33 -
Banes do get a tiar 9. They share Call reinforcments with crabs. Nothing wrong with it. The lack of balance has nothing to do with "tiar 9". NWs outperform banes even without Elude.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ok if you want to be picky!!
The difference between:
Crab - Summon Spiderlings
Widow - Elude
Fortunata - Aura of Confusion
Bane - Web Cocoon
I think this is a mis-match and it really would go some way to addressing the thoughts that people have. -
Bane are fun, banes are lacking in comparison to the other 3 branches
[/ QUOTE ]
I agree with the Bane secondary lacking, but only because of the the Tier 9. I think if this was something more desirable the majority of the bad feeling towards Bane's would go away. But I still think that mine has more than held his own in any team I have been in so far. -
However, Night Widows and Banes do do basically the same job. The difference being, Night Widows do it better.
[/ QUOTE ]
I see what you are getting at here, but as far as I can see Night Widows are all about pure damage and no de-buff of any sort. Whereas the Bane's have surveillance and also venom grenade to de-buff resistance by 40% (60% for toxic attacks) making them more useful for AV/GM fights ( I know that AV's have a resistance factor to debuffs but you get my point). The 2 are comparable, but they are most definetley are not the same thing. -
Ok, again my exact phrasing wasn't the best. I will try and explain better.
Banes & Crabs both have access to the Combat Training: Defensive. Which I believe was your original point with me?
And whilst the list of Crab perks that you have listed sounds good, there are also perks on the Bane side that the crab does not have i.e. criticals, placate, extra defence to all through cloaking device. So it is all relative to what is more attractive to your playstyle and your power choices.
I suppose really how you feel about them depends on what you expect and have experienced already. Having not played any of the other VEAT i cannot say how under/over powered they might be. But I think Bane's are doing just fine. -
I can see those numbers but I think what also is not being thought about is the fact that crab spiders will use the same armour who are predominatly ranged. Much the same as the Widows who have a melee def power but how much use is that to a Fortunata who mainly works at ranged?
If you were to talk about the distinct lack of a decent Tier 9, i'd be agreeing with you. But I cannot agree with the fact that Banes are unbalanced due to one power not fitting your idealogy of what a Bane should or shouldn't have. From my own experience they seem to work pretty well, and being a bit of a number cruncher I have to admit that sometimes just figures alone do not tell the full story.
Though it is good to have a constructive conversation about the different standpoints we have -
No one has said they where gimped.
Gimped is not the same as unbalanced.
[/ QUOTE ]
You are right, I should not have said gimped. But I do think that there is a lot more scope for them than they are being credit for. -
I have to say after my first night of playing with my new Bane, I found him anything but squishy. Taking on 2 Freakshow bosses (+2) at level 24 is not what I would consider squishy. <---Only teaming with 1 Widow at the time also, so there was no stupid amounts of defence happening
I think it comes down to the tactics tbh having seen a few other banes about. Depending on what power picks you have should dictate what kind of play style you go for and not the other way round. Personally I started off with an even 2 mellee (bash & shatter) and 2 range attacks (mace blast & poison ray) this way I can jump in and out of mellee therefore making the most of my extra ranged defence. I'm at work at the moment but here's a rough overview of what my build was at 24.
1) Bane Armour Upgrade - 2 x Res
1) Bash - 3 x Damage, 1 x Rech
2) Combat Training: Defensive - 2 x Def
4) Combat Training: Offensive - 2 x Acc
6) Mace Blast - 2 x Damage, 1 x Rech
8) Swift -
10) Tactical Training: Maneuvers - 3 x Def
12) Poisonous Ray - 3 x Dam, 1 x Rech
14) Venom Greade - 3 x Rech, 1 x Acc
16) Health - 1 x Heal
18) Shatter - 3 x Dam, 2 x Rech
20) Stamina - 3 x End Mod
22) Mental Training -
24) Cloaking Device - 1 x Def
This give me a constant 35% to ranged and 25% to all else, this is before even starting to look at IO's and pool powers to top that up.
I hope this is of some use to people. But I am certainly not finding that Banes are the gimped set that it has been made out to be. -
Everyone says sonic's are few and far between. But they are worth it
[/ QUOTE ]
Aye this was my original inspiration to try this set and I have to say it looks pretty good to me. I think what puts most people off is as you have already said, not alot of the powers are usable without a team, or certainly not until the later powers.
But I think once i get past the hurdle of stamina there's not gonna be a lot of stopping this toon. Really looking forward to the end game. -
Like I said, please don't misunderstand me: a well played /Sonic will benefit any team, just don't expect every Brute on the server to be knocking down your door.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sorry it was probably me not being clear, but I can understand that Kins and Colds will always be the Brute's perfect partner, but its nice to know looking at those figures that sonic is definetley a helpful set and not the gimp set that so many people make it out to be.
