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  1. Yeah I completely forgot about those parts of Thor. I did only see it once and it didn't leave much an impression upon me. I think my brain started to shut down when Thor went to earth as I couldn't buy into the love story angle.

    Great action sequences particularly when he's going for his hammer the first time. I was saddened by how underdeveloped the warriors 3 were. It made me feel as if the move had been rushed in order to get it done in time so they could move onto Avengers. I'm glad on the Avengers part, but part of me thinks the Thor movie would've been better had it either been longer, or seperated into 2 movies.
  2. Like I said, these are just a few nitpicks, and nothing that really detracts from the film what so ever.

    I don't remember Thor that well over-all. And would go so far as to say it's the weakest of the Marvel Movie Studio films made thus far. It's better that quite a bit of stuff that gets put out, but over all I'd say it was just fair. I never bought the romance between Thor and whatshername. Everythng done on Asgard was great, and only bits of the earth part worked for me. But I don't recall Loki finding out about Thor's love interest.

    Though I'd believe that he found out about that more by his taking over the mind of the doctor than he'd been spying on Fury long enough to learn about all the Avengers.
  3. Yeah I understand the motive they gave Loki for the film was attacking Earth as a form of regenge against Thor. It's just a rather weak motive. He even states during the film that he's the rightful ruler of Asgard.

    So how does attacking Earth help him regain his "rightful place"? It doesn't. As I said, it's a nitpick and nothing so huge as to say the film suffered for it. I just thought that it would've given Loki a little stronger motive to tie his attempt to conquer Earth (Midgard) as a means to reclaiming his rule over Asgard.

    So with Thanos, it's prove yourself by bringing my army to earth and I'll help you get Asgard. After all, in the Thor film, they show the Infinity guantlet housed there. It'd kind of make sense if that's where they're going with the future Avenger films.

    With regards to Loki gleaning information from Fury, Black Widow, watching other heroes, etc... they're all assumptions that we, the watchers of the films have to make because they writers don't explain otherwise. Making the leaps of logic to support why a character performs an action shouldn't be necessary for a viewer / reader unless sufficient clues are provided for the leaps to be made. And there really aren't. There's one clue, the after credit scene in Thor and it doesn't suggest that he's watching over Fury's shoulder everything he opens a file with the Avengers Initiative label for example.

    If that's the case, then giving Loki a simple line dashing Fury's hopes in the beginning during his confrontation in the beginning of the movie would've resolved the entire issue.
  4. Saw it Monday night and absolutely love it! Joss Whedon did such an excellent job handling the characters, from dialogue, to spot moments, giving everyone their time to shine. He handling the power levels quite well too, things could've easily gone the ridiculous route but big moments were handled well.

    If I had to nitpick anything, it was the 3D. I hadn't intended to see the 3D version, but time constraints required that I did. For the most part, it was okay, but didn't particularly add anything to my experience. If anything there were a few times where I felt it detracted from my experience. There were several scenes where the 3D made the cgi look like a flat 2D surface floating away from the rest of the 3D screen.

    When this began to happen, I'd remove the glasses and outside of the fuzzy lines issue, I said to my friend that it looked better. He agreed with me on this point. I should point out that I'm not a fan of 3D in general, as it mostly comes down to IN YOUR FACE moments. They didn't do any of that in this film which I appreciated. In fact the last time I saw a 3D film was Avatar and that was becase a friend bought me a ticket for IMAX 3D otherwise I wouldn've seen that in 2D as well.

    The only other nitpicks I had were that the plot was pretty basic, bad guy wants to take over the world. And I couldn't quite get Loki's motivation for wanting to rule earth other than it'd be easy when he should still want to rule Asgard. Perhaps if they had made it clearer that if he were successful with Earth, they'd assist him with Asgard for example.

    But the excellent characterization is what drove the film, so a weaker plot is quite understandable. Well, that and the awesome action scenes.

    The other thing I didn't quite catch, either because I missed it, or it wasn't quite covered was how Loki knew about each of the Avengers that were going to be used so he could put his plan into motion. The best guess I had was that he pried it all from Hawkeye's mind. In which case, his plan had been spawned by a moment of luck?
  5. The combos I suggested are just that, suggestions. Something to consider, even if the ones I suggested don't seem to work, other combination ideas might.

    It's to give the set a different method for obtaining utility without necessarily making it over powered due to the baked in limiation of targeted powers interacting with placed powers.

    It's also something that has only been touched upon within the current game, and really not to the extent that I suggested.

    While the concept may be orbs that either buff or debuff targets and placed locations, the hook is that these powers interact with each other to provide addition effects. I think this set is perfect for this idea.

    It opens possibility for two Orb casters to work with each other without necessarily always stacking the same buff or debuff as well. Orb caster one may be able to throw out their sonic orb in the av, but their stun orb isn't up. Orb caster 2 can throw out their stun orb, now they get to debuff the avs defense.

    Up thread you said that Freeze Orb could use something else. Well, with the power interaction idea, say the mob affected by Freeze Orb ends up in Sonic Orbs area of effect will cause the Freeze Orb mob to emit an aura of cold infused air that slows other nearby mobs.
  6. Perhaps dropping the aoe aspect of healing orb, making it a single target upfront heal with a lingering regenerative effect. I imagine tossing out a ball of swirling green energy that circles around the target for its duration.

    If the person with the healing orb falls in battle while also in recovery orb, the combination effect is to resurrect the player. The player is left with a regen buff that lasts 3 minutes which prevents them being resurrected by the same recovery orb within that time period. The regen buff is also non-stackable with the Healing Orb's regen aspect during that time period (but they can still receive the primary heal portion).

    I wouldn't think that the sonic+stun orb combo effect of adding - defense wouldn't be too OP if the defense value is moderate, since there are a number of factors to consider. The mob has to have both the sonic debuff on it, which since it's a targeted debuff and not a toggle, it has a chance to miss. Then the mob also has to be in range of the stun orb. Finally, since the defense debuff is a combination effect, the player can't enhance it.

    You could even build the +regen effect idea for Healing Orb to be non-enhanceable while the primary heal is. The same goes for the rez combo effect with + regen since it's an effect that occurs as a result of two powers working together, the player can't enhance that portion.

    Yes, in total, considering, shield, power, and healing all going at once, this may seem like too much is available. It all comes down to the numbers really, and if those are balanced correctly, all of this is certainly possible.

    You could even have something happen with Shield and Power orb combo effect. Removing Power Orb's defense buff, and only having that portion occur if the Power Orb affected character is within Shield Orb's effect, giving them both resistance and defense, but the defense portion being non-enhanceable.
  7. Will Avengers on the path to being a major success at this point you know DC / WB is going to want a JL movie.

    The best way to do that is when they reboot the Batman film franchise (you know it'll happen) and to this time put Gotham within the greater DC universe.
  8. I've still been thinking about this set and wonder if there's a missed opportunity occuring here. I think that this set is excellent for playing around with combination effects (not melee style combos). Sort of like how certain Time Man. powers can build / increase an effect from another power.

    But in the case with Orbs, using player centered buffs in combination with location based buffs combining to provide new buff effects. And with enemy target centered debuffs combining with location based debuffs for additional or new debuff effects.

    One example would be like say Healing Orb, whether it's a healing pet like I suggested, or a heal that has some type of lingering buff effect. When the player enteres Recovery Orb they not only get the endurance recovery, but now regen recovery as well.

    Or if the lingering buff is a some amount of Regen, then should the buffed character fall in battle while under the effect of Healig Orb while in Recovery Orb, the orb will proc a ressurection effect. The resurrection could have some type of effect added to it that prevents the same person from automatically being resurrected should they fall again within a certain time frame this could be on the same timer as other resurrection powers (3 min).

    Another example would be an enemy under the effect of Sonic Orb entering into the Stun Orb area of effect and the combination now adds a defense debuff.

    Also even if you should decide to stick with Energy Orbs for the set's name, I'd think about chaning the names of the powers.

    Healing Orb to Vitality Orb
    Drain Orb to Entropic Orb
    Recovery Orb to Orb of Restoration
    Sonic Orb to Disruptive Orb
    Stun Orb to Orb of Instability
    - I'd change this to power stating that it emmits waves of energy that creates a zone that shakes the ground, making it instable and difficult to tread, sometimes knock enemies down. The high instability may be so jarring as to disorient those caught within.

    Rage Orb to Orb of Annihilation
    - I'd also change this from taunting mobs, to it sending out "pet" orbs within a certain radius that encircle their targets, when the Annihilation Effect occurs, the primary orb explodes, which triggers each small orb to explode as well, even if the target has left the area of effect. Each pet annihilation orb explodes with a smaller area of effect.

    The idea being the closer enemies are to the main orb, the more damage they take, while enemies that may be further away, will still take damage. The combined effect would be highly distructive.
  9. I had recently thought of another change to Electric Blast. Originally I said to change it's Tesla Cage into Tesla Bolt a short range, very high damage attack with a hold (EB's version of KO Blow).

    And to have Voltaic Sentinal provide some shielding for the Blaster since it causes undo aggro. Instead, I wonder of VS can be cast upon a target like Haunt is. That way the player can at least initially choose which target VS works against. Once that target is gone, then it can then choose to attack the next nearest target or follow the Blaster for the rest of its duration.
  10. You have to create the pop menu files. There's quite a bit of work to get it all set up, which is why I haven't done it yet even though I love the idea of clearing up much of my clutter. Heck I've had a g15 keyboard for years and only a couple of months ago created macros for my MM. I found playing an MM tedious click work until I did this and now it's quite fun, I love the precise control over my pets with just a tap of a key.
  11. It doesn't bother me either way. I didn't enjoy Van Helsing that much, the only thing that struck me as interesting was their take on werewolf transformation. The way they went about it was pretty original.
  12. Don't forget, Natural Origin has been redefined to encapsulate anything that may have those abilities "naturally" for where they're from. For example, Peacebringers, which are a Kheldian, have a natural origin.

    Also, it's to give the devs something to focus from a design standpoint. Energy can mean a lot of things. Or the use of the term "Energy" can force the focus toward the CoH use for it in powersets. Powersets with Energy tend to have power with force behind it, causing knock back / down or stunning effects against targets and "energy" efficiency for the user - either by boosting powers effects, lowering endurance cost, or providing an endurance boost.

    If the Energy Orbs centered more along those themes and not spread out with others, than going with Energy Orbs as a name would probably be perfect. The effects could be replicated from the start point of energy blasts (the glowing balls) or the pom-poms of doom from the melee set.

    But since this set has so much more going for it, going with something like "Cosmic" gives it new focus.

    Finally, I still really like the healing orb "pet" idea. It's kind of like taking the concept of bubbling a team mate but with healing instead of defense or resistance. The regen is great for out of combat recovery, or for those hanging back taking ranged or splash damage, while the switch to more powerful direct heals for those in more danger.

    It also takes allows the player of the Orb caster (hey there's another name Orb Casting) to not have to track health bars for tossing out heals, allowing them to do other things.
  13. Yes, like a pet that stays with the recipient for the duration of the power.

    You also might want to consider giving the powerset name more focus like

    Cosmic Orbs: you harness raw, cosmic energy and manipulate it to protect your allies and afflict your enemies.
  14. I actually meant the recipient of the orb could click on it for a desired burst heal or leave it be to for a passive heal over time. The only reason I brout up the idea of a shrinking orb was fora visual queue to the user that their orb was becoming less effective.

    The only way I could think of that an orb could become clickable, and provide a diminishing passive or usuable effect was by the orb replacing itself with a pet after each burst heal.

    I've had more time to think about it and the power in part acts like one of Rommie's nictus that keeps his regen up. So I've kind of changed the idea a bit.

    It can be a team-wide buff, that gives each team member a Healing Orb. The orb will have 2 functions, a passive regeneration. However, if the recipient enters into within a particular range (say 20 feet for now), the regeneration turns off and the orb then will cycle an attack that will target a nearby foe, and if it hits, debuff it's regeneration (low debuff say 100 pts) but heal the recipient team member. Kind of a like a single target version of Twilight Grasp.

    Since this attack requires a to-hit check and has a chance to miss and has a cycle time, it will provide more healing over time than the regeneration effect.

    This could work because the targeted heal won't revert back to regeneration until it's next cycle (let's say for argument's sake every 10 seconds). Once it recycles, if there are no targets in range, the target heal switches off and it reverts back to regeneration.

    If you like the premise, then the next few things to decide would be regeneration strength, targeted heal strength and cycle time. Duration of the power, endurance cost, and recharge, if its stackable from the same caster, stackable with multiple casters etc....
  15. I've been reading your thread Jay, and I like the idea for the powerset. It can fit into any origin and is unique in its look and how the players interact with the powers.

    Thinking about the healing orb, I had an idea. What if the orb were only available at a single target at a time. It'd have a bank of "heals" in which for its duration it'd provide something akin to a healing aura (or pulsing heals over time). The orb would be larger at first, and shrink with each healing pulse. Basically after each pulse, the orb would summon a pet that would trigger for the next pulse.

    However, should the target desire a higher-upfront heal instead of slower heals over time, they could click on the pet which would cause it to use all of it's "bank" for a higher heal with dissipating regeneration effect.
  16. The damage would be fine if it's recharge weren't so high. The activation could use a little speeding up as well. I'm not aware of attacks receiving a recharge penalty from the normal formula for having additional effects, but the recharge is way off for what it does.

    It can be a useful mitigation tool knock effects are very underrated for what they actually do. And it does have an accuracy bonus which is nice. I'm just not sure if those things and the chance to disorient is worth the much higher recharge, at least as far as Defenders are concerned.

    For Controllers, it's pretty near the damage of fire ball with a slightly lower end cost and recharge, but with added mitigation for additional soft control if that is desired in the build.
  17. I've gone through the digest, and I might have missed it, but is there any info or ideas of how this might work in toggle damage auras or rain pet powers?

    And would it be too forward to assume that procs like the 10% + end that can end up in an auto power may end up firing more often if it's adjusted to the last PPM model or will it be hand adjusted to stay at 6ppm?
  18. I'll add to my list where as earlier I only posted about Devices.

    I still place devices as #1.
    2. Probably force field. Multiple ATs use it. It pays for its specialty in that it's too specialized. While other sets can end up offering near to or just as much protection while also having other useful tools. Maybe the new absorb tech will find it's way into this set just to give it something.

    Years ago I posted how I thought it would be interesting of Forcefield bubbles had hitpoints of their own so while they provide defense, if they were hit, their hp would reduce (maybe the amount of defense offered would reduce too now that I think about it).

    I'm unsure of how that'd work with multiple force fields perhaps they don't stack, have diminishing returns, fully stack up to a cap, or simply add to the timer one the first bubble runs out of hp or its timer is up, the second kicks in.

    3. Poison still needs another pass. Everything about what doesn't work well has already been mentioned.

    4. Sonic Resonance. It's another two trick pony with resists buffs and debuffs and a decent final power which has been covered by other sets just as well or even better for the most part except for Force Field. And where as FF can get people to the defense soft cap with maneuvers, Sonic has no power pool to pair up with it. For that reason alone it should offer more utility than - resist one of which requires an ally to be useful. Not to mention that ally better be a melee combatant, because unless they're IOd out, any one else soley relying on the sonic user to keep them up will end up going down just a little slower than before.

    5. Energy Melee: already covered in this thread.

    6. Mercs haven't played them, but it's mentioned so often that it probably belongs here

    7. TA: already mention in this thread.

    8. DP: needs some animation times reduced in several powers and a revisit on the effects of Swap Ammo.

    9. Electric Blast: hampered by not having a reliable form of a teir 3 single target attack. Instead it has a hold, and a temp-pet which causes unnessary aggro for the user. Electric Blast's version of Tesla Cage should be turned into a new power Tesla Bolt: a short ranged, very high damage st attack that has a hold component to it. Make it the Electric Blast version of KO Blow.

    Up the other attack's end drain to pair up better with Short Circuit. Add End Drain to Tesla Bolt. And give Voltaic Sentinal a resistance shield that protects the caster from some of that unnessary aggro.

    10. Broad Sword: it's suppossed to provide burst damage vs. Katana's consistant dps, but because of Katana's speed, BS always falls behind and never ends up providing the burst necessary to even out.

    11. Battle Axe: I would swear that the momentum mechanic was destine for this set but was then used to create the awesomeness that is Titan Weapons. It needs something besides concept of using the axe weapon set to really give it more appeal.
  19. My main reason for why I create or don't create any type of character: concept.

    At least a basic background, motivation for the character, and an idea which alignment it'll eventually adhere to. Then at least the first 2 costumes.

    With the VEATs, I can't create my own costume right off the bat and that's been very off putting and I found it too limiting to my creativeness. Sometimes limits are good and can even be inspiring, this one just didn't seem to give me that kind of spark.

    Then I read this thread and came up with Belisana. Named after a type of daddy-long leg spider, but the name felt particularly female. Then I read up on the daddy-long leg and it likes to feed on hunstman and red backed spiders.

