382 -
One other thing I heard/read (hopefully true) is it doesnt have to be your own sg. Other members can join in but ofcourse they wont get the IoP.
[/ QUOTE ]
That would make sense to me, thinking about it now. If the raid is along the lines as those regular SG Mission computer missions, you should be able to take anyone you want with you, right? Er, that's assuming that the regular missions you can take anyone in with you, providing you let them into your base...
That would work well for those SGs with a coalition to their retired lvl 50 group, so that they won't need to move their 50s around to do the trial and pick up an IoP.
Would also mean the roving band of IoP picker uppers wouldn't have to leave their SG either.
I wonder, if this works, and the IoP goes to the SG who's base it was started in (basically), does the prestige get split between the SGs that participated?
[/ QUOTE ]
Since other coalition members can use the SGs own telepads, and the TF propably starts at the raid telepad, I suspect it could be possible for at least coalition members to join the raid, but Im of course only guessing.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm wondering about this now. When doing the IoP TF, do you have to 'sign on' like when organising a raid? That would mean only SG members would have the option. And isn't a regular raid limited to 16 per side? Hmm.
Anyone want to try a base raid on test tonight? -
Is it me or is Paragon quieter these days? There doesn't seem to be as many heroes running around as there used to be...
[/ QUOTE ]
An interesting time to come backCurrently a load of the population is mashing the Test server since Issue 7 is up there, so you might see a lot less around, yup.
I had a play, and liked what I saw, but don't have time to spend on there currently... Hopefully will do some 'testing' this weekend.
Shrug. -
In your other post you said to add you to my 'globals'.. I'm a noob again mate, i'm guessing this is some kind of new friends list?
[/ QUOTE ]
Yup pretty much. The Global Chat system that the US has had for ages made it over to the EU servers a little while back, and is very useful.
Everyone has a global handle now, which is unique per CoX account across all (EU) servers, for example I am @Tech Tower, and if you /t @Tech Tower from any EU server, it will pop up on my screen no matter the toon I am logged into, and no matter which server I am connected to. If that makes sense.
So when you open up your friends list next, you'll notice a drop down at the top which says Server. If you pull that down, you can select Global, which will then display your global friends list. Defaultly it shows you the list of global friends, and the toon that they are currently logged in as (<bug> below). At the bottom of the global friends list screen, there is a little triangle >, which if you click will give you loads more info about your list. So in addition to the global handle and toon name, you can see which server, AT, origin, toon level, current 'map', and team size. I might have missed something, but that's pretty much the interesting stuff. They are bright green if they are online on your server, and dull green if they are online on another server (<bug> again). Very helpful to keep track of mates without needing to know all of their toons!
The <bug> is that sometimes you will see them as dull green even if they are offline, so it's better to check the server they are logged into before sending a tell. The server name is blank if they are offline. Shrug.
You can add people using the buttons, right clicking on a toon and adding global friend, or typing /gfriend <toon name or @global handle>. If you try to add someone, that person will get a prompt saying that you want to be global friends. If they decline you will be told about it. If they accept, you'll find them in your global friends list. Note there is a link between you and that person. You are on their list, and they are on yours... If either of you delete the friend, it will be removed from both people's list.
Last night I sent a global friend request to you I think, just a /gfriend @J Dogg. It will pop up saying @Tech Tower wants to be global friends, or something like that.
Oh, one more thing. If you /t a global handle, if that person is not online, they will be given the message when they come online. It's a pain if you do it accidentally, but nice to leave a message to someone.
Anyway, I think there are loads of guides out there. This was just about the friends stuff. There's also global channels, which are neat (Union Badgehunters, etc) and let you keep in touch no matter what toon with a group of people. Currently limited to 5 channels per account, so kind of meh. But still nice.
Far too much info right now I'm sure
Catch ya online dude! -
I don't think most of our new group have seen Hess, so I'd be up for running through that one
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I think this is the one I'd go for. It's one of the best ones I've done in my opinion. Not too time consuming and very entertaining. Put me down for this one
[/ QUOTE ]
I think last time we did this we powered through it with 1 controller and 4 scrapperswas good fun and took us about one and a half hours. I'm expecting the same this round.
