Youve had quite the wait, avid reader. But now to reward you, here is the final main chapter in our tail of The Sly Fox!
Chapter 6: A Foxs Actions, A Mans Heroics
Sly looked up at the old townhouse. He had walked by it many times in the past few years, trying to do just the opposite. It brought back too many painful memories. Now, he was about to enter it
after all this time, it was occupied once again.
As Fox closed his eyes and began to concentrate on one of his powers, he thought back to Tristams words
Now remember, Aura will sense you as soon as you enter the building. It should take Mordafallo at least a half hour to pick up on that. Youve mastered invisibility, so youll be safe from any other surveillance.
Be careful, little fox. I cant go with you, as Mordafallo would sense me in a second. He is attuned to our kind. You, on the other hand, should confuse him.
Once inside, I need you to somehow get him to swallow this
I dont care how you do it, thats up to you. Only remember, Ive studied it, and it MUST be ingested whole. It will severe his connection with my sister. She will finally be free.
Her life is in your hands, little Fox, remember that
Sly looked down at his now translucent hand to see what it was holding. A small blue jewel
how was he ever going to do this
he only hoped Mordafallo liked soup
Placing the jewel in his pocket, he was once again totally intangible to the eye. Slowly he approached the door to the building and knocked loudly.
After what once again seemed like an eon, the door finally slowly opened.
There was old Jeeves, he looked like he hadnt changed a bit.
Yeeeesss, how maywhat? the tall servant uttered when he saw no one there.
Sly didnt give him a chance to shut the door, and quickly sneaked passed the old butler, into the dark dwellings behind him.
Boxes cluttered the main hall, and it looked like Mordafallo was still in the middle of unpacking. Fox couldnt quite tell, but the place looked almost just like he remembered it, sans boxes, of course.
This was when old Al turned around closing the door behind him, and nearly walked right into Sly. Thankfully the mage in training was quick on his feet, and he nimbly dodged a most unfortunate early discovery.
Dont understand these fool young trouble makers
I mean, its not like I wasnt BUSY. I have to walk all the way to the door when they do that
Ill never understood todays prankful youth. Sly followed the grumbling butler as he made his way down the hall to that oh so familiar oaken door. Unlocking it, the servants slow speed enabled Fox to quickly run in front of him, and proceed down the stairway ahead.
It was beginning to turn quite surreal for Fox, and he almost felt like he was in a dream
the same torches
the same musty odor
Harga's House of Ill-Repute must have had a clearance sale
he joked to himself.
Sly could hear the butler bumbling down the stairs behind him, so he broke from his reminiscing and continued on, when he got to the bottom, he immediately opened the door, slipped through, and quietly shut it behind him.
He was back to the very place he had visited in his dreams for years
was she here? Was she
safe? Sly knew what his mission was, but he couldnt bear the thought of not seeing Aura, right here and now. He quickly ran to the room he had first saw her in, opened the door, and slid in.
Bent over a desk, was the girl he had fell in love with, at only a first glance! She was a woman, now
and god
what he had been missing.
Aura had blossomed as only girls can, and was breathtaking, even to a man of Foxs experience. She was wearing a white dress, this time
and it truly could make any man walk right into a building if she was strolling down the street. He wanted to hold her in his arms, right then and there, brush her bright red hair from her eyes, and kiss her
however, his dreams were once again interrupted by Mr. Reality, knocking at the door he had just entered.
I am busy, you vile sycophant. GO away. Slys love shouted, and his heart skipped a beat at hearing her again. When she turned to glare at the door
she looked right at him
and WINKED! Before Sly could say a thing she hushed him with a gesture and motioned for him to move aside.
As he moved to the side, in almost a stupid trance, Mr. You can call me Al opened the door and then opened his annoying mouth as well.
MiLady, you know and I know that the mahster requested to see you not three hours ago
Why must you fight him so? You do realize I am the one that has to hear about it
Aura smiled, I do realize that, why do you think I continue? Sly suppressed a bark of laughter escaping his lips.
