The Artificial Intel

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  1. I oppose this movement with every nanite of my being, just as I oppose the Mutant Integration Act of Paragon City. Seriously, it's bad enough having freaks join the human populace that I enjoy exterminating at times, now we have to deal with full-blown Furries and Furry Lovers trying to get accepted. I'd spit on you if I had salivary glands.

    ((Actually a great concept, and I fully support it. A.I.'s been lacking things to despise every since Mutants were an accepted part of the Virtue community.))
  2. A.I. has had experience dealing with feral beasts and psychopathic people. Just ask S.I.N. Inc! Heck, he actually was one of the said psychopaths when they were experimenting on a bunch of 'projects' of theirs. Your character would enjoy that VG alot, so much behind the veil science wrongness in that VG its hilarious.

    In the meantime, A.I. the character is a freak, so don't mention 'taming', 'leashes', or 'collars' near him, as he will go all pervy like he normally does.

    Oh vell, hope to see some of you folks in game later tonight when I have a good computer. I'll be in the D, like I always am.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
    theres a new aura called wisps it looks great
    I think I've seen it, actually.
  4. Come now sugar, everyone in this universe is a bit loony. Bloody Hell, Artificial Intel is a perverted android that nobody seems to know just how intelligent he really is. Sometimes he's comedic relief, next thing you know he is your arch-nemesis who has killed your entire family, burned down your estate, sabotaged your massive economic empire, and left you without any funds or means to support yourself, leaving you with the absolute and undying resolve to kill him.

    Admittedly, he has yet to do the former. But he has quite the wit to do so.

    EDIT: That reminds me, does Virtue have an IRC channel? These forums are slow and too inactive for my taste :C
  5. CoH/V/GR related of course. I'm quite wonky as it is, and I'm dying to hear some of the good, the bad, and the "Jon Was A Zombies" of the community.

    Don't be afraid to use this as your own little poster board for all of the community to read what you post, of course. No pressure.
  6. Man I love these boards. Alright, I think it's time to come up with a new scenario.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
    Okay, so if you're only concerned about those furries who make a big thing of their fetish... why exactly would the Animal pack mark a sudden uprise in those sort of characters?

    Do you think a lot of CoH players will be like "well I've never had any interest in yiffing thus far, but now the newest costume pack lets me make a lionhead character and SUDDENLY THAT SEEMS SO SEXY"?

    Or do you think a lot of furries will be like "well I've never had much interest in paying $15 per month to go around beating up Nazis, but for another one-time $15 I can do that *and* try to find people to have hot TOS-breaking yiff with, BABY SIGN ME UP"?
    I'll go with options A and B, thank you very much .

    And there were some valid points thrown out across the board, so I think we can come to a mutual understanding that there are some furries that can be napalmed, and there are other furries who simply act like normal people with normal goals, albeit contracting some amazingly stupendous power through some concoction or experiment or another, and can end up personally accepted amongst the civilian populace of Paragon City.

    Maybe I should get out of the D more.

    ... Now we just need to exterminate those bloody mutants.
  8. Alas, I did not take teleportation into consideration, and I shall keep the flaw open to keep things fair. After all, I am a self-evolving AI that will eventually perfect his own mistakes. Now, to observe the comrades who do not teleport.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kiana Wolf View Post
    As far as I can tell, there aren't many more furries. Just more variety to them.

    Really, why do I keep hearing so much furry bashing? Most of the ones I've met in CoH have been pretty nice, level headed people. Not that crazy furries don't exist, they're just a minority. A very small minority. That's so very, very vocal...
    Hear me out sugar, I know there are some good furries out there, as well as Scalies. Heck, I'm friends in-game with a few of them. But then there are others. Others that fit the stereotype so perfectly it makes me happy to have napalm at hand.

    While I generalize 'Furries' as a sub-culture of fetishists... Let's face it. That's exactly what most, if not all, furries are. Fetishists. I have no qualms with your kind or your ways, as long as they don't 'insist' upon me, as I was so very used to. 'Perverted Android' for some reason used to translate into 'Easy Epic Roleplay Sessions', which as many of the people who used to know me would confirm that I'm not.