With that in mind, maybe we can plan for it before the weekend? It's probably a bit late in the week now, since most people won't be around on a Friday night... I'll yell out if everyone seems to be around tonight. Otherwise I'm thinking Saturday afternoon again, maybe 4ish UK time?
Shrug. We can have a chat later -
Welcome back dude, as I said already!
Nice looking specs there mate, I recently (few months back) upgraded my PC too, and holy-damn am I glad I did... especially since my laptop died soon after, heh heh. Hey it still managed to whop through our S4 matches
Will catch ya round in game. I've not long ago met some new people who used to know you. I'm not sure who you knew them as, but 'Gard'? Shrug.
Haven't been able to get into Oblivion myself. Still stuck in CoH.
Anyway, will prolly catch ya up tonight matey. -
Hi everyone I finally found the forum.
Well I have read some of the posts and still have no clue what the hell I is going on. "No surprise there"
[/ QUOTE ]
Irish! Great to see ya found us
Welcome to the forums! I'll tell Max Powerz ya're about here, he posts around here a lot. In fact he's prolly already spotted ya..
Basically if you think of anything interesting for the SG, drop us a post in this thread, unless we're all in game anyway. Most of the SG read this, I think. So is a good way to keep everyone up to date etc.
Not sure if the older posts here are really relevant nowadays, but the more recent ones are, like blade dinging Death Kiss to 50, and our various TFs.
Catch ya tonight, if you're around. -
There is a badge that is on top of the Hydra's Head if any one is intrested in collecting the badges, i will try and go 4 it when we are attacking it, if this is ok
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I thought it was under the hydra's body so you only can get it if you defeat it.
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It's kind of under the hydra, yup. If you just run at the hydra from all the directions, you'll get it. I have it on Tech, even though I haven't managed to be on a team that takes it down yet -
i did the hydra once or twice and we didn't destrored the generators, we just used 2 controllers to hold the hydra wile the rest of us shoots 'm with the guns and 1 tank taunted the hydra
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Does the shield drop while the hydra is held? That's interesting to know.
I'd love to bring Tech along for this... This Trial has been a shadow of a badge on him for sooo long. I might try to turn up on time, to see if there is room still.
Another thought. I heard if you SK the toons with guns to the 50s, the spawns ignore/cant do jack all to them while the hydra goes down. It seems that a lot will be in it for the XP rather than just the badge though, which is fair enough.
Yet another thought... This trial is a regular mission, not a TF group, so if you wanted, you could quit team in mission and invite a whole new group in... might help with the spawns, and I believe that everyone would get the badge at the end, and end xp too.
Shrug. -
Phew. Ok, so I've tried out a few things.
I have an Ice/Dark corrupter (8), a Fire/Dark corrupter (8), and a Plant/Ice dominator (5).
So far I'm quite enjoying the corrupters, the dominator keeps getting passed over, but it looks like some interesting powers too.
From my limited levels, I've found I like the Ice for soloing, feels like more single-target damage, and the Fire for grouping (bigger spawns, more orange numbers). I convinced a bunch of my SG to join me with other /dark corrupters, all with different primaries, which currently blasts through missions
. Unfortunately we've had to create this on Defiant, since we all seem to have few, if any, slots left on union... but that's ok. At least Max Powerz can't spam me with SG invites there
Will see how it goes. If anyone is on Defiant Villains, if you see a group of near-identical 'Hunter' toons, that's me and my group. When one of us hit's 10, we'll start a SG and might start recruiting.
Cheers all! -
Well, that was a pretty good weekend, I think we all agreeDone a couple of TFs, and attempted the first Respec, but didn't manage that, sadly the reactor blew up. Hopefully Trig will make the next, as we could have used a tanker. I think the levels were a bit muddled, which made it a little harder.
It was interesting to note that the last time I attempted that, we didn't get any of the glowies in the mission, but this time we did get them all, and the spawns definitely felt a lot tougher when we did it tihs time. Hmm, maybe next time we try we'll leave the glowies, and see if there is any truth in the matter... Shrug.