Authoritative Als eyes grew cold, and his face remained blank. Of course, MiLady, how foolish of me to ask. However, I DO insist you see him shortly. One does not like to relive past events of disobedience
At this last sentence the servants mouth turned up into an awful sneer, and by the stillness on Auras face Sly had to restrain himself from attacking the man outright.
When the door closed, and the footsteps receded down the hall, Auras brilliant blue eyes regarded Fox once more.
I can see you, you might as well drop that silly invisibility. She chided him.
As Sly looked down in embarrassment, he released his concentration on the illusionary magic, and as he looked up the girl was running right towards him.
He had time to just open his arms as she nearly plowed into them, hugging herself to his somewhat shocked form, and when she looked up and kissed him fiercely, Sly nearly melted.
After what seemed like an age to him, Aura finally broke the kiss, and buried her head against him.
I knew youd come back, Sly
I knew youd come back for me
the beautiful creature of Slys fantasies whispered into chest.
For a long while Fox merely held her. However, even he knew that this was only a brief glimpse at heaven, and had to end soon.
Aura, he said softly to her, I have to get you out of here. I dont have much time
if you would
just let go.
Aura stepped back quickly, flushed and almost abashed by such an ardent display of affection for a man who she had only met once when he was but a boy.
You have not been out of my thoughts since I last said goodbye, my fox. I am
so glad to see you. She moved to kiss him again, but Sly
in an extremely uncharacteristic gesture, held her back by her shoulders.
Tristam is here, Aura. It is with his plan that I am to get you out. he said looking her directly in the eyes.
Auras face lit up with excitement, and Sly could tell it was all she could do to shout with joy. My brother! Hes alive!? Oh thank our ancestors! Mordafallo would always taunt me with tales of my dead family. And you have brought him to me!!? Oh Fox I-
Shhhhhh, Sly soothed putting a finger to her cool lips. I have to act quickly before Mordafallo senses my presence through you. Tell me, where is he, I need to somehow get HIM to swallow this jewel, he explained, showing her the small blue gem he had in his possession.
An odd look of confusion passed over Auras face, as she looked from Fox to the jewel. He is in his study, but are you sure this will sever his power over me? I mean
But she seemed to shake any doubt off and looked back into her would be saviors eyes. I trust my brother knows what he is doing, he was always the resourceful one. Over 1,000 of your years of experience will do that.
Sly cocked his head at this. Aura, just how old are you?
A slight shadow passed over her face, but it was gone in a second. As young as you see me, my Fox. I was born only a little over
her brow creased in slight concentration, and Sly couldnt help but find it adorable, Two of you
deck-aids. Yes
Ok, but if he has lived a thousand years, than how long will y-
It was now Auras turn to place a finger on Foxs lips.
Not now, please. Well discuss this later. Go do what you must do. I will await you, as I have for what seems to me an eternity already
Brushing recent concerns aside, Sly turned to open the door. However, he halted before he opened it and turned around abruptly to kiss her deeply once more.
Soon, Aura
soon, well be together. I cant wait to show you Paragon City.
The life-long captive actually laughed at this
a soft, tinkling laugh
but shoed him out her door as he went invisible again.
Sly sighed
then headed on to the study where he had last seen the sordid Sorcerer.
As he slowly approached the open doorway, he heard chuckling and talking coming from within. Peering through into the study, he saw the bungling British butler conversing with what was obviously Mordafallo on a large grotesque armchair. However, Sly could not see the man, for he was hidden behind the ugly furniture.
Yes, Im sure she will come around, Al. Heh heh heh, and what fun it will be to tame that little vixen. Ive waited this long, for her to reach the proper age, Al
a few more days of bearing her willful ire wont hurt. The deep oily voice, this time from Slys nightmares, oozed out from behind the chair back.
Slys fists clenched, but he restrained himself
awaiting the proper moment.
Fetch me my tea, Al. I shall drink in here awaiting my brides arrival.
With a nod, the tall servant left his master alone to gather his favorite tea. Much to Als misgivings, the master had a fondness for Lipton
Sadly, not everyone could live up to his own English high standards of tea.
