Stray Kitten

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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    The only thing that I've never understood is how some people will farm badges and then look down on people for farming influence.. its the same thing, I promise you. If someone can logically prove to me that its different, I will retract my statement but I'm yet to see any objective difference.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's one of the reasons I'm bringing it up. I 'farm' for badges definitely, and I'm not talking AE badges. I mean how else are you supposed to get the massive Inf badges (On a side note, now with the economy system did that change how we get influence badges?) aside from doing mishs over and over and over again.

    I don't see it as any difference. Perhaps we should clarify that the problem we on Champion have with Farming, is EXP Farming? I think that's more appropriate?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The main things I see people have problems with is farming inf, exp, and tickets. While I do agree that everyone should earn at least one 50, that's just my personal view and once again, live and let live.

    A lot of it is due to the misconception that farming = exploiting which is not always the case. Other than that misguided idea, I don't understand why so many people are against farming.

    Also, the number of people who claim to be against farming, but farm for things without calling it a farm is an interesting angle to look at.

    EDIT: Merging two posts together

    I was with you until you said this Gattaca:
    [ QUOTE ]
    ...not playing the game the right way....

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    Saying that someone is or is not playing "the right way" is a bit of a pet peeve of mine and why I tend to stand up for the perceived underdog in debates like this. Part of the fun of an MMO is that there's no "one true way" to play.

    P.S. Don't take this personally, just using your quote as an example.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Are you really sure you want to open this can of worms?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's only a can of worms if people are hats about it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's the problem, someone more than likely will be eventually. Its just the way this sort of talk tends to go.

    Anyway, my thoughts on it are live and let live. I do farm with friends on occasion, but not enough to consider myself a farmer.

    The only thing that I've never understood is how some people will farm badges and then look down on people for farming influence.. its the same thing, I promise you. If someone can logically prove to me that its different, I will retract my statement but I'm yet to see any objective difference.
  3. Are you really sure you want to open this can of worms?
  4. Just to make sure, you do know that only Wolf Spiders count for this badge, not all Arachnos?
  5. Everytime I think of Canada, this song comes to mind. :P

    Happy Canada Day
  6. Like I said in BMT earlier. I'm thinking about it, especially since I was looking to reroll my dom sometime soon anyway. I'll be in touch to see how this turns out.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [BMT of Champion]@Mashimuri has been unsilenced in channel 'BMT of Champion' by @Cobalt Azurean
    [BMT of Champion]Mashimuri: I'll be good....
    [BMT of Champion]Gigz Evolved: when you get like this cobalt it gets me hawt..

    [/ QUOTE ]
  8. I'll sit this one out in case someone who still needs the badge wants the spot, but if you need me let me know and I can bring any of:
    Claws/SR Scrapper
    Emp/Dark Defender
    Ice/Rad Controller
    Fire/Kin Controller
    Ice/SS Tanker
    Sonic/Mind Blaster
    Fire/EM Blaster
  9. Stray Kitten

    Thoughts on I-15

    My thoughts on the whole issue boil down to "meh."
  10. This is Stray's friend, I'm being dictated to over the phone:

    "Sorry guys, my internet went out sometime last night. I spoke with my ISP and the best estimate they could give me was 24-48 hours before I was back online, so unfortunately I will probably not be able to lead my raid today and I will be postponing until July 18. I'll post more about it when I get internet again.

    If you all want to continue without me, feel free. I wish you the best of luck."
  11. Stray Kitten

    HBD Stray Kitten

    Thanks for the well wishes everyone.
  12. After talking to several people about it, I'm going to try to start running monthly Rikti Mothership Raids. Initially I'm looking at either the 1st and/or 3rd Saturday/Sunday of each month since (to the best of my knowledge) this won't conflict with any prior events scheduled for Champion, aside from the Sunday night Hami Raids.

    That being said, I'm going to try my hand at it this coming Saturday (June 20, 2009) at 4:00 PM(EDT). We'll run at least one, more if we can keep interest long enough. The dates and times are not set in stone at this moment, so if anyone has better ideas or I am in conflict with something else, let me know.

    tl;dr: Rikti Mothership Raid - June 20,2009 - 4:00 PM EDT

    EDIT: I suppose time zones would help.
  13. Could be, just want to throw it out there that I am contemplating getting them started again if I can find a good time that won't mess with other events (that fits my schedule as well).
  14. Kind of funny that I was just having a discussion with a few people in BMT about getting these started again.