So, what are we all up to this week? Anyone got anything interesting they'd like to do? According to the GameAmp task force list, if we were to do one it'd be either Hess or Citadel, both 25-30. Satisfaction is at 31 now, but I don't think most of our new group have seen Hess, so I'd be up for running through that one. I definitely need the badge on him at some point, and no better time than before I pick up another level and can't use my new power. We did Citadel on Saturday, and that went well really, so we can drop that one. What does everyone think?
When we all get to 30ish, we can choose between Manticore or the Croatoa (Katie Hannon?) TFs. Or both. Croatoa needs to be unlocked by someone first. A few of us are working through the contacts there right now, so we should be ready when everyone is the right levels. I think Satisfaction is on the 2nd to last contact now, maybe last, I'm not sure, it is my first run through this zone.
Ok, so.
Oh, a bunch of us have made corrupters on Defiant (since most of us don't have room on union now). We're currently playing them later in the evenings, but will probably pick them up a bit more later. Give us a yell if you'd like more info on what we're up to, if you want to come along. If we like playing them enough (right now they're fun, but all <10, so no SG.... yet), we might do some open recruiting on defiant, which would mean we'd need ranking members from this SG to make up our higher ranks in the new one, and better SG organisation from the get-go.
Catch ya'll soon, marras! -
Grats matey! A good day on Shadow Shard 4 TF followed by a quick ding
I dont have a problem with the idea of mates staying together its the people who make 50 or say they have on another server and seek high level game from people they dont even know in order to powergame. A little bit of fast xp never makes a bad player out of anyone, constant fast xp can do in my book. Just because you have made a good defender say doesnt mean you will make a or play a decent warshade. Whats the point in having a lvl 50 but not knowing enough or having played enough to even come close to being as good as you can be.
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Aye, this was along the vein of my original post. I wouldn't join my lvl 50 mates with a lvl 5, but some do, and it's their games and they can play that way if they like. If it were against the EULA, then SKing would only work within a 10 level difference or so... Hmm.
But it has irked me when low kheldians ask for high teams. Like outside their circle of friends. Or when a high level joins my team... with an sk'd low level. Like the only reason why this person joined was to find a good team to PL his/her SK.
Next time I get a request like that... I'll reply with a 'Oh I know what, you go get out your level 50, and I'll bring on my level 5 defender and team with you! Weee!'. Anyone got odds on whether this option would be accepted? I really doubt it
I gotta spend more time in FBZ. That cuts down all PL requests.
Shrug. -
Hmm, damn, sorry to hear that Ashen
Let's see, I do believe you guys are based in the UK, so we can't say '4 should still be ok'. After that it's a bit iffy if everyone can stay the whole way, and Puma missed out on a badge in the last TF because she missed the last mission, and I'd rather that didn't again, to anyone.
Ok, so if we still get numbers up, we can run it. We've still got a load of toons coming up through the low 20s that can do them again soonish I think/hope.
We'll aim for 3.30 still. I think we should have Satisfaction, Red Earth, Miss Mindreader, and Dutch Courage. That's a nice looking team, 2 kinetics controllers and 2 scrappers. Hopefully Triggy there can make it, though we obviously understand if he can't, I mean not only is it a BBQ, its a Goth one!
Having both Trig and Ash on would have been great, a blaster and a tank to cap everything off well. If Black Lace (or one of her alts) and Night Devil (or an alt) could make it too that would be mint. Haven't seen anything from them though, yet.
I should be around tonight. Will see how the projector goes. Everyone pile into TS so I don't have to have my text read to me
Catch yas soon. -
Personally I think a lot just don't know any better.
[/ QUOTE ]
A taunt has a maximum cap of 5 foes, right? That's kinda sucky.
Shrug. -
When I made my PB first off a lot of my friends were still in Peregrine fighting AVs and naturally they asked me along. Nothing wrong with that.
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These people want to team with me and I want to team with them.
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Just out of curiosity... If you had rolled a scrapper, say, would you still have joined them with it, or changed back to your 50 to actually be able to help?
