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  1. [ QUOTE ]

    I'd like to see some echoes of this controversy make its way into the game in ways other than just the Malta and their anti-supers agenda.

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    Sky Raiders whole shtick is that they are ex-military who are sick of the government's reliance on heroes
  2. [ QUOTE ]

    Do you know if you run it on "Villianous" will you get EB versions of the AV/H's?

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    No. They will be Heroes.
  3. Streakbreaker mainly applies to people with a decent chance to hit who keep missing, not to people with low chances to hit, so don't worry about it.

    In my experience as a Brute defence based sets work fine except against FA and similar powers.
  4. Well, if he has some innate ability to manipulate anti-matter, he could theoretically survive having some in him.
  5. you're kind of missing the burn-as-defensive-power aspect...buuut.. *shrug*

    edit: to be clear, i do think /FA needs a boost of some kind, but I think people exaggerate the problems with it.
  6. [ QUOTE ]

    if consume had a +regen or +recovery i wouldnt mind it having a 3 minute recharge.

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    Actually... that's a pretty cool idea.
  7. with the fury and the build up it actually does useful levels of damage, considering its a big PBAOE... i dont think its worth three times the recharge, but still.
  8. [ QUOTE ]

    So, are the psi-cops going to include an AV/Hero named Kinnison?

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    Ha, that would be neat.

    Did the PD-robots really get recognition? That's awesome.
  9. [ QUOTE ]

    Currently Flash Arrow is more of a warning to the foes to tell them "Hey we're here" cause they're agro is 70% to 100% of the mob when engaged (for the mathematically challenged, that is in a mob of 10 odds are that a FA'd group will agro from 7 to all 10 when engaged

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    yeah k. enemies keep attacking because of how the AI works, not because they can 'see' you - they cant. thats why MM henchmen attack invisible targets.
  10. [ QUOTE ]

    Then how does Placate work? It enables a break with their lock-on right, or in any event "de-aggroes" them from the caster?

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    the Placate power apparently does two things to its target, it gives the target 'Placate' status and it removes the caster from the target's rage list entirely. (thus they arn't aggrod on you at all and they can't see you).

    the devs are balancing for difficulty, not for fairness. if the difficulty is properly in line then they arn't going to touch it. in an ideal world the powers would be more balanced, but in the end, difficulty is more important.
  11. Just use your normal attacks. You don't need to kill people in 2-3 hits.
  12. Clearly Toggle Drops are something that is supposed to occur int he course of a fight rather than being the focus of a fight. That's okay by me, but I think the percentages are a little low. There are so many toggles on some players...

    I'm not sure how I'm supposed to kill Regens now

    Coupled with the increased difficulty of taking down players I hope they nerf Break-Frees, or maybe nerf using-powers-while-jumping. (which is fun and all but a little silly.)
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Of course not. Dev ambiguity builds mystique.

    Same reason why so many of them love to leave cryptic one-sentence comments and spontaneously vanish in a puff of smoke.

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    "This Dev comment is tooooo long," Goldilocks said. She moved to the next comment.

    "This Dev comment is tooooo short," she decided. She eyed the next Dev comment skeptically.

    "Maybe it will be juuuuuuust right," she thought, hopefully.


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    Oh my god! I just about fell over laughing. Perfect execution.

    And... Yummy.. new word to chew over. Safeguard. Hmmmm...
  14. [ QUOTE ]

    I'd say the best thing they could do with IH is make it like the Peacebringer Quantum Flight. Put it back as a toggle, just as it was before, but after a certain amount of time, start ramping up the END cost until the player is forced to shut it off. It could be used more often, but the END drain would make it far harder to abuse.

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    There's an interesting thought. You would of course need a relatively long recharge on it still. I wonder if taking damage could also ramp up the END cost.
  15. Spectral wounds doesn't track anything. It works like any other power.
    It does this:
    Power activated
    Animation starts
    X seconds after animation starts, deal Z damage
    Y seconds after animation starts, heal ~Z damage.

    the same as anything else.
  16. It's still an important concern, powergamers or no. There are a lot of people who if something is powerful enough feel compelled to take it. But they don't like feeling compelled to take it. You know what I mean?
  17. They wont know anything. That damage will be calculated by the mastermind and handed out to the pets.
  18. Pets can detect whether people are damaged or not, But it cant detect nor track how much damage was dealt to you, in what order, how long ago... that would require new tech.
  19. How the crap would it know how much damage the person is taking. That's new tech. And the power would stop working when you zoned.
  20. O Jesus. Take a!
  21. [ QUOTE ]

    Beyond that, we are looking to release another Issue building up the story towards our next retail box, due in 2007. This will include going back and revamping some of the zones from City of Heroes, using everything we've learned from making City of Villains and Issue 7

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    Our Prayers have been answered
    Here's to the King's Row task force!

  22. On PAR?

    No. Just no!

    Additionally, you do know that click buffs are getting expiration warnings (blinking or something) in I7?
  23. and then you were a god after it. big woop!
  24. agreeing with BurningChick re: EvilRyu!

    How can you possibly discuss Scrapper history without mentioning criticals, and then lt/boss criticals?

    I mean really.