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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    I think it would be great to include it in both/multiple areas/options, so that if one of those prevented a cool use for someone's character, the other one might not (and vice versa).

    Of course, I say that as a wanting, needy, greedy player and not a developer that has to go about making that work and all.
    You're not the only one, there's a number of parts that would look cool together, but you can't use because they occupy the same slot.
  2. My thought is that 11 is just a random number, but limited/small enough to make it appear difficult or uncommon. Adding in the ones shown in-game so far, that still leaves avenues for players to make up their own.

    It's narrative handwavium/foreshadowing.

    The big question is, is the Battalion or the whatever Storm using time travel? Or is it something else?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Yeah, get those feathers off of the dinosaurs before putting them in CoH, please.

    Honestly, though, I don't even think I'd actually want dinos in CoH as an enemy group purely because it'd seem a little too silly and out there for the game's overall theme. CoH tends to be more serious than, say, a game like CO where random dinosaurs fit in perfectly. But as costume parts, they'd be jawesome. Just, ya know, without feathers.
    Comic book characters and punching dinosaurs goes hand in hand. See, Devil Dinosaur and the Savage Land. It's just a matter of finding a way to squeeze them in.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I also thought of a cheap way to do this without as much tech and complex metering. Spawn reinforcements around the boss, and have those reinforcements attack the players at regular intervals. The quicker you get to the boss, the more of those reinforcements would be left. The longer you take to get to the end, the more you'd have sapped that reinforcement strength during the mission and the weaker the final boss would be, roughly in keeping with scaling the final encounter to the relative ease with which the player dispatches threat during the mission. In other words, the faster you go, the steeper the mission gets.

    So lets say the final boss is a strong Elite Boss. But on his own, he's not that big of a threat. But he has five "lieutenants" that guard him, each of which synergistically makes him stronger and in literal rank could be bosses or elite bosses himself. At regular intervals one of those Lts is dispatched like an ambush to seek out the player or team in the mission, and he takes an entourage with him. This denudes the final boss of one of his protectors and some minions. If the team is less powerful and slow, it will take them time to burn through the minions in the mission and this "LT" which is actually a boss or EB would also slow the player or team down.
    This sounds a bit like how the guard the exit mission is in Croatoa, where you have to stop them from getting 30 into the gate. All the mobs come from the map in that mission, don't they?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
    Given how many of the Tsoo-themed contacts and missions are in Skyway City, a Skyway City revamp should definitely include Paragon City's "Little Cambodia" neighborhood.

    Given how little architectural change the Hmong brought to (real life) Minneapolis, it wouldn't take actually creating new buildings, or not very many of them, but it should definitely include new multi-lingual signage and maybe new civilian NPCs walking around.
    The Tsoo are not really Hmong. They just have that as some vague notion in their backstory and dress up like ninjas.

    Far be it from me, to not know the difference, but given that the game already goes out of its way to be tone deaf on cultures, I see no reason not to continue the theme with adding a "Chinatown" section in, as the Tsoo and all their trappings has always been more about having an Asian themed villain group than it has ever been about the Hmong culture/people.

    It seems to me that it'd be about as "simple" as adding red lanterns to a handful of street lights, and maybe throwing in one of those big arches/entry gate things on both ends of a stretch of road and changing the signage to be recognizably "Oriental".
  6. Skyway should get the gritty revamp.

    Between the recent Sky Raider attack at the end of Sutter, Kong Bao who's a big portion of the Tsoo arc, as well as Jake Montoya(a former hero Red Tiger) bumming around we've got a zone practically begging for a new makeover for something a bit darker/grittier. Then, throw in the Synapse triggered Babbage attack

    The highways could be cleared away for something new. Kong Bao(isn't there another Asian named contact just across the street from him?) who's supposedly a part of the Hmong community, could reside in a small Chinatown section. You could tuck Jake Montoya's Red Tiger statue to something a smidge more subdued/smaller and stick it in some dark corner of the new zone. It'd change it from little traveled section to something a bit more interesting.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rockshock View Post
    I would have liked the option for having the MM hold some sort of tool, such as a shamans / druids staff, riding crop or whip with which to tame and command the animals, but it seems thats not happening
    I think you can get a police baton for one of the dayjob accolades.
  8. How do the overall drops compare to Vanguard Merits through repeatables vs. the Mothership raids?

