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  1. [ QUOTE ]

    Nah, while everyone has been saying it was on I5 that it got messed i have been constantly telling i think it has been this way almost forever. Its just after I5 that people start noticing the issue since ED took everything down to a point where every bit of power is now required, forcing even the casual players to min max builds and bump into this issue really fast.

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    this is distorted. ED closed the gap between min max builds and casual builds by cutting off the min maxers at the knees. the rest of the game didnt change; casual players wern't greatly effected.
  2. [ QUOTE ]

    Healing Flames heal scale of 1.75 has not changed since I3. I didn't bother going back further than that -- a year is a good period of time.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Hmm.. Makes me think.

    the history document for all the powers changes, tweaks, etc. stretching back into Beta must be monstrous by this point.

    Wiki, save us!
  3. Oh, I don't care if I can beat it, or even run it. I just want the fuzzy that comes from knowing it's there.
  4. I want a mayhem mission where you fight 50 Professor Echos.

    That would be awesome.
  5. Thread necromancy alert!


    For the curious: How did Ballista actually end up being changed?
  6. TheDeadlyShoe

    Badge Questions

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    Ghost of the Scrapyard

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Are you kidding? I took down the ghost like 3 times just last week, every time with just the random pickups that showed up at the Ghost.
  7. Yeah cept the longbows all die in like one shot. :P
  8. Players can heal allied NPCs, as well as use AOE buffs like Force Field Generator. I'm not sure about leadership skills; I haven't seen the effect icon on any Arachnos when I'm fighting. Then again I don't see the effect icon from Fortunata leadership either.

    -Regen and area holds also have big impacts on the fights.

    Try to pick off area attackers like Longbow Flamethrowers and Spines Wardens if you're helping Villains. Heros probably want to focus on Arachnos bosses and Drone Coordinators.
  9. No need with Siren's Call around. Some of those battles get pretty wacky especially with players involved. The character can be totally different depending on what bosses each side gets.
  10. Since you can never kill Ghost Widow, we can just throw her at Longbow again and again until she kills them all.

    Lame but unbeatable.
  11. Arachnos, easily. They'd just throw arachnobots and drones out first until longbow is all tuckered out and then roll over them with tarantulas.
  12. Yes, that would be a perfect example.
  13. Here's my take. I played through my first 20 levels without ever looking at a spoiler or map site. And I only look at those for zones i've already fought in for a while.

    I explored Fort Hades quite a bit (found the Powder Monkey badge, though not Washed Up or the plaque) just because I was interested in it and in exploration. I had no idea anything like the ghost traps existed. If that was talked about in NPC dialog at the fort, or on citizens walking the streets in Port Oakes, it would help IMMENSELY.

    Plaques are a huge problem for exploration. they are simply Too Hard to find. As are badges. Basically they need to be visible from further away. NPCs looking at the plaque with related dialog or something like that. A shiney/glowy, less LOD-clipped badge model. I walk within 50 yards of plaques all the time and never know that they're there. Sometimes I walk right by them. I jump all over interesting terrain features thinking they might have a badge but end up later realizing that I just didnt go to the one spot that gives the badge. As an example, I fought at that particular Siren's Call hotspot about 20 times before I picked up the Politician badge.

    I found Archmage Tarixus and Veluta Lanata in the course of exploration, but I was beyond Veluta's level range and still haven't tracked down all the history badge for Tarixus yet.

    Maybe there can be multiple plaques with the same content and that count identically? That would help.
  14. it is a change for combat text only.
  15. He, he... Not really to contribute anything but I quit CoH in like Issue 3 and just came back a week ago, so I have certain memories of the former state of affairs. Tanks (invulns in particular) were broken and everyone knew it. It was _bad_.
  16. Hide behind something before sending out your minions...? That's what I usually do in high risk situations as a super squishy MM (no defenses or stealth whatsoever)

    I have no idea why your minions wern't attacking, that's really weird.
  17. IIRC the Shivan Decimator from the power goes up to 25, and it is after all a low level PVP zone.
  18. Hi Doc Gravity,

    Awesome guide! ( I fought you a couple times recently, "Brother Bee", Merc/Traps in Sirens Call. That was fun too ) PVPing there was a good learning experience ( I had already had planned respeccing into Stealth) but theres some awesome tactics and tricks in this guide.

    I would also mention that you really need SOs on your mastermind. Many classes can at least PVP somewhat effectively with DOs, but I think Masterminds need SO'd minions or they are kaput.

    I do have a question though. Is caltrops really That Awesome? My build feels awful tight for powers that I want already, and I dislike the idea of only having 1 attack (Slug). I would have to swap out either Slug or Burst, and I like Slug better...I feel Burst is pretty much the suck in PVP. But you really emphasize their use as a utility power. I liked caltrops when I played CoH (Way back in Issues 0-2), but I dunno. It just didnt seem to fit my guy (a professional revolutionary type) as well as Burst did.

    Also, what's your opinion on Grant Invisibility?
  19. When I experienced this bug, I didn't have the Shivan Shard power, but I had it in the past. Possibly relevant: I completed the gather fragments mission twice before I used up the power.
  20. What are you teaming with, 7 blasters? Defenders and controllers offer vast damage mitigation and/or healing for tanks. If you play smart you don't even need to take an alpha.
  21. Look, guys, it seems to me that States comment implied that using a large number of inspirations and strategy was good to take out a boss. That or teaming works.

    Defenders and controllers arn't exactly that bad off. Controllers can stack holds- and hopefully if you're soloing a controller you have fighting pool attacks / air superiority / jump kick. Defenders just have to swallow one more damage insp and they're a pocket blaster. I mean come on.
  22. TBH, since Issue 2 came out, I've received a mission in The Hollows from the first 2 contacts (barring the Wincott mission) precisely once. *shrug*
  23. [ QUOTE ]

    the Igneous, who are the only real threat in the Hollows.

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    Gardvords! Rocks!
  24. I almost think you should link the guide to criticism here. Heh.
  25. [ QUOTE ]

    Oh you mean the Hollows with over powered Outcasts, or the Frostfire story that takes you 20 minutes to get a team of 8 that has to travel 1 mile across a hazard zone with no travel powers, then dies 5 times each and give up..

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    Uh...the outcasts are hardly overpowered. And frostfire is rough, but it's not die 5 times each rough, unless the team composition is seriously off-balance. I mean I've tanked it with both a stone and an invuln tank, and neither of those have defenses worth mentioning against elemental damage at that level, just hitpoints.