1263 -
its clearly done something right or it wouldn't be the monster that it is.
[/ QUOTE ]Yeah, it's called a well supported and relentless marketing campaign covering TV, internet and printed media. Only EvE rivals them on the internet marketing and almost matches them in the printed media, nobody matches them by having a TV advert.
You can bet that these days the most common first sight of an MMO is WoW.
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I fail to see how having a good marketing campaign is a bad thing? seems to be a very good decision but i suspect there's more to WoW success than simple marketing -
I fail to see whats wrong with calling WoW the "standard" its clearly done something right or it wouldn't be the monster that it is.
That was a great Issue 2 now waiting for the next instalment
I'm seeing a distinct absence of black in one of the power colour palettes. Check the photo of the red psi attack.
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I believe that would be the Light colour pallet which has all the light shades in it, there's also a dark colour pallet that has all the darker shades in it. there's a post some where explaining the differences but i think it basically boils down to.
dark pallet would give you villains Invul
light pallet would give you heroes Invul -
If you're going to compare CO with CoX then do it with CoX when it was at the same publication age.
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Whats the point of doing that they'll never be at the same point CoX will always have X months/years on CO so its pointless comparison CoX at launch to CO at launch because that's never going to be the case. that's why new MMOs have to work all the harder to compete. -
Hopefully not going over old ground here, but:
Videos of I16 custom powahs!
Includes alternate anims for SS & MA, and pointy spines!
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Oh i like those new SS animations and the MA are pretty cool as well -
Yea that's what I've done with my new BS/shield scrapper i have a range of phrases that i have bound to the number keys and use them from time to time far less annoying.
As one who was lurking on this thread and watching it unfold and since it now seems to have reached the point where its going over the same stuff ill stick in my views.
first of "what the hell" the original post was a pretty simple question yet has been turned into a 3 page exploration of being [censored](i refuse to stick spaces in a word that should not be censored) in video games.
There did used to be a few outwardly [censored] SGs when the population was larger but as far as i know they were not [censored] only and to be honest branding something [censored] only is just as bad as branding it strait only or black only or white only its still being bigoted.
It shouldn't make a blind bit of difference weather [censored] lesbian bisexual or strait such groupings have little impact on what kind of gamer/person you are.
Also the [censored] pride marches since someone brought them up annoy the hell out of me (I should mention that all marches annoy me) now before any one gets on there high horse I don't dislike them because there about [censored] pride i dislike them because they represent a level of inequality that people are happy to let exist I see the [censored] pride marches on TV and within that group there are people that are acting or are dressed in such a way that they would get arrested on any other day this seems wrong to me if something's viewed as wrong it should be wrong regardless of who's doing it and when. Also lets face it if they started having Strait pride marches the general public would be outraged as it would be viewed as homophobia
But back to the point no i don't think there are any current [censored] SGs and I would encourage you not to create one instead crate a SG that is welcoming and tolerant of all regardless of sexual preference. -
I can see the Force feedback proc becoming really popular as a means to help of set the long recharge times.
Got to agree with ninja it becomes really annoying really quick. I used to have a load of macros set up on my tank so he shouted things as he attacked ended up annoying my self and i deleted them.
Its one of these things that sounds like it would be really cool and makes perfect sense from a story/RP point but in practise its a pain -
I thought the last screenshot was from the Enhancements level up screen? don't think you can level up in the Hammi zone can you?
Im thinking that starting in Praetoria may not be considered neutral.
Ok some Random speculation.
Could it have something to do with the rumored expansion of level 50 and universal slots? -
A tunnel under the ground power, perhaps?
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Yes please would be perfect for my Stone/stone tank -
..but on the other hand, whenever I try another "normal" game on my PS3 or PC I'm totally blown away by how good they look, how responsive they are and how immersive they are. I usually play them for hours and when I stop for the day(night) the endorfines are pumping, I'm happy.
I usually don't give them a second go, the next day I'm back to CoX, "grinding" because it makes me feel I'm "getting something" for my effort since it's an MMO. The thing is, I'm never happy after a CoX session anymore. I enjoy the time, chatting with the team on Skype, but even after a well run 43 minute SF/TF I feel... nothing..
...back again next evening with some friends I fire up the PS3 and have a go at even oldies like Burnout Paradise and I just love it instantly. Later on I fire up CoX again and it's the old pal, it's like going to work. You know what you're doing, you're good at it, it's a no brainer and feels necessary.
I guess I'm stabbing at more than just graphics with this post. On one hand I do agree, graphics isn't enough. On the other hand I'm also saying CoX isn't enough either and graphics does indeed matter. CoX looks good with everything on when you're not moving. ...and the engine needs an update anyway because it's not optimised for modern cards etc. WIth the basic stuff it has, it really, really shouldn't be that "laggy"
...also I really hate those terrible shadows and light f.x. clearly shown in Grandville plaza. I never go to Grandville anymore, unless really necessary. Can't stand it.
