Lightning Field




I am currently running a trio with friends and I have an Energy / Elec brute. Now one of my team mates has alot of aoe that he likes to use. So instead of slotting lightning field for damage, i was thinking about taunt to keep them all together and then he can let loose.

Good idea? And how would you go about the slottting if I went this way?



Kinda like BA from fire, 2acc/2taunt/2endred or the 2acc/2dmg/2endred style for damage-dealers.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

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I am currently running a trio with friends and I have an Energy / Elec brute. Now one of my team mates has alot of aoe that he likes to use. So instead of slotting lightning field for damage, i was thinking about taunt to keep them all together and then he can let loose.

Good idea? And how would you go about the slottting if I went this way?

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You can slot Lightning field for Taunt 'Duration' but I never considered this worthwhile.

The Magnitudes of Taunt effects stack differently than other effects in game. They stack from the same source, but not the same power, and do not stack from different sources. As such you cannot stack multiple Taunts from Lightning Field, but you do want to get another taunt in before the first one wears off. Taunt does not change the agro limit (17 targets).

Without slotting Lightning Field gives a 13.5 second magnitude 4 Taunt every tick. Since the 'tick' on the lightning field is 2.03 seconds they will be taunted again long before the initial taunt wears off. Infact they will be taunted another 5 times before the initial taunt waers off.

You might want to consider slotting for accuracy if you want to get the maximum taunting benefit. If the field misses the taunt will fail. A lighting field with high accuracy is also great for finding those Regen/Dark Armour stalkers in Warburg.

Personally I slot mine with 2xAccuracy, 1xEndurance Reduction, 3xEndurance Modification. I think I've got to be about the only Brute in the game to do this but it suits my style - I have Power Sink 6 slotted (3xRecharge, 3xEndMod) and like to start fights with it.

Generally though with Melee mobs if you catch them in the field as it ticks you will keep agro since they will follow you and stay in the field. With Ranged mobs you will keep agro for as long as they are in the field and 13 seconds after. It is entirely possible however (especially with sprint and lighting reflexes) to move passed a critter and not have the field 'tick' whilst the critter is in range.