    Now love, if you can show me a furry community that is... For a lack of a better word 'asexual', than yes, I will consent to the fact that not all furries yiff their brains out.

    The Scales community has earned my respect by differentiating themselves from Furries (Ala **** YOU IMA DRAGON), I have yet to see a decent roleplayer who has donned fur, and not been one of two things on this server.

    1. The Angsty type furry who is sick of being hated because hes furry.
    2. The Yiff All Day And Night class of furry.

    Please, prove me wrong, and please note that I am trying my hardest to not be a troll.

    Thank you sugar.
  10. Let's do a bit of psychology, shall we? I am your Host, the Artificial Intel, and each and every one of you heroes (as well as you vigilantes, rogues, and other villains who happened to have annoyed me) have been placed in identical situations, within the same universe, and with the same tools at hand.

    Now, as the amateur (Ha!) villain that I am, I have done the foolish thing of keeping you prisoner instead of killing you outright. So tell me my good fiends, strategize your way out of this situation.

    You are locked within a cell. The bars are made of solid adamantium. You have a sink, a toilet, a cot, 'reading material', and a window leading outside, that is reinforced with adamantium bars and a force field (as it is my specialty, after all). The cell walls are made of a highly durable, but not indestructible material, and on each adjacent cell, there is a stockpile of explosives, set to go off if there is a breach. There is no cell above you, and the cell below you has a drugged spikes class and regeneration class mutant, who has no allegiance to either you or I.

    You are on the second floor of the basement, and the floor above you is filled with my Scrapheaps, all designated to terminate any organic life form detected. They are equipped with the essentials: Infrared Vision, Night Vision, Ion Cannons, Pulse Lasers, and Missile Launchers. What you would expect from a robot henchman.

    The main floor of your prison is filled with a laser-grid tripwire system, meant to release a neurotoxic gas if activated. Due to the gases properties, it would take a full six minutes in order for the air to become unbreathable. Shame on me, I have left a rebreathing device (For goodness knows what, considering I'm an android) at the end of the main hallway, unguarded. Shame that it has a busted strap, and there is only enough air for one person.

    At then exit, you see me. I am a robotics class mastermind with force field capabilities. My henchman have re-appeared at my side, and are all 'buffed' up. I am also a disciple of the Black Scorpion.

    Very well, now plan a strategy for me, heroes, so I may counter your moves in the future.
  11. *Insert Unwarranted Self Importance*
    *Insert Three Page Long Explanation Of Why I've Been Gone*
    *Insert derrogatory statement dealing with me and Pocket D*
    *Awaiting Cruel Remarks from trolls of Server/Hoorahs from people who know me/whothefareyou? from everyone else*

    .... God I miss this server :3

    EDIT: While the client is downloading, can someone tell me how much the Furry population has exploded since the Animal Pack came out? I have some napalm I need to use up for a tax write-off.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    From the forum description near the top of this very window:
    "This is NOT a forum where official technical/QA support is available. To report a bug use the /bug command in game. For technical assistance email"

    You won't get a response from tech support in here. This is a forum for other players to offer advice and assistance.

    As for your problem, have you recently installed anything? I don't think the free drive space is actually critical yet, but you're getting close. Also, you've got a boatload of mod files. Have you tried temporarily removing those?
    Recently installed the RIFT beta... That probably did it.

    I'll have to try uninstalling a bunch of games. God know sI have too many :C
  13. Bumping cause I changed the Open GL information to CoHHelper.

    For the record, this is about my sixth time verifying files.
  14. ... Can I please get some kind of response from Tech Support?
  15. ---System information gathered by CoH Helper version

    DxDiag gathered at January 3, 2011 21:17 (-06:00)
    Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 (2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.100427-1636)
    System Model: MS-7529
    BIOS: Default System BIOS
    Central Processor: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E6500 @ 2.93GHz (2 CPUs)
    Memory: 2048MB
    .Net Memory Report: 1306MB out of 2047MB available
    Page File: 3083MB (860MB currently in use)
    C Drive: (Hitachi HDT725025VLA380) 74738MB out of 229545MB (32%) free
    D Drive: (Hitachi HDT725025VLA380) 1206MB out of 8926MB (13%) free
    E Drive: (HL-DT-ST DVD-RW GSA-H60L) zero-size drive
    F Drive: (EJGZ 2ZSH6J4 SCSI CdRom Device) zero-size drive
    G Drive: (EJGZ 2ZSH6J4 SCSI CdRom Device) zero-size drive
    H Drive: (EJGZ 2ZSH6J4 SCSI CdRom Device) zero-size drive
    I Drive: (EJGZ 2ZSH6J4 SCSI CdRom Device) zero-size drive
    Windows directory location: C:\WINDOWS
    DirectX: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
    DirectX Diag version: 5.03.2600.5512 (32-bit version)

    Display Notes: No problems found.
    Sound Notes: No problems found.
    Input Notes: No problems found.

    Monitor: K4782CA003741G917w1
    Monitor's Max Resolution: (blank)
    Video Device Name: NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT
    Manufacturer / Chip: NVIDIA / GeForce 9500 GT
    Video Memory: 512.0 MB
    Driver Version: 6.14.0012.6099
    Driver Date: 10/16/2010 12:55:00 PM
    Driver Language: English

    Sound Device Description: Realtek HD Audio output
    Driver File: RtkHDAud.sys
    Driver Version: 5.10.0000.6013
    Driver Date: 12/25/2009 4:26:30 AM

    WMI Information
    Motherboard Manufacturer: MICRO-STAR INTERNATIONAL CO.,LTD
    Motherboard Model: (empty)
    Motherboard Product: G31TM-P21 (MS-7529)
    Motherboard Version: 1.0
    BIOS Manufacturer: American Megatrends Inc.
    BIOS Name: Default System BIOS
    BIOS Version: 7529MS - 20100112
    BIOS Release: 20100112000000.000000+000

    Registry Information for Current User
    Resolution: 1440x900
    3D Resolution: 1440x900 (Not using renderscale)
    Full Screen: Yes
    Maximized: No
    Screen Position: 0, 0
    Refresh Rate: 75Hz
    Vertical Sync Enabled: Yes

    Physics Quality: High
    Maximum Particles: 50000
    Max Particle Fill? 10.000
    Physics Card Enabled: No

    Anti-aliasing: Off
    Anisotropic Filtering: 4x
    Texture LOD Bias: Smooth
    Water Effects: High quality
    Bloom: 1.000 (turned on)
    Depth of Field Enabled: Yes
    Desaturation Effects (Sepia) Enabled: Yes
    Shader Detail: Medium?

    World Texture Level: Very High
    Character Texture Level: Very High
    World Detail Level (Vis_Scale): 1.000
    Entity Detail Level: 1.000
    Shadows Enabled: Yes
    Shadow Mode: Shadow maps
    Shadow Map Shader: Low quality
    Environmental Reflections: Low quality
    Advanced Occlusion Settings: No
    Ambient Occlusion: High performance
    Occlusion Strength: Slight
    Blur: Fast
    Ambient Resolution: High performance

    Gamma Correction: 1.000
    Geometry Buffers (VBOs) Enabled: Yes
    Suppression of FX When Camera Close Enabled: No
    Close Suppression Range: 3.000
    Show Advertisements: Yes

    Audio Mode: Performance
    3D Audio: Yes
    FX Sound Volume: 0.244
    Music Sound Volume: 0.128

    Show Advanced Graphics Options: No
    Overall Graphics Quality: 0.750
    Reverse Mouse Buttons: No
    Save Login Username: Yes
    Transfer Rate: 188058 bytes/second
    Current Game Version: 1900.201011102104.27
    Installation Directory: C:\Program Files\City of Heroes

    Mod files in the Data directory
    .\texture_library\ITEMS\Props has 1 file
    .\texture_library\WORLD\V_COV\Bases\Details\Decora tive_liquid\Baseliquid_labequipment has 1 file
  16. Hello. This has just started happening, and it has happened about... Six times consecutively.

    I log in, I get the usual "This account is already logged in" yadeyada, and when I select a server to log into, I suddenly get the good ol' NCSoft error report come up. I've verified files twice now, and this has not happened at all since I've been playing.

    Please help so I can get back to my favorite game.

    I have no idea what it is, it was working fine less than two hours before this post, and then when I logged out to switch characters, I get a crash notice. My graphics card (Nvidia GeForce 9500 GT) is up to date.

    ... Id like a confirmation about whats going on, or at least some suggestions on what to do.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tramontane View Post
    Because an evil army that does nothing but hang out in an extradimensional nightclub looking for erp isn't tremendously useful.
    I resent that comment, for I am not a cat-girl.
  18. Artificial Intel: A costumed Keanu Reeves. Something tells me he would be the only actor on this planet that could pull off his suavy perversion.
  19. Hi. I currently had I believe three character creation slots that were unused... And currently I'm not able to create a new character?

    I even just deleted a character that I'll never use in order to reroll, and right as I did that, the slot said "Unavailable" and had a padlock symbol on it. Whats going on here? Is this only affecting me?
  20. Character Concepts that never run out of style:

    Classic Mary Sues
    Robot Ninja Pirates
    Pirate Ninja Robots
    Pirate Robot Ninjas
    Any combination of the above
    A bear
    A catgirl
    A Lion, with no cars in sight
    A demon
    A Pervert
    An Anon
    ... jesus christ, theres so many character concepts. HOW CAN YOU NOT STICK WITH ONE?!
  21. Welcome to Virtue!

    As the official Playboy Android of Pocket D, welcome, enjoy the booze, and careful where you sit, cause some stains don't come out!
  22. The Artificial Intel

    Heya New here

    Yea, pretty much.

    Pocket D is my RP hang out of choice, but then again I'm the Artificial Intel. That's definitely not supporting the 'Pocket D is a great RP hangout' argument.

    Lets see... General rules of the Pocket D Night Club:

    ((All RP)) = They like to get their freak on, but they enjoy the occasional real RP.

    ((Dom/Sub/Futa)) = Avoid at all cost if you're not into that stuff.

    The Cape Radio DJ's are by far the most recognized people there, and for the most part, there is some healthy RP around there, even if it is a bit clique-esque.

    Avoid the monkey bar. The couchs are slick and sticky with unknown substances.

    ... I know I'm forgetting something...

    Oh, right. Due to my experience within these VG's, I can definitely say I can vouch for them for some good RP/Group Leveling themes.

    Weapons Union: A well-known mercenary RPVG, filled with some ridiculously comical characters (See 'Mad Blood Morgan'). Great group, if you can withstand their egos and attitudes.

    The Sekhem-Sa: Definitely my VG of choice for all my Magic-based characters that are lacking in the human DNA department. The leader is a fantastic person, great writer, and a very, very nice person overall.

    S.I.N. Inc.: By far, the -BEST- Science/Tech based RPVG I have -ever- been in. Its a shame that they are inactive nowadays. Great leaders, lots of group events, lots of leveling, and lots of in-game knowledge and experience.

    Abyss Empire: 'elitism' in every form of the word. Hard to get into, must be based on one of their 'Ashen' demons, with their permissions. The leader has low tolerance for those who cannot spell, make bad plotlines/characters, and is a PVP fanatic. Alot of people have their opinions about them, but I thouroughly enjoy them for the most part.

    Arachnos Espionage Division: By far one of the greatest Arachnos-themed VG's I've ever been apart of. Lots of fun, emphasis on group leveling, group RP. Your almost immediately accepted if you roll a Soldier of Arachnos, and all other characters simply need to prove their loyalty to Arachnos under a trial period. All characters, SoA or not, are on a trial period.

    Unfortunately, no virtueverse for them yet.
  23. The Artificial Intel


    Neva missed ya! ave fun, young padawan.
  24. Whasgoinon? I'm missing the RP already. :<

    ... I really need to get an avatar for this forum. But in all seriousness, any juicy tidbits about the RP thats been going on lately? Come on, lemme hear some stories! : D

    Also, other in-game Avatars I've used:

    Fortunata Sanguine, Aaron'noxa (Elec Melee/WP Broot), Tsuki Kaido (Nin/Poi MM), Dr. Von Burenflogger (WS), Artificial Intel (Bots/FF MM, SS/WP Tank)