143 -
And NO you can't just use the Tigra oneThat's cheating
[/ QUOTE ]
Wouldn't dare think of it.I had you on the list anyway since you offered to host TA's pic.
That's why I've pointed to my sig, if you choose to do something from it any one would be nice, just use the one you feel the more comfortable to do.
[/ QUOTE ]
I know which one of yours I'm gonna take on. Spinomania!! Always wanted to do something with him. -
I want to limit one per "customer" for now, so no one feels left out
[/ QUOTE ]
Hey guys SweetThang is asking to keep it to one character per request.
Maybe you could hold off a little bit for the second,third,fourth and fifth additional ones?
Just to show respect to the artist and your fellow posters!
whatcha guys think?
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks TA!
If you list multiple characters, I will pick one from them so everyone gets a chance. So, if you have a favorite of the several posted, let me know in order of preference.
3 down, many more to come!!!
(Gotta do something 'til the bugs are fixed in CoH/CoVlol)
P.S. How do you color them so well? I found the bare templates for this style, but no guidelines for clothes or hair or anything. Do you paint it all yourself?
[/ QUOTE ]
I got the templates from : http://www.dcuanimated.com/gallery/main.php
I just draw the accessories on top of the template and keep referring back to the screenshot as I draw. It's a matter of making what's in the screenshot simplistic. For the colors, use the main color and a darker shade for the shadowing. -
Here's DonnchadH's request.
DonnchadH w/Lightning Eyes Aura
Next up...BuckeyeStar's Britannia. It was a very hard choice to make. I will be coming back to Warfox when I get a chance. -
WOW! That looks great!
This makes me wish that they had curly hair in the game.. it would look a lot like her.
Thank you!
[/ QUOTE ]
No problem Mutant_Mike!! Hope she likes it.
Believe it or not, TA was the first DCU style pic that I attempted, that makes Shadefyre number 2.
I hope to get better as I go along. -
Just finished Mutant_Mike's request. I did one of his wife's character (with somewhat curly hair).
Hope she likes it.
Shadefyre w/ Fiery Aura
I'll be working on DonnchadH's request next.
Stay tuned!!!
P.S. - Didn't realize these would get such a big response! -
Sorry bout that TA. Hope ya like it when ya get home!
I hope ya don't mind me taking the initiative using your character. You were the first one I had in mind, and your reference screenshots are all over the place! lol
Enjoy. I'll be doing more I hope!
Edit : Mutant_Mike, you've been added to my list. Is there a preference on which you want done first? I want to limit one per "customer" for now, so no one feels left out. -
Does anyone want a Bruce Timm/DC Animated Universe style version of their character?
Right off the bat, I figured the first person in line would be Thor's Assassin...so as an example :
Thor's Assassin
Thor's Assassin w/lightning aura
They take a few hours to make. This one I believe took 4 hours. I've been wanting to be a bigger part of the art community here, so this is my contribution. Art trades are welcome, but not required.
Any other takers? Screenshots are a must. -
Love this guide!
I would like to see several things added to the game to enhance immersion.
They (the devs) are always pushing immersion. I would like to see backpacks, holsters, quivers, scabbards, jetpacks, etc.
The fact that so many people have requested these items for the last few years should give the devs some idea of how the player base feels about them.
I know they take time, but at least give us an idea of when or even if we can expect them.
The pets have rocket boots (MM's Robots)
The pets have quivers (MM's Ninjas)
The pets have scabbards (MM' Ninjas)
The mobs have holsters (Malta Gunslingers)
The mobs and pets have backpacks (Malta, Mercs from MM set)
The mobs have jetpacks (Sky Raiders, Gold Brickers)
My Natural Blaster has Super Jump, and I explain it as anti-grav boots. I'd love to take Flight, but just slapping on a high-tech looking belt isn't my vision for him.
Just my .02
You clicked the wrong link.
www.coh.primagames.com was the link he was pointing you to.
There are several third-party apps that you can download for planning characters. They list all the powers for each Archtype.
Here's one that's popular.
Here's a site that lists powers and descriptions.
and another...
Enjoy the game. Hope ya come back after the 14 day trial, it's well worth it! -
Albion Saint's twin Desert Eagle .50 cal handguns were given to him by Sheikh Mohammed The Crown Prince of Dubai. It was given to him as a gift after solving a delicate issue for the Sheikh.
The metal used in the Desert Eagles is a niobium-titanium alloy. It was chosen for it's durability and resistance to corrosion by hot gases expelled by the .50 cal shells.
They are a one off production. Sheikh Mohammed wanted the gift to be unique.