    So now I have a vague concept brewing of a SoA that ends up being betrayed by Arachnos and eventually turns on them. Or she'll stay red side but act as an internal executioner, removing "troublesome" personel within arachnos and anyone along the way that interfere's with the organization's plans. Either way, I've got my concept, first costume colors to give her at least a little distinction.

    Now I'll need to hopefully get on a DFB so as to level up a bit to get a decent attack chain, which has held me back from levelling one before.
  20. I played the original Marvel pnp rpg and the advanced version where you could spend points to increase stats and such. I played several steady characters of my own creation one of which found its way here to CoH. I also played Iron Man heavily.

    So much so that I actually stat boosted him a couple of times.

    Played the original DC pnp rpg as well. The one with only 2 ten-sided dice. The original character creation point system was terrible for making a new hero. We went with the double point character creation rule just to give ourselves a fighting chance against anything even lowly super-powered.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Going by the curren't log-in screen, they can't.
    Life finds a way
  22. Devices:

    Use the new power tray for toggle powers with Taser. Once it's clicked and hits the target, keeping it toggled, while in range of the target, keeps the target stunned.

    Targeting Drone: add + range to it (at the very least). I'd also dare say it should have a constant low + damage component.

    Cloaking Device: make it true invisibility and give it a decent + damage buff for the first attack used while invisible.

    Trip Mines: shorten the animation significantly from 5 to 2 seconds - animation should be to set and toss. Make it a toss / thrown animation. Remove the interrupt. Give it a 20 foot range. Now it can be used mid-combat or out of combat to law down a field.

    Timb Bomb: either allow it to be attacked to blow up (which maybe dangerous with confuse powers given to npcs) or use the new power tray. When the power is summoned, a toggle activates in the new tray, once the toggle is turned off, the bomb explodes.
  23. Just a thought here, since this PPM change seems like it'll happen irrigardless of all the problems it represents.

    If there ismt a floor with a minimum chance to proc, than it is possible for high recharge builds to end up in even dps without procs instead of adding a proc?

    If that is possible, than having procs would seem to be a way to build for builds less reliant on recharge. As someone upthread stated, this could inadvertanly affect certain builds that do end up better with higher recharge, like db / regen whereas regen is really benefitting from more recharge, but db w/ procs may end up with less damage.

    That just doesn't make sense.

    If a floor is added, than it better well take into account the rarity of the proc (purple vs. orange for example), the strength of the proc, etc...

    Would be good to know how the PPM would end up working in toggles and aoes. Also what about procs that could end up in auto powers or click powers like the Performance Shifter proc particularly if there's a maximum cap in place.

    Which I believe to be just wrong either way. But if it does happen, then the reverse of the minimum chance to fire should go into effect. If not, fast recharging powers can still end up worse because if they're used more often, then they'll encounter that chance to not occur more often as well.
  24. I wonder how the Force Feedback proc will affect things with this change. Take this proc with this low chance but great buff that'll now nerf your other procs including itself!
  25. Better yet, usually in a pve zone when someone starts spouting off at the mouth (keyboard) saying idiotic things, there are a ton of people to speak up about it. So, for the most part, the type of chat you encounter within the game happens to be filled with some of the most helpful, kind, and supportive collection of people I've seen in an MMO.

    Then you go into a PvP zone and suddenly the community has devolved. Fun, good natured ribbing banter between to competitive people is fine, but the type of drivel that's spat about in PvP is disheartening to see occur within this great game.

    If everyone turned their chat off, then no one outside of those teamed would probably be talking to each other. You're chances of building a concentric community dwindles.

    Which is why so many people that pve have the impression they do of the pvp community, only the loud, obnoxious ones are being heard. That's the "face" of the pvp community as a result.

    It'd be nice if those few who "ruin" the communal pvp experience were all hunted down by those "silent majority" and beat down repeatedly until they either learned to talk nice or left. But that doesn't happen, Instead, everyone is told to deal with it, grow a thicker skin, trashed talked to even more, or told to turn chat off.

    Where in the rest of the game such terrible speach is frowned upon, and even battled, by telling those who don't like it in PvP are told to basically let it be.

    The community should be virtually seemless from pve to pvp. Just as with how the game play operates (except for combating thinking oponents but I'm talking mechanics here). But both are very, very different from each other, and for all those reasons you have the answer to the question in the OP.