I, personally, wouldn't take any of my toons that were so far removed from the levels of the team into a mission with them. Granted an SK solves that, but there's no way that you're there to help with the mission, right? Your powers would be slotted with trainings, maybe DOs, which (AFAIK) don't scale up to SOs, and you have far fewer powers that can be of a great deal of help.
If I had dinged 50, and then taken my PB/WS in with my old 49 team, I would have felt like a leech. No I'm not saying that you should or would, but that's how it would have felt. Not only that, but if I had instead kept my 50 out we could have worked on dinging their 49s, then starting a whole new host of level 1s, be they khelds or otherwise, to do the trip again. Or even staying on as our 50s, to do the final story arcs and help our other friends up.
If there was more content at 50, I'd still be mostly playing Tech Tower. I played through all the arcs I could find with Tech (bar the World Wide Red one, which I'm holding - near the end - to help the some 'Union Badgehunters' get the Master of Olympus badge), and since I'm not a huge PvP fan, I'm playing other toons instead.
I'm not sure if thats just me, but I'm really enjoying the whole thing of the epic archetype and the game feels brand new again.
[/ QUOTE ]
Interesting statement. When I dinged my first 50 (Skull Bender, ill/emp controller), and started playing Tech Tower, everything was fresh and new. Then when I finished him off, and started Satisfaction (& other alts), it once again felt like meeting a bunch of mates I hadn't seen for ages (... and beating them up). I guess my point is that yeah I know where you're coming from, but I think that's due to not doing those levels for such a long time, rather than the fact that it's a kheldian. Maybe the PL ones are the ones who have loads of alts going at once and just want to skip it because they are seeing the content forever at once? Hmm interesting.
Shrug. -
Do auras that are doing damage invoke Gauntlet with each tick of damage?
My reason for asking is that thinking about Mud Pots, which is the Stone taunt aura (if I understand correctly), which also does damage, you could possibly end up with a great deal more control if Gauntlet was pinging everyone as well as the inherent taunt of Mud Pots itself. Does that make sense?
I'm not incredibly clear on Gauntlet, basically.
My way of thinking is there can be a couple of possibilities of how it works:
1. Every time you do damage on a single enemy, it taunts that enemy a little.
2. Every time you do damage on a single enemy, it fires off a small AoE taunt targetted on the damaged enemy.
3. Every time you do something which causes damage, you fire off a small PBAoE taunt.
So say I do a Pendulum (my 'big' Axe cone attack).
1. Everyone I hit (or possibly everyone who is hit-checked) is taunted a little.
2. Everyone I hit does a small AoE, so if I hit 5 foes, it would taunt a good number with a good stacking.
3. I fire off a PBAoE taunt, which taunts however many it can (cap?), nearby.
Now I've heard that the taunt duration seems to be related to the damage you do. That could lend itself to 2 and 3, if 3 did a taunt duration based on the amount of damage...
So would someone explain what Gauntlet does fully? And if damage from auras means that non-damaging taunt auras (Invincibility for one) are disadvantaged in comparison? It's a shame that some tankers could possibly use our inherent power to great effect because they have AoEs and damage auras, whilst other builds might find it a lot less useful/powerful.
Thanks in advance for responses. -
Ok, so the bases forum always looks so sad and lonely. So I'm making up something to put here.
The other day, I noticed our SG had a wee bit of prestige just sitting around, about enough for the next plot upgrade (the one after the first one). 'Neat', I thought. And chatted with the SG about what to do with it.
We had been making Tech bits with our salvage for a while now. Prototypes, hardware, etc, etc, but only had one software, for some reason they appear quite hard to get the requirements for.. shrug.
I noticed that with an expert workbench instead of a basic one, we were well over our control output... Oops. So my suggestion was we make a mega monitor, which for a pretty sizable chunk of energy, we could pump out a load of control, and replace both of our aging databases (looks cooler to boot)... Cool, we thought, and it was done.
Oh wait, now we have even less control. Hrm, what's up there? Hrm, why isn't this mega monitor yellow (connected to main computer thing). Oh crud, the computer thing can't use it? But! But! My salvaaage! Aaargh.
So now I've made a new control room in my base, thrown this lump of unusable plastic in one corner of it, and replaced the database that I had removed. We're now down loads of prestige from placing it, and can't get it back unless we sell it, which will lose loads of salvage that we used to make it.
