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  1. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Yeah was really nice to see 7 Ascended up for the task even if 2 of them were too high to get any xp-rewardage.

    Speaking of which, damn that was a LOT of dinging going on there! Definitely a great way to get our toons from 16-20 real quick-like lol.

    Anyway am wasted, catch yas tomorrow. I'll be at the hami-raid, have been there for 2 successful ones, might as well go for 3

  2. Ok! So yesterday I did my respec, changed a few things around and ended up with this:
    Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
    Name: Dark Bubble (24)
    Level: 50
    Archetype: Defender
    Primary: Force Field
    Secondary: Energy Blast
    01) --> Personal Force Field==> DefBuf(1)
    01) --> Power Bolt==> Acc(1)Rechg(3)
    02) --> Deflection Shield==> DefBuf(2)DefBuf(3)DefBuf(5)EndRdx(5)
    04) --> Force Bolt==> Dmg(4)Acc(7)
    06) --> Insulation Shield==> DefBuf(6)DefBuf(7)DefBuf(9)EndRdx(9)
    08) --> Hover==> Fly(8)
    10) --> Aid Other==> Heal(10)Heal(11)IntRdx(11)Rechg(13)
    12) --> Dispersion Bubble==> DefBuf(12)DefBuf(13)DefBuf(15)EndRdx(15)
    14) --> Fly==> EndRdx(17)
    16) --> Maneuvers==> DefBuf(16)DefBuf(17)EndRdx(19)
    18) --> Tactics==> TH_Buf(18)TH_Buf(19)EndRdx(21)
    20) --> Vengeance==> DefBuf(20)TH_Buf(21)Heal(23)
    22) --> Stimulant==> IntRdx(22)Rechg(23)
    24) --> Power Burst==> Acc(24)
    01) --> Power Slide==> Empty(1)
    01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
    01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
    02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
    01) --> Vigilance==> Empty(1)

    Yup just got to level 24 today (thanks to MBars Moonfire TF - and the people that got me the last bar to 23 so I could join!), and it's... interesting.

    My endurance is pretty good, I can bubble the whole team and get down to about half end, thats with hover, dispersion bubble, tactics, and maneuvers running, which seems decent to me. I picked up Power Burst as I did want something to do some damage after all, and since I'm hovering I'm finding the knockback not as bad. Power Blast wasn't too bad by itself recharge-wise tho. Since I'm in the fray (or over it I guess) I can use my aid other power pretty easily (and the heal isn't too bad), and power burst too.

    So, he has been granted a stay of execution! (for the time being)... No idea how the next few levels will progress, might pick up a respec sometime so that when I get a couple more powers I can reshuffle and put stamina in there, as I'll have more toggles running then.

    Thinking Assault soon, Repulsion Field, and the last few bubbles when they come up.

    In retrospect I wish I'd taken assault instead of stimulant, but I was thinking of picking up Rez at 24... Now I don't know how soon I'll be picking it up.

    Thanks for joining me in my strange ride through defenderdom, will see how it continues in the next episode
  3. Tower_EU

    Items of Power?

    [ QUOTE ]
    I dont think you find many people argueing against you. However, cant really judge to much as they may throw in a couple of surprises (maybe some useful IoP).

    The idea of losing your base in terms of stuff destroyed for a little boost seems shocking. Major Risk - Very Little Reward = Not the best balance.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree that you won't find many that disagree...

    The proble with risk=reward for these is that they didn't seem to consider smaller sgs when they planned these changes. If you imagine a bristlingly full, active sg, with one of these 1% xp boost IoPs, that's a hell of a lot of overall reward, and the ridiculous amounts of prestige coming in is easily enough to cover a silly little power station (etc). So for big SGs, reward > risk. For small ones, risk > reward (by a VERY large margin).

    Well, that's how it appears to me anyway... My SG will definitely be doing the IoP trial (probably several *cough* successful *cough* times), and when the base raid window is open, chances are anyone raiding will find a base full of non-destroyables. The IoP isn't really what we're after, we just like challenges

    Though if the IoPs do come out to be intersetingly good... well then...

  4. 10am, or as soon as I can put a full team together.

    Send a tell to @tech tower for an invite.
  5. I'm going to run the Cave of Transcendance Trial at 10ish. Basically as soon as I get a full team.

    Send a tell to @Tech Tower if you want in, asap.
  6. Tower_EU

    Rocketman Badge!

    I've got 2 for ya, Tech Tower (50 Inv/Axe) and Puma (50 Emp/Dark).

