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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Diellan_ View Post
    Power Boost doesn't affect Knockback anymore, so that's not an issue.
    It dosent? well thats a good then
  2. TheMESS

    g-a-y supergroup

    Originally Posted by psychabilly View Post

    As for an sg i really don't understand why me and 4 other gay guys cant have an sg together, we are friends and wanna be in a super group what's wrong with that?
    I dont think any one is saying dont get togeather with your mates and make a SG
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    I see no reason not to make the Natural Booster human-based.

    True, you don't HAVE to be human to be natural origin, but since humans outnumber any of the extraterrestrial/interdimensional immigrants by a [i]wide[i/] margin, they should go with the one that will please the most will angering the fewest.

    Some decent ideas in this thread so far.
    And besides you don't expect the Super Boosters to stop once we get mutant and natural i expect well see others such as a alien super booster pack
  4. TheMESS

    g-a-y supergroup

    Sorry for sticking the words in but my point is at what point dose the LGBT group just become another group to my mind its only a LGBT group when there are just LGBT in the group as soon as some one who's strait joins that group it becomes a LGBTS or in other words just another group.

    So to my mind its far better to create a open group that's accepting of all regardless of there sexual preference.

    Also why is it GLBT? aren't these really 4 different groups? so what exactly do they have in common if the groups open minded to accept GBLT why cant it open just a bit further and accept straight as well?


    "Also, i joined an "All french" group on another MMO of mine because of the people and the language. It was still an all french group regardless of the fact that i was in it. (Think of it as a guest.)"

    the bit in bold shows my point you joined the group because you had common interests the same could happen with a strait player joining the GLBT group
  5. Got to agree I'm not really seeing the point of Power Boost in Earth Assault especially as with that heavy melee preference that the set has the last thing you want to do is increase the likelihood of you sending your target flying.

    Also why would Fire and Elec having build up exclude Earth getting it?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frost_NA View Post
    Click the little arrow next to the name of the thread. It'll put you right to the first new post.
    Ah thanks muchly
  7. TheMESS

    g-a-y supergroup

    Originally Posted by Kindeller View Post

    The all gay SG? What i don't get is why people are so suggestive about not doing it for fear of bigotry/flame/abuse. That essentially is reverting back to years ago when being gay was a shameful thing. Then there's the argument that why should they, its only a game. Well to me i think well why shouldn't they? What possible direct harm could come from making an SG that consists of GLBT members?

    Then you have isn't it like racist remarks, having all GLBT groups? No, its just like having themed SG's, or French SG's etc. Again i wouldn't expect segregation to take place if a straight person wished to join. I do think on that point... what reason does a straight person have for joining anyway?
    Well the direct harm is pretty obvious you could get some moron come along and start the abuse tho I'm sure they would be swiftly told where to go by the Mods.

    now on to the racist remark or to be correct discriminatory argument while yes having a GLBT is some what similar to having a Themed group or language group its also not the same.

    In the first instance themed groups are normal very specific in there make up and purpose and that theme normal exists only within the game things like a all tank SG or a all Defender SG and while yes a all tank SG mite discriminate against the other ATs there's nothing stopping the player in question rolling a tank and joining them also from personal experience the One AT SGs were more about the further development of the AT in question and they would freely team with others. The SG was simply there for them to discuss tatics and powers it was more like a hobby club than a true SG.

    Then you have the theme X SGs the all robots, the all female, the all redeemed demons SGs again while on the surface they seem very much like the idea of the LGBT SG in that they create a connection for the group but that connections in game again there's nothing stopping a player rolling a character that matches the group even the all female group could be made up of male and female players they would just all have female toons.

    finally the language groups this had the closest relation to the proposed LGBT group but there also not the same some people can speak multiple languages so its not a great leap to imagine they may join a predominantly french speaking SG or German speaking SG because they can understand whats going on and can interact with the members the grouping has most likely come about as a means of communication to allow people that speak the same the language to interact in the bigger game world.

    so back to the idea of a LGBT you suggest that strait (stupid word but never mind) people could join it as well that being the case its no longer a LGBT group is it? the only way it could be a LGBT group is if only those of that persuasion were allowed to join (how would you know if they truly were anyways?) so that would be discrimination. you also ask
    "what reason does a straight person have for joining anyway?"

