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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vox Populi View Post
    I could see only the Alpha and Omega slots adding a level shift, but that's just a guess.
    iirc some of the interface stuff did as well. then again they may have changed since the leak.

    edit: destiny as well
  2. The choice to skip cutscenes would be cool.
  3. It's not only affecting tf's have people dc'ing alot and crashing on freedom.
    Also might as well report on other issues i have with 19.5
    I'm also having severe fps drops since 19.5 in arena instances. Didn't have these issues before the patch.

    I run catalyst 10.12
  4. my opinion of shadowmeld is that fireball is the only thing worth picking up in pve.
  5. So to get a very rare alpha i need to spend alot of tim grinding the same **** over and over to get another rare. 2 notice of the well along with a bunch of shards to get the favor on top of that.
  6. Terror1

    PvP Noob

    Stalkers really need hiber at times
    Only time i felt i needed hiber is when i do stupid **** like as'ing in a group of 10 heroes with a dom in it.

    Invisi and phase works really well and i don't miss hiber but it comes down to playstyle.
  7. My elec/fire could do about 1,45 mill per min
    My claws/fire could do about 1,01m mill per min.

    SS/Fire can go farther ahead than both of em.

    elec/fire is good though when you can target cap fiery embraced LR alot
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    While true, the devs try to keep things similar, so that a player doesn't have to readjust to their own powers when getting into PvP (they just have to readjust to how different the experience is).
  9. Terror1

    What to try?

    Having a Mind/Elec i would suggest Mind/NRG. Lack of ranged option in elec and garbage aoe isnt that fun.
  10. Im still lost. Is it tootin as in mootin' tootin', darn tootin' or rootin' tootin' jamaican chocolate raspberry ?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ascendant View Post
    Pfft... Speak for yourself.
    Hence "I"
  12. I would rather have a day or two of free transfers than all of this junk.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Positron View Post
    DR is a tool that gives a lot more flexibility to designers when they are creating powerful effects. Without it, PVP would just come down to who can buff the fastest to get off their killing blow.

    I understand a hatred towards DR, as it really does monkeywrench a lot of builds, but it does give the Powers team a lot more flexibility in what they are allowed to create.
    How about the players? The ones that actually play this game?
  14. What are your in-game Globals?: @TRTerror
    What are your PvP characters?: Warshade
    Which of these characters are on Freedom?: My Warshade
    Are you willing to respec into a better PvP build?: No
    Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: No
    Do you have a mic and ventrillo?: Yes and Yes
    What is your general day/time availability?: Flexible schedule.
    Briefly describe your PvP experience:
    Started in Bloody Bay worked myself up to RV. Once it took 8 people and a heavy to kill me.
    List a few character names of PvP toons you play:
    Nas al Teth. It means Nas son of DARKNESS.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    Always. Not for a week. Not for a month. Always. Let me play any character I want wherever my friends (or some PUG I am interested in joining) are at any given time. Please.
    Yeah im curious about that. I thought the fees were there because they used to have to do it manually.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    Still no work on PvP *sigh*
    Of course not. Pvp is not supported in this game.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Biscuits_EU View Post
    Damn it, Ocho, you promised* me an 8TF, or more likely an 8SF! Don't make me use the AE. I won't get your style or humor right. The new job isn't worth my tears is it? IS IT?

    *(promised/said it was unlikely. same thing in my book.. i never did learn to read).
    Tart <3 Biscuits and Luke
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
    Yeah. Wish I could be cool about it. I can't and here's why.

    Ocho paid an extensive visit to the Burrow a while back and actually convinced me that he was going to make it a point that the dev team that it would be worth while effort to add some low hanging fruit type features to the editor.

    That was going to keep base builders active, on a more personal note, that was going to keep -this- base builder in the game.

    He assured me that he was very vocal when it came to things that were important to the players and this IS important to the base editors.

    So no. I can't keep my cool. His leaving means we don't have someone fighting the good fight. Base builder community or not, we needed Ocho.

    I seriously doubt Mod 05 could ever understand the BBC... or do... anything like this FOR the community. All I have seen him do is cheaply go through the motions of moderation.

    Yeah Mod05 I WAS testing you. have been for a while now.

    I can't be cool about this.

    We needed Ocho.
    Hey he was good for the pvp community too and im pretty sure he was involved in all sub communities of this game. But if he got better pay and stuff he should take it.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    I just took my ill / storm which has the Contagious Confusion proc, loaded up a Tsoo Dragon Enforcer standing by his lonesome in Talos with a hasten boosted dosing of Deceive...

    and when the effect finally wore off... he was still standing all by his lonesome.

    So no... Deceive, nor the Contagious Confusion Proc, seemed to generate any aggro.
    On my Mind/elec while i was confusing silver mantis i got aggro when the proc triggered