As the butler reached the door, he dropped a small scrap of paper to the ground, then continued on his way to his chore. However, Sly did not notice this as he was already moving around the chair to get a look at his enemy face to face.
What he saw when he finally arrived around the chair nearly gave Fox away, for a bark of outrageous laughter was almost not swallowed in time.
Sorcerer Mordafallo had not changed in the least. Still the same black robes. Still the same necklace around his neck, albeit obviously missing the largest jewel. Still the same black eyes. However, what had changed was the large, quite fuzzy, toupee
perched quite askew on the top of his once bald head. It seemed even the great world traveling wizard had finally succumbed to vanity.
He was reading what looked to be The Paragon Times, with what ALSO looked to be HUGE old person coke bottle glasses. Plus, the shawl over the Sorcerers shoulders made him look quite the granny. In fact, Sly had to turn away from the sight for fear of ending this mission before it had barely begun with exclamations of righteous laughter.
This was when Fox finally noticed the scrap of paper by the door.
Curious, he sneaked back over to the entrance and picked it up silently. Glancing over at the chair to make sure Mordafallo was still engrossed with the daily news (although if Sly had known it was really the antics of Marmeduke that was taking the magicians full attention, he might have given himself away yet AGAIN), Fox quickly scanned the paper.
In flowing script were the words:
Down the hall, to the left. Kitchen. Act quickly. Brothers agent.
At this point, Sly felt an immediate prickling at the back of his neck, glancing once more at the studious Mordafallo, he saw it wasnt the feeling that he was discovered.
he CANT be Tristams source
too much doesnt make sense
I was supposed to do this on my own
not even KNOW who Tristam has been using for information. Still
Fox forced himself to repress his suspicions. If Al had been deep undercover all along, it would explain a lot, despite the questions it ALSO raised. He had to trust that this was now part of the plan, for up until this point, he had no idea how he was going to accomplish his task.
Sly quickly yet carefully walked down the hall, and entered the doorway to the left.
There was Al, humming away to the tune of God Save the Queen. As Sly wondered again how this
minion could possibly be on his side, the butler looked up as if hearing something, and turned toward the door.
Go on, Al whispered. Uncloak or whatever. We havent got much time and I need to see you.
Fox reluctantly did as he was told, ready to unleash whatever powers he had control of at a moments notice if one of his fears proved well founded.
YOU? was all the rogue rescuer could find to say.
Al smiled. Dont act SO surprised. I had to be convincing, didnt I? When you first arrived all those years ago, I had no idea you would become so important to Tristams plan
If I didnt try to catch you, I would have been given away. Ive had to do
so much
to keep my cover, Mr. Trotter
I want this to end, once and for bloody all.
It still bothered Fox
but then, he was the consummate paranoid. He realized that if this man really knew Tristam, and everything that was going on like this, it wouldnt make sense for this all to be some elaborate charade. He finally released his doubts.
What do I do? Sly asked his revealed fellow conspirator.
Al the butler became brisk and no-nonsense. Hurry, [censored] your finger with this pin, grind the jewel up with some of your blood, and mix that into his tea!
Slys forehead crinkled in his own confusion. But Tristam said-
Mr. Trotter, there is no TIME. He will suspect if I am too long! The plan has changed, why do you think I revealed myself to you?? I discovered something about the jewel Tristam received from me before I could tell him. You have to do this, and it MUST be of your own free will. You have to WANT to do this!
Sly didnt like plans that effected such an undertaking that mattered so dearly to him changing so abruptly, but his resolve was set. If this was the way to save Aura, then so be it.
Following Als instructions to the letter, he was soon mixing the tea as his new compatriot watch the doorway. Sly felt almost an inherent resistance to the task, but he FORCED himself to willfully accept the undertaking.
When he was finished, Al nodded quickly, motioned for him to disappear, and picked up the tray with the tea and
(Al had to sigh at this) a Little Debbies Butterscotch Crumpet.