    What are you suggesting here that GLBT and S people have nothing in common? were all playing the same game maybe the player who just happens to be strait ends up on a team with a couple of the members of the GBLT team and they all get on the strait player notices that the the other members are part of the same SG and asks can he join?

    should they not be able to invite him into there SG or dose the fact that he happens to have a different sexual preference from them mean that they should shun him?
  8. Sounds perfect now get to work on that fence :P

    Oh and to keep things almost on topic i forgot to add i (knowingly) teamed with my first formite during the late night TF
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bindweed View Post
    You're both making me feel guilty. I desperately need to find a form of exercise I can do without shattering my joints with weight accumulated from too much beer and junk food, but the closest I can get to what you're doing is collecting a takeaway from the nearest Thai-Chi food emporium

    Get a dog there great for exercise since getting our dog (a slightly mad border terrier) I've found i do much more walking at first it was normally just short walks but as the weathers improved I've been taking her to the local country parks and going for walks nothing massive just 5 or 7 km makes a nice change from the watch TV / Play PC evenings.

    You could also get a Wii Fit tho i found it some what boring and much prefer to grab the headphones for my IPhone and take the dog out.
  10. Had a pretty good DXP weekend and even managed to avoid the normal burn out/cant decide which alt to level.

    Managed to get my dark/ice tank a team and gained a few levels which was nice considering he's such pain to solo.

    Also done a ITF with my SS/Invul brute on the Friday night it was great fun even if it went on into the very early hours of the morning.
  11. New forums are ok i suppose cant say i love the Hero colour theme it seems kinda washed out. But my biggest annoyance is the fact that you no longer jump to the newest post in a topic when you look at it or am i missing something?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
    To be perfectly frank, I wouldn't mind all you crazy European types coming over to our humble servers. But not as a server merge, but a client merge. Basically, adding the 4 Euro servers to the same list us US players can pick, and adding the 11 US servers to the same list you Europeans can pick from.
    I could so support this
  13. I had a zero problems logging in from home was just a straight up type user name type password and i was in.

    however when trying to log in from work i ran into nothing but problems i would log in and then get logged out as soon as a clicked on any link and then could not log back in till i had cleared out the cookies. clicking on reply (while logged out) and logging in that way seems to have stuck at least for the moment.
  14. TheMESS

    g-a-y supergroup

    Originally Posted by Solitaire_NA View Post
    "Husband/Wife" agro is hardly part of the story. Would you object to having a gay wedding in game or many gay relationship as part of the canon? If not then you should have no problem with someone wanting to join a gay SG.
    Ok Whats this "Husband/Wife" aggro cant say I've ever come across this term before.

    As to a gay wedding or gay relation ship within the canon of the game i don't really care its not like it would be a new thing (well maybe for video games but i come from comic books and its been done there) of course it would have to make some kind of sense there was events that lead up to the manticore / sister wedding and i would expect similar for any gay partnership.
  15. TheMESS

    g-a-y supergroup

    Originally Posted by efan78 View Post

    And as for Gay Prides - I'm speaking for myself here, living in the UK, but yes we need a day each year in which we can say, inequality still exists, I am not always safe walking around, and definitely not if I hope my partner's hand. And if I kiss him in the street!?!
    Inequality will always exist people are not all born the same (lets face it if we were life would be rather dull) and I'm all for people being able to express there selves if they so wish but what happens when other groups wish to express there selves? groups that would be considered wrong? surely they have the dame rights to free expression no matter how distasteful there views are.

    Also I'm not sure where you live in the UK but if its anything like where i live with the number of inebriated morons on the street its not safe regardless of sexual preference hell i watched from my window as some moron decided to pick a fight with a lamp post because clearly it had moved in front of him so even inanimate objects are in danger
  16. Hit things as often as often as you can and hit as many as you can and when there's nothing left to hit move on your team will soon catch on and start following your lead especially if your making things dead quick,
  17. I actually fail to see how the Devs having a scheme is a bad thing i would be far worse if they just sat back and did nothing
  18. TheMESS

    g-a-y supergroup

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    also take a look at this I guarantee if you were female and walked about London with no top on you would find your self being arrested and possibly charged.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So lesbians arent female now?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Is that not an assumption on your behalf that the women in the picture are lesbians?