    Assuming that, repeatables in DA are comparable to those in the RWZ and Mothership raids are somewhat comparable to Incarnate Trials.

    Maybe a better question is, should they be comparable?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
    She's one of the contacts that shows up under the Find Contact tab once you hit level 10 (maybe 15) redside.
    I think she used to only show up if you got the ghost catching badge before level 15.

    Which was a bit of a pain because of the ghostplosions and how easy it is to hit 15.
  10. ThePill

    Am i a giant?

    All I can say is:

    /e salute
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    It's back.
    *cough*post 3*cough*
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    FYI, we always promote Community created content if at all possible.

    Well done as usual Michelle.
    I realize that, I was posting to let her know that you guys had posted it up on your social media things.
  13. And somebody on the Dev team put it up on both Facebook and Twitter.
  14. What the frizz? I swear I didn't see this a couple of minutes ago....


    Gorgeous work, as per usual.
  15. ThePill

    Fan Videos

    What? Did I miss the usual thread post about your trailer? Gorgeous work, as per usual.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Red_Addiction View Post
    April Fools Event!

    A pop up tells you the message of the day:

    Our new update i22.5 contains all remaining incarnate powers, a brand new zone, 2 new powersets, 2 new costume packs, and new story arcs. To gain access just talk to the new contact Bamboozle in the recently made co op zone The Storm Palace. You go through the zone, find the contact out in the middle of nowhere after searching for what seems like an hour. Click the contact and he says:

    Happy April Fool's Day!
    Set the contact up as a phased element, place a hidden timer on the character that doesn't phase in the contact for an entire hour(similar to a mission complete/fail timer). So, you end up searching for a minimum of an hour at the very least.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I suggested this before, and I still agree with it. My direct request is for the Seismic aura to be able to produce cracks in the ground only when landing from a jump. Not when running, not when standing in place. Only when landing from a jump.

    Bonus points if it happens only after a jump higher than an inch, but that's not as important
    I assume it would trigger like the piston boots do.
  18. Has anybody done a video of P.Yin fighting?

    Haven't replayed it yet, but maybe her claws are nothing more than Vanguard claws with some sort of glowy bubbles added.
  19. Is Vanessa using a different top than she was previously?

    Also, how about them Psychic claws. Any chance we can see that added to claw options for Claws and Arachnos VEATS?
  20. I don't even need dynamic sheathes for my characters. Mostly because I'd like the option to slap any sort of weapon(pretty much any temp power option should be included here too, seeing as we can chase a temp power from recipes or Ouro flashback if needed) on my characters' backs if I wanted to.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    It's not even the first member of the Freedom Phalanx he's shot and killed.
    I think Archery needs to be nerfed.
  22. Speaking of new costumes, was that a new mask for Manticore? Seemed like it has more texture than the one in Brickstown.

    edited to add: Nevermind, went in game and he appears to have a leather mask in Brickstown.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Yeah, after the arc started well it kinda just....flopped. I was a bit disappointed, really. I mean, yeah, way to go walking in like chumps. No Numina, the other really powerful and MAGIC psychic? No Psi Cop back-up, at the least?

    It just...ugh. Yeah, someone needs to proof-read these better, seriously. And, yes, I *could* do better, before anyone asks.
    Even an off hand comment about why everybody else is busy or something.

    It seems especially odd when you go into the Portal Corps mission and it's wall to wall high level Peacebringer cops. Everybody's on alert, and concerned.

    But the follow-up, the archer with little to no powers and you with rookie heroine P. Yin(*snerk*If they don't give her a "hero" name, this is how I will forever refer to her as) to back you up(ignoring the fact that she has an awesome powerset) to handle things seems as if they weren't taking Sister Psyche's safety/recovery all that seriously.
  24. Ooh, also look at those boots. Not nearly as clunky looking.