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  1. Hi,

    Just found this tool... wanted to say thanks, Tao.

    One minor quibble with it: I know a few people who use (I believe) Unicode to embed non-Western characters (e.g. Japanese/Kanji, etc.) into their "/afk" messages. They do display correctly in your editor, but then everything after that point is rendered in a different, uglier, hard-to-read font.

    Since I really only use your editor to strip out color codes and what not (moving to another text editor for the rest of my work), it's not a huge bug to work around. Still, if you could look into this and try to find a fix, I'd appreciate it.

    Thanks again,
  2. TargetOne

    Graphics issue


    What is your system configuration? (CPU? Video card? RAM? Motherboard?)
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    wait. If I read that right...

    if you pre-order the Complete Collection... you will not receive Dual Pistols in March and Demon Summoning in April?
    You cannot "pre-order" The Complete Collection, at least not through NCSoft. Certain retailers might allow you to reserve a copy ("pre-order", as it were), but you get nothing to play with until Going Rogue goes live in July.

    If you do pre-order a boxed copy, you have the additional delay of having to wait for the box to be shipped to you or your local store, depending on the retailer. You can purchase a digital copy from NCSoft, but not until July.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GlassEye_NA View Post
    BillZ, with your initial settings, can you tell me why you have the character detail set to 200%?
    I'm not BillZ, but I imagine it's really a matter of personal preference. Haven't done any testing, but it might not have much impact on performance. It just basically means that high-detail character models are rendered at a farther distance than they would be at 100% (think of "100%" as the default cut-off distance).

    And also why you have the CCC verical sync to 'always on' and the in-game vertical sync 'disabled'. I would think it would be the other way around.
    I'm not sure... maybe the driver handles vertical sync more efficiently than the game?

    What I didn't mention is that my shader quality setting locks on 'high'. Is that supposed to happen with the shadowmaps setting?


    Anyway my main question with this is does the shader quality setting lock on 'high' when the slider is moved to 'shadowmaps' or is it my drivers?
    AFAIK, Shader Quality MUST be on "High" for any of the Ultra Mode stuff to work. This includes not only Shadow Maps, but also Environmental Reflections, Water Effects (on High or Ultra), and Ambient Occlusion. If you enable any or all of these, Shader Quality locks on "High".

    The only way to use any other Shader Quality setting is to disable all of the Ultra Mode goodies (Shadows to stencil or None, Water to off/low/medium, Environmental Reflections and Ambient Occlusion off).
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CyberTaz View Post
    5: If you know the gfx chipset in the laptop try that manufacturer's website (ati, nvidia)
    Just wanted to add: If the laptop in question has an ATI graphics chip, and you want to use the generic Catalyst drivers with it, it may be necessary to run DH MobilityModder on the driver package prior to installation. ATI does not support many laptop brands directly with their Catalyst driver packages, but with MobilityModder, you can get around this limitation.
  6. TargetOne

    it's patching

    Originally Posted by Akhillius View Post
    Ghost falcon announced on the test server that the EU servers will be accessible in about 5 mins! WOOTOTOTOOT!
    So EU gets i17 first?

  7. TargetOne

    it's patching

    Originally Posted by Valgrisk View Post
    here's a good story for everyone

    Good Gawd, could they mangle it any more?
  8. TargetOne

    it's patching

    Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
    Then allow me to follow your course and not explain the image below.

    I damn near pee'd myself at this. Thanks.
  9. TargetOne

    it's patching

    Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post

    *jitter*...*twitch*...*steam blows out of her ears*...*sparks shoot out of her eyes*...*explodes*
    *snoozes peacefully while waiting for servers*
  10. TargetOne

    it's patching

    Originally Posted by DreamWeaver View Post

    ...bets on how many evil leather-clad whip-wielding kinkstresses will be running around Mercy ten minutes in?
    Like there weren't any before Issue 17?

    (Granted, you couldn't actually see them wielding whips... but the kinkstresses were there...)
  11. Happy Anniversary, indeed!

    "City Of" was only my second MMO (SWG was the first). When I first joined, about three years ago (who's counting?), I played a little bit, thought it was merely okay, but other concerns distracted me too much for me to really get into it. A few months later, I decided to give it another try... and I'm glad I did. Been hooked ever since.

    I've met loads of cool people, seen lots of cool places in the game, discovered the Joy Of Alt-itits , laughed at the creativity of the devs, and generally had a blast along the way.

    Wish I could have been there from the beginning...
  12. Oddly, there's a thread over in Issue 17 Chatter, where someone discovered all their Test Center characters were gone, replaced by copies of their Freedom ones (even their supergroups transferred over). I can confirm this.

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Will you ever change or update the Loading Pictures when you enter a zone?? by Magma09
    [David Nakayama] Yes, this is in the works!

    I didn't know that. But I'm glad I do now.
    My burning question is, will they ever change the startup artwork for CoH (the pic with all the heroes rushing the camera) to reflect that Statesman now has a cape?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evilanna View Post
    I think I've found your problem! You need to play on a server other than virtue.
    Sez you.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Resolve View Post
    The part about the per-server character limit not going up was really disappointing to me. I do agree with Evilanna that 36 slots is a lot, but there' something about CoH that really encourages (just mine? hope not) altitis and so while 36 slots is nice more would be better.

    Much, much better. Enough that I'd pay for it, as a matter of fact.
    Me too! If I could pay a one-time fee of, say, $10-$15 to expand the maximum to 72 slots on a server of my choice (*cough*Virtue*cough*), I'd be happy. Heck, I might even be willing to pay an extra monthly fee (a couple of bucks) for the privilege. This, on top of the existing cost to buy extra slots!

    I've still got a couple of unused slots I paid for but can't really use 'cause I already have 36 allocated on Virtue.

    Seriously, a "character slot" is really just a bunch of numbers in a database. It couldn't take more than a few kilobytes at most to represent a character's appearance, powersets, bio, contacts, badges, etc. And storage is dirt-cheap nowadays. There's no compelling reason why they HAVE to limit the maximum to 36, especially if players are willing to pay for more.

    Why even allow us to buy extra slots, or grant them as rewards, if you're going to put an arbitrary, artificial limit on the whole thing?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evilanna View Post
    Thing is, 36 slots is A LOT of character slots for an MMORPG. In fact, I'd venture to guess that CoH has, hands down, more character slots than any video game on the market.

    (36 slots per server puts those two other MMOs made by that competitor company to shame, what with them only allowing 3 slots IN TOTAL.)
    I would like to point out, that just because we have so many slots already, it doesn't mean that nobody wants MOAR CHARACTER SLOTS!!!

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    To avoid having every billboard with the same add, perhaps they could limit adds to a percenatge of them? Like if a zone has 25 billboards, then an add could be limited to say 5 of them - and if there weren't 5 different adds to fill them all, then they could just use the default adds we have now.
  18. Also would like to see more "City Of" merchandise offered for sale... T-shirts, coffee mugs, pens, mousepads, posters, you name it.

    If this is really too much to ask, then at least provide some "printer-ready"* artwork, and we'll print our OWN "City of" T-shirt iron-on transfers.

    *(By "printer-ready" I mean fairly large images, horizontally-flipped for convenience.)
  19. Add me to the list of players who didn't mind in-game ads.

    I remember thinking to myself "Whatever happened to the ads?" many months ago. They didn't bother me one bit.

    Heck, I often wonder why I never saw SGs/VGs using them to promote themselves or their in-game events, despite talk on the forums that this was possible.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
    The witch gloves are broken in both elbows.
    Same problem here! My characters look like they've worn holes in their gloves' elbows. I mean, I know they're poor (Inf-wise), but they're not THAT poor!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
    This. Champions Online is making the same mistake (but probably worse... basically the whole endgame is magic). Enough with magic! It's flooding the market and a large number of the players in these games are here because they prefer something else.
    Agreed x1000! Devs, please, if you're listening, more non-magic stuff! (I'm hoping the devs have gotten "the magic itch" out of their systems now once i17 is finished.)

    Why couldn't these be a theme neutral set of monsters, that could be elementals, clones, aliens, constructs, experiments, or whatever? The multi element setup is exactly what I would have wanted in a monsters set. If there will be some kind of customization eventually, it could make a great, versatile set, but instead it will always be tied to this narrow theme, and there will still be no monster summoning set.
    This too.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    Isn't that everything Hollywood touches? They take a story like Sherlock Holmes, X-Men, Street Fighter, etc, and make filth out of it. They don't stick to the original characters or story and it becomes something so far removed that it could have been its own movie, but instead they hot-glued a name of something else onto it to draw people in.
    Doesn't help when they sign up Uwe Boll to direct it. :P
  23. I'd be even more excited if they would raise the cap on the maximum number of characters per server from the current 36 (total with purchased/free slots) to something more reasonable, like, say, 200 (hey, I have alt-itis!)