The Havoks

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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    If the leader isn't a lizardman, FAIL!

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  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Due to a fire in my apartment complex I was unable to finish the Numina TF.

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    Not a nice thing to hear when I call home..... XP
  3. Awesome shot of Mindswipe!
  4. Sheldon and Leonard also have CoV game boxes in their house, as well as another episode showed some of the old CoH comic books.

    BBT is the best show on TV.
  5. The Havoks

    More CoH LOLcats

    that generic one on the first page was gold
  6. I am needing some help concerning this subject.

    I was wondering what a good RP/lore explanation of a character having a Ruularu weapon would be?

    I'm not sure exactly how a hero or villain would get an item like this (RP-wise), so I wanted some other opinions.

    Thanks for your time!
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Arc: Extermination Squad
    Length: Short
    Morality: Neutral
    ID#: 14588

    Just a cute little thing I was messing with to test the arc mission system. Nice and short though you might want to bring a friend.

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    imo, one of the most creative missions out there.
  8. Arc: The Arachnos Defector
    Length: Short
    Morality: Heroic
    ID#: 21191

    Made it last night to test things out. Short and sweet. Only 1 play/positive review so far. Hope you guys enjoy it.
  9. Awesome. Those are some cool costume options. Buying this for sure.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks to The Havoks for nominating Mr. Mud's origin story and thanks to whoever it was that nominated his main page, too. I didn't recognize the username.

    I appreciate it greatly.

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    Hey, it's a great story and it should be nominated. Hope you win man.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
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    I do apologize, but with that belt at that angle, it looks like those two are wearing tighty-whities.

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    All the great superheroes do.
  12. awesome! grats!

    what a great piece.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    I've been waiting for a chance to show off the Comrade.

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    Fantastic use of those weapons.
  14. The Havoks

    It's the JLA!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Don't you mean the soon to be GLA? the Genericised League of America...

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    Nice one!