708 -
Did the PMs get lost in the sorting office?
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Nope, they got lost in me going on holiday ... expect them tomorrow.
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*Rides past on an Emu*
Yes, this is me badgering again. I yam a total nuisance
But yeah. Same question
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Seconded -
Good point GR, but once a piece has been nominated, the only way to express support for that piece/creator is to nominate it againPerhaps not the most accurate method but at least a good indicator of how popular a given submission is
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however, when/if popularity is considered, it is based on the posts in the thread devoted to the creative
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Basically, popularity (when considered for the final decision, I'd imagine) comes naturally with the responses in the original thread. I mean you could bump and bump the original thread lots, if you really wanted to.
Trying to sway the final decision by nominating an entry again and again, would probably have the opposite effect, no? -
Gotta watch out for those Swedish Yakuza. Swiss army Katanas *nods*
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Krisprolls katana is what you meant -
Nice. I cant put my finger on what the style reminds me of but Ill shout up if I do.
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Happy Dan's inking usually reminds me of Adam Hughes inking.
... Can I has AH!'s skillz plox?
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Spotted! If only I could do the whole thing like AH! I know he has his critics but for me there's none better at combining that level of drawing & painting skill with some very witty context.
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...that and he draws very sexy babes. -
Nice. I cant put my finger on what the style reminds me of but Ill shout up if I do.
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Happy Dan's inking usually reminds me of Adam Hughes inking.
... Can I has AH!'s skillz plox? -
Give it more time.
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More time????? They've had 5 blood years. How haerd is it to figure this kind of thing out and get it right?
Right now its wrong. The work of idiots quite frankly and I thought we'de seen the back of them when Cryptic sailed away.
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lol no.
to Londoner's comment:
>>theres less people moaning in this thread than in all the "i keep getting e mails selling inf" and "im sick of unwanted tells" threads.<<
My reply:
I say give it more time. Eventually there will be more "NOWAI!!1 I can't team with people via tells" type of threads, from potential new players.
Furthermore, Lionsbane, calm down. -
Heres the rub, theres less people moaning in this thread than in all the "i keep getting e mails selling inf" and "im sick of unwanted tells" threads.
I guess we got what we asked for.
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Give it more time.
There's already been a monster thread on the French boards that had to be closed (even though full of proper constructive suggestions).
I too believe the trial accounts should be looked at more precisely. Knock on effects are discouraging rather than inviting for new potential players, imo. -
It seems to be partially fixed. The black textures in Grandville appear to have gone but the crates in the Arachnos lab maps and some of the PPD sheilds (the one on the wall just inside the Steel Canyon police station for sure) are still showing black textures.
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Same. 880GTX here. -
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Nhorak/poussette/jouets/par terre?
Pourrait-on avoir une confirmation de Palla que l'info importante de ce sujet soit envoyé comme feedback chez ses confrères Américains? -
Quel tempérament cette petite! On en redemande ^^
Si une "ancienne" est saoulée au bout de 5 minutes, que va penser quelqu'un qui n'a jamais joué auparavant ?
Personnellement, si c'est moi, je dégage tout de suite et je vais voir ailleurs !
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C'est pas faux.
On pourrait aussi dire qu'un nouveau n'a pas expérimenté avec le jeu auparavant et il (elle) ne peut comparer comme tu le fais.
Du coup peut-être que ces limitations sont moins gênantes (a part pour le message privé a sens unique bien sur). Mais c'est vrai que ca ne change pas le problème car problème il y a. -
Definitely Awesome!
Loved it
Also made me want a donut T_T -
Am using Ultimate x64 but because of the nvlddmkm driver issue, I'm leaving my drivers at 169.25.
Don't fix what isn't broken -
Qui a oublié de donner son cyanure au Nhorack?
Tu n'as qu'à te plaindre au vendeur d'influs qui sont venu pourrir le serveur vigilance avec des messages en zone.
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Si tu pense que l'invasion des Goldsellers était énorme sur Vigi, va sur Union ou sur un serveur US...
Dur, dur la vie de héros hein ^^ !!!!!
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Super constructif comme remarque. Bravo.
Comme le dit Arckont, c'est pas bien d'isoler les nouveaux.
Et alors, tu lui réponds pas c'est tout !!!! Ce sera pas le premier, ni le dernier chiant que tu rencontreras dans un MMORPG.
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De mieux en mieux, le niveau redescend encore d'un cran.
Je comprends très bien que c'est frustrant d'essayer de communiquer avec d'autres joueur alors que cette communication est a sens unique.
En fait il faudrait bloquer les messages privés d'un compte payant à un compte d'essai...
Ciao !!!!!!
