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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dirges View Post
    The problem is FF secondary effects all come with limits. The repel keeps you from using all your defense powers on melees
    ... er... no, it doesn't. I'm assuming you're looking at Force Bubble.

    1. Bubble people.
    2. Push enemies into corner/ditch/room/whatever's handy, generally grouping more together.
    3. Use your controls/blasts/minions to beat them up while they're there. The melee can do the same thing.

    Yes, they're out of range of dispersion bubble *if* you're just using that to hold (say) a doorway without a corner behind it, but if you're using terrain you can cover them, as well. Besides, most melee are going to have something else to go with the bubbles (their own def, regen, resist, etc.) while most squishies are going to be able to stay back to some extent.

    If you have to get closer, Repulsion Field can work. It is trickier to use, though (and I think more stuff resists KB than resists Repel. It is, however, better to use with most AOE Immobs, as Force Bubble will still push immob'd enemies around in most cases, where almost all control sets will resist the KB. Of course, if they're immob'd, they're not going anywhere *anyway* so it's somewhat moot!)
  2. OK. I think I need some clarification here.

    You're essentially asking for something like Kheldians, but with only one form, and with defensive secondaries, right?

    What happens if you stay in human form? I want to make sure I'm reading this right - you have (say) plant-related powers of some sort in Human, and change them while in Battleform, correct?


    Pick one of the battleforms and write it up, as shifted and non shifted. It'll give a better idea of just what's going on with the character.

    I'm not sure about having a timer on the form, honestly. One of the things I didn't like about Brutes previously was this need to rush-rush-rush to keep the Fury bar up. To keep people from just staying in form (which they will anyway,) give some reason to drop to human - something that covers a weakness, gives a buff, that kind of thing. (Looking at Khelds again, for instance, a Human/Nova has to drop to Human for mire/eclipse/stygian circle (WS) or healing/HP boosts/Lightform (PB.))
  3. Yes, please.

    I'd almost want to add "With an automatic indicator of AT/level/alignment available" there, or at LEAST alignment itself.
  4. Would you be offended if I said the first thing that came to mind with that second screenshot was Minecraft?

    Crashing after that much. Ow.
  5. About the only time I run into any issues is on high level Khelds, since the form trays are never full (can't use most temp powers in there anyway) so I lose some there.

    But with the explanation of macros for trial instructions - yeah, I can see that, I guess. It'd be nice if you could have a set of macros defined and have one button just switch between them or something (so you'd have only one tray) but that's the only other way I can think of doing that other than more trays.

    Mentioning M4/M5 - I assume using a Logitech type gaming keyboard? IIRC, you might be able to save some of those bind slots by just assigning them a key combo, and just having one (smaller) set of macros to swap out the instructions (so G1, for instance, is set to "control-shift-W" and that key combo is defined differently in different bind files.) Then again, you might be doing that already.
  6. Quote:
    One last thing, please stop with the personal attacks. Never singled out anyone.
    You reply to my suggestion with "Next thing you know people will insist on a 50 for signing up for VIP." Something so far out of left field and so ridiculous (and having exactly ZERO to do with my suggestion except mock it,) this after replies like Mr. "I ARE LEET RPer, Away, Freemium Peons!" - would you expect it to *not* be taken as an attack, as opposed to a legitimate, thought out criticism?

    And then to go to the "Back in MY day, we had it hard!" bit. Well, yes, and before that you could only run one armor, rooted actually rooted you in place, etc, etc, etc.

    The game has evolved. It has changed to make things more accessible and to make teaming more enjoyable and worry free. I no longer have to worry that the person exemping me down for a TF will disconnect and I'll get auto-booted from it. Hazard zones no longer have levels (meaning, of course, that if we have a team of mixed levels, half the team won't be locked out of the zone where a mission is mid-arc.)

    People can team up and just decide to do any TF they want, as long as they're of the appropriate level... except this one. That, to me, is broken, a throwback to an earlier, less "friendly" age of the game. And that's what I want to fix. That's nowhere near "Insist on being awarded a level 50 for going VIP" or any of the other ridiculous things that have been thrown around on here by a few individuals. Your reaction, to me, was on par with me saying I wish cars had more efficient engines and you going "Next you'll want a teleport to your own personal moon base complete with starship, I had to work 90 hours a week at minimum wage to earn my first car!"

