'Requirements' for stuff
i just found this and thought it might be of use to the community reguarding salvage and requirements
Weird addy for that...
CoX and physiotherapy.... ... ... ... nope can't see the connection...
Sweet list though, just have to wait to get a functioning workshop now...
Hopefully with the upcoming salvage bins, you can collect so much salvage that makes making mistakes like this pretty bareable.
Ok, so the bases forum always looks so sad and lonely. So I'm making up something to put here.
. We're now down loads of prestige from placing it, and can't get it back unless we sell it, which will lose loads of salvage that we used to make it.
. Like the other thread where the person could not place a room, and did not know why it was happening. A simple 'there is an object blocking where the door would be' or something would have solved that (assuming it was that, the OP hasn't posted back yet).
The other day, I noticed our SG had a wee bit of prestige just sitting around, about enough for the next plot upgrade (the one after the first one). 'Neat', I thought. And chatted with the SG about what to do with it.
We had been making Tech bits with our salvage for a while now. Prototypes, hardware, etc, etc, but only had one software, for some reason they appear quite hard to get the requirements for.. shrug.
I noticed that with an expert workbench instead of a basic one, we were well over our control output... Oops. So my suggestion was we make a mega monitor, which for a pretty sizable chunk of energy, we could pump out a load of control, and replace both of our aging databases (looks cooler to boot)... Cool, we thought, and it was done.
Oh wait, now we have even less control. Hrm, what's up there? Hrm, why isn't this mega monitor yellow (connected to main computer thing). Oh crud, the computer thing can't use it? But! But! My salvaaage! Aaargh.
So now I've made a new control room in my base, thrown this lump of unusable plastic in one corner of it, and replaced the database that I had removed
Now that I know about this, I know to look in the future to make sure that things can use it. But why oh WHY doesn't it say something when you're about to create it? A simple line of red text with a 'Your current base cannot support this because you require a Super Computer' or something would have been a GREAT clue, and we would not have built it!
Bases are neat. Don't get me wrong, I do like em. But they aren't very creator-friendly
Are we holding out for huge base friendliness when I7 comes out? I know there are a load of great new things with bases... but I don't know if creating them was part of that.
I suppose not everyone is up to this kind of thing. I know there are a lot of SGs out there, and only a (relative) handful (say 70 or so?) have decent bases. My SG is nearer the bottom of the 'top 100 list' so I can imagine those around our level would be coming up with the same problems around now, or saving for plots.
I can see this forum becoming quite full relatively quickly with people having probs like this.
Currently? I think we're saving to replace our current computer with a super computer, or whatever they are called. Then we should be able to get back around half a mil prestige from selling all our current junk, and the spare control room, and be better off. So, we're saving 1.5 mil, to get back .5 mil, to be able to utilise something that we made that was really expensive, and no overly necessary.