Ultimate Darkness
So anyone out there i've teamed with before, drop me a message
Hi there
The Dirty Hand Prints have interacted with UD on occasions and the SG seems to be very friendly!
I know that they are always thinking of fun things to do and helping out their members
Cheers Von, i'll slip u that £20 laters
And as Grav has started to show us off, check us out on our site at www.udsg.co.uk (although its getting an overhaul shortly). We also have a beta of our new forum online as well now (not at above URL) so things are getting all the worse..... muhahah.....
The Starscreamer, (lvl50 Gravity/Thorns Dom)
Cheers Von, i'll slip u that £20 laters
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See now grav, if this was in game I'd have to make a dirty remark or comment about Agent after you said this
(And thanks Von, we like you too )
Lol tsk u beat me to it, was just about to postor website url on here, he's too quick that starscreamer :P
Hey Grav, I have teamed with you on a few occations, best of luck with the VG mate - we have a coalition spot open if you want to hook up for teams etc.
@Rawhide or @Black Momma.
Hey Dark, nice one mate sounds gud will send ya a tell. Take it easy mate.
Loving the Sig by the way
Loving the Sig by the way
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I'd like to put grav to the test on that one
Coalition all set up and I got to meet your better half too Grav ....every day I see more and more Girlfriends on CoV - I wonder if there will be an uprising soon Looking forward to fun times.
Hey this Le Agent Provocateur (Grav's better half). Welcomes The Horde to our new coalition. Here's to evil ways !!! Mwhahah
every day I see more and more Girlfriends on CoV - I wonder if there will be an uprising soon
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Funnily enough approx a third of UD is made up of female gamers, 2 of which are fellow commanders in the form of Le Agent and Sabby
I personally like the female insurgence - it works for me (especially when they are almost as bad as I am)
Either way we gladly welcome The Horde, along with our existing coalition with the fledgling group Science Fiction.
Hey hey, its my birthday on Thursday 14th of June! a truely royal occasion! i feel we may have to do sumthin Recluse SF or sumthin Thursday night or poss weekend or both!! lol
Hi all im a new player to CoV and am looking to find a nice friendly fun SG to join i am only just starting out and looking for an SG that will help me learn the game abit more.
From what I have read about your SG it seems fun and would certainly be interested in joining you. Do you have an requirements for recruitment?
Firstly - welcome to CoV
Our requirements are basically non-existent lol However more about us can be found on the afformentioned site - www.udsg.co.uk
Naturally if you come across any one of us feel free to speak up - or you can PM us on here or in game
(But being mental and at least a little perverse helps)
Firstly - welcome to CoV
Our requirements are basically non-existent lol However more about us can be found on the afformentioned site - www.udsg.co.uk
Naturally if you come across any one of us feel free to speak up - or you can PM us on here or in game
(But being mental and at least a little perverse helps)
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lol sounds like id fit right in
Iv sent you a pm on here
thx for the reply
Firstly - Happy Birthday!!
This SG seems ace, had a look on the site and it seems really good, id love to get a toon in on this SG!
please hit me with a tell some time @bruiser
Ok Nitrous - i've replied with some additional contact info and feel free to look any of us in UD up ingame
This is just a big shout to Black Pudding (Grav), Cybertronis, Green Thirst, Starcracker (me) and our resident cameraman Bluefang on making yesterdays festiities such a laugh!
And stay tuned on some of the "results".....
Roll on the double XP UD madness!!!
This SG seems ace, had a look on the site and it seems really good, id love to get a toon in on this SG!
[/ QUOTE ]
Come one come all mate - feel free to holler at any of us or you can contact us via a PM or a tell ingame
hey guys. a big shout out to all that took part in my birtday night carnage. Lookin forward to seeing the video Big welcome to new members. Hi Thug will get ya inv as soon as i can or catch us on line
Once again a big shout out to all UD members, A really wicked weekend of double XP destruction was had by myself as the Pudding and Agent. thanks to all that teamed with us.. Gud Sheet i tell thee. Oh yeah Thuged tried to look for ya at the weekend to inv u to join our crazy crew. Either myself or Agent and Star will most probably be online tonight we will look for ya again. if ur on with an alt lets us know mate
Cheers to all for making it an enjoyable weekend, even if i didnt get on till midnight most nights (damn RL)!! Got a bit more stuff for the video and its starting to come together. Will post an update sometime this week with any luck. Anyone who wants to donate a bit of time for me to get some PvP shots it would be much appreciated
Stretch (Bluefang)
Hey all,

Graviton-x From the SG Ultimate Darkness Here, I thought i would take the time to list my Super gang of misfits on here. If your looking for a laidback group, who aren't obsessed with Top 100 rankings and u just want to team and chill with sum gud peeps who are always willing to help each other out drop me a PM on here or is u can catch me online drop me a tell.
Other main leaders are Starscreamer, Le Agent Provocateur and Sabby.
If you luv to just chat rubbish, crack jokes whilst kickin the good guys [censored] drop us a line
Any questions, just ask
Grav (lvl 50 energy/grav Dom)
my other Main alt is Black Pudding (lvl 30 SS/Elec Brute)
See ya