    Weekends are best if this will take an extreme amount of time, as Puma usually doesn't stay up late and only gets a couple of hours on during weekdays...
  7. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Grr, I thought Puma gave you my gmail/google talk address already blade. I'll pass it on to ya tonight, or Dutch can if he sees ya first.

    It's pretty simple, like if my name was Jacob Roberts, my gmail address would be jacobr.. *cough*


    Noones looking, I might sneak out of work early. Shrug.

    Catch yas later
  8. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Morning guys

    Sigh, I had a little brute that was those lvls before I deleted him. Ah well, too bad. If I'm not doing anything my new little brute is just sitting there at 12. If he ever gets some inf from anyone I'll go and stock out his DOs and should be laughing.

    So I got in last night at around 11 and just Red was online, slack there lads, no committment Took Electrosity out for a run and got into a really sweet team, got a level and a bit in pretty short order too, so he's almost 18, and looking forward to the Synapse TF!

    We gotta get Red <something> (Blade's kineticist) to 17 tonight/soon, so we can stock him out with fresh DOs, and talk about slots And get ready for the TF.

    I'd be up for doing Eden again tonight. I don't currently have plans, but Puma might have wanted to do something, haven't discussed anything with her yet. Not sure what level Black Lace is, but if she's up and keen we can bring her to Eden too, great XP, great maps, great company , and a Titan-O (for those in lvl range )

    Anyone have other thoughts of what to do tonight? Blappy, you still AFK? Might see who's around and how much time we have tonight, might be able to run though synapse sooner, if we have enough people. But if blappy and dutchy have to fight over the comp for it, it's probably best to leave it

    Talk to yas soon!

    PS. Speaking of which. I was thinking I could set up a teamspeak server again, like the old days. Thoughts?
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    So if a player makes a npc kill you, then isnt the player that killed you therefore the rule doesnt apply? <snip>It is against the EULA training mobs into another player as this is griefing and should, with no exception, be petioned...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The difference here is context... If I'm a hero, and I drag some Monsters from the Monster Isles to the center of Portal Corp, yes, greifing and petitionable.

    If I'm a defender, and considerably squishy and not PvP-friendly, I can definitely see the use of TPing that brute into this little mob of Longbow, and hoping I get the killshot. It's not easy to build one's PvP reputation when you're squishy and have few underpowered attacks. If the player is killed by the NPCs, sure it's bad luck for both the attacker and the player, but it wouldn't be seen as griefing, just using what you have available...

    TPing into Drones, that was griefing, since it was not helping you get a kill (unless you were removing a MM or stalker etc from their squishy for a minute, say - thats a good tactic IMO), but that doesn't give debt anymore, so isn't really a problem, right?


    I'll bet this gets moved to the PvP boards shortly...
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Lets understand this about PvP, there is one big rule, and that rule is PvP does not give a penalty in terms of death. This is NOT a PvP only oriented game. If i go to a PvP zone i expect a lot of things, one i do not expect is to get debt from PvP'ing. That is a major setback for a game that is not fully PvP oriented. So the opinion that if you go into a PvP zone and expect to be killed by npc's trained by a player for me is widely flawed. If we go by that reasoning, then when you are in a hazard if i happen to pass by with a herded group of npc's by you and kill you, well its a hazard zone.. bad luck. If i pass with another group of enemies and kill train them on you again, well you are on a hazard zone, bad luck for you... But this type of behaviour is considered griefing on non-pvp hazard zones. The reasoning showed by the dev's is very thin and very flawed on my point of view. The bottom line is PvP shoudnt get you debt by whatever means. This isnt a fully oriented PvP game.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If you want safe debt free PvP, the Arenas work quite well for that. Let's not go forcing your 'rules of PvP' on people when there are alternative debt-free ways to PvP too.

    You're right, this isn't a fully PvP oriented game. The so called PvP zones are in fact PvE zones where PvP can happen. So why should that be different from regular PvE zones?

  11. It's fine when you're in areas with enemies at or lower than your level... When I got to talos with my Ice/Kin controller, I only had Siphon Speed, and had been quite happy with it. At 22 I took fly, because it was quite hard to siphon and get away, when you're doing it off purples.

    Besides Fly + Siphon Speed stack, so if you are in a zone with greys, SS when flying past, and you get a nice flight boost

    I haven't gotten Inertial Reduction yet with my troller though, it comes at 26 I think? Something like that, a bit far away.

  12. Oooooook.

    So recently I've started to feel a little less than useful on missions with my forcefield defender, who is reaching 22 soon. I've been thinking about deleting him, and, tbh, probably will if it doesn't pick up.

    Asking for ideas in another thread gave me some thoughts about how I've built it. I have a free respec so was thinking of trying a highly team-based build.

