Gingersnap (piccy)
Good, well-proportioned! I really like the legs, is celar you know the structure underneath=)
Nice. I cant put my finger on what the style reminds me of but Ill shout up if I do.
For whatever reason, I prefer the one of Liberty Girl. Can't put my finger on why. Still nice.
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
Nice. I cant put my finger on what the style reminds me of but Ill shout up if I do.
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Happy Dan's inking usually reminds me of Adam Hughes inking.
... Can I has AH!'s skillz plox?
Nice. I cant put my finger on what the style reminds me of but Ill shout up if I do.
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Happy Dan's inking usually reminds me of Adam Hughes inking.
... Can I has AH!'s skillz plox?
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Spotted! If only I could do the whole thing like AH! I know he has his critics but for me there's none better at combining that level of drawing & painting skill with some very witty context.
Nice. I cant put my finger on what the style reminds me of but Ill shout up if I do.
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Happy Dan's inking usually reminds me of Adam Hughes inking.
... Can I has AH!'s skillz plox?
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Spotted! If only I could do the whole thing like AH! I know he has his critics but for me there's none better at combining that level of drawing & painting skill with some very witty context.
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...that and he draws very sexy babes.
Nice. I cant put my finger on what the style reminds me of but Ill shout up if I do.
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Happy Dan's inking usually reminds me of Adam Hughes inking.
... Can I has AH!'s skillz plox?
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Spotted! If only I could do the whole thing like AH! I know he has his critics but for me there's none better at combining that level of drawing & painting skill with some very witty context.
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...that and he draws very sexy babes.
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^the truth. Great pic Dan.
I must be rubbish at using these uber-toons, since my Fire/Kin, Gingersnap, has been around for over a year and stuck at level 33 for months now. So, to make her feel better I had a play with Corel Photopaint 9 - a package I've had for a very, very long time. I know I have a long way to go with this but there you go. You never know how you're doing unless you get feedback, so with that in mind - here she is: