1263 -
No one plays CoX so they can enjoy killing mobs.
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Speak for yourself. That's exactly what I enjoy (yes, GG, "defeating"). I've enjoyed the game since well before there were any particularly expensive enhancements to go looking for (until you got into Hami raid territory).
The great majority want expensive enhancements to improve their character, because it's just natural for people to strive to be the best they can be, and this means making the best out of their character.
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No, I don't want that at all.
I recognise that the IO system and the super-rare drops may have been a commercial necessity, inasmuch as previously CoX offered very little for people who enjoy endless level-cap grinding WoW-style. But if the game was written for my own personal preference all that would be thrown away. No IOs - and no enhancements at all; slot powers and select the balance of enhancement effects you want from the slots you have in a power.
Strive to be the "best I can be", sure, albeit preferably without sounding quite so much like an Army recruitment poster. But to me that means having a clever selection of powers and slots, evolving good tactics - both a solid "book" of tactics so I don't have to dither, and recognising on the fly when the situation demands something unusual - and putting those tactics into effect competently. Grinding the most purples to slot a build you got off the forums - that doesn't mean you're the best, it just means you've got a lot of free time.
Good build and tactics are something anyone can have regardless of time spent playing (of course experience helps, but there's no _technical_ barrier stopping a new player playing their toon well). It's a level playing field, and that's what I desire.
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I agree with all of this (well not the chucking out IOs bit) I've always enjoyed just smashing my way thru mobs reading the occasional story line here and there I think that's why i enjoy brutes so much -
Well tried a spot of farming again the other night and while I'm all for odles of XP there was just no challenge to it at least i died occasionally to the com officers but these new bubble farms remove even that chance (well unless of course you do something stupid which of course i did
So back to running missions for Mr Wheeler i go. -
something like 1 slott per 12 months should be ok at most your going to be able to six slot one extra power (providing your a 5 year vet)
While it would make veats more powerful than new players it wouldn't be by a huge margin and i would argue that a veat should be more powerful than a new player.
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veat? Villain epic AT?
Ok, with 1 slot per 12 months i could live. But i wonder, as US getting its first 63s now, what in 3 years time would you be giving those guys then? (they would hit 100 months)
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well if they've stuck with the game for a 100 months i kind of think they deserve something a little special
also at a 100 months that's only a extra 8 slots but i can see where your going eventually the veteran in question would get to the point where they could 6 slott every power
but again veteran rewards as i understand them represent a level of commitment over and above that of the normal player giving such dedicated players something a bit extra doesn't seem all that bad or game breaking. But if there is a fear of acquiring to many slots there's no reason why the slots need to be given every 6 or 12 months hell they could give a slot at 6,12,18,30 and 42 so you would have 2 free enhancement slots within a year and a 3rd 6 months after that with only 2 more at 12 month intervals and then leave it at that. that would be enough slots to 6 slot 1 more power which while making the toon more powerful i don't think it would tip them all the way over into god hood. -
Any way back to the Point YES YES YES YES YES YES for additional back options i want to create horrible mutant brutes dagnabit.
Oh maybe well see mutanty back option in the mutant super booster pack. -
I'm not breaking the CO NDA by stating this.
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Wouldn't you be breaking it by stating that you are tied to the CO NDA?
In the past most NDA's I've been part of stated that you do not disclose the fact that you are part of it! First rule of NDA is... etc..
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I don't think the CO NDA has that bit i believe there quite happy for you to tell people your in the beta just don't tell people about whats in the game unless its been in a press release already -
something like 1 slott per 12 months should be ok at most your going to be able to six slot one extra power (providing your a 5 year vet)
While it would make veats more powerful than new players it wouldn't be by a huge margin and i would argue that a veat should be more powerful than a new player. -
I'm with Pyro needs more Psionic protection tho will need to be careful not to step on dark armours toes.
well the reworking would pretty much only involve removing there connection to the patrons and there arcs so not a huge amount of reworking and would make things easier for the addition of a few more pools which IMO the CoV ATs could really do with a few more.
And expanding the Patron missions into mini SFs could be used as a means to give CoV a few more mid level TFs which is something some players have asked for in the past. -
hows about redoing the patron pools so that they were just generic pools and then turning each of the Patron arcs into Mini SFs which give a special reward specific to the patron patron?
Yes please more patron and Ancillary pools would be very nice.
I'm doing normal missions most nights on villains with the odd side switch to heroes every once and a while.
even managed to get a regular team organised in my VG for Tuesdays and Thursdays (tho in typical fashion i now cant join them thanks to RL commitments) -
Um lets see
my elec/elec brute will be getting some nice blue tinted elec powers
all my invul toons will be made less glowie
my willpower toons will be made less glowie
my SR/duel blade toon will hopeful loose that weird aura she has
my new stone/fire brute will get nice green flames
my dark/fire brute will get black fire
my energy dom will get blue/white blasts
Ill darken up the psy powers used by my toons
and I'm sure they'll be a few more -
Hopefully they just ran out of time and well see customisable patron/epic powers ASAP -
There are no ingame real vampire npc's.... but there are werewolves.
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Aren't the werewolves also science based? -
You could consider Elec i have a claws/elec stalker and while he's not the greatest of toons he's fun to play and i suspect that he would function even better as a claws/elec brute
according to the list Corrs are getting Archery and Trick Arrow no mention of poison
Yea i had noticed the mention of the lovecraft deamon name in her description and had taken it as a hint that we may see some Lovecraft inspired deamons.
Hopefully the've put that new model maker they were after to good work and created some non human models. some kind of hellhound is almost a must.
http://ftp.ubi.com/emea/homm5/screen...e_Cerberus.jpg -
all those sound great i imagine one possible problem for holsters is making them actually work cant see that being easily achievable but for pure decoration it should be possible
agreed Poison would make a great single target debuff set for corruptors if they wanted to keep things simple on the last power they could change it from being only castable on pets to being cast able on any allie.
also yes to a dominator version it would need some changing but could be rather cool. -
I'd love selectable demons (and other MM pets) and now that we have selectable colours, is it too much to ask we can choose from even a preselected group of different looks for our henchmen?
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this would be great some nice varieties of different demons ranging from very human like creatures up to bizzar monstrosities -
I think all the current anchor point things are used so to add more they would need to redesign the models (which may not be a bad thing)
and yes they seem to choose when they wish toachnolage clipping and when they don't plus some times things clip together well.
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Couldn't they just use the same anchor point as wings? I mean it should work because wings are in a suitable enough place on the back.
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You would think so the only thing i can think of is that the anchor points used for wings (and capes for that matter) aren't the same as normal anchor points -
To be fair weapon customisation was imposible. Because of the amount of work that was needed to impliment it back items are probably the same it's just a question of is it worth putting the time into it or should that time be used else where
I think all the current anchor point things are used so to add more they would need to redesign the models (which may not be a bad thing)
and yes they seem to choose when they wish toachnolage clipping and when they don't plus some times things clip together well. -
even oxygen its not like it just sudenly comes into being it may not be a monetry cost but theres still a cost involved.
If ppl keep +1'ing, I might as well +1 moan about it until we all get a 3 week ban!
...and fyi, I'm still curious about this "chain" thingy. Most exciting thing I've read since uh... like... I9?
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and we got a answer on the chain thing or as much of answer as were liable to get without a Dev post and we all know how likely that is
maybe some one with a active US account could ask the question over there and find out.
Also instead of complaining about the post going of topic and in the process taking it further of topic you could have posted something on topic.