anyone disagrees with them, and that it might have even happened in this thread. I think applying it in a blanket way to everyone who disagrees with the OP would actually qualify.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Organica View Post
    Two nights a week? That's impressive. I think Virtue has been down to once every Saturday for a while, but there apparently wasn't one yesterday....
    For a while not to long back we were irregularly doing three a week, with someone forming a midnight Eastern one on Friday nights for west coast folks to attend. (Our regular ones are at 8 Eastern.)

    We're still doing a pretty good job of filling the Hive. We used to max out at around 30-35 unhidden, with the rest of the folks in the Hive being hidden. I know some of the folks who haven't been around recently happen to also be among the usually hidden folks, but we're still hitting right around 30 unhidden.

    Fortunately, having lots of the raiders be heavily incarnate-empowered makes it easier to manage small raids. We usually do "three round", no retreat raids, meaning we don't back out of the goo once we go in, and we ignore the last wave of Mitos. So far, we've still been able to keep that up.