    So you'll just have to excuse me being offended at that being piled on top of all the other nonsense thrown out as arguments "against" the suggestion.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
    For internal game-world reason it makes sense to have a lock on getting into the Midnighter club. It's a club and they can have any entrance requirement they want. There's nothing that we actually NEED in the Midnighter club, except the portal to Cimerora.

    But there's no reason to limit access to Cimerora based on club membership. There's at least one other mission that sends us to Cimerora without dealing with the Midnighter club.

    What the devs should do instead is make Cimerora another one of the zones accessible from the portal in Ouroboros. The only way back out would be Ouroboros, unless you happened to be a Midnighter Club member.

    This would require a change to the mission teleport logic, probably, which won't let you teleport to a Cimerora mission unless you've got access to the Midnighter Club.
    I'd be perfectly fine with this as well, to be honest. Though really, "the only way back out" might be an issue - have the crystal redirect you to Ouro if you don't have the Midnighter badge, have it offer them both as options if you do.

    I don't think it'd be an issue with most people, really, with SG teleporters, wentworth teleporters, the ouro portal, mission teleporters and the hundred other ways of getting out.

    I don't agree with not letting you in a Cim mission without the midnighter club, though. If a friend's running something and invites me as I log in, I should be able to join. (Not that there's a lot in Cim, admittedly. There should be more added.) Excepting any Midnighter-themed or Midnighter-specific missions being able to be started, of course. (Again, not that there are any now.)
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
    My point is that other sets...just about ALL other sets...can provide more than just survivability. Of course defense isn't useless, but when you have defense with +dmg, +rec, -res, etc. vs defense with nothing else, the decision is pretty simple.
    Except it's not defense with "nothing else." Not that what it *does* bring (a small degree of crowd control) isn't eclipsed to where it could use a buff, I'll agree there, but it does bring a *few* other tricks (repel, KB, knockdown/stun, cage.)

    Caging, at least, has started to see some (limited) use from what I've been picking up (Recluse's towers, Rommy's puffy friends) so it's one power that's not *always* an auto-skip. Very situational though.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
    I've not tested this myself since I'm too high in the reward tiers, but that is reportedly how IOs work when you don't have IO access. They just don't do anything but sit in their slot taking up space.
    Unless they're the Paragon Market purchased ones, I believe - anything you pay actual cash for.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oliin View Post

    Funny story. They apparently actually tested some form of stealth strike with cloaking devices ages and ages ago. The help text indicating CD would let attacks crit from hide slipped onto the test server and according to the devs (I want to say it was Castle) they wouldn't be going that route (I think because it was too good) but they'd be looking into Devices in other ways.
    Doesn't that (or something like it) still specifically work with AR when paired with DEV? (or was that targeting drone? Some power from /dev.)
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
    How much is a market license for a month?
    You going to pay for it for everyone?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Everyone has access to IOs. Whether someone chooses to utilize them is irrelevant to the fact that they can.
    IOs are an optional part of the game. And I seem to recall hearing more than one vet saying they don't bother with them (even when people were doing things like complaining about trapdoor's mission, there were a fair number of "I soloed it with my XX on SOs" posts.)

    And no, everyone doesn't have access to IOs. Free and lower tier Premium do not. Design decisions for powers in general should not be made around "They could have capped such-and-such from IOs" any more than they should assume everyone has mez defense, or a ton of HP, or a specific travel power.
  13. What won't fix Khelds:
    • Adding Confuse to all Nova form attacks, even if flying squids firing energy from their tail is not something you see every day.
    • Adding butter to Dwarf, no matter how good lobster can be with it.
    • Continued denial of the request for the Kheldian sash.
    • Star Trek jokes.
    • Removing voids/cysts/quantums. Tweaking what shows up with who and why, sure. Removal, which I've seen asked for - no.
    • The vet.
    • Trying to make them VEAT-like
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
    Force Fields - Defense is the most easily attainable way of bolstering your survivability. Even blasters can self-cap their defenses these days. So a set that can add defense and absolutely nothing else is lacking.
    While FF can use some looking at, I can't agree with this reasoning.