Now that I know about this, I know to look in the future to make sure that things can use it. But why oh WHY doesn't it say something when you're about to create it? A simple line of red text with a 'Your current base cannot support this because you require a Super Computer' or something would have been a GREAT clue, and we would not have built it!
Bases are neat. Don't get me wrong, I do like em. But they aren't very creator-friendly. Like the other thread where the person could not place a room, and did not know why it was happening. A simple 'there is an object blocking where the door would be' or something would have solved that (assuming it was that, the OP hasn't posted back yet).
Are we holding out for huge base friendliness when I7 comes out? I know there are a load of great new things with bases... but I don't know if creating them was part of that.
I suppose not everyone is up to this kind of thing. I know there are a lot of SGs out there, and only a (relative) handful (say 70 or so?) have decent bases. My SG is nearer the bottom of the 'top 100 list' so I can imagine those around our level would be coming up with the same problems around now, or saving for plots.
I can see this forum becoming quite full relatively quickly with people having probs like this.
Currently? I think we're saving to replace our current computer with a super computer, or whatever they are called. Then we should be able to get back around half a mil prestige from selling all our current junk, and the spare control room, and be better off. So, we're saving 1.5 mil, to get back .5 mil, to be able to utilise something that we made that was really expensive, and no overly necessary.
Sigh. -
Ok the subject may be a little misleading. But I do find it amusing...
I was reading through the 'Guide to teamfinding' or whatever it was called, and the subject of a lvl 14 PB asking a lvl 50team to invite it was up there.
I understand that people who have high level PB/WSs find them great, and that's fine, I'm not trying to rip on them. Personally I haven't been able to get into them and they vanish pre-15ish, and I think that everyone agrees that's also fine. I mean lots of people can't get into various ATs, I just find khelds the hardest to.
With that in mind...
Is the best thing about having a kheld, being a high level kheld? I teamed with a very nice PB last night, level 28 or so (with my then-29 scrapper). She kept messing up my herds (with her knockback), so my AoEs kept missing, doh, but had a nice li'l heal, which I'd never seen a PB use before... But she was playing it properly, and not looking for PL.
As a kheld, do you need to powerlevel the first 20 odd levels before things start getting fun? Is that why we never see kheldians in the hollows LFT? (ok they might avoid the hollows, but you know...)
Recently I've found myself dropping the occasional person from my global friends list. Why? Let me give you a scenario.
I'm on as Tech Tower, and in a random PUG, which is fun. I'm a good tank, and will sometimes get a gfriend request from some of the team. If they seemed fun, then great! Then something weird happens... While running around as Tech later on, I get tells from them (usually as kheldians, but oft as other ATs) in the form 'Hey mate, it's <blah>, can I join your team and get an SK?'. A quick glance at global friends shows them as level 6 or something ridiculous, so they will recieve a negative response.
On the other hand I'm happy to help most people with things. I know I'm very effective at level 6, where as I know that you won't be, even SK'd to level 49. You won't hit anything, you won't do much damage if you do..
But aside from that.
Is it just me or do low kheldians ask for random PL far more than other ATs? And when I get asked for such services, there always seems to be and underlying feel that I should be obligated to do it, because they obviously have a 50 and that gives them some right? I mean most PLers will just ask to join a team... and then you /sea them and find they are a lvl 8 scrapper or something... but a kheld will come right out with that info 'Got room for SKing a PB?'.
Anyway, I'm hoping this doesn't read as an assault on all khelds, as I don't mean that. Granted I don't particularly like to play them, but I've tried to put that aside. Just trying to work out why it seems a higher percentage of khelds are far more willing to /tell for PL than other ATs, and why it always seems to me they consider it a right when they do... -
Rightyho just talked to Trig. If possible could a time be set for any TF's this Saturday or sunday? Tell me by friday (tomorrow) if possible, as he has work and other social obligations. Real life interferes like that you know?
[/ QUOTE ]
Excellent. Just talked to Puma myself also, and she's good for a Saturday afternoon TF.