    *wondering when the link will be removed*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I suspect the link may disappear after the forums merge but here's a question. the picture is representative of what can be seen during any [censored] pride march a event that can be pretty much witnessed by any random member of the public unless they go out of there way to avoid it so it can be seen by minors (and if you've ever seen any of the footage or witnessed a march first hand you'll spot young children in the crowd)

    So clearly it cant be offencive it is after all people just expressing them selves so would removing the link count as a form of discrimination? after all your suppressing it. and even tho these are privately run forums there still subject to anti discrimination laws.

    Just a thought

    Also could the censoring of [censored] be considered a form of discrimination?
  19. TheMESS

    g-a-y supergroup

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    also take a look at this I guarantee if you were female and walked about London with no top on you would find your self being arrested and possibly charged.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So lesbians arent female now?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Now i never said that tho to clarify all i meant was female regardless of sexual preference.
  20. TheMESS

    g-a-y supergroup

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I see the [censored] pride marches on TV and within that group there are people that are acting or are dressed in such a way that they would get arrested on any other day this seems wrong to me if something's viewed as wrong it should be wrong regardless of who's doing it and when.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If it is all as lewd and lascivious as you suggest, then surely The Army wouldnt attend as they certainly would not associate with it.

    "British servicemen and women now march at [censored] Pride in uniform, all three services have become Stonewall diversity champions and a few months ago the head of the British Army, General Sir Richard Dannatt made history when he became the first army chief to address a Lesbian, [censored], Bi-sexual and Transgender conference. "Respect for others is not an optional extra," he said."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes because the Army is well known to be a upstanding pillar of virtue?

    The army officially attending has probably a lot to do with them trying to appear accepting of all

    also take a look at this I guarantee if you were female and walked about London with no top on you would find your self being arrested and possibly charged.

    So tell me wheres the equality in that? if its ok to march during a [censored] pride without a top on why not all the time?

    In truth for many that take part in the pride marches its a excuse to dress up many would never go out in public dressed as they do during the march its just one big fancy dress party. Which don't get me wrong is not a bad thing every one should be able to blow of some steam and have a good time but that's all it is any deeper meaning to it has been lost long ago.

    and speaking personally i find the entire thing disturbing in the same way i find the idea of positive discrimination disturbing it mite be "positive" but its still bigotry and discrimination and as long as people see these divides there's going to be problems.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I don't think War Witch and Ghost Widow could be stood there staring at each other without coming to blows

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ah but DJ Zero wouldn't let them so the most they'd come to is some harsh words.

    Still, Pocket D Zone event right there.

    "Babbage spotted in Boomtown"
    "Ghost Ship sighted in Independance Port"
    "Ghost Widow and War Witch are yelling at each other in Pocket D... again"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Might be me, but I'd much more like it if the message would be along the lines of:

    "Ghost Widow and War Witch are engaged in mud wrestling in Pocket D... Again"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But I'm not sure a zone can be instanced 39 times

    [/ QUOTE ]

    don't you mean 69?

    what? its nearly home time
  22. I assume its the fluffy bit as pom poms are normally a handle like stick with a lot of stremery bits at the end i assume that a single headed pom pom only has streamery bits at one end while a double headed one has it at both end. Or it could be some kind of weird sexual innuendo
  23. TheMESS

    I16 closed Beta

    First of we seem to be going of on a bit of a tangent and i do agree that CoX having even a fraction of the marketing that WoW has had would be lovely cant recall the last time tho it appeared quite regularly in PC zone (or was it gamer) at one point and yes I've seen the odd banner in the past.

    But back to why i posted in reply to SinergyX whats wrong with holding WoW up as a standard in MMOs its done a lot of good for MMOs in general and brought them to a wider audience anything that helps brake the idea that video games are something that only children and geeks take part in is a good thing in my view.

    and now moving things along whats wrong with using CoX as it stands the now as a comparison for CO.

    CoX is COs closest competitor (and vice versa) It seems only right that CO should at least try to match CoX no one in there right mind is going to compare CoX 5 years ago to Co now when it comes to purchasing and reviewing the game.

    and if for some bazaar reason your going to base your purchase on a 5 year age gap you have to work it the other way as well as CoX is going to just stop developing so by the time CO makes up its 5 years content CoX is also going to be a further 5 years down the line (yes i believe it will exist 5 years from now)