    So check this out, for level 22:
    Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
    Name: Dark Bubble (22)
    Level: 50
    Archetype: Defender
    Primary: Force Field
    Secondary: Energy Blast
    01) --> Deflection Shield==> DefBuf(1)DefBuf(3)DefBuf(3)EndRdx(5)
    01) --> Power Bolt==> Acc(1)Dmg(11)
    02) --> Power Blast==> Acc(2)Dmg(5)
    04) --> Force Bolt==> Acc(4)Rechg(9)
    06) --> Insulation Shield==> DefBuf(6)DefBuf(7)DefBuf(7)EndRdx(9)
    08) --> Hover==> Fly(8)EndRdx(11)
    10) --> Hurdle==> Jump(10)
    12) --> Dispersion Bubble==> DefBuf(12)DefBuf(13)DefBuf(13)EndRdx(15)
    14) --> Fly==> Fly(14)Fly(15)EndRdx(17)
    16) --> Aid Other==> Heal(16)Heal(17)Heal(19)IntRdx(19)
    18) --> Health==> Heal(18)
    20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20)EndMod(21)EndMod(21)
    22) --> Maneuvers==> DefBuf(22)
    01) --> Power Slide==> Empty(1)
    01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
    01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
    02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
    01) --> Vigilance==> Empty(1)

    Ok, so, thoughts?

    Yes, I realise that most of the time I'll be standing around, maybe throwing out the occasional Force Bolt, small useless blast, or heal, but I might be able to live with that, as long as I feel that I'm contributing successfully.

    Thanks in advance
  13. Tower_EU

    S4 Titles

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    and the French walked over everyone for the Heavyweights.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You'll find we lost 27-22 to the French in a very close match. Hardly a walk over.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sorry, I hadn't a clue who got what. I just used the term as meaning 'beat the competition'.


    The heavyweights didn't interest me back then, and still don't, mostly.
  14. Tower_EU

    Why a Defender?

    lol I like your build, take a look at these powers though (no slots done):

    Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (
    Name: Dark Bubble
    Level: 50
    Archetype: Defender
    Primary: Force Field
    Secondary: Energy Blast
    01) --> Personal Force Field==> Empty(1)
    01) --> Power Bolt==> Empty(1)
    02) --> Deflection Shield==> Empty(2)
    04) --> Force Bolt==> Empty(4)
    06) --> Insulation Shield==> Empty(6)
    08) --> Hover==> Empty(8)
    10) --> Maneuvers==> Empty(10)
    12) --> Dispersion Bubble==> Empty(12)
    14) --> Fly==> Empty(14)
    16) --> Aid Other==> Empty(16)
    18) --> Swift==> Empty(18)
    20) --> Health==> Empty(20)
    22) --> Stamina==> Empty(22)
    24) --> Repulsion Field==> Empty(24)
    26) --> Assault==> Empty(26)
    28) --> Tactics==> Empty(28)
    30) --> Vengeance==> Empty(30)
    32) --> Force Bubble==> Empty(32)
    35) --> Aid Self==> Empty(35)
    38) --> Resuscitate==> Empty(38)
    41) --> Mass Hypnosis==> Empty(41)
    44) --> Dominate==> Empty(44)
    47) --> Telekinesis==> Empty(47)
    49) --> Group Fly==> Empty(49)

    Basically it's only got the single required secondary power Everything else is primary or pools/epic. I was running out of things to pick that looked fun at the end, which is why Group fly is in there, heh.

    I'm sure that I could rearrange the powers a little better to get a nice build for 22, where I am soon, but that's one team-hungry load of powers!

    I added stamina in there too, since everyone has convinced me of the lack of end i'll have. The other idea was to pull out the fitness pool and put in the concealment one, perhaps.

    Any thoughts? Any cries of 'you're a crazy man!!'? Hmm...
  15. Tower_EU

    S4 Titles

    Super Summer Slam Spectacular!

    It was a big I4 - Arena introduction event that ran over summer, a group of Pentad (all 5 hero ATs excl Kheldians) PvP teams from all the servers in big double knockout competition

    There were 2 divisions, Bantamweight (max lvl is 21, matches played at 13) and Heavyweight (max lvl is 50, matches at 41 I think, I wasn't in this division soz).

    All the ones with 'S4: Union Bantamweight Champion' under their name on the forums were in The Other Guys, the winners of the Union Server bantamweight division. I was one of the lucky members, as was MaxPowers, and Deluge, Cliff, and Lady White.

    Take a look at the write up of our server final: The Other Guys

    It's the best most indepth write up of all the server finals, they got busy at NCSoft after our match so the others were a bit shorter.