From the looks of it, after 3pm on Saturday would be best, maybe aim for 3.30? Starting before 4pm if poss (all UK times).
Just got a reply from my projector manufacturer, with an RMA number. So I have to send my projector back to them pretty ASAP for repairs/replacement. I'll do it on Monday, since I have already signed up for a few things this weekend, and the week will be better for not playing I guess. After that I expect not to be on CoH for a while. Might even get around to trying to fix my laptop! Or cleaning up my main PC via remote desktop from my laptop (unusable for play though). I'll be able to TS and forum etc while it's gone though. Shrug.
So give Trig a kick and say hey from us, and make sure we see his rocked-up self on Saturday
I've just dinged Satisfaction to 30 this morning... So might be doing the TF as Dark Bubble, if we do Citadel, and have enough damage dealers. Might still bring Satisfaction though, if there looks like not enough. Would like to do most of the TFs with him I think.
Catch yas -
P was typing in chat as you had left TS and when you didn't reply I think she got peeved with you and she quit (don't quote me on that though).
[/ QUOTE ]
Gah, yeah. I was royally grumpmaster last night on TS because of my 'jector. And P jumped on my case about something so I left. Which of course meant I had no way to talk to anyone and had no way of knowing if anyone was talking to/about me
Just remembered it's poker night tonight. So won't be in till later. Have fun lads, will see yas a bit later.
I've faxed off an RMA form for my projector, hopefully they'll get back to me with what happens next pretty ASAP, and I hope it'll be away for a fix up soon.
Does mean that when it goes I'm going to lose it for like a week at least... back to the laptop maybeIt better not be gone for much more than that, I'd go nutso
. I'll be down at the local everynight till it comes back I guess. Shrug.
Catch yas later. -
Wow, /Dark definitely sounds like a great set!
Thanks for all the comments again. I'm sorely tempted to go down the /Kin route, just because they are familiar powers from my controllers, but think I'll ignore that urge and try something new.
I will take a look at the /Dark and /Cold tonight powersets tonight, and see if I can find any powers that I like at low levels, so pre-10 I'd guess.
Reading the corrupter board, I see a group of /Rads starting out, whoa mama, that would be a disgustingly powerful SG! Unfortunately it's on Defiant, and the meetup times are... odd
Might start something hereWould a Darkrupter SG go as well as a Radrupter one? Hmm, might need a couple of toons...
Ta all! -
Well, had a rather sucky night last night
The projector I use as my main/only 'screen' was refusing to acknowledge the presence of my computer, so I had to play in TV mode, which means I could read almost nothing, when it appeared to be the busiest night in our Marras channel for ages
I'm trying to get it back to Infocus (the manufacturer), but the form for RMA on their website is busted! How lame is that
Anyway, everyone cross your fingers and eyes that it will work the majority of tonight. These early nights are killing me!
Catch yas later. -
Cool, looks like we could have something a-go then. I'll shoot for afternoon Saturday then? Say from 3pm (UK)?
I've signed up for the MBar shadow shard 4 TF on the Sunday morning (lvls 44-50), which might take most of the day, unfortunately, so Saturday would be best for Citadel/other stuff.
Not sure what Reds been up to latelyshe doesn't seem to come on much nowadays, Black Lace hasn't moved for a while.
Oh we did a couple of levels with our lowbies the other evening though, Hot Pants and Disco Sal. Maybe Black Lace is just bored all alone up there
Well almost quittin' time. Ciao ciao. -
Lvl 50: Luc Jr. (fire/ice) tank.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oooh, I've heard of you. Very nice things said about you from Green Jet & Cap USA.
Well met. -
Hopefully you'll know where I mean: Shadow Shard 3 concludes inside the building in question (the Death Star-like floating strucutr in the middle of the Chantry).
[/ QUOTE ]
Indeedly, my first time in the Chantry last weekend on this TF, and it was a great one! The Death Star was mighty impressive, reminded me of the first time in Atlas, the Rikti Crash zone, and indeed my first foray into Firebase Zulu itself!
I plan to be there with my flying/SSing tanker, Tech Tower. Had a great time and a great team, and hopefully will be in another good 'un again.
See ya there all!