Invisible again, Fox followed the butler back to the study. Once they arrived, he saw Aura sitting upright in front of Mordafallo, her eyes fixed away from the Sorcerer in what Sly took as obvious disgust.
Your tea is ready, mahster Al said as he entered, in his usual boring drawl.
Excellent, oh faithful servant, about time too.
Holding his breath, Sly watched as Mordafallo raised the cup to his lips. He glanced at Aura, trying to catch her eye to signal the thumbs up, but Aura was obviously so disgusted she remained rigid and looking away.
The Sorcerer drank deeply from the mixed concoction
Sly waited
Mordafallo smacked his lips. Then he picked up the Crumpet. He shoved it into his greedy mouth. Mmmm
you KNOW how I love these, Al. Reminds me of my childhood
too bad these dont have the taste of blood too, but what can you do? Cant expect Little Debbie to cater to the arch villains of the world, eh? The evil man chuckled.
Als blank face briefly grinned.
Sly waited
The chuckler in the chair kept laughing
in fact, his simple chortle changed into a cacophony of mirth. He was now laughing in the traditional Bond Ive got you tied to a table with a laser beam creeping between your legs Mwa ha ha.
Sly was beginning to get a little antsy with waiting
Finally the laughter stopped. Mordafallo waved his hand at Aura. You are released, Mdear. Run to your inept rescuer.
As Slys eyes went wide, Aura suddenly slumped and began to stand. She blurted out in anguish, My love it was a trap! He told me everything, I was held and could not-
With another wave of his hand Mordafallo froze her in mid stride towards Fox. Fox also found he could not move, and his invisibility quickly faded. The Duplicitous Mage stood from his chair, stared coldly at the frozen Fox, and gestured to Aura, her body immovable but her eyes weaping. Hmmm
changed my mind. You talk to too much, my bride. Besides I do not care for you calling that, STREET URCHIN, your love
As Sly fought whatever was holding him, he could only silently scream inside his own head as the charlatan butler walked slowly towards him, raised what he saw was a large book in the tall mans hands, and soundly bashed him on the crown.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Tristam paced back and forth at Slys penthouse. His tool had been gone much to long. Aura should be in his arms by now, and his agent Al should have been right behind the two after burning the townhouse to the ground. If all had not gone as planned, Tristam should at least have been given the signal that Fox had been captured and, while extremely unfortunate, Tristam could at least leave Paragon and search for another way to save his sister.
Suddenly, the phone rang. Racing to it, the robed Machiavellian grabbed the receiver and spoke into it quickly.
A! Are you there? What took you so long, what has happened?
A distant dull voice came from the end of the receiver that Tristam was talking into. Youre holding the phone the wrong way again, T.
Cursing in his own tongue, Tristam hurriedly switched the infernal contraption around in his hands. You know I hate this planets technology! Now, quickly man, what is going on??
A long silence greeted him
finally, I am sorry, my friend, he has discovered Fox, and is so angry he is about to kill your sister
I cant talk long, but Fox is already dead, and-
But the British mans voice was unheard, for Tristam had left the receiver dangling as he raced out the door. He didnt have a plan, all his careful scheming had come to naught, and now he had to race to save his last surviving family member. He didnt know what to expect, how he would get the drop on Mordafallo, but he had to find a way.
from the dangling phone an odd laughter was heard. Followed by the words, Oh DO hurry
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Sly awoke with a numbing pain in his head. In truth , the pain was deeper in his heart, but he was trying to ignore it. He, a young man who thought himself the best con-artist in Paragon City, had been totally duped by a magician and his lanky lackey. He had failed his one true love
and now she would never be free. He didnt really care if he was going to die
he only cared that Aura would be forced to wed the horrible oily man with the now fake fuzzy hair.
Tristam had, obviously, been duped as well
but Fox couldnt hold it against him. Despite what experience he had, his race was still basically trusting, and he could see how, with the whole mess, it was simple for Mordafallo to get the man to believe his servant was helping him. No, it was Sly who had screwed up
he should have known better. He ignored his OWN suspicions even as they were screaming at him to listen, and he had paid the ultimate price.
Waking up from his own self loathing for a minute, Sly looked at his surroundings. He was strapped to a stone slab in some kind of dungeon. Next to him on an identical slab was his lovely Aura
They were both wearing what looked to be hospital gowns. And there was an eerie light that fox could plainly see traveling between them. At the center of this connection, the light branched out in between them to
standing upright with a look of pure ecstasy on his cruel face.
sleeping dumbbell arises. The toupee wearing son-of-a-monkey oozed melodiously.
Sly took a brief moment to wonder why villains always said something like this when the captured protagonist awoke
but quickly focused back on the mocking mage.
Hope you enjoyed the whole play, the Sorcerer continued, It was necessary once I discovered your whereabouts to unleash the power of my jewel within you. You see, it was the only way to RECLAIM WHAT YOU STOLE. The mans spit sprayed Foxs face as his own face turned purple with unmasked anger. Slowly, Mordafallo regained his composure. Hmmm
forgive me, Trotter, but your antics always put me in one of my moods. Aint it the truth, Al?
Exceedingly, mahster, the actor known as Al said from what Sly now saw was a position to the right. The servant was stirring a large cauldron, and was wearing a chefs hat with a dirty apron that read Kill all the cooks and let the gods sort it out.
Aura groaned, and Mordafallo turned his malevolent gaze to her stirring form. Ahhh, sleeping beauty aris- he began, but was cut short by an enraged Fox.
Oh come ON! Cant a man with your access to literature come up with at least SOME original lines? retorted Fox, 'The Quipper till his Life Quit.'
Mordafallos face darkened yet again. Always with the smart remarks. Too bad your brain doesnt follow suit. Im so GLAD you mixed your blood of your own free will with my joining jewel, the pain involved without that little tidbit could have killed Aura. Perhaps even ME. You will still die now, of course, but hey! You cant make an omelet without breaking a few heads. HAH! Like that one, Al? Like how I took that old saying and switched it around to mean that I was hurting people? Isnt your master clever.
Exceedingly, clever, mahster, the butler said in a sarcastic tone that Sly suspected only he picked up on.
Yes, Mordafallo continued, This shall be well worth the wait.
The Sorcerer cracked his knuckles and waved his fingers dramatically. He then reached over to a platter next to the cauldron, and picked up
a roast beef sandwich, by the look of it.
You know what they say! Revenge is a dish best served with cold cuts! He chortled, spraying crumbs over Sly's chest.
Sly groaned, and Aura also groaned
and both looked over at each other
and for a startling sincere (and oddly touching) moment, they both burst out laughing.
Dont laugh AT me!! Youre supposed to quake at my levity even as I take on such a horrific act!! WHY DONT YOU CHILDREN EVER READ YOUR HANDBOOKS!!?? ITS ALL CLEARLY LAID OUT IN HOW TO REACT TO YOUR CAPTOR, CHAPTER SIX!!!
Unfortunately for the two star crossed lovers, this statement only furthered their uncontrollable enjoyment.
perhaps you will cease your merriment at my expense once you FINALLY realize you are about to die, Trotter, and you will lose him FOREVER, Aura!
Aura was brought back to harsh reality, and cried out on anguish as this really hit home. Sly, however, was still defiant.
Whatever may happen to me, she will not be yours for long. Her brother may have been fooled up to this point, but he is cautious. He will find a way to save her from you, sooner or later, Mr. More Daft Fellow, Fox declared in some of the best last words he ever thought he would say
(quite an ironic thought to have, if you think about it
However, the chuckle that greeted this remark, and the throaty echo of it from Al the Chef, stopped Sly from having anymore satisfaction at those words.
Would our friend care to see whats behind door number two!!?? Mordafallo exclaimed in demented delight.
With a wave of his hand, and a quick adjust of his slipping toupee, The Sorcerer magically pulled back a curtain behind him. There, chained to the wall, was Tristam
he was sagging, with blood seeping from cuts and his body bruised and beaten.
BROTHER! NOoooooo please no oh gods why I cant
Aura was lost in total grief and her agony was cutting even deeper into Slys already wounded heart. All this
because he had failed his own instincts.
Tristam slowly raised his head
and smiled for Aura. Aura looked at the brother whom she had never even known
and suddenly stopped crying. Her face became blank.
Get it over with, you eel of a man. I will take what is to come, she said numbly but solidly.
Sly couldnt believe she would just give in, he wanted to fight this to the end. He wanted to plead with her to fight
use her magic, with his own powers, to FIGHT, he had a feeing they could beat this linked as they were to only
but something is Tristams eyes changed Fox
an almost imploring look
Sly looked over at Aura, and her face was set
but he saw that she was still crying.
Mordafallo sneered. So, the vixen has finally acquiesced. Good, it will make our wedding night SO much simpler. With a final laugh, the Sorcerer took the proffered cup of whatever Cook Lurch had been mixing, and drank deeply
Sly immediately felt his magic
he was
his connection to it
his connection to Aura
losing everything that mattered
all while Mordafallos growing laughter consumed his very soul. But despite this, he let loose, and did not fight. This time, his instinct told him to do so, and he went with it. His eyes closed.
Suddenly, the wicked wizard choked. Slys eyes flew open, and he could see a dark glow reaching out from Tristam to the connection between him and Aura
it was flowing along this connection freely, without hindrance, right into Mordafallos chest.
what are you
to me
help! the black robe man blurted out in short gasps.
As Al the miscreant minion dropped his ladle and began to run in between the connection, Sly felt a surge of energy rush into him
not even realizing what he was doing, his arm broke free of its binds and shot out, blinding the Butler. The tall servant stumbled at his lost sight, tripped, and slammed his head into the cauldron, knocking the boiling contents over onto his head. He probably would have screamed, if not for the fact that the lip of the pot crushed his larynx.
Suddenly Mordafallo collapsed
and Sly felt like his normal self again. Almost, refreshed. The magical bonds holding the two captives fell away, and before Sly could even get off the stone slab Aura was off to her brothers side, still crying.
Sly felt he could, so he raised his hand and unlocked the chains holding Tristam. The wounded man fell into his sisters arms. Sly joined them, stepping over the fallen Mordafallo, who was twitching on the floor. He also kicked the fallen toupee off into a dark corner.
my brother
what have you done? Aura sobbed as she rocked the only family she had never even known.
Sly placed a hand on his grieving loves shoulder. He felt
A weak smile swept over Tristams face. What have I done? Why
little sister. I have done it. I have
saved you.
The dying man looked at Sly. I did not realize how much you really loved her, little Fox. I am sorry
using you. Take care of her for me
I had hoped to return you to our
my sister. Our race yet lives
you must
Mord- But with a last almost peaceful sigh, Tristam the Traveler passed on to his ancestors.
Aura sat
still rocking her dead brother. Crying as she cradled him. Sly could only shed tears with her.
Wha- what have you DONE to me?? NO! My
powers! They are GONE
could this be?? I studied your pitiful race!! They fought me, but I conquered YOU ALL! This is not possible!
Aura slowly laid her brother down, closed his open eyes, and gently kissed his forehead. Then she stood, quivering, and pointed at the fallen mage.
Youve taken everything you ever wanted. Taken my FAMILY, my LIFE!! And yet you are so ignorant you did not see the power within us when we RELEASE IT FREELY!!!
Aura, no wait! But Sly was not fast enough, for Aura pushed him aside with a sudden burst of dark magic, and shot it out straight into The Sorcerer Mordafallos cold black heart.
The bald mans eyes turned white as the darkness consumed him
then his skin began to shrivel, and as he screamed a final wordless scream, he crumbled into black dust.
Aura cried out in agony, and then collapsed into Slys waiting arms
sobbing, against his chest. He rocked her, there in the deep dungeon
rocked her for what seemed like his entire life.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Sylvester Trotter eventually brought Aura Vixen back to his home. They burned the townhouse to the ground, erasing all memory of the black Sorcerer and all that he had wrought. Tristams body they had buried in a small plot on the outskirts of Paragon City. It had a wonderful view of the starts at night, away from the lights and pollution of the metropolis.