But I really appreciate the advice so far Syn, has been really helpful. Ta! -
Just doing a quick few figures on Red Tomax with the res of the Sonic set and found something interesting out. Sonic Barrier and Disruption Field works out (when fully slotted) to give a 42% res to smashing lethal damage. This added onto a brutes smashing / lethal damage res (generally 42%) works out at 84% res to smashing / lethal damage. That surely can't be ignored?
I don't claim to be completley up to scratch with the figures but if the brute then took Tough he would be at/near the res cap for this type of damage. Would this be about right? -
I've managed to get my pure Sonic Attacks/Resonance to lvl 49. I've just picked up my final power, Disruption Field, and of all the secondaries it's probably the most effective one I've seen! So far I've only tried it with by casting it onto an MM's drones. And it rocks! I think this'd be devastating on a Brute as it cuts through the opponents defenses like swiss cheese. The only problem is it is massively expensive to run, just like Sonic Repulsion.
[/ QUOTE ]
It would appear that disruption field kicks some serious behind!! I've only tried on a few missions so far but all minions and Lt's go down after just a few hits. As for bosses they dont cause too much of a problem either atfer stacking disruption field with Sonic Siphon.
This is exactly what I wanted from this power and I think the fire primary will come into its own after stamina and SO's, rather than being the debt boy that I currently am! I can't believe that people have overlooked this set as being one of the best for brutes. Usually all you hear about is kin this and cold that. But I think sonic has the potential to be the brutes new best friend. Not only for the debuff powers but also for the shields and mez protection.
Ill keep ploughing on and putting updates on how I find the set and hopefully ill be able to make some form of guide when I get upto a resonable level. -
Thanks for the advice there it's nice to know im on the right tracks at least. Much as I like to find out for myself what powers suit etc. its nice to have a vague plan at least!
As for the stealth power, that is for the toons concept. So it has to stay. A waste of a pool power i know but i wanna keep the concept on this guy.
Interesting that the sonic cage has not been tried on LRSF, as most of the ones I have done recently the pulls have always brought 2 people. So i thought if i could just perma hold one of them everyone else could wail on the other. Will have to look into that one.
Any other advice would be much appreciated. But as not alot of other people seem to know about the sonic secondary, so I will try and post up some feedback on how the powers perform just to let anyone else, who is interested in the set, know how it performs as information on it is lacking at the moment!
Once again cheers for the input Phil -
Working on my new pet project as I haven't seen many corr's with a sonic secondary. What I would like to know is if anyone has much experience with the powers and how good of a set it is. Planning on a purely PvE build for teaming with a brute buddy.
Choose fire as the primary and my current build so far is:
+ Built with SuckerPunch's Online Planner
+ http://www.cohplanner.com
Name: Phantom Shreiker
Level: 12
Archetype: Corruptor
Primary: Fire Blast
Secondary: Sonic Resonance
01 => Sonic Siphon ==> Empty(1)
01 => Fire Blast ==> Empty(1)
02 => Sonic Barrier ==> Empty(2)
04 => Fire Ball ==> Empty(4)
06 => Rain of Fire ==> Empty(6)
08 => Fire Breath ==> Empty(8)
10 => Swift ==> Empty(10)
01 => Sprint ==> Empty(1)
01 => Brawl ==> Empty(1)
02 => Rest ==> Empty(1)
Is it worth getting sonic cage at any point maybe to help contain any problem pulls with the LRSF? Or is it just an intangability power that i should avoid like the plague?
Sonic seems like it has massive potential, but I just wanted to know which one's are the WOW powers and which one's are skipped. This was an idea of my final build. Any advice appreciated
+ Built with SuckerPunch's Online Planner
+ http://www.cohplanner.com
Name: N/A
Level: 50
Archetype: Corruptor
Primary: Fire Blast
Secondary: Sonic Resonance
01 => Sonic Siphon ==> Empty(1)
01 => Fire Blast ==> Empty(1)
02 => Sonic Barrier ==> Empty(2)
04 => Fire Ball ==> Empty(4)
06 => Rain of Fire ==> Empty(6)
08 => Fire Breath ==> Empty(8)
10 => Swift ==> Empty(10)
12 => Air Superiority ==> Empty(12)
14 => Fly ==> Empty(14)
16 => Disruption Field ==> Empty(16)
18 => Health ==> Empty(18)
20 => Stamina ==> Empty(20)
22 => Sonic Dispersion ==> Empty(22)
24 => Stealth ==> Empty(24)
26 => Blaze ==> Empty(26)
28 => Sonic Haven ==> Empty(28)
30 => Aid Other ==> Empty(30)
32 => Inferno ==> Empty(32)
35 => Clarity ==> Empty(35)
38 => Liquefy ==> Empty(38)
41 => Aid Self ==> Empty(41)
44 => Dark Embrace ==> Empty(44)
47 => Soul Storm ==> Empty(47)
49 => Summon Mistress ==> Empty(49)
01 => Sprint ==> Empty(1)
01 => Brawl ==> Empty(1)
02 => Rest ==> Empty(1)
Aye just to tag along and welcome all new members. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have since I've been along for the ride!
Well, we came, we saw and we kicked the [censored] outta the Honeree!
Awesome job by all last night, and the icing on the cake for me was the fact we got it done in about 3 1/2 hours and that was with only 7 people.
We have the theory sorted now for this SF and I reckon we could even cut this time down to less than 3 hours. So to the guys who couldn't make it last night, we'll sort something out and we'll try and get another one sorted ( especially as i got such a crappy completion recipe!! ).
Once again, great job all, was a pleasure working with ya last night. Makes ya proud to be part of UD! -
I am currently running a trio with friends and I have an Energy / Elec brute. Now one of my team mates has alot of aoe that he likes to use. So instead of slotting lightning field for damage, i was thinking about taunt to keep them all together and then he can let loose.
Good idea? And how would you go about the slottting if I went this way? -
Cheers to all for making it an enjoyable weekend, even if i didnt get on till midnight most nights (damn RL)!! Got a bit more stuff for the video and its starting to come together. Will post an update sometime this week with any luck. Anyone who wants to donate a bit of time for me to get some PvP shots it would be much appreciated
Stretch (Bluefang) -
Pretty much agree with what everyone else has said. But I think I have to stress an AR/Traps without Poison Trap is gonna be missing out on one of the best powers. Also I would def swap the M30 grenade with Buckshot, makes the knockback alot more managable. Also 3 slots in FFG always helps i think, extra def for a corruptor is never a bad thing.
My main suggestion to get things in earlier is if you want to get the stealth pool, i would put it off till later and get more of the staple powers you are going to need. -
Nice to see i got some repsonse from this. I dont know if I made it clear, but my main intention was to help out the new people who either dont have a SG or a list of globals. I've taken on board the point regarding the limited usefulness of just running the one trial. So my proposal is that people just post whatever SF or trial they would like to do and we will try and do that.
I would like to try and keep to the time frame I mentioned previously as this is more or less the only time in the week I can guarentee being online. If any of the more vetran players would like to help me run this, any help would be appreciated.
Again I hope this is of some use to the newer people as I never got to do my first SF/trial until being into the game over 9 months and I know how frustrating it can be to feel like you are missing out on a big portion on the game.
To anybody who is interested and would like to contact me in game my global is @dwayne dibley. Main toons are "stretchimus" & "bluefang". -
Dont know how many are on this team already, but if there is any space left, i have a fire / rad that I'd love to give this a go on. If there's no room, no worries. Global is @dwaynedibley
Just throwing this out, but i occasionally find it difficult to get a team together sometimes for the respecs. So i was thinking of running the above respec once a week to help out all the other people in my position.
Dunno what everybody thinks about this? But i figure it'd be a great help to the new people starting out as well as a few old heads.
I was thinking everyweek on a Saturday afternoon, about a 2 o'clock start so everything "should" be finished by about 4ish.
What do u all think helpful or just a waste of time? -
My guy is upto lvl 18 now and i keep looking at hero builder to see what should be my next power on the "sensible" side. But there is always this part that wants to try out something else when i come to lvl. What i really need to know, is what is skippable on this make up?
I know i need stamina and my TP, but what else can i leave out of this build? The only thing that i have seen so far is triage beacon, but that could have its uses at some point in time. -
yeah thanks for help. I thought i would need a respec to take flares out anyway, but at the low lvls i always appreciate the extra attack. I'll go for the stamina chain now i think, might make it a bit easier to do the respec that way, as i need to get it done sooner rather than later. Cheers for the help man!!!
At work atm, but as i remember, it's something along these lines.
1 - flares (dam) (dam) (acc) (acc)
1 - Radiant Aura (heal) (heal) (rech)
2 - fire blast (dam) (dam) (dam) (acc)
4 - Radiant Infection (endred) (defdebuff) (tohitdebuff)
6 - accelerate met (recharge) (recharge) (recharge) (endmod)
8 - fire ball (dam) (dam) (dam) (acc)
10 - rain of fire (dam)
12 - combat jumping (empty)
14- super jump (jump)
16 - enervating field (endred)
18 - hasten (recharge) (recharge) (recharge)
Thats the build as best as i can remember. The majority of these are DO slotted as well. My theory was to get blaze next, and see how i went from there. I think i will eventually have to donate at least one slot in every power to endred if i want to carry on going through with this build -
Its funny you say that, because at the moment ive not had a problem stamina wise even when using both my toggles and spamming attacks. It's when the AM runs out that I am struggling, at the mo it's on a 90 sec downtime when i have hasten active. This should go down to about 40 secs with SO enhancements. Do you think i should be starting on stamina now or do you reckon i can go without a bit longer?