158 -
I remember hearing in open beta that for i17 that there was a 30 day limit, and additionally on the forums after i17 went live. I do not recall seeing actual patch notes on it though. This information I speak of was mostly stuff players had figured out on their own one way or another during the initial closed beta itself. I was already making sure my stuff was claimed within reasonable time limits, so luckily I wasn't affected.
If this information was not made explicitly clear in any way, shape or form, then the Devs need to sit down and have a talk with those in charge of sending out clear and precise patch notes.
Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to call anyone stupid nor am I trying to blame any "one" person, but if bottled water deserves a stamped expiration date, maybe emails should get a "stamp" too, no? -
I believe i too, bring life to both channels, though my actions in Guardian are much less due to personal reasons that shall not be brought up here in the guardian forums!
I agree with the fact that NEW missions that have been implemented since the launch of inventions have steadily become harder (although is all honesty still perfectly doable without IOs).
When I first made the transition to inventions I was a lot like you, I had no idea what I was doing, what sets to grab, etc. To this day I still hate even trying to make a build, especially with market prices the way they are right now. However, once I generally put my mind to it, the builds and toons are fairly easy to create, especially when you have a super group to help out whenever you need. The supergroup I run with just recently helped me out a lot by supplying me with several pieces of Kinetic Combats, a highly sought after set. I would suggest asking your SG mates for help on getting the inventions you need once you have your final build. -
Why do you think all mine wear masks >_>
Also....I r teh chubz in teh real worldz! -
I wasn't on the TF, but I have seen Armeros in Guardian and Level 50 chat channel and run several TFs with him prior.
To be mad at this individual (no matter how ugly his toons are :P) is simply a crime against CoH. Armeros has been nothing but a fair player since I've known him. -
I r a 55 month vet, love game, have fun.
Joo send me messages at @Terrorizer, and I eat moiread's bacons. Yum. </end Shadow Ember Speak> -
The Hypernaut, Level 50 Force Field/Energy Blast Defender
In the distant future exists a time where heros and villains no longer exist, peace has settled across the planet, and a single world government, headed by the Core (10 Individuals elected by the World), run the planet. Space travel is to them as cars are to us, and energy is abundant after the discovery of new clean energies among other planets. In order to travel to help humanity traverse the infinite universe and survive the rigors of deep space travel, scientists created the Mechatech Droids, robots with a high level of artificial intelligence programmed to protect and serve humankind. This is where our hero's story truly begins.
The planet was organizing a new type of space travel through the use of true "Hyperspace", a newly discovered sub dimension of normal space where everything moved at 100 times it's normal speed. Becuase of these speeds, a new robot had to be manufactured with the ability to think, learn and adapt faster than anything before, thus the Prototype ZX Mega V1, otherwise known as the "Hypernaut". Hypernaut's computer systems were the most advanced ever, combining technology from many different races, a true piece of artwork among the robotics community. It's positronic brain was so far advanced that within hours, the Hypernaut began adapting to realistic emotions, so much that he even displayed fear in taking the first journey through Hyperspace. With his fear, however, came great courage, and the robot took the mission with his head held high.
The launch day was perfect. Weather was beautiful, wind was calm, and all computer systems were nominal. Hypernaut took the helm of the S.S. Ranger along with it's human crew. The Ship launched and shortly after, entered hyperspace. Hypernaut was confident that the ship could handle the calculated forces that would attempt to mangle it, but as he entered, his fast acting positronic brain immediately detected anomalies scientists had not forseen. Hyperstorms rocked the small ship hard, instantly damaging it's nav controls, and Hypernaut did everything it could to stabilize the ship manually. The crew was scared beyond stiff as they panicked and held on for dear life.
With no other choice, Hypernaut cancelled the mission and attempted to drop out of Hyperspace, but the ship was being pulled back in unwillingly by the anomalies. Acting fast, Hypernaut ordered his human crew to their escape pods, and once everyone was in, he managed to drop out of Hyperspace long enough to launch them to safety, sacrificing himself as the storm violently pulled the ship back into hyperspace and seemingly destroyed it in a violent explosion. What happened next was nothing short of a miracle.
Hypernaut awoke several hundred years in the past, his internal sensors even confirmed it, as they too had rolled back to the current date of November 1st, 2008. Hypernaut saw his ship mangled and destroyed, but luckily, his own body had not suffered any major damage. Realizing what the date was, Hypernaut remembered that this was the day of a major Rikti Mothership Raid in Paragon City, the city known for it's long history of combatting evil. Hypernaut knew that the raid would be going poorly that night, thanks to the Earth's entire history being uploadded into his memory banks, and if not for a mysterious new hero showing up, many regular raiders would have perished at the hands of a new Rikti Weapon. Hypernaut quickly deduced he was that new hero, realizing his unique force fields would be nearly immune to their effects and he could offer the protection the raiders would need.
Using his own built in flight system, Hypernaut travelled at sonic speeds to aid the Raiders, led by the infamous Dream Team. As the Rikti fired their new wepaon, Hypernaut came crashing down with his Force Bubble at full power and Force Fields being thrown on as many as he could get, protecting anything else within his own Dispersion bubble. The rikti weapon ricocheted off his force fields, bouncing back and taking out a Rikti Heavy. Hypernaut himself began assaulting a MAgus that had appeared inside his force field, single handedly defeating it, something many found a difficult task.
After the raid, the Hypernaut introduced himself and told his story. He was offered a role within the Dream Team as their official Force Field Defender of the Rikti Raid, and thus found a new family in this strange past which somehow would shape his ultimate destiny. -
I mean, why don't more tankers take Aid Other? What good is a couple of tankers holding the aggro cap if they can't heal you too?
*escape pod* -
Attempting to miss Kool.....
Windows Internet Explorer 8 could not process your request at this time. Please try again later or contact your ISP for support.
Ok ok, come back to freedom when you can Kool. They'll miss you. :P -
Thursday Night I was too tired as I had just got done moving my Grandmother in with me that evening and was wore out. Friday night I tried to play but an individual made me very upset and ruined the entire night for me, thus ending in my very early departure. No levels gained either night. On Saturday evening I did manage to level up a Dual Pistols blaster, followed by Sunday evening, but my drive to play wasn't strong this weekend from the intense stress from my personal life. Overall, got my new Dual Pistols blaster from 14ish to 34, and that was all.
Don't get me wrong, i wasn't saying Ninja Run was the way he should go, thats why I listed disadvantages to it as well. I say if his endurance is fine, and his build works perfectly fine, then why mess up a good thing? does having that little bit more recoavery and regen really make you that much better in light of losing accuracy and recharge?
I would first pose the question of:
"How is my endurance usage right now without PP?"
If your current build isn't broken by endurance issues, why fix it unless you want to absoutely max out your build.
If you really want combat mobility, Ninja Run is a great sub for Combat Jumping, assuming you have the Natural Booster Pack. Ninja Run provides much better jumping speed/height plus awesome run speed. The downside to Ninja Run is that
A) Considered a temp power and won't work in certain arena settings/Flashback settings/Master TF Runs.
B) .46ish Endurance used per sec if I recall, versus CJs .07.
Some people feel that trade off isn't worth it, and I totally understand if thats your opinion as well. But it's just a suggestion that would let you take PP without losing combat mobility, granted the two powers will probably cancel each other out endurance-wise. -
Wait...so let me get this straight....There is no cake available with either order, nor the related power "eat it too"?
*run and hide from the rotten vegetables being thrown at him* -
Werner is one of the best when it comes to DPS, listen to him. No disagreements with that chain.
Worst possible combo, ha, I sumbit to you...
Scrappers possess all that is needed to upload mass amounts of groovy damage into the motherboards of any criminal gang!
There was someone who once said "I'm a scrapper...and we ARE an AoE".
Best quote Evah. With the exception of Spines, I have used each of the Scrapper primaries and secondaries at least once.
If there is a worst combo, it is becuase it was not built right. I should know, I used to be a noobOMGFLURRYISAWESOMEMUSTSIXSLOTWITHDAMAGENAO!
Couldn't figure out when I first started playing 54 months ago why my SR scrapper spent so much time mez'd or knocked down. I picked practiced brawler and activated it....didn't know I had to get it perma and continuously re-activate it :O -
I would put my money on Spines (with the custom metal spikes) and use the regen secondary....colored lightning blue.....I think then your concept would be complete. Perhaps you could even wear a Knight helm for dramatic effect? Make sure you use the lightning aura effects when you get to 30...that will set it all off....
If you are more of a controller type, I am surprised that the soft control that dark/dark tanks didn't fit your playstyle that well, or at least become a good compromise. A Dark/Dark tank has the ability to perma-fear bosses, which basically means they don't atack until you deal damage to them first. And the fear effects do prevent some of the foes from actually attacking you at all. Alternatively, You should try Dark/Mace or Dark/Energy, as both of those sets have potential for perma stun on bosses. A buddy of mine plays a Dark/Mace Tanker, built for recharge and utilizing some stun IO sets, he very rarely face plants if at all when I run with him. Sure, he isn;t the mack daddy of damage by any means, but he is very effective with mob control, and Crowd Control usually keeps them from wandering off ;D
They are a great enemy, and a tough one too. By and far the most deadly in my opinion just for the massive amounts of resistance debuff they throw around. I decked out a Shield/SS Tank, softcapped and all, and was unstoppable against even the Romans in Cimerora, but when I finally launched my Vanguard Campaign, I went in with the notion that "I will show these renegades what the deal is! They ain't so tough!". Difficulty +2x8, a normal setting for regular missions and story arcs for me, I entered the first mission and the renegades proceeded to show me several times just what exactly the real deal was. I returned with my Shield Scrapper to amplify the damage, thinking MAYBE the tanker just didn't deal enough with perma-rage and AAO. My scrapper proceeded to cry, a lot. The only toon I had any relative success with was my /Dark Armor Scrapper, who promptly threw down some cloak of fear and a fast recharging dark regen, but then I had issues with Lt's and bosses still being boogers.
Based on my experience, the soft control from my dark armor scrapper was a huge help, so I can only assume that the control-type toons would be the best offensive for such enemies. -
The Terrorizer, Katana/Dark Armor Scrapper, Level 50, leader of the Knights of Omega.
Back in 1984, in Crystal Lakes, NC, Trace Greyson was born unknowingly into a mystical legacy and inherited the powers of the Avatar of Terror. These powers manifested at a young age, and anytime Trace was around someone who was overcome with fear, Trace could sense it, prompting him to become a loner. At 16, he displayed the first uses of his powers when he overcame several bullies in school who sought to pick on the outcast Trace had become. After learning from a mystic known as Jared the JAde that he was the next Avatar of Terror at age 18, Trace began training his abilities to sense the fear in others and use it as a weapon against them. When Trace finally mastered his abilities with Jared's help, Jared rewarded the young hero-in-training with the soul Saber, a mystical blade passed down from teacher to student. Using the code-name "Terrorizer", Trace went out into the world and with his powers to sense and manipulate fear he became what criminals genuinely feared the most.
His first major battle was against a powerful alien villain known as Damion Xinje. Damion came from the planet Scanalixia with a small army of his personal soldiers to conquer his own world and use it to build a larger army. Terrorizer faced off against Damion and for a time, seemed to be more powerful thanks to the physical ehancements his powers granted him being the Avatar of Terror, but it wasn't until Damion summoned up the full potential of his own strength that forced the Terrorizer into his first loss. Damion, lacking fear in general, overwhelmed the young hero and injured him severely, almost ending his career a mere one year on the job.
Jared helped bring the Terrorizer back to full health, and then taught him the secrets of the Soul Saber, which Terrorizer had neglected to use in his first battle with Damion. In their second confrontation, Terrorizer unleashed the secrets of the blade and used his newly boosted powers to instill the first ounce of fear Damion had ever felt, ending with the Terrorizer winning the second battle and imprisoning Damion Xinje within the Soul Saber itself.
After the war with Damion, Jared left the Terrorizer with all he needed to become a true hero. When the first Rikti war erupted, the Terrorizer defendedhis home valiantly, but the city fell irregardless due to the sheer numbers the Rikti could produce. The Terrorizer lost his home to the war, barely surviving himself. The loss shattered his confidence and after taking an early retirement, he took up travelling.
He arrived in Paragon City to find it under siege from a large number of criminal organizations, one of which, the Circle of Thorns, would become his primary focus. Trace returned to his life as the Terrorizer and honed his powers over fear once more, quickly advancing to Security Level 50 and founding the Knights of Omega, his own Supergroup, with which to aid the city. Since then, he has had to deal with the escape of Damion Xinje thanks to the Arachnos Mu Mystics as well as several attempts by the Circle to lure him into their collective.
Recently, The Terrorizer entered his Knights into a coalition with fellow Supergroup the Dream Team, and together, they fight to defend Paragon from multiple threats across all zones. -
One of the best things in the game, for me, is the ability to write a chracter bio for the multiple toons you can create for CoX. The one downside, however, is that the Bio space is quite limited for those of us with an over active imagination. Some people have even made entire websites dedicated to their inventory of toons.
This thread is dedicated to those of us who want to completely explore the history and making behind our toons, while at the same time providing a way of allowing questions to be asked regarding our toons, for example, "What was (Insert Hero/Villain Name)'s primary reasons for becoming what he/she is?" or "What was your inspiration for making that toon?" as well as many others. I will start off the thread with a post of my namesake's bio, The Terrorizer. -
Nevah fere, for I iz hear!
*steelz yo flagz!*
*run home* -
Guys guys guys! My cousin over in Paris just sent me the 300 bucks he has owed me for years! Now I can get my computer upgrades I have been wanting!!!!!
Oh sorry to hear about your loss Subway >_>
For real though, that sucks dude, I remember losing my wallet a few years ago and freaking out on the phone with my bank becuase I didn't know my debit card number so they wouldn't cancel it. I am glad to see you came out ok in the long run.
I quickly dropped that bank btw. Found my wallet 2 hours later...in the driver seat of my truck. I can't imagine how terrible it must have been fo ya....makes me not want to go to paris, the bunch of thieves.