    Yes, some people can soft-cap blasters, etc, etc. But not everyone can - or is even going to bother trying, since they'll have no interest in it (or no access to IOs.) For those people, FF adding Defense and then more Defense is a good thing (not to mention some degree of crowd control in Force Bubble, Repulsion Bomb, Repulsion Field, etc.)
  15. I'd want:

    The Mission Computer to be worthwhile for everyone. SG missions available only to (or to be started by) SG members to earn stuff for an SG. Solo and group, perhaps even trial. (Of course, you could add others, but some SG rewards would go strictly to the SG that owns/ran the missions.)

    More "stuff." Including themes, so I could lock in a "Castle theme," for instance, to look like stonework for a castle and new rooms would take it and the coloring automatically (but be able to be overridden.)

    New base editor. I could go into pages on things to do. But base editor revamping doesn't sound like it's coming any time soon.

    Better scaled items. I hate having chairs that make everyone look like a little kid.

    TVs, "windows," aquariums and the like for walls.

    Pay rent from anywhere.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rebel_Scum View Post
    - Ice Control (Frostbite does -KB which nullifies Ice Slick, why.
    ... so don't use it on ice slick? There's no actual reason to.
    Also Flash Freeze plus any interface power with the DoT effect makes it break itself, that's real useful.
    Flash freeze, being the type of sleep it is, tends to be skipped anyway. That said, I wouldn't count what something not built into the power does to it against it- Interface, procs, someone using Rain of Fire, etc.
    Also token comment about Jack Frost's AI but that's a more general pet issue.)
    - Peacebringers (Do I even really need to say it? Knockback should've been removed from them at the same time it was removed from most melee powers with it.
    No, it shouldn't. Makes sense in Dwarf, since you have three nothing-but-melee-range attacks, and that's it. Human, you've got more range to deal with and are fairly squishy for most of it, especially with tri forms that tend to skip the shields (losing some resistance.) Makes more sense there to have KB.

    I might say add another attack to White Dwarf, since it only has 3 (versus Dark dwarf, which can use the heal as an attack as well plus has the AOE buffing and doing damage.)

    Also I'd add the same mag 4 mez protection the spiders get into the first secondary power, the auto one.
    Fairly sure that's been nixed from ever happening because it's in dwarf and lightform, unless I'm remembering wrong.
    Also give Quantum Flight a +flight cap effect like afterburner so you can actually use the other three quarters of the flight speed it gives you in exchange for the horrible endurance cost.
    The response I usually see is that QFly's not a travel power, it's an escape power (thus the phase - the near-instant phase.) Switch to regular flight and "quantum acceleration" for longer distances without the END cost. (Somone had some binds for that, both quantum and regular flight. Maybe most PBs.)

    And increase Pulsar's stun to mag 3 to match the warshade stun power.)
    Possibly. A hold to stack with IS might be seen as too much. Or add the stun somewhere else as well (radiant?) so it can stack as it's needed.

    I'd probably tweak Energy Assault for Doms. It always feels like it needs... "more." Not sure of more what, to be honest, and I don't have numbers behind me to point at anything. It's just a feel thing for me. That's a hard place to start tweaking from, I know.

    Mastermind pet AI needs more tweaking.

    And I'd do something to Ninjas to make them not-so-squishy.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Demetrios Vasilikos View Post
    Thank you for all the personal attacks
    ... says the person being the snob.
    shows how hurt you must have been when kicked from that ITF.
    What are you babbling about now? I don't seem to recall ever saying I was. *checks posts* Nope.

    Let me tell you a little trick, be likable and people will like to help you out.
    So you don't have people who like helping you, then? Because you sure give the impression, not of a likable individual, but of a stuck up, elitist ***. And not just in this thread.
  18. [QUOTE=Chef_Inferno;4093445]Next people will ask for a level 50 toon for signing up for VIP.[/qutoe]

    Y'know what I'd love? For people to not get all hyperbolic about things because of wanting to remove one of the last locks in the game.

    I love CoH/V but I started when you had to earn things in the game. No travel power till level 14, extra zones had a level requirements, etc. It took me over a year to get a level 50, partly due too altitis. I enjoyed ever min of it. Please stop dumbing the game down just to make a buck.
    This is not "dumbing down," as much as some of these opposing responses seem to indicate it may be needed. You'd still have to be 35 to run missions, etc. in Cim. You'll still have to fight romans for costume bits, and run the ITF for others. And this has absolutely NOTHING to do with "making a buck." What does it have to do with? Removing the need for a tedious arc that's inconsistent between sides on when it's awarded. Removing the *last* zone unlock left (a co-op zone, as it happens.)

    Perhaps you'd like to read the original post again and actually try *thinking* about the response before posting it.

    And don't go into the "Walking uphill through ten feet of snow at thirty below wearing nothing but a fifth-hand pair of worn khakis, damp cloth wrapped around my feet, no shirt, for fifty miles just to get a drink of water" nonsense. I've been around long enough to have seen the same things, and removing the silly restrictions has done nothing but make the game *better* and more enjoyable.
  19. Stealthed, Stealthed w/Superspeed or an IO: Yes.
    Using Invisibility power: I don't believe so, as it sets you to "Only affecting self," as I recall.

    And... Time bomb? Someone took that?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Clockwork O1 View Post
    It requires the modification of every animation currently existing in the game to work with these movement modes.

    Furthermore, it requires every new animation created in the game going forward to be created with these additional movement modes in mind, increasing the number of animations needed for every new power set, emote, etc.

    This is not a simple request, it is an exponential increase in time and work for every new animation that is put into the game.
    Pfft, see, obviously laziness if you ask some people!

    (My reaction is more "Yay, recent redname response to prove we're not making this up when explaining that very thing.")
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    And the whole enhancements degrade over three levels, but SOs are sold every five levels thing didn't help at all.
    ... well, not 100%. Yes, they degrade over three levels - they're also more effective than even for a few levels. (22 = level 25 SOs. Hit 27, get 30s.) So really, it's not THAT bad.

    And, of course, combining helps.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rathulfr View Post
    I think the bottom-line here is SUPPRESSION, which has been suggested/requested before. I think that most players would be satisfied with the non-combat travel powers if they were to to SUPPRESS toggles, not disable them entirely.
    I wouldn't argue with that. Powers would still be unusable as designed, no extra animation would need to be done, but we'd get the best of both worlds.

    That plus, out of self-interest, the same tech might come over for the shields and toggles on Kheldians, which has also been asked for to help with form switching for years.
  23. I've seen this come up a few times, and agree each and every time.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    Ya 0k rage moar son lol.

    what next, remove the badges needed for the accolades? I mean I've got them all before I know where all mobs are for the defeat badges and explore badges. What's the point n even playing the game at this point lol.
    Stop posting while you're behind. The only thing you're doing is making yourself look even more foolish with every word you try to type. Removing the badges for accolades is absolutely NOTHING like the suggestion. But go on pretending you have a point to make. Only thing you're doing is making yourself look like the south end of a northbound horse.

    PS it's a game it's all about the artificial barriers. Without them we got a crap shoot of no achievement crapfest
    Riiight... are we playing the same game? You noticed the removal of level barriers from hazard zones, right? And from the RWZ? And the introduction of SSKing, to make teaming easier - which is what the suggestion's about, removing one more barrier to teaming?

    COH is one of the most barrier-free, casual-friendly, socially-enabling MMOs out there. I want to get rid of one more barrier.

    Removing those has not turned the game into "a crap shoot of no achievement crapfest," as you put it. Nor will removing this one.

    And if you agree with Mr. Elitist "I AM ROLEPLAYER, I need NOT this RIFF-RAFF!" ... well, you're not exactly a shining example of a great teammate, anyway. Though it does sound like you'd be the "inferior type of personality" Mr. Elitist there would snub.
  25. Stormbird

    Admin Channel?

    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    in fairness last night it was Virtue. Don't see too much on Exalted.
    Seem to recall seeing it more after the server was introduced - plus they keep mentioning "Dev event on exalted," etc. when they do - thus the comment. I'd expect to see it more often there than anywhere else.

    I have characters there, just don't tend to like playing there much because of my mix of premium/vip friends. Easier to just stay on the classic servers where everyone's welcome.