    EDIT: lolgrammar
  15. *calls first spot*
    @Stray Kitten - Succubus Kitten - Level 50 Fire/EM blaster

    Or, if need be, I can fill pretty much anything needed except I don't trust my ice tank to do it again.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [BMT of Champion]Interface: all set boners work regardless of form

    [/ QUOTE ]
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Perhaps we wait to see if going rogue is out?
    maybe we will have more ATs and powersets to choose from

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm voting for this if its feasible, but I'm pretty much up for whatever happens assuming next semester's class schedule allows.
  18. Stray Kitten

    Some Doll news

    Take care Doll. I can understand leaving over this kind of stuff, I almost left myself over Posi's temper tantrum a few weeks back.

    Still, sit back, cool off, test it and offer feedback and see what's going to be changed before you make a final decision.

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I swore a long long time ago when I only had 1 lil villain that if anything happened to Psi Shockwave then I'd go. And it has, big time. So I'm out.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    For someone who didn't even play her mind/psy dom to it's fullest extent (I don't think she even permadom'ed it, at least it wasn't for a very long time), it is surprising that you would leave over a nerf to one power. Infact alot of your toons weren't really built that well.

    If you want to give it all up over 1 change, that hasn't even been finalized.... have fun out there....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Bad form, Shin.
  19. Is this by chance the error 13 or 14 crash?

    If so, there's a sticky at the top of this forum for a hotfix for this.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Possibly useless info for pure gamers:

    Indications from tech sites is that Win7 will have far more brutal DRM than even Vista. Simple example is capturing audio streams. You can't without losses, or lossy workarounds or hacks. There is MUCH more to this subject, but I didn't bother to keep reading, as this freight train has been lighting the tunnel for a long while now.

    I am not happy with an operating system that not only fails to facilitate whatever I am trying to do, but actually attempts to self-determine MY level of rights to my own content. Making archivals of DVDs that I own is relevant to me. I personally can circumvent anything they throw into Win 7, by using readily available hacks. Not so easy for Joe consumer that simply wants to get something done with his PC.

    When the authority that validates your downloaded media is gone, so is your ability to use that media. Steam, Yahoo music, Itunes...... There are no promises of forever.

    I do not know when the decision to use hardware (trusted computing platform), or an operating system (Digital Rights Mangling) to LIMIT your capabilities became a focus. I am certain that day was not a day to celebrate.

    Windows 7 is the next level of lockdown, apparently.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    For what its worth, typically any time you're using the same card to play and record audio, you will lose some quality (aside from the $$$$$ cards that are designed for that purpose). Also from what I've gathered (haven't tried myself yet), people saying that it isn't possible haven't turned it on in the control panel.

    As far as the other DRM claims, I've yet to see any indication, but I haven't done anything that would require DRM to step in besides playing MP3s and videos.

    All in all though, keep in mind that a lot of the DRM claims that are made by tech sites that are trying to push Linux forward by bad-mouthing Microsoft (not to say all, but the things I've seen it was pretty obvious what their goal was).

    [Not a Windows fan persay, just wanted to offer a counterpoint]

  21. Just wanted to verify my last post that the crash I was getting was indeed the error 14 nVidia crash, so it looks like this bug still lurks around in Windows 7.
  22. Just figured I would drop in and say I've been running the Windows 7 beta pretty constantly for a month or longer now. No real problems except that I had an nVidia crash a couple of times (aggravatingly enough, while I was in an overnight heal farm).

    This is with a EVGA 8600GTS and the 185.xx beta drivers (in my Vista boot right now so I can't check the exact error numbers and such, but I'll try to remember to edit this post after I reboot again).

    EDIT: 185.20 beta drivers. Couldn't find the error number unfortunately, but judging by the error message itself it looks like it might be the error 13/14 bug again.
  23. Many apologies for missing last night everyone, had my last final today and in the rush to study for it I completely forgot it was Wednesday.
  24. Fwiw, EF would be of more help on the AV because its -res, but RI would be more helpful with survivability in general.