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Je serai curieux de connaître la liste des MMORPG qui ont TOTALEMENT changé leur graphisme après 4 ans ???
Quelque chose me dit qu'il y en a pas !!!!
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EVE, deja. Ils ont fait un update complet du moteur 3D et ont ajouté une option pour que l'utilisateur puisse changer entre les anciens ou les nouveaux graphismes.
Entre-nous, il est pas marqué sur le front de ton héros que tu as un acompte d'essai.
Un GM n'a pas la science infuse.
De plus si son perso GM est situé à l'autre bout de paragon City ...
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Ceci, devrait être changer sur le champ.
C'est pas très professionnel que des employés de NC ne savent pas directement a quel genre de clientèle (compte payant ou pas) ils on à faire. Ou alors les message privés devrait être actifs si ils ont un GM comme destinataire.
C'est comme si je me permettrai de critiquer le dernier tableau peint par Monet en disant que c'est de la "daube" alors que je n'y connais rien en art.
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Hors propos.
Tout le monde sait que l'art, c'est chacun son avis...
Je croyais avoir tout vu sur ce forum en terme de grossiereté mais apparemment là on a décroché la palme !!!!!
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Et bien moi, je croyais avoir tout vu sur ce forum en terme de manque de respect d'autrui mais apparemment là on a décroché la palme !!!!!
Plus sérieusement, l'idée de stopper les vendeurs et spammeurs et limitant les comptes d'essais est bonne. Malheureusement, je soupçonne qu'ils n'ont pas assez peser les résultats indirectes qui ont été décrits dans le poste (justifié mais trop enragé) de VoXanE.
Triste témoignage. j'espère que Palladium fera remonter l'info et que cela servira à améliorer l'état des choses.
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^ Ceci. -
Is this a no clipping plea to the devs?
I only invade virtual personal space if I can get a glimpse of their virtual panties -
This is getting slightly boring.
Because Invincible_Atlas doesn't understand what the word permission stands for here (as in in-game: supergroup tab>settings>permissions).
Either he's doing it on purpose or he's not paying attention to the subtlety. But I can see that the general consensus is one of "This sucks - sorry you were conned - yes we DO understand what your SG-MotD mentionned - can't give you too much sympathy unfortunately - you allowed/gave access/gave permission for him to take items"
Gonna stop reading this thread as it feels like I'm sober and talking to a drunk girlfriend. And by that I mean the conversation is repeating itself and going round in circles... -
The morale of the story is - never trust anyone you don't know the address of just in case you need to give them a smack in the face.
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The morale of the story is there are no grrrls on the internets.
Until camfap confirmation. -
Ah ben la, avec Clara dans une pub pour CoH, je rachète le jeu direct une deuxième fois
I have to ask... who's that in the back?
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The succubus in the background is the demon who possess Sapphic Neko and grants her inner strength in times of need.
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? -
when GR rises from his pit in wrath
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You forgot the important part
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Ghost_Raptor rising from his pit is the important part!
Fear him, all ye who dare flame, troll and spam!
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Not to forgot cross threaders, wrong topicers and the dreaded thread necromancers
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Spammers and off-topicers?! -
Your stance seems to be that it is okay that I got stolen from and that nothing was done about it, because a) it was by the rules, which in some way makes it okay. And that b) because I gave him access his theft is therefore made acceptable because it is essentially my fault for trusting him... as such so no, Imafraid you REALLY dont get my point.
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It's never okay when someone steals from another. We all get that.
Every time you log on COH, you agree and adhere to NC's rules. No democracy here, only in-game set rules.
Those rules make it so that, yes, it is acceptable for someone to remove items from any base IF they have had permissions to do so given to them.
You gave @thievingscum permission to remove items.
Not anyone else did. YOU did.
I honestly suspect that you're miffed at yourself for allowing @thievingscum to nick stuff and misplacing your trust on someone you thought was a friend.
This is the bottom line at the very end of all this. -
Sorry to hear about your misfortune. Really.
However, I think this issue is more about you feeling betrayed and seeking "revenge" rather than being outraged regarding the game's system.
@heshouldnotbenamed stole from you by the rules. These rules are fair and have been looked at many different angles before being implemented in the game. They are fairly straight forward and idiot-proof.
I'm not saying I wouldn't have made the same mistake you did (since I always give the benefit of the doubt to everyone I encounter, in-game and in RL) but you really misjudged @heshouldnotbenamed. Therefore you can only blame yourself for this slip up.
I'd just let it go. Even if your trust has been abused.
Spend time with friends. This can be a great opportunity to make up for the loss by making more TF's while sharing more great moments with said friends.
The game's system and rules are fine. The people who abuse them f***ed.