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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
    Since I don't believe we are being "monitored" anymore...

    To the OP:

    I'll join STFU!!!!! Hehehe.
  2. Thank you for giving us something!! I know its a bunch of ifs but its something!
  3. SteelDominator

    Past Server Pics

    I thought I had more but here are some from the Last Server pic if anyone has more of the previous please post.

  4. SteelDominator


    Memories....When I first started playing the game Dec 2007 it was as a trial, i've never played MMOs and decided to try this super hero game. I always wanted to be a super hero and who didn't run around as a kid with a blanket around your neck as a cape or carry a trashcan for a shield. After my 2 weeks was up I decided to stick around. I had a bunch of noob questions and wondered how I could fly, typical noob questions. My 1st SG was, "Easter Studio" and knowing what I know now it was a small, (15 people) SG but still efficient for my teaming needs.

    Favorite memories-

    (1)Getting my first Master badge, Master of Statesman Task Force, I was pretty bummed after several tries but for one reason or another just couldn't get it, nothing wrong with the people I ran with it was just something always happend. Finally I posted on forums about getting help for this badge, I was set to deploy to Iraq in less than a month and I had in my head I wouldnt being playing for at least a year. Amy, Horus, Kahlan and others invited me for there next Master run and we got it, I was so happy!

    (2)Master of Keyes, this one was really special as well becuase it took us several months to acheive!

    Whats next- I'm not really sure, I say i'm going back to Diablo 3 but no other game will compare socially and I doubt there ever will be. D3 can only team 4 people at a time, I'm not interested in any other MMO. Like I said before I always wanted to be a super hero, not a Jedi, trekkie, or even a freaking Elf. The next MMO i'll be checking out is The New Marvel MMO being ran by Gazillion. Doesn't guarentee i'll stick around for that. COH will always be the standard MMO and if Marvel doesn't fit the bill then who knows.

    COH is the one game my wife, (Ima Mankiller) and I have always enjoyed together. Sometimes we'd see some things in game and be WTF? Sometimes we'd lol, but it was something we always did together. I saw her cry for the first time in years and it really broke my heart. She was reacting differently but we felt the same way with overfilled emotions of time, effort, and freinds we made over the years coming to an end.

    Once again too many names to mention but thank you, I just wanted to share my thoughts to everyone in game and especially on Champion server. I love you and this game.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    GW2 can go suck it, im never giving ncsoft another penny again
  6. Thanks Tanks thank you all for the Tanker Tuesdays and the great fun I had!
  7. SteelDominator

    Save COH

    Thank you, please pass the word. It wasn't just the gamers that were affected but the employees as well, they have families to support and this came to us as a suprise just as it did us.
  8. SteelDominator


    I saw the news I was in denial, now i'm pissed. I saw my wife cry for the first time in years, we lost more than a game we lost the priceless communication with freinds every night. Also the families of those who worked for COH over 80 employees lost their jobs and means to support their families, lets not forget about them.
  9. Moving this to RWZ, good point we'll need a CO-OP zone for this. We'll take the pic right outside the Vanguard Portal.
  10. Since COH is closing soon lets do a Server Pic.

    September 8th, 8 PM EST in Rikti War Zone outside the Vangