272 -
Honestly, I hope that in future upgrades we get a feature similar to this... however, if it's beyond the devs to include, we would DEFINITELY be able to role play the feature, and here's my thinking:
Ok, we know that down the road we'll be able to hopefully "Upgrade" our costumes, right? Well, what to stop us from changing the costumes to inclued civi clothes, and being able to change back later? At least this way, we could roleplay out alter-egos... anyone else interested in pursuing this avenue? -
Sly rubs his cheek and looks on at Deth in bemusement.
"Uh... well I can't see much from here I guess..." He quickly regains his cocky air. "But how can I with such beauty in my field of vision!" He manages a chuckle, even if feeling quite out of sorts... "However, judging by the bodies I'd say-GREAT SORCERER'S GHOST!"
Sly has been cut short by what looks to be a ticked off Helsing screaming towards them...
Now, being one to never teleport an ally without a request first (He'd gotten into too much trouble over THAT in the past), Sly realizes at the moment that sometimes this doesn't always work to the advantage of absent "colleagues in the can." However, before he can say anything, all the heroes tense, Cyborg raises his arm, and Lobe steps into Helsing's path...
...although now he's saying something about not yelling and rushing up to superpowers, Helsing can't seem to slow down. With a final "Eeek..." he thumps into Lobe and falls back.
"Guess I'm not the only accident prone one here!"
Deth Aszicen raises her eyebrow at him, and Sly quickly coughs. "I mean, not that I was accident prone lately, I'm just speaking in generalities, is all... ahem"
Sly turns almost as red as his mask when he hears a purring chuckle from the direction of the Dark cloud that is Neko.
He suddenly wonders what is wrong with him today, he's not his usual confident and charismatic self... glancing over at Deth he thinks
She just seems to set me out of whack...
With a sigh and a shake if his head, Fox walks over and helps Kyle to his feet... -
Wouldn't it be interesting if you could only meet and interact with certain contacts if you owned an "alter ego" and thus had to become him/her? Of course, for a hero WITHOUT an alter ego they could access the contacts no problem, but the ones who choose this feature would need to find an available "phone booth"
Heh heh heh... -
OCC: Ok great... now I'm stuck between wanting to play every free moment... and finishing Sly's story... what to do, what to do...
Woohoo! I was at the "Last Stand!" What a fight. Excellent choice of music too!
All good points... I have a question, though... would Batman also be able to be known as a technology hero? He uses all those gadgets, after all... and without them, he's not the hero we all know and love. If he JUST had the suit he would be a fighter, sure, but I think the gadgets that he possesses label him a technology...
Just goes to show you how difficult the devs must have found it to CREATE these origins based on comics from the past and present...
And with Superman, I deabted this over and over, because yes the "radiation" of the Earth's son does affect him... but the Science Definition states:
The Science hero received his powers either through purposeful scientific inquiry or through some accident gone awry.
[/ QUOTE ]
So I have to conclued that because it wasn't any accident or anything he searched to uncover, and because ANY Kryptonian who traveled to earth would "unleash" their dormant powers, he still has to be natural... -
and we are not Gods or Angels who know right from wrong INFALLIBLY...
[/ QUOTE ]
I know a dude with a hammer and a guy with Wings and a flaming sword who are going to kick. Your. Butt.
[/ QUOTE ]
Really? I bet I could convince them otherwise.Besides, he can't be an omnipotent God who knows all... and still run around with a hammer smiting enemies and being swept off to the hospital when things don't go right... and while wing-boy can fly, I doubt he's up in heaven everyday sharing a spot of tea with the almighty.
My point is, while you might say "personal glory is the path to villainy," another often traveled path to the same destination is believing you are "better" than the average man in that you are infalliable and only YOU know the true difference between right and wrong.
I'm sorry, my friend, but I've known way too many villains who believed that they weren't in it for the glory at all, but to "make things right for mankind..." Anyone believing "they know best" how to set the rules for EVERYONE is walking a slippery slope... -
As the dust cleared the rest of the gang found Sly had forgotten his immediate interest in Lobe once the sky had exploded. Instead, he had spun Deth out of the path of the falling "computerized meteorite" into a graceful dip. He grinned down at here.
"You seem to handle Lobe best, can you get more out of what happened with that old man and where he might of gone? Pwetty Pwease, for me?" Sly winked. -
Sly breaks from his look towards Deth to absent mindedly shake Contact's hand. He grins as Lobe introduces himself, and then sweeps his arm out to introduce Deth (once Lobe had released the Gentleman and stepped out of the way.)
"This is our lady Deth Aszicen, Neko you already have seen in action, of course... ahem... fighting... alongside... myself... ha ha..."
Sly then notices Ivory suddenly look very tense, and begin mumbling into his chest. When he follows the white man's glances, he sees familiar robed silhouettes... LOTS of them...
Sly quickly looks down pretending he saw nothing, catches Deth's eye, and raises his eyebrows. When he is sure she has looked up and seen their "peeping toms," he lifts the figurine partially out of his pocket.
"Think they want this?" He says out of the corner of his mouth....
Suddenly Lobe is jumping up and down again. "Ooo! You got one too!! Just like the nice old baggy man had! But yours is bigger! Same red eyes though, same red eyes!"
This outburst stopped Sly in mid-thought, and he slowly looked up at the leaping Giant.
"Lobe..." Sly glanced around for confirmation from another what he had just heard... "What are you talking about...?" -
Sly clutches his head as he sits up from his sprawled position on the cement.
"Please... stop... hopping... Lobe... my head..."
He looks over and notices Deth.
"Ugh, you missed... ummm... nothing much. I was just resting after a really terrific battle. You should have seen me Lady Deth. Sorry I left you before but I knew the dear Neko here was in trouble, so I had to rush to her aid and put myself in harms way to protect her, and all that."
Sly glances at Neko quickly, almost to see if she is "paying attention" to what he is saying. He can't be certain, but to his grief she seems to be trying not laugh through all that dark mist...
"So anyway, M'Lady Deth, I heard Lobe coming 'bout a mile away. Have fun with your 'ride?'"
He trys to wink, but only manages a half wink with a wince. Recovering quickly he flashes a smile.
"Miss me?"
All of a sudden Sly seems to recall the new faces as well as the old around.
"Oh yes, pleased to meet you all, I'm The Sly Fox, yadda yadda yadda..."
He turns back to Deth and grins again.
"Well...?" -
Speaking as one who would never shy away from the glory, but would also attempt to "borrow" some of that glory if I was not an original part of it, I have looked at this situation from both viewpoints. Based on my ponderings I would have to come to the definitive conclusion that...
That was f***ing hysterical, man! I mean, they wanted to sweep in and steel your thunder, and you were all like "Oh yeah, let's see how you can handle yourselves if you want this kill!" And they were all like "Ok, we will!" and you were all like "Fine then, go ahead!" and they were all like "We're going!" and you were like "GO!" and they were like "GOING-AAGGHHGHHH..."
Such an enjoyable read. I have to say, that for those of you heroes out there who think it's wrong to "want the glory," I don't think that's what this one is about. Don't get me wrong, now. At first, I was hard pressed to think up a totally rock hard defense for letting the creature go and defeating those guys. I mean, the quicker the beast falls the less innocents die and all that, right? Plus, heroes aren't supposed to be "In It" for the glory and wah wah wah. I've heard it all before...
But look... I learned a long time ago that Heroes are men and woman (well, sometimes figuratively speaking, of course) and we are not Gods or Angels who know right from wrong INFALLIBLY...
The Sly Fox thinks to himself quietly for a moment...
Learning Hero Corps existed... taught me that. I have every respect for the heroes out there who live by a code so strong nothing can break their view of "right" from "wrong." However, being a practiced confidence man, let me illustrate a few points for you all that may have been overlooked...
1.) That Kraken was in Perez Park... um, was it near any citizen in need of aid? By not killing that beast quick, did the good 'ol Knights endanger anyone? Hmmm... can't seem to think of anybody... that beast wasn't even gonna GO anywhere, was it? When's the last time you saw a Kraken in Atlas trying to stomp Ms. Liberty...?
2.) Remember, KoP didn't "let the brave warriors die." They got the s*** kicked out of em, acquired some debt, and went back to the hospital...
Plus think about this, my friends and neighbors. And this is my most important point so I want you listen to me with an open mind.
Paragon City is a dangerous place, nowadays. With so many traps for unwary heroes, especially as we attempt to enter the more difficult and dangerous zones down the road, who's to say if we will all be prepared for the encounter? That said, it's IMPORTANT to teach heroes that it IS dangerous BEFORE they get down the road and suffer horrific damages. Maybe those guys will learn to be more careful from now on. Plus, maybe their lives were even SAVED for the future by getting a wake up call. Who's to say that the tougher villains will find SOME way to disable our health badges? What if we could face permanent death down the road. Heroes, in my opinion, seem far too cocky now. (Ha ha, look who's talking, I know, but it's really just a front...geez, can't believe I'm being so honest here, hope the ladies aren't reading!) Heroes also all seem to have this "invincible" complex. I for one want to be prepared for ANY eventuality, even if it is being abandoned by a hero I thought was fighting the same thing I was fighting.
Being prepared for anything is how I survived. The quick to adapt DO survive. I just hope those guys realize the lesson they learned that day...
...All this being said, if it had been ME seeing KoP attack that beast... and well, if I thought I could get some quick practice against such an immobilized behemoth, I probably would have gone in and whacked away too! I never turn down an easy change for "shared" fame, as it were. However, if they had asked me to back off... well... it depends how "scared" of 'em I would have been. However, if I got killed because of what they pulled, I would have laughed at myself, and looked them up for a drink!
In fact, I might just do that later ANYWAY!
Hope I see you before you see me!!
-The Sly Fox -
Fascinating, Dr. Yi... I'm gald you published these journals for all to read. Perhaps I'll look you up one day and buy you a drink. The Sly Fox can always use the gentle touch of a healer...
((OOC: Gotta say that this IS a blast, and I must admit it's also my FIRST RP thread... hope I'm doin' ok...
And if you're on Virtue, Contact, I'll def look you up!! slightly IC:Just hope you don't open up my mind for all the ladies to see!))
So he flies, is nearly invulnerable, and has super strength, right? So far you could be describing Superman. Superman is an alien, who only receives his powers because he lives under the Earth's Sun... so, Superman is a natural. Now, there was an example of a hero used on this site by the devs that "trained" under mystical monks under the earth. She was labeled a "natural" since she didn't gain her powers from a science accident, magical artifact, gadget, or was born with a mutation. Therefore, because the Statesman "trained" in the East and unleashed his "Inner Will," I believe he is definitely a Natural Tanker with:
Super Strength
Flight PP
and let us not forget, Leadership PP -
Chapter 2: A Fox in the Kennel
The 15-year-old Sylvester made his way across the great U.S. of A, armed only with a few dollars and his blossoming wits. This did not deter the young whelp, however, for he found ways of earning a roof over his head and food in his belly that soon became his trademark. Although uncommon for a youth who had the background of a strict religious upbringing, Trotter used many tricks to achieve his desired effects. He was often the lost orphan, abused by his wicked step-father after his ailing mother had died. This garnished him sympathies with any family who decided to take him in, "for a spell," and give him a home-cooked meal and a warm bed to sleep in. A far more successful role, however, was the simple boy who had been unwittingly left behind by his family while on vacation. This family was extremely varied from city to city but quite often it consisted of...
an absent minded father: Clancy Trotter
doting but flighty mother: Mary Trotter
five brothers: Mick, Josh, Bobby, John-boy & Eugene
6 sisters: Susan, Sheila, Kathy, Lucia, Rebecca & Bambie
and beloved family mutt 'Scraps'
From the level of detail Sylvester appeared to work into his small-time cons, it is easy to see why the boy was successful wherever he chose to hold up for awhile. However, he never stayed long in one spot, and ran at any hint of someone calling the authorities to pick up the runaway/orphan/abandoned youth and "put him in a shelter."
Sylvester also more than once had to cut his stay short because of the messy entanglements he couldn't seem to help getting into with most "Farmer's Daughters..."
He would often even make off with a quick buck from the gullible adults he encountered. Strangly, though, he would only pick these targets out of the people who he observed to be dishonest and corrupt, or if they generally thought themselves better than the average individual in some way. The thrill he experienced being chased out of one town carrying the local mayor's illegal gambling profits left him for a taste for such adventures. From that point on he enjoyed risking his neck to bring minor annoyances to any "fat-cat" who thought they were above the common law.
He never actually STOLE anything from the kind-hearted however... All he seemed to want was trust, nourishment, and perhaps the brief feeling he was not so horrible as to be unwanted. But... he was also an extremely lonely boy, and although he thought himself the accomplished scam artist, he soon found that he was just as ripe a mark for someone more devious and, sadly, ruthless than himself.
In 1995, when he had reached his 16th year, Sylvester Trotter found his way to the fabled Paragon City. It was a time when everyone seemed to be looking for a way to make a profit, regardless of the subject. Hero Corps, an organization that moved to capitalize on what had previously been shown as a volunteer profession, was sweeping the world. Even though it had not yet been established in "The City of Heroes," most newspapers declared the event only a matter of time. With the news of Hero Corps, Sylvester saw that even the heroes ("saints" he had been taught who defended the world for no reason other than to make things right) were people with desires and needs just like any normal man.
This was probably Trotter's final disenchantment, for he had always loved the tales he had heard in church of the Statesman and Ms. Liberty and their "angelic-like" benevolence towards man. He knew now that even his heroes could be like a common body guard who offered his services to the highest bidder. This disillusionment pushed the young adult into an even more jaded outlook on society. When he also soon found it harder to live on small-time cons in the city with "supernatural powered detectives" on hand, he even began to resent his once glorified image of the "defenders of justice."
All this resentment and general depression (not to mention growing poverty) was the perfect state for one Simon "The Wrangler" McPheely to find Sylvester Trotter in. This "Fagan-esque" leader of young grubby crooks and pickpockets was infamous in the city as a reason to "hold on to your valuables." McPheely's many tendrils throughout Paragon caught wind of Sylvester and his attempts as a confidence "boy." Finally one night after a particular mark had turned suspicious and called a local psychic hero to see if Sylvester was telling the truth, Simon sent a lackey to "bring the lad in." What follows is a reenactment of the events based on many eye-witness testimonies. Some liberties have been taken in the interest of story-telling:
Sylvester Trotter followed the young 12-year-old known as "Pug" into what looked to be an abandoned dog pound. When first approached by the kid, he was at first naturally doubtful, but when the kid produced a fiver just to get him to come, and MORE promised if he listen to "Master Wrangler's" proposition, the hungry Sylvester could do nothing but follow.
Boys of various ages were lounging about giving him a challenging look. Sylvester took it in stride, glaring back at them trying to stress his own courage regardless of the uneasiness he felt. One boy, sizably larger and obviously older than himself, stuck an arm out between Pug and Sylvester, knocking him back.
"What's 'da Pug brought us this time, kiddos? A skinny mutt to play with? What's 'da name, mutt?" the bully shot out at him.
"Sylvester... but my friends call me Sly. You can call me 'Mr. Higher IQ.' But my guess is you could call a rock that. (It should be noted here that Sylvester, while possessing extreme craftiness and a highly developed intelligence, was not often "wise.")
The bully's eyes narrowed, "Dat sounds like sum kinda' in-salt 'ta me. I don like in-salts! I beat the in-salts outta mutts like you!" Sylvester could almost hear the misspelling in the lout's unformed sentences.
Trotter rolled his eyes in the face of 185 lbs of pissed off young neanderthal. "Considering I'll offer the insults freely, 'Professor,' I hardly see the sense in using force," he sighed. "However, since it's the only form of expression your budding species of whatever-the-hell-you-are is likely to understand, I suppose I must accept it and prepare for your actions."
"Now Bull-Dog, don't get excited, I'm ta bring this here guy to The Master," piped Pug from the brute's side.
"Shut ja yapper, Puggy! I tink dis mutt jus in-salt-ed me again!"
"Oh yes, 'Bull-Dog,' how fitting!" continued Sylvester "Death Wish" Trotter, "I 'in-salted' you all right. If you're not careful I might pepper you with slander next!"
"DAT'S IT!" roared Bull-Dog and swung his meaty fist around to land one on the newcomer.
However Sly immediately dodged the blow, sending the goon stumbling forward. Then he quickly darted in, tapped him on the shoulder, skipped back when the lug swung at him again, and quipped, "That's it I'm complaining to your owner," He glanced around. "Who lets you bumble around without a muzzle? You can't even--oooofff!"
Sly had been having too much fun watching the other boys laugh at their comrades befuddlement, and allowed Bull-Dog to barrel into him, knocking him to the ground.
The over-sized teen's rotting breath engulfed the quick-tongued Trotter, "What do ya' gotta say befur I squeeze da life outta 'ya, mutt?" He chuckled deep in his throat.
"...Nnn... Nuts," was all Sly could seem to manage with the weight on top of him.
"Harr Harr! Dat's right, nuts ta' you you, you-OOOOOPPP! AgggggHHH!"
Bull-Dog's gloating had been cut off by a sharp knee to the unmentionable "nuts." (At least, everyone but Bull-Dog and his 'friends' would refer to them as 'unmentionables.') As the incapacitated bully rolled over, Sly got to his feet and breathed, "Sorry... phew... but I did... give you a warning..."
Bull-Dog, tears streaming down his massive face, slowly stood up despite the pain. "You ar sho DEAD MUTT!"
"That's ENOUGH" A booming voice echoed from behind Sylvester. He slowly turned around, and saw a tall, impressively fat man chewing what was hopefully a cigar from before Sly was born. His stubble looked like the kind used to light old wooden matches, and his beady eyes held more contempt for the group he was addressing than any Bull-Dog could ever muster up for 20 "mutts." Tied to his waste was a large rawhide whip, and he rested one expansive hand on the end. The other swept up to remove the slobber soaked cylindrical slab from his mouth.
"Heel, Bull-Dog, HEEL!" The giant barked. The room was suddenly very quiet, and by the smell Sylvester could swear Bull-Dog had just wet himself. Of course, it IS hard to tell in here.... he thought...
"Not two minutes in my yard and already you're causin' me trouble Trotter. I'm beginning to regret asking Pug here to fetch you. You don't want me to express regret..." The man known as The Wrangler spat to his side after this last statement.
A slight silence passed, then the predictable Sly retorted, "An expansive man such as yourself must have a fund of other character traits to express. Why not choose one of them instead? Might I suggest 'courtesy?' Didn't your mother ever teach you not to spit?"
The shocked silence from "the pack" was audible, and The Wrangler merely stared at the young Sylvester for what seemed like enough time to contemplate the world ending in one yell of "Sick 'em!." Then he suddenly burst out in rumbling barks of laughter!
"Well... look at the mouth on this one! Ok, I like ya kid. Names McPheely, Simon McPheely," to his stunned lackeys he put out a sweaty palm. Sylvester tentatively reached forward to grasp it, and McPheely suddenly yanked him close, bending down an inch from his face. "But my hounds call me MASTER. YOU'LL call me master. And so help me if I ever hear you yapping at me like you did just now I'll flay you alive."
For the first time in his life, Sly was actually afraid...
Then The Wrangler was all smiles again, and released the young upstart and looked down on him. "Well yar part of the pack now. And I suppose ya gotta have a... heh... "nom duh plum," so ta speak... yar quick Trotter... and seems like ya got some brains too. How bought "Retriever? Good as any!"
Once again Sylvester surprised himself by saying, "Actually, umm, 'Master Wrangler,' I don't want to have the name of any common dog."
The pack couldn't believe their luck, they were about to see this brat flayed alive... but... The Wrangler didn't look angry, even though it was always hard to tell with him. He just looked at the kid for a long while, put his "long-gone cigar" back between his flabby lips, and said. "Ok... ya wanna be an outcast? Ya wanna be different? What do these hounds hunt? I saw you trottin' around Bull-Dog, Trotter. Ok, that settles it. Yar Foxtrot!"
The boys waited one last hushed breath to see what the boy calling himself Sly would do... then....
"I can live with that." He nodded.
"You better, kit, you better." The Wrangler growled down at him. "Ok you mangy curs! Time to teach Foxtrot how we do business! Who's got the dummy!?" With a surprising quick motion the fat man released his whip and cracked it loud in the air! "MUSH! MUSH! MUSH!"
...So began the darkest period of The Sly Fox's life...
This is the conclusion of part 2 of our "tail." Keep scanning the type for the upcoming Chapter 3: The Sorcerer's Jewels, where The Sly Fox actually meets the love of his life! Until next time! -
Sly was suddenly brought to attention when he noticed the man in white's fluid motions and the raising of his weapon. His experience over the years had taught him to read people, and everything he sensed about Ivory was "unstoppable" when it came to a target.
Realisng he had to act fast, but still feeling weak, Fox used his last ounce of strength to pull the embattling Neko to him away from the white sniper's line of fire. Thankfully, it was just in time to remove the dark warrior and allow Ivory to resume his shot. It hit home, knocking the Shocker down, motionless for eternity.
However, Sly teleported Neko right in front of his face, and suddenly everything went whiter than Ivory's bleached lapel as a fist meant for the Shocker connected with Sly sqaure on the jaw. "Gggarrbll-neek-laaaaewe," he stuttered incoherently before falling directly backwards.
"bhagahd dum," was all he could manage before he passed out with an odd mixture of a grin and a grimmace on his face. -
The Truth Behind Sylvester Trotter
- or -
The Taming of The Sly Fox
A few know of The Sly Fox, a self-assumed ladies man and general "con-artist" of a hero. However, most of what is known is due only to Sly's recent exploits. If you haven't already heard about the Ne'er-do-well, the following articles can be accessed here:
What Villains Are Saying About The Sly Fox
What HEROES Are Saying About The Sly Fox
While a person's actions generally "make the man," it is so often the case that the man in question's past is overlooked. The next few installments in our case study will delve to discover the mystery behind this masked magician, and find out what circumstances lead to a boy once known as Sylvester Trotter becoming The Sly Fox...
Chapter 1: The Lost Kit
Sylvester Frank Trotter was born on March 5, 1979. Discovered on the doorstep of St. Uther's Church in Chicago, he only brought with him a note containing his name, birth date, and the following words:
"Out to Lunch. Watch the kid. Thanks a bunch!"
The kind-hearted sisters, never once pondering the odd message, took in the poor orphan and raised him on the morals and customs of their faith. The lad went to Sunday school every... well... Sunday. Beloved by the entire parish, especially the sisters, little Trotter was doted upon and allowed much leeway because of his inherent charm. As he grew up and entered regular schooling taught by the priests and nuns, they began to lecture him on the ways and practices of a good, God-fearing citizen.
Fortunately, they could never have happened upon a more astute child. Unfortunately, young Sylvester proved to be a bit TOO astute. By this, we mean being so astute he not only learned where the church wine was kept, he also learned many of the local patrons enjoyed a quick nip of "God's Blessing" before sitting through the often boring services. Even at this early age Sylvester had seemed to recognize the hypocrisies inherit in every man, regardless of his station in life... and with that recognition came the other discovery that a quick wit could profit on said hypocrisies...
His secret "pub" in the basement (with a cardboard sign proclaiming Slyvestrs' Speek Easie) was soon discovered by an enraged Father Clancy, who immediately had the boy disciplined for this "heinous act in the eyes of God." However, the mark had been set, and from then on even the many members of the parish he had managed to charm would refer to him as "our little 'Sly..."
Over the rest of his stay at St. Uthers, Sylvester constantly became the bane of Father Clancy's existance. When, at the age of 15, he and an fairly older novitiate become the subject of a bit of controversy, Father Clancy decided he had had enough. Against the protestations of many of the clergy (and even more from nearly all the sisters), the Priest told Sylvester Trotter to leave the church, and only return when he had, quote "Abandoned his debauchery and sinful ways..."
Feeling abandoned once again (this time not by his unknown parents but by the only people he had learned to call his family) Sylvester Frank Trotter set out for fame and fortune... hoping one day to return to the church and show Father Clancy that he was not the failure he had been branded.
Thus ends the first installment of our "tail" on the origin of The Sly Fox. Stay tuned to our publication for more on this Precocious future Protector of Paragon... -
"Well it seems Neko took off in a hurry, and although it's polite to let a lady go first, perhaps we best get after her as soon as possible!"
With a flash Sly teleports to the location. Unfortunately, with his uncanny luck, he manages to appear right in-between the Shocker and Neko Law... just as Neko's kick is ramming home.
"Oooff!" Sly exhales as he has the wind knocked out of him and soars over the outcast and lands on his hands and knees.
Turning around he sees the puzzled expression of Neko, followed by the even more bemused look of the shocker. "This day just can't get any worse..." Sly winces, as he attempts to stand rubbing his rump. "My bad!" He shouts and blinds the Shocker before he can react. "There... ow that hurt. Neko remind me never to insult you enough to want to SLAP me! Go ahead, finish the 'Sucker' off... I'm gonna go sit... ouch... I mean hover over here..."
As the rest of the gang arrives from the tram, Sly also hears a loud rumbling coming behind them. "That could only be good 'ol Lobe... guess he finally finished his juice. I'm glad, I like that guy."
Sly muses at the final tally of the heroes before him, as Neko Law renews her punishment on the Shocker who so recently thought he had the upper hand... -
Tell her "Honey... would you marry me? Well, as long as we move to Virtue..."
[/ QUOTE ]
Heh, she'd hit me if I said that (she hates marraige).
[/ QUOTE ]
WOW!! Have you ever found the perfect girl!!! -
"Hey ladies, I'm standing right here! Give a poor struggling hero a break!" Sly laughs at the two. "Oh, and don't worry Neko, never any catch with The Sly Fox. Hell I wouldn't dream of putting any type of 'sub-claws' on a agreement with a cat!"
After Sly realizes he is alone in his latest amusement, he stops laughing... "ehh, ANYWAY, One things for sure, it's always better when they play hard to get! Ha ha! Ok, my endurance is at it's peak performance, I suppose I could give you two a lift! And of course any gentleman who would care to join us!"
With a flash Sly disappears, and a minute or so later his voice comes over on the team comm channel. "Get ready! Prepare to feel the earth move ladies!" First Deth is gone in a flash of light, then Neko, then Helsing, and finally Ivory.
Sly nods to the gentleman, then turns to the two woman and leans against the tram's wall. "Was it good for you?" He quips. -
Sly flashes his trademark grin. "Why, that's what sidekicks are for, my dear Lady."
Sly is the first to speak. "Well doesn't that beat all... welcome Ivory, hopefully you can get along with the dark ones, our two 'Ebony' sisters over there," he motions to Lady Deth and Neko Law, not forgetting to nod and smile to each one.
"So, CoT's stealing precious gems, eh? That's funny, we just fought off a bunch of Vahz and Hellions 'hell' bent on getting their hands on this!" Sly reaches into an inside pocket and pulls out a small golden figurine. Ivory is able to see that the statue is of what looks to be a demon with red gems for eyes.
"I know, ugly little little devil, isn't it." Sly says upon noticing the bleached figure eye the statue. "Heh heh, 'by the by,' this antique dealer you're looking for wouldn't happen to go by the name 'Rebecca Morningstar,' would she...?" -
Well time to try to get my gf to go back to Virtue I guess...she got fed up with trying to get logged on one night and we moved to liberty. I'm gettin sick of playing with a bunch of people that only treat the game like it's any other MMO though...maybe if I bribe her...
[/ QUOTE ]
Tell her "Honey... would you marry me? Well, as long as we move to Virtue..." -
"Good to have you along, Helsing... can't believe I missed that wallet..." Sly shakes his head and chuckles.
"Good, at least I won't have to use up my already spent endurance for some more OJ..." Sly murmurs, massaging his wounded shoulder. He raises his hand... but then stops...
"You know, I can never be sure when the request is as specific to include 'a little umbrella...' I shall return in a moment. Lobe, my boy, keep an eye out for snoring beauty over there." He ***** a thumb at the floating Deth. Sly grins at Neko, then glances at FM and his search.
"You know, it's a good thing I still have a sizeable chunk of funds on me left over from my last case, otherwise, I might fight you for that. Oh yeah, and I don't usually play fair!"
With a chuckle Sly dashes off into the nearest bar... he seems to be gone only a few seconds when he comes tearing back balancing two drinks in his hand, with a burly bartender trying in vain to catch him. He stops, shouts "I told you, put it on my tab! The name is Yankee Daring!!" The bartender stops, shakes his fist at the departing hero, and slumps back into the door of his establishment.
"Sorry for the delay, everyone, but some people don't understand the concept of 'credit' in this city."
Sly hands Neko Law a tan drink in a frosty class. "Mudslide for the lady, heavy on the milk, not to fear..." He then turns to the reclining Aszicen and offers her a coconut with a small black umbrella in it. He clears his throat, "Sorry to disturb you, Miss Deth, but I have your 'order.' You wouldn't believe the looks I got when I asked for it either. Oh, and to let you know, I believe fighting and flirting go hand in hand." He winks, then pulls out the golden figurine he had pocketed away during the scuffle.
"So, any ideas what all the fuss is over this little beauty? Huh... it doesn't even seem all that priceless. Why, I know a few pawn brokers who wouldn't put down Fifty for this hunk..." He glances at the fallen gentleman who left him with the item. "A shame we lost the fellow, perhaps his daughter would know a bit more. Let's call the authorities over to deal with the body, and then I think I'm going to head over Steel Canyon and look up this daughter, Rebecca Morningstar I believe he said. Anyone care to join me...?"