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  1. Tac_Ops_Wolf

    Dear lord, no.

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    I've worked for many, many years to have my accent unidentifiable. That generally means that I'm not going to let you in on it.

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    Hmmm, you certainly take this whole secret identity part of the Hero lifestyle to heart

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    ...Or it could just be that I grew up in a very lower class environment, and I've tried extremely hard to distance myself from it. Although, admittedly, the accent does come back every now and again.

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    You shouldn't be ashamed of where you grew up - you Brits are too class-conscious

    [/ QUOTE ]Well, how can you blame them, most of the society is still stuck at the imperial era

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    Hey, don't dis the brits, I'm a brit. But I will admit ur right, Tony Blair is a complete dickweed. It's the one things brits hate about themselves.
  2. oh, nice one. Just judging by what happened in the storyline you seemed more of a fire/dark corruptor than a necra/dark mastermind.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Stun you can definately avoid, it sucks.

    I'd also avoid barrage, it's a really low damage power, however most brutes i know use low damage powers such as barrage to help build fury, so maybe barrage could be okay? Honestly i wouldn't take it and stick with energy punch for upfront damage. If you run out of EM attacks to fire just hit brawl to keep the attack cycle and build more and more fury.

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    I agree with this post, stun sucks donkey balls and barrage costs slightly more endurance then brawl even if it does gemerate fury. The ones I would skip out are;

    Barrage: Low damage and is a waste of a level
    Stun: Little to no damage, your other powers already stun anyway
    Taunt: Not really needed I think, although others may disagree
  4. Those shields are probably meant to be weaker than most other shields because you get granite armor at 38, which kicks bootie. But Minerals, stone skin, earth's embrace, rooted and rock armor are must haves along with granite armor. minerals is the only resistance you get to pis damage, earth's embrace is your only self heal, stone skin is an auto so it stacks with granite armor, rooted helps alot and stakcs with granite armor, and you have to get rock armor anyway.
  5. Well here are my opinions on what power sets I like best.

    Energy melee: Lovely damage, good diorientation tactics
    Fiery Melee: Cool damage plus some DoT
    Dark Melee: Not my fav, but reduces accuracy alot and some variety to it
    Stone Melee: STRONG but slow and may need hasten
    Super Strength: Basic attacks, strong and cool knockback

    Invulnerability: Nice and simple, and some good auto shields
    Dark Aura: Some nifty shields and other pwoers, my fav
    Fiery Aura: Some cool DoT, shields, self heal, and a self rez
    Energy Aura: Not a good one really, very squishy
    Stone Armor: Kickass resistance, plus an awesome lvl 38 power

    If you are new to brutes I would recommend super strength and invulnerability. Simple and fun to play. Afterwards if you feel bored with it try something like stone or energy melee.

    My favourite primary power set : Energy Melee
    My favourite secondary power set : Invulnerability/Dark Armor

    My least favourite primary power set : Dark Melee
    My least favourite secondary power set : Energy Aura
  6. oh, and jsut by the way thorny, what archetype are you and what are your power sets, from this I would guess a fire/dark corruptor.
  7. Tac_Ops_Wolf

    Thorny Devil

    Love the pic, thorny, that is perfect for you.
  8. Well it doesn't really matter now guys, I deleted my dark/dark at lvl 37, it was far too weak.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks, like the sound of the dark/dark combination, can anyone say something about that?

    And again feel free to answere the questions which i posted in the first post even if someone else have answered them, its always nice with more opinions =)

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    Dark miasma may be good, but trust me mate, don't go for dark blast, it is far too weak. That's why I deleted my lvl 37 dark/dark corruptor.
  10. Try to make a build which has no attacks, may be annoying in fsreeroam when ur heading to a mission. But on the good side this leaves space for you to get other powers and buffs that will help out more than one more two atacks. And make sure you know which powers ur getting, it can be real annying when u get the wrong pwoer and screw ur build up.
  11. And I guess some people jsut like to make complete [censored] of thier alts. The only set of attacks that corruptors don't get are the arrow and the pulse rifle, how sad. Who would take a weedy little weapon over supernatural powers.

    And jsut a suggestion, if u want to see what this is like you can do this the quicky way. But you'll need a high lvl MM, what you can do is that you can do the respec trial and set your powers to all attacks and no pets, then when i7 comes around you get a free respec and can change it back if you wish.
  12. You're right there about using char builder I will admit.

    I'm keeping the slotting the exact same with twilight grasp, I joined the violators at lvl 8 and have worked my way up to luitenant, and I have become one of the best healers laong the way, I have yet to see a dark/dark coruptor at equal lvl in the SG top my healing tactics.

    I will eventually get DN, but until then I'm gonna stick with whatI got.
  13. well 20 more points is good enough for me believe it or not. OK, here are the changed I'm gonna make:

    . Will eventually get DN ( only coz of nagging so much about it )

    . Changing around slots so attacks have about 3 each.

    May think of more improvments soon, your opinions are still welcome. ( and I'm still keeping slotting in TG the same btw )
  14. Agrred on the name, and now ont my opinion, a mastermind with no pets or "blasterminds" as they're also called seems to me as a weak [censored] version of a corruptor. But then again, if u have dark miasma you may stand a challenge.
  15. Hmmm, well a hasrd one, well the 2nd and 3rd pwoers are shields for her team mates, so if she solos she should jsut leave em out, but apart fomr that you get some cool powers out of it, so much a variety that I can't remember em.
  16. Don't mean to throw that opinion back into your face mate, but I beg to differ, life drain is for when twilight grasp is recharging and black hole really works wonders if you use it right. And to the other opinion about slotting in twilight grasp, I have slotted it with 4 healing and 2 accuracy (all SOs and DOs) to squeeze everything I can out of it. At lvl 37 I heal around 400 hp every turn. But apart form that I think I should rething my slotting.
  17. I mostly team anyway, so that's the only reason why I didn't fit in darkest night, DAMN NOOBS!!!anywya, can someone else give me an opinion about my build not involving darkest night for a change?
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Heh.. I was just going to post about multidimensional.. if anyone has it could they give me a shout as well please...

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    Multidimensional is a mission timed exploration badge, it means you spent time on a certain mission map to get this badge, I have it already because of PLing
  19. Tac_Ops_Wolf

    Some... Things

    I love em, I like the 3rd best.
  20. Like I said, I don't liek DN, I may seem like a complete [censored] saying this, anyway, I got this character up to 37, so too late, although I may take it at 49, can't think of anything else to get at 49 apart from group fly.
  21. Tac_Ops_Wolf

    My tanky build

    Sorry for double posting, but I couldn't edit my last post in time, but after much thought I think I'll leave out build up for dull pain.
  22. Nice one mate, keep it up. So what do you plan to do next?
  23. Tac_Ops_Wolf

    My tanky build

    Yeah, sorry about that, I couldn't fit it into the build, anyway, I got my toon up to lvl 10 now, but I don't know if I followed my slotting exactily.
  24. Avtually I beg to differ on the part about darkest night, I have tar patch only and it works wonders on it's own. Plus, with my slotting in twilight grasp I have been able to fight reds and purples in melee, I heal about 350-400 every time. But I think ur right about the slotting with fearsome stare and black hole. So screw DN, tar patch is the way for me.