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  1. Olivia Munn is a lady what I would do naked touch on. That is all.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LunarKnight View Post
    I really need to shift away from supers for a little while. Marvel seems pretty devoid of quality these days, leaving DC to pick up all the slack. Fables has always been one of those things that I want to start at the beginning on, which is why I never start it at all.
    You have to start at the beginning. Just don't be put off by the very mediocre first volume. It gets ridiculously good after that.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stealth_Bomber View Post
    Any chance you could update SuckerPunch's online planner to be I19+ compatible? It runs OK on my iPad.

    I might be doing this myself ....
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    I believe you're seeing the result of Titan's regular backup process, and/or cleanup to prevent the server from freaking out about the backup (which it has done before). It was down for me as well, but it's back up just as fast.
    I think it's schedule daily at 5AM, but I could be wrong.
  5. What is BSF? Barracuda?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
    I have a dark sense of humor sometimes, so Vols. 1-4 made me laugh more than depressed
    You're going to find the next few volumes hysterical then...
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
    Oh, I am sure
    Also, the fights in the movie are a lot better than in the book. Again, probably do to the more dynamic possibilities live-action allows for me.
    No doubt, I whole-heartedly agree.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
    As I've said elsewhere, will my nerd card get revoked if I say after reading up to Vol. 4 of Scott Pilgrim and Vol. 1 of The Walking Dead if I liked their adaptations way more than their sources?
    Walking Dead gets way better past Volume 1. Volume 1 is very much an introduction.

    The Scott Pilgrim movie is a lot of fun and good adaptation, but I like the fleshing out of the characters way more in the comics because well, they actually get fleshed out.
  9. I think what I like the most is that I'm able to run my shield toggles on lowbie melee characters now. Pre-Stamina it was really difficult to maintain my toggles while keeping up an attack chain without having to rest every fight. It's definitely increased my enjoyment of the lower level game, and considering the severity of my altitis, this is a good, good thing.
  10. Hamster really just wants Nipple Beams.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
    Well, to be fair, (re: Rick panicking) on one hand I agree completely; on the other, it was his push to come here, his hopes were apparently high, then when he gets there, the door is not only closed, but someone is apparently inside actively watching them. Might send a lawman (who is probably somewhat accustomed to being able to command a modicum of acquiescence) a little batspit.

    Except comic-Rick wouldn't have led them back into the heart of the city again, at twilight, risking certain doom if he's wrong and the CDC isn't in fact a safe place. The whole thing was just so out of character, and when you're doing an adaptation, I think the most important thing to carry between mediums are the characters.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
    BAB, you are greatly missed.
    Man, I just resub'd after a long hiatus, and the fact that BAB isn't around anymore really makes me sad.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
    Here are some random thoughts re Dr. CDC: Just some thoughts. I am enjoying the show, though they fall back on some annoying survival-movie tropes (some unnecessary splitting up, some unnecessary panics...) though less often than most of this genre. I'm looking forward to more.
    I wouldn't have minded this so much if they weren't going against character. I really don't mind the plot deviations, if I wanted a direct adaptation I'd just go re-read the comic. But when you have Rick leading his family and group into direct danger, and than freaking out once they got there, that is just so contrary to the Rick's motivations and demeanor in the comic that it puts me off a bit.
  14. I played new powersets in Praetoria because it's all new to me.

    Stamina at 2 and Ninja Run at 4 are dreamy.
  15. I gave away most of my comics from when I was a kid, and I only just really started collecting again last year. So far I only have 2 longboxes full, but I'm OCD about them so they're in perfect organized order.

    It also helps that a lot of my comics are digital too. The internet sure does help a guy catch up on 15 years of comics to get caught up.
  16. SuckerPunch

    Heads up

    Originally Posted by Kobolt_Thunder View Post
    Holy hell they'll let anybody in here! What's up buddy?
    Not much. Couldn't help but take advantage of that Going Rogue deal, so I'm back for a few months. How's Victory? Seems awful quiet around here...
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    Sure there wasn't a zombie invasion going on?

    Currently listening to Hellogoodbye's Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs! And More!
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    Also, was there a Halloween event going on? The banner events clear out all mobs but for the banners, so that could be it. Check to make sure you can receive Hero Alert Messages to help you out there, but you can also hear when the event triggers (musical intro). The sky also goes all gray and cloudy, which is different from the usual starry sky you get in Paragon City (other than Croatoa, of course).

  18. I can neither confirm nor deny such accusations.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dume View Post
    6pm GMT+1 now - just retested, no luck
    I think Manga means late afternoon relative to the US. It's only barely afternoon here on the East Coast.
  20. I wish these planner guys would get their butts in gear
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Oh, and that thing I mentioned on VF last night? Here it is.

    It was actually from a Positron tweet here.

    I'm still not a fanboi.
    Marcian Tobay got a free year of the game and he doesn't even know how many slots go in a power.

    The fansite folks actually do stuff to further help the game and we barely get a mention once a year.

    Edit to clarify: I'm not saying that I or anyone else that runs a fansite expects anything from anyone for what we do. We do it because we want to and like to. I'm not saying we automatically deserve lifetime subscriptions or anything... just that a little bit of recognition every now and then would be welcome. As-is, since Lighthouse left, any and all red-name interaction has completely disappeared.