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  1. ok... Pale Guardian IS a big tease!

    Although I shouldn't talk... still haven't finished Chapter 6 yet...
  2. I just saw your sig!! YOU ARE TIGRIS!!!

    Why didn't you tell me!!???
  3. Sly tried to get up, but his wounded arm screamed in pain, in a last ditch effort he summoned some minions to help battle the rest of the Trolls already swarming Lobe and Haunt... the he collapsed...
  4. Sly finally broke free from the electrical prison, just in time to see the clocks move from attacking Frost down below to attacking one of his Operatives.

    It was that guy who Sly didn't really know, but always handled himself professionally and cool-headed. Well, Sly couldn't let the man fall after getting the attention off him and Frost!

    Summoning four apparitions, Sly also extended his arms to give The Operative a burst of Oxygen to clear his mind and wounds a bit. The clocks were focusing on the false heroes for a spell, and he saw one go down, but they would have to begin attacking the remainders before his trick wore off.

    Figures Deth would choose to leave RIGHT when it got interesting...
  5. <rasies his glass to The Tick>
  6. Sly saw Icegun go down, so he immediately blinded the assaulting Knight... as the walking Timex Add clutched it's sensors in confusion, Sly leant Icegun a boost of Oxygen to revive him.

    However, the Cog that had been with the Knight did not apporive of the treatment it's superior had received, obviously, as it landed right on top of Fox.

    Reaching up and grabbing it by the... head... thing... Sly yanked and rolled the Cog off him, somersaulting as he fell and thumping the Cog down in front of him.

    "It's not nice to jump a complete stranger! At least yell 'dogpile' first, next time..." Throwing out his hands he sent the Cog flying with a gale of wind.

    Then Sly turned back to Icegun. However, that was when a blast of electricity and a ball of energy surrounding the would be rescuer ceased any plans he had to see if Icegun was alright.
  7. Sly raised a hand before Lobe could continue, then he began speaking just as non-stop as the big man.

    "Ok, Lobe, Mr. Brown is a Troll and I doubt very much this is his house. Trolls are funny looking with green skin and lots of teeth, and bad people too. They DID have rough childhoods, but they are far from 'poor fellas.'"

    Sly heard noises and shouts of battle in the building at this point, but he couldn't tell if they were coming from behind him or behind Lobe, the way the building was set up... he glanced at Haunt, then decided to press on.

    "My guess, Lobe, is they needed a way to break into this house so they told you lots of lies. Mr. Bown lied about Lady Deth too, she is here with me, looking for you. The city was attacked by the Rikti alien thingies, very bad. Not even Big Mr. Brawler could clean it ALL up, so don't worry about trying, Lobe. Now where are these heirloo-"

    But Sly's monologue was cut short as his shoulder and arm was struck from behind by buckshot, a Trolkin behind the three heroes with quite a crazed look in it's eye chortled as Fox went down.
  8. I love your posts, by the way, Intel...

    And for some reason when Fox interacts with Robots, hilarity ensues!

    Look forward to having your CPU shut down when faced with Fox's "Confusing Queries"

    ~The Sly Fox~

    P.S. Calculate: can Jesus make a burrito so hot, not even he himself could eat it...
  9. Ladies!

    If you're cute and you take orders well I can get you in NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!

    What Boss? Oh... nothing... I was just... fooling around, see? Heh heh heh... pay dock? Oh gawd d--

    <We are experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by>
  10. Exactly, but I FINALLY saw a nice bunch of about five at Galaxy yesterday. (The amazing Weevil among them!)

    Let's hear it for MORE SOON!!
  11. ((no worries... I've been so postponed in my OWN origin that I fear I've lost the one or two fans I HAD!))
  12. I saw a hero yesterday named "Krispie Treat"

    yup... you guessed it... "Soon you'll hear the Snap, Crackle, and POP!"

    ~The Sly Fox~
  13. "I like The Weevil, he's an upfront, honest hero who KNOWS what he's doing... although my names not Jack. ... ...

    What do you mean this is the 'Villains Only' interview? How did I get here? See that door over there? What you can't use my quote unless I'm a villain? Oh... well... ok...


    There that better?"
    ~The (Apparently?) Evil Sly Fox~
  14. Sly opened his eyes... which for some reason he had closed... odd that...

    Plus he had no idea what had happened that left him flying through the air and now standing in front of Lobe.

    But he was nothing if not adaptable.

    "Lobe, that little girl is with us, now who is Mr. Brown?"

    Shouts behind Lobe caused Sly to try and peer around him to look at who or what was coming... of course, peering around Lobe in a hallway did not prove as easy as it sounded on paper...
  15. As Deth left, Sly turned to Frost and said "She loves me, you know... eh heh... although I often wonder what that... entails..."

    But any further witty remark was once again interrupted by some sort of commotion on the roof, where Icegun had headed to one of FSS's Operatives.

    "Uh oh. Shall we, Frost?"

    With that, Sly teleported into the middle of any action he did not want to miss.
  16. Sly heard his huge friend inside, and looked around at the other heroes.

    "Come on!" he shouted, "We've got to help him!! Or... knowing Lobe... make sure that he isn't hurting whoever it is TOO much, even if they deserve it!!"

    Sly paused for a second... realizing that would probably go down as one of the worst battle cry's in Paragon's history... shrugging, he teleported up through the broken window...

    ...Only to appear right in front of the strange mask girl who ran headlong into him...

    As Fox was attempting to pick himself up, he felt the floor vibrating and a familiar voice MUCH too close yelling

    "Hey maam, that's not yours. Please give it back,"

    Sly could only hope this wasn't how it was all going to end... trampled by friend...
  17. I have off on Friday... so I plan to finish Chapter 6, my mind and level of dedication permitting...

    I MUSt remember to add you to my friend's list!

  18. No worries, Rough...

    ... some things are harder to deal with than others. I appreciate your concern, but well, no need to worry about my well being!

    As long as I have friends like you at FSS, believe me, there couldn't be a more content Fox!

  19. Sly caught the vial, checked it over, and pockected it in the blink of an eye.

    After Flame had informed Ivory to ask HIM, gods new why, Sly beagan with "We're actually more concerned about finding {"Ohh hell!!"} Lob--AGH!"

    The bullet knocking Flame in her forcefield back immediately caused Sly to jump in front of Deth and look up at wherever the shot came from.

    "I can't see anyone up th--" He began before the next shot blew his hat right off.
  20. I really do love each and every one of you for keeping this up.

    <bows and sweeps off his hat in front of him>
  21. Damn Ripperjack... that STINKS!

    Was hoping to "save" you someday... heh
  22. May 23rd, 2002... lights first appeared over Paragon City...

    Then sometime in November Omega Team sacraficed their lives (at least, they are all PRESUMED dead.. who knows!? <ominous music&gt and destroyed the Rikti's main Portal, thus cutting them off from their home world/dimension.

    All found in the wonderful little history section on Paragon City, on this site.

    I know, because I needed it for my OWN character, who was here during the war.

    <Shamelessly points to his sig>

    Now... if only I could finish my "tail" ... <sigh>
  23. Every time I see your avatar, Ripperjack, it makes me laugh!


    Anyway, back to the reason I am replying...

    When I was first starting out, I received a tell from "Deus Ex." Apparently he had seen some of my posts, and said he had something for me...

    Well, the last time someone said that, I was in deep trouble, but I figured: "What the heck, you only die... ummm... 50 million times" (Debt can be quite extreme for a solo controller first starting out...)

    So I met up with him. He have me 10,000 influence, right there, on the spot, and left on his merry way.

    I believe he said "It's important to help those that show promise."

    I mean... AMAZING! He sent me an e-mail later about teaming up... and I replied, but he never got back to me...

    I wonder who that masked man was...

    I often help whenever I'm able. But what I try to do, is either O2 Boost someone, or flash the enemy... ... ... (wait, that didn't come out right)

    ANYWAY, flash blinds the group, but takes no damage, and thus I don't "KS."

    However, if I'm in the middle of a pitched battle, alone and soon to fall, I don't care WHO comes along and wipes the floor with my would be murderers.

    I mean, even power players need to realize this simple fact...

    The DEBT you were about to receive FAR OUTWEIGHS the experience that helping hero just stole!! Lighten up, please...

    On a more happy note, when I play a tank I also enjoy provoking all the enemies to attack me, but don't attack them, this way I can let the wounded hero finish them off without me "stealing" anything...

    Just a thought to anyone who likes to help, but doesn't want to incur the horrible wrath of the "KS Kryer."

    Good topic, good post, always enjoy when I hear from you. Look me up, or First Strike Security!

    ~The Sly Fox~