    All of the server champions then jumped onto the test server for interserver finals, where I think the Germans took away the Bantamweight cup, and the French walked over everyone for the Heavyweights.

    There were some neat prizes for various winnings. If you see Deluge's posts, he's got a picture of the medal that we were hoping to win, but we didn't. That was the gold coin, that the French and Germans have. The server finalists got silver ones.

    Anyway, that's enough I think!
  16. Tower_EU

    Katie Hannon TF

    [ QUOTE ]
    Also it will put you one win closer to the Ten Times the Victor accolade awarded for defeating Mary Macomber ten times.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually you defeat her 10 times in the first mission, each time increasing the x times badge you have Also means 10 +3 SOs!

    Good luck, did this recently with my SG, is a fun fast TF.
  17. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    (btw I had exams today, went pretty well considering I went on till 1:30 )

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lol nice one dude if you'd have mentioned that we defo would have cut it short for ya man. Exams are usually kinda important...

    Don't tell Puma, but after we all logged at midnight, I started watching old Stargate episodes, and didnt fall asleep till like 4am
  18. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Never tried Google Talk tho, have become a bit afraid of Google, them saving all my personal stuff.

    Blappy is 15 btw, he should be 16 this sunday. Is that enuff?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Google saving everything is a bit wierd for me too. With google talk you have the option of logging all of your chats to your gmail account, nice? Hmm, yeah. Scary? Definitely.

    15 is enough to get into the Synapse TF dude, 16 would be ideal, since we're all around that
  19. Tower_EU

    S4 Titles

    Noticed last night that my blaster Poweramp had 'S4 Bantamweight Champion' above his name

    Ta Maxi for pointing it out. Nice to see it's come after a good wait! Now the only thing we're missing from our prizes would be the team photo.... hmm.

    Went running into kings and got a tell from a random 'Oi! How did you get that? You're only level 13!' Definitely a conversation starter since a lot of players would not have heard of S4 before, heh.
  20. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm on Google Talk if anyone wants to msg me

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well I am on MSN myself but I believe Google Talk is meant to be quite light and may be able to run in tandem so will have to give it a go and get your contact info.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah I got sick of MSN Messenger, I have it, but don't log in much unless its for a specific reason. They just continue to bloat it and throw loads of [censored] that I don't want or need into it and it's just [censored] me off enough to toss it.

    Google Talk is nice though, little plain white chat boxes. No big fancy smileys etc, if I type :P it comes up blue and isn't replaced with an ugly pic etc... Plus it does voice, pretty well too, which is nice.
  21. Tower_EU

    Why a Defender?

    Hi again all, thanks for the responses

    You're all absolutely right about my powersets being bad choices for me. I am very tempted to start him again as something else now. I do love being in the middle of things throwing powers around all the time, and see why bubbles aren't really that way oriented.

    Thinking back on the original plan for Dark Bubble, I should mention that it was a concept/idea toon. I had a mate who had a bubble defender through a lot of levels, who he deleted in the 40s for some reason.

    I witnessed a bubble defender in an Eden trial holding back huge walls of Devouring Earth, and though 'cool'.

    I wanted to try to make a toon that I levelled properly, but always in a team, and never on my own missions. That was the hard part. So far, DB has gotten to 21 and has one person in his contact list, the initial one, with a fully empty bar. Taking FF was to force me to find teams, and not succumb to taking my own missions part way. I wanted something that was not really useful to me alone, but would be appreciated in a team.

    I will have one more attempt at him before consigning him to the waste basket though. I might as well use my respec and by my SOs before retiring him.

    Can someone help me out with a concept build given the above reliance on teams? If I had a hero builder handy I'd post it, but I don't unfortunately, so I'll just throw some ideas off the top of my head:

    Forcefields: Take pretty much everything.
    Energy Blasts: No AoE blasts, take first blast, take 'big' power burst blast, take snipe, aim?
    Flight pool: Hover, Fly
    Healing pool: Aid other (3 interrupt redux, 3 heal?), Stimulant, eventually rez?
    Leadership pool: Assault (1 end red), Tactics (end reds, tohit buffs?)

    Any thoughts on that? I'm really thinking of powers to 22 at the moment. I'm not planning on taking stamina, as that seems rather selfish, and on a good team I should be able to pop blues constantly if I run low, plus I should only need endurance every 3.5 minutes or so.

    I agree with the suggestion that energy blasts can be manageable too. I think my main problem was Energy Torrent, which really grinds my gears, and I have no idea why I took it now. I've thrown hover in as an idea so that I can knock them down instead of back if I need to. I would usually take Air Superiority, but am not really going damage as you can probably tell.