Albion uses his own .50 cal rounds which he crafts himself. The cartridge generally has around 300 grains and a muzzle velocity of around 1,490 feet per second. This gives the bullet 1,340-plus foot pounds of energy, placing the cartridge well above the .44 Magnum in terms of power. The barrel is an 8 inch configuration.
From time to time, Albion has been known to use special ammo for certain tactical situations.
He has blessed petrified wood rounds that take out Vamps like they were bowling pins.
He chooses Sands of Mu rounds for added punch when faced with armored foes.
When facing magical beings Albion uses Orichalcum rounds. These reddish tinted bullets inflict special damage to mystic targets.
((OOC - Albion Saint is my soon-to-be Thug Mastermind. He merely employs thugs, he is not one himself. A gentleman assassin trained in the mystic arts, Albion possesses an air of sophistication that his peers truly lack. He has a penchant for fine dining and rare French wines. )) -
Albion took notice of the behemoth of a man come in the front door. Surely they must have a rear delivery area where such roughnecks could do their business without disturbing the clientele.
His thoughts turned to the book. One week ago he came home to his mansion just off Talos Island, to find that his hidden library had been ransacked. Several books were taken, in a ruse that would not have been spotted by the insurance adjusters...but he did notice. One particular book was missing. The mystic wards had been dispelled. He was no mere hedge wizard, but his seals would have kept out most thieves. Nevertheless, his family's prized heirloom had been pilfered. The book...Liber Ivonis. Many doubted it's very existence, yet he had read from it since he learned to read. It gave him nightmares, but also gave him glimpses of power that he could attain...under the right circumstances. The book was responsible for a great deal of his ancestors mysterious deaths. He understood it was a neccessity. Blood will follow blood.
This was the work of one woman. He had been warned by a blind seer in India of her treachery. Shortly after this warning, the seer was found face down in the Ganges River. The reach of the sorceress of Atlas was long indeed.
Albion glanced up and noticed the maitre'd speaking to the chef. She wiped her hands on her apron and started towards him. "I wonder what the matter could be?" he thought to himself. -
"One last thing," she said, catching his attention, and she assumed, his eyes behind the sunglasses, "Mind your manners inside the building. We can all stay friendly, whether we stay friends or not."
[/ QUOTE ]
"A wise Frenchman once said...The evil that is in the world almost always comes of ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence if they lack understanding."
"I will mind my manners madame. It is what I do best."
he said succintly.
"Pity about the Figeac really. I suppose the La Lagune Grand Cru Clàsse Haut-Médoc will do in a pinch. You should take me up on the Figeac offer though. I'll let a few bottles go at cost." Albion intoned pretentiously.
"Regarding the crudités, any sauce will suffice...although I'd prefer bagna cauda if the chef knows the recipe."
((OOC - This is fun Sib!!! Yes, the crudités are the raw veggie appetizers. Albion is full of secrets. Check your e-mail.))
"I'll take any available seat you have." Albion said to Martin. "I would have made reservations, had I known I was going to be in the area."
He casually inspected his surroundings, caution was a neccessity these days. His family mansion on Talos Island had been broken into. He knew who had been there...and exactly what they took. Unfortunately, she covered her tracks very well. No one in Paragon City would ever believe his word against hers. Foul witch. She had no right. The book had been in his family for 6 generations. His grandfather's grandfather had purchased the book in France. He had to control his anger, and put the matter out of his thoughts for the moment.
Before being seated, Albion discreetly calls Martin's attention.
"Excuse me my good man, but I have a few items on my person that would most likely be deemed inappropriate for this esablishment."
He opens his suit slightly to show his Bianchi Tuxedo shoulder holster sporting twin chrome Desert Eagle .50's.
"I do have the proper license for them, in case you're wondering. Do you have a lock box I can store them in."
After being seated... (if he is allowed after the firearm incident...)
"Would you happen to have a bottle of 1982 Chateau Figeac? It's one of my favorite Bordeaux. I did some business with Thierry back in 82. He was gracious enough to let me take a few cases of the 82 for my own scant wine cellar. If you don't have any, I'd be delighted to bring a few bottles in for your sommelier to sample."
"I'd like to start out with some crudités, if they are on the menu."
((OOC- Love this thread! Don't fear Albion Saint...fear what Albion Saint will soon become. lol))
Albion Saint was in Kings Row on business when he spied the sign of a fine dining establishment. Ladies by the Lake, Restaurant and Bar. Grand Re-Opening.
The swill most eateries in Paragon, Albion thought of as classify as subpar only to airline food. Having lived in Europe for years, he had acquired a higher class palate for comestibles. Of course there were some places in the States where a person could get a decent meal, but inevitably the chef had seen training in Europe.
Albion was neither hero, or villain. He liked to think of himself as a forward thinking entrepreneur. Putting a label on one's self could hamper one's mobility in life. The business deal wasn't panning out, so he set his sights on the restaurant.
He stopped to check his black Fioravanti suit, a habitual and unconscious act. With a few simple incantations he could achieve flight, but he didn't want to attract that kind of attention here. Not that a 6 1/2 foot tall, scar faced albino with a long ponytail didn't draw attention. He adjusted his Michael Kors mirror shades down partially to protect his sensitive eyes, but also to hide his recent scar over his left eye. A souvenir from dealings with a less than cooperative business acquaintance.
He walked the few blocks to the restaurant, hoping to get his mind off the Circle of Thorns punk who tried to rip him off this morning. He underestimated Albion's magical aptitude. Neophyte. The orichalcum he had tried to sell me was common slag. Probably got it from the ruins of Baumton from the looks of it. He knew the deal had gone sour and attempted a quick summoning. Proselyte. I'd been there last night and inscribed outsider wards. They held and he made a break for it. The slag he tried to sell me became one with his hand. Suffice to say he won't pass bogus mystic materials any longer.
I wonder if the Ladies will have decent crudités? He thought aloud as he entered the establishment. He was astonished to see a proper steward arranging seating for the patrons. He was going to have a nice time here, he could feel it.
((OOC - Albion is my soon-to-be Thug Mastermind for CoV when I7 hits. He is erudite and arrogant. A trait I've not attempted with any of my RP characters...honest! If he offends, then I know I've attained my goal. His origin will be forthcoming, as he is not a villain...yet. He is magic origin. Thug/Dark Miasma. He uses thugs because they don't need training like ninjas, they don't require building like robots, they don't rot and stink of death and decay like zombies, and they're not apt to kill you in your sleep like mercenaries.)) -
Red rubber Ball
by The Cyrkle
I should have known you'd bid me farewell
There's a lesson to be learned from this and I learned it very well
Now, I know you're not the only starfish in the sea
If I never hear your name again, it's all the same to me
And I think it's gonna be alright
Yeah, the worst is over now
The mornin' sun is shinin' like a red rubber ball
You never care for secrets I confide
For you, I'm just an ornament, somethin' for your pride
Always runnin', never carin', that's the life you live
Stolen minutes of your time were all you had to give
And I think it's gonna be alright
Yeah, the worst is over now
The mornin' sun is shinin' like a red rubber ball
The story's in the past with nothin' to recall
I've got my life to live and I don't need you at all
The roller-coaster ride we took is nearly at an end
I bought my ticket with my tears, that's all I'm gonna spend
And I think it's gonna be alright
Yeah, the worst is over now
The mornin' sun is shinin' like a red rubber ball
Oh, I think it's gonna be alright
Yeah, the worst is over now
The mornin' sun is shinin' like a red rubber ball
Now this song is stuck in my head...thanks.
"Hey there Julie, what brings ya' in?"
[/ QUOTE ]
"I'm looking for a few old friends hon." Julie said, looking at Gal's hand like it was from outer space. She opened her arms tentatively, anticipating a hug from the big hearted tank.
"I've been contemplating my place with the Sisters. I know it's not the proper place to speak about such things, but it just couldn't wait. Diva is my mentor, and we need to approach the Sisterhood together to determine what path is before me." Julie said in a complete run on sentence.
"Sorry, but this has been my main concern since I lost my powers." she said, returning to a normal pace of words.
"So, when's this place re-opening? I haven't had a decent meal for months?
Vegas had initially been startled when Gal had called, not recognizing the voice. Other than being on a mission for months, Vegas hadn't known what was going on. The City had its own demands on the stocky female scrapper, but she had worried some. Gal had stopped by her apartment a week ago, asking if she would take her job back. The woman who had owned the place and the woman who stood before her now, were different people.
[/ QUOTE ]
When Dark Vegas received the call from Gal she was indeed startled. Her world had been turned literally upside down since the restaurant went on hiatus. She started taking more missions, but they all seemed to fail miserably. Her powers were not progressing as fast as she would like. The black diamond that she received her powers from almost seemed to be holding her back.
On her last mission, she ran afoul of the daemonic force that had been shadowing her since she left Las Vegas over two years ago. It was after the black diamond. She was not about to part with the relic, but after an extended fight that she was destined to lose...the diamond spoke to her mind. It revealed to her it's true nature. It was not a black diamond from Mu, as she had been told by the Tsoo sorcerer. It was a sort of nictus crystal that was housing a Kheldian soul. A Warshade to be exact. He had survived by placing his essence into the shard of energy eons ago.
"Do you wish to be one?" it had asked. She knew in her heart that bonding with an alien essence was her only chance of living though this attack. "Yes." she replied, as the daemon drew back to unleash his deathblow.
An inky purplish-black cloud poured forth from the crystal, enveloping her in it's dark embrace. She felt every emotion at once and complete void at the same time. They were one now. She stepped through shadowspace and appeared behind the daemon. Tendrils of darkmatter licked at the hooves of the daemonic entity. A look of sheer panic erupted on its face, probably for the first time in it's millennia of existence.
It had failed at the one task it was created for. The crystal was needed by its master. Now that it was gone, it had no right to be here on this plane. It ceased to be with a foul burst of ichor and filth.
"Dark Vegas...welcome to our new life." the symbiotic alien said to her mind.
"Now I know how Sibling feels." she whispered to herself in the emptiness of the warehouse.
((OOC -Vegas is now host to a parasi...err....Symbiotic Alien Lifeform. They are still referred to as Dark Vegas.))
((Sorry for the long winded post.))
A small girl with a head of short bubble-gum pink hair came strolling into the bar. The weather had just turned warmer, so the slight girl took the opportunity to wear short shorts and a tank top that turned a few heads along the way from Steel Canyon to King's Row.
She had been out of the country for several months. For reasons unknown to her, her mutation that made itself known 2 years ago had ceased to exhibit any effect on her physiology. At least that's what the expensive specialists had told her in Stockholm. Shock Bubble had become Julie Watson again overnight. The electric blue glow in her eyes was no longer there. She had decided to turn in her Hero License until further notice. A hard choice to make, but one that was not taken lightly.
Her friend and mentor Trollkin Diva had been away on a mission in another dimension when Bubble's powers had faded. Luckily it was after she had disassembled several Clockwork Cannon Princes. She went to fly off just as she'd done hundreds of times, and just went nowhere. She tried to bubble-up, nada. Not even as much as a spark would come out of her pinky.
Being back in Paragon City was hard, but she knew her friends would help her through. Diva had been the one to tell her of the twins illness. She had to come by to see them. Sibling had made her entry to the Ladies possible, and Cliff...she missed him for other reasons. Now, more than ever, she needed family.
((O.O.C. - This was the easiest way I knew to explain why Shock Bubbles was no longer a hero in my stable of heroes. It was all CoV's fault!!! Darn you CoV!!!hehe
WB Sib. Love ya as always!! Haven't had the umph to RP since ya left.))
((O.O.C.² - Oh, and btw...Vegas has a dark little secret to share with ya'll. That will be my next post. Stay tuned!!!)) -
that sounds like saying Tomb Raider is a direct descendent of Zork text based games with puzzles :-p
[/ QUOTE ]
Neither Tomb Raider, not Zork were MMO's.
:P -
1 - KISS - I Stole Your Love (KISS ALIVE II)
2 - Godsmack - Goin' Down
3 - Big Bad Voodoo Daddies - Still In Love With You
4 - Led Zeppelin - How Many More Times
5 - Slipknot - Purity
6 - Jethro Tull - Living In The Past
7 - Nirvana - Dive
8 - Beastie Boys - Check It Out Now
9 - Trust Company - Falling Apart
10 - Rob Zombie - The Ballad of Resurrection Joe & Rosa [censored]
cool game! -
Trolls believe strongly in survival of the fittest. The junior members are known respectively as Trollkin, Jutal, Ogre, and Caliban. The highest ranking Trolls have mutated into grotesque abominations they have horns, bulge with oversized muscles, and are relatively sexless; these are called Gardvord.
[/ QUOTE ]
Nice article, but the last sentance in this quote just kills it. What a copout! Not having female Troll models in-game is one thing, but to turn around and try to say that some of the Gardvords are former females....Lame excuse. Very lame. Are you going to explain that some CoT Mages are really females too? Maybe the Skulls are crossdressing too?
Pffft. Stop being lazy and get some female baddies for the groups that are missing them. Yes. I know there are female baddies. Carnies, Crey Agents, Vahz Eidolons...but diversify! -
Don't laugh...I just came up with this in 5 minutes.
Dice Roll determination:
Use the dice roll emote to determine initiative.
Attack Situations (Health points could be kept a low number like in MtG, say 20 HP)
Damage could be calculated using another dice roll. Damage would be whatever was rolled. (1-6 pts of damage)
1 - Missed by a mile, you are now off balance (Opponent gets an extra attack)
2 - Missed badly (next attack is made at -1)
3 - Missed gracefully
4 - Hit : Damage calculated normally
5 - Mega hit : Damage is x2
6 - Stunning hit : Damage calculated normally but opponent is stunned (You get an extra attack)
What do you think? Insane? Too RP? -
Now you know how The Union took care of Jimmy Hoffa. *wink*wink*
I tried to help fight the Big Blue Guy in beta and got wasted in no time. A level 20 brute couldn't do much against this guy, that's for sure.