For awhile, Sylvester and Aura were happy with each other. She was the one person he had ever felt he could spend the rest of his life with. He was her savior, and her hero. Plus, he helped her deal with her grief. They were in love, as only young people can be, and it was truly the happiest moment of their lives.
Because Aura had inadvertently killed Mordafallo, her ONLY hope of figuring out how to get home was gone. Sylvester wondered constantly if she was truly happy here, stuck with him on this 'alien' planet. Still, they shared many joys in the time they spent together. Sylvester even hoped that children would be on the way, one day.
However, soon Sylvester had to return to his con-artist ways to pay the bills. He felt that, because Aura could never return to her home, he had to treat her like the princess he saw her as, despite her insistence that as long as she only had him, she was content. Aura did not like this. She saw Sylvester as a true hero, and thought he would be able to make his living that way, but he would hear none of it. He saw the thanks and compensation heroes got everyday for fighting crime, and he felt she did not deserve that life. She deserved luxury.
One night, as Aura was tracing the old scars on the sleeping Sylvesters back, she came to a harsh decision. He would never become the man she knew he truly was if he was forced to provide for her. Plus
she would live who knew how long
while he would grow old and die. She could handle that, but could he
a human
handle seeing her stay nearly forever young in his eyes while he grew old and infirm?
Aura knew he would never accept this decision, and knew that he would chase her if she merely left
she left that very night, but wrote him a note.
It explained that she realized she only felt for him a false love, one that was brought on by his image as her savior, and the fact that she needed someone to fill the void left by her brothers death. She explained she was over it, and needed to move on. She said it was painful to see him, because he reminded her now of the family and home she had lost.
Crying to herself at these necessary and yet hurtfull lies, Aura left the note on her pillow, kissed his brow, and disappeared into the night.
When Sylvester awoke the next morning and read the letter in her neat little hand
he went numb.
he thought, It was all false. She never really loved me. How could she even STAND me for so long, when my idiocy is what brought her brother to his ultimate demise. I do not blame her. I do not deserve her. I hope she will
find happiness
Despite this resolve, Sylvester Trotter did STILL try and search for Aura
but his love had vanished from him, yet again.
For a few months, he was crazed with his schemes and plots, and threw himself right into his 'work
' however, one day when he was causing a snow storm to stop an evil old miser in his tracks, so that Sylvester could save him and worm his way into conning him out of a fortune, the wicked old man ended up in the hospital.
Sylvester found he didnt much care. He didnt care about a lot of things lately
but when he tried to continue the con by visiting the man in the hospital
he met the mans family. The were crying over his illness, regardless of how horrible he had been to them in the past. He was, well, family
Sylvester never HAD a family
did every one of his marks have a family that would suffer because he stole their money? Or scandalized them in the paper? He had never once considered it
He didnt know how to continue this life
But he did suddenly remember what Aura always called him.
My Fox
my hero
With tears in his eyes, Sylvester Trotter used some pennies to buy some red and white material
and some old leather boots and gloves. He also purchased a filthy red hat. He wanted this to look dashing
but to come from dirt, and the street
like him.
After a few nights and days, an image climbed out of the window of his penthouse. The figure looked down over Atlas Park
trying to pinpoint something
to do
Help a sudden far away voice cried, I need a hero!
With a grin that almost seemed forced, for the time being anyway, Sylvester Trotter called out to the dark city night.
Hang on, fair damsel in distress! The Sly Fox is on his way! Now you see me, Now you DONT!
until perhaps
an epilogue?
Thank you reader
hope you enjoyed finding out about The Sly Fox as much as I did. Please remember, when trying to judge a mans character, look not in his actions
but whats behind them
Of course, I could be wrong. Mr. Fox already got my number
and if I wasnt so professional I just might have slapped him a few times
~Cordelia Monterey
Perez Park Press