    Granted I'd still be standing around most of the time, but since I'm a chatty team player, I should be able to think of something to do. Plus throwing Aid Other in there should give me something to do

    Ta for any advice! When I get home tonight I'll try to throw it into a builder and post a real build, to 22.

    Oh, final thought: How does one slot bubbles properly? 3 defence, 1 end red?

  22. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Well although we didn't achieve the ultimate goal (Soooo close guys). I reckon if we had a few more greens and a couple more ambrosias then it would have been in the bag.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I put it all down to Technical Difficulties, all mine unfortunately, bad timing for them all to come at once . Tech's Tech Difficulties one might say. They're all sorted now though.

    [ QUOTE ]
    But we really couldn't fault our determination, we never gave up (136k debt doesn't lie ). Mister J, I think earned himself an honorary membership to the Ascended I think and our thanks for his effort (hats off to you matey).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Most definitely agree on everything here. At the Rock wall when my idea went horribly horribly wrong, I thought everything would crumble there, but everyone stuck it out and eventually we managed get through it.

    At one point I looked around at Mister J, and thought 'wow dude, top notch'. I guess he's got enough levels under his belt to know how things can go wrong and can move past it. It reminded me of old hollows days of death and people getting P'Od and running away, I knew the SG would stick it out, but he was an unknown. Was a pleasure.

    I know that the 4 of us could totally do it if we tried again, probably in under an hour and a half... With a lot of that spend playing and clearing rooms again.

    Do you guys wanna try it again Friday? I don't have plans yet.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Early days yet but I quite like the look of the Illusion set with 'Red Vision' so might play him for a bit.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Illusion/and? It would appear the /kin set isn't really your bag I'm thinking Rad might be good for you, or Empathy, but then Ill/Emp would put you in with the same powersets as Skull and Flash's troller Maybe kin will be fine when we get you some SOs though. Maybe we need to talk about slotting somewhat

    [ QUOTE ]
    I may not be able to join you on the Psynapse? TF if you run it on Sunday afternoon as I think I might be joining Flash and Scorp

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Damn, yeah I know Sundays aren't great for you. Anyone have any idea how long the TF is?

    Blappy isn't in range of his computer till around 2pm UK time on Sunday dude, so it seems like it's gonna be impossible to make a time that everyone can make. I'm still unsure of what level blappy is really, his sig says 13, but I'm sure he has a travel power now. He might be too small to make it in

    Well, I still have to check with Puma whether she is doing anything tonight or if she wants to do some CoHing or something, but I'll probably be around in some form. Didn't get to play any oblivion yesterday either. May try that out. I'm on Google Talk if anyone wants to msg me (Dutch or Puma has me added so go through them if you don't know it) if there's something interesting happening.

    Poweramp has Spelunker mission. Anyone want the badge? The mission is in PP, am happy letting any highers just blat the mish for it.

  23. Tower_EU

    Jump Kick?

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm planning on starting an ice/storm controller, and reading around, I've noticed a lot of people seem to suggest taking Air Superiority to add some extra damage. However, I'd rather take SJ as my travel power than Fly, so I was wondering if Jump Kick would be of any use early on for an extra bit of damage, or is the overlong animation just too much?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I love SJ, it's my favourite travel power... but I take fly now almost always.

    I really don't like Jump Kick. I don't think it offers any really nice damage, and yeah, I don't like the animation. On my final SJ toon, he has Combat Jump, but he's going to have that respecced out when I get around to it, and will pick up fly instead on him too, sigh.

    The benefits of Air Sup are more than just more damage, the knockdown and -fly aspects of it really help out a lot. Especially in PvP, where SJ is a boon rather than a blessing.

    Go ahead and take jump kick, it is something useful at least, as opposed to combat jump (althought CJ feels like a mini travel power at low lvls, pre SJ). And it does lead up to a great travel power.
  24. Tower_EU

    1st pvp exp

    It may depend on the question... Do you want hard-core pwnz j00 PvP or friendly fun PvP. Honestly I wouldn't know what goes on over in defiant PvP, so I won't comment on them, but PvP on Union is usually fun.

    If you're just looking for active PvP, then just pick the server that you know more people on, or whichever you like the name of the best. In my case it was disliking the name Defiant, which is why I'm on Union. But that's all really, I'm sure both servers are very similar.

    As for an AT and build. It's interesting that your sig only lists villains. Can we assume that you only own CoV then? I haven't played a villain high enough to get into PvP, but it looks like most of the hard core ones will level Stalkers, for maximum one-shot or killstealability. But I definitely agree with that other guy who said build doesnt matter, just get into a team and you'll be fine. Or something like that.