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It really sounds like your experiencing CoX burn out and I think GG is right you need a brake after all whats the point of playing if you no longer get any fun out of it. -
yeah I don't think GR will be anywhere near as "big" as COV, but there's a couple of very often asked for things (the whole going rogue idea, and pistols powers are my own personal wants from this), if they're done well (new stuff works, and doesn't break old stuff in the process), and it isn't too expensive (£20, maybe £25 with a month sub included) then I'll be happy.
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I only just pay about £25 for a new game let alone an expansion for an old game. £15 is much better
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Where do you get your games from? don't think I've seen a new release game at the £25 mark for years. (well unless its been in games deal of the week and it wasn't all that popular)
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Suspect when Shazan says new games that they are referring to complete unopened games that are new to them rather than games that have only just been released.
In the past year or two I shifted to £15-25 for a new game - waiting for releases I'm interested in to drop in price. Even better if I can get a 2nd hand copy for a tenner.
Makes sense since I've probably got several hundred hours of play if I just completed the games I've got but haven't even installed yet...
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Unless i,m really eager, but tbh thats not that much these days.
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Ah right with you nowi used to do that but i found i bought less and less games as by the time it had dropped to a cheep price i had normally decided that i didn't want it after all.
Now I'm lucky of a buy a game every couple of months tho i seem to have developed a addiction to CE versions cant win them all it seems -
Further to the MotD that was deployed ingame a couple of weeks ago, please be aware that the next Double XP Weekend will be on in 2 weeks:
Start: Friday, 31 July 2009, at 8:59 a.m. British Summer Time/9:59 a.m. Central European Summer Time
Finish: Sunday, 2 August 2009, 8:59 p.m. BST/9:59 p.m. CEST
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Pretty please Extend the finishing time till at least midnight on the Sunday 9pm is just when the servers seem to get busy. -
yeah I don't think GR will be anywhere near as "big" as COV, but there's a couple of very often asked for things (the whole going rogue idea, and pistols powers are my own personal wants from this), if they're done well (new stuff works, and doesn't break old stuff in the process), and it isn't too expensive (£20, maybe £25 with a month sub included) then I'll be happy.
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I only just pay about £25 for a new game let alone an expansion for an old game. £15 is much better
[/ QUOTE ]
Where do you get your games from? don't think I've seen a new release game at the £25 mark for years. (well unless its been in games deal of the week and it wasn't all that popular) -
It just feels like a half-[censored] job again, similar to MA. That was even delayed to add something the players really wanted adding, so why can't they do it with this?
They are basing issue 16 all about power customisation, it's what the issue is focused on, seemingly almost in it's entirety. I can't see the point of not doing it properly. There's not even going to be that many powers in the pools to actually change, a lot of them don't have colour effects, such as fitness pool.
Why do it improperly?
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I'm happy with the way there doing things as i was expecting them to do the power pools/epics first with maybe a small selection of the more wide spread powers.
So I'm glad they've done the primaries and secondarys first. -
I have a lvl 18 elec/pain all i can say so far is dont go elec
Oh yes and jet packs my robots need jet packs
That was rather nice good work.
Will we be seeing a sequel? -
I agree with all of this (well not the chucking out IOs bit)
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I know it's a radical proposal, but by your own account, you like smashing up mobs and reading a bit of story. Excellent. So do I.
Now, what takes up valuable smashing-up-mobs time? Oh, yes. Selling junk. Buying junk. Placing bids. Scrounging up salvage. Sorting through salvage. Running to six different kinds of shop to sell stuff to the game.
And what do we get from all that? Very little, except sometimes the game's too easy and you have to bump the difficulty level up to put you back where you started!
[/ QUOTE ]
Very true by my own preferences i should hate IOs with a passion (i never do the running to different shops bit everything gets dumped at which ever shop i happen to be at at the time)
but there's just something about them they let me do that little but of internal roll play on those characters that are slightly more cerebral than my average brute I also get a special kind of joy from playing my dark/fire there's just something about delivering a shadow punch / smite combo that's charged with fury and the 2 build ups and then having the joy of the procs all firing at once i just love it special when its against a boss.
Also some times its nice to have a aim i know deep down ill never make any of the uber builds i design on mids but its the grail of those builds that draw me on in the dark times when smashing thru mission like a crazed rhino in a china shop just isn't enough.
there's also the joy filling in those annoying gaps my fire/stone brute would be miles less fun if he didn't have all that +run speed. -
I think the no-color option won't be available because of PVP. You have to know who attacked and what he used; it would be odd to be hit by an invisible fireball.
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I've never understood the shout of "need to know" suerly not knowing what youe openent is coming at you with will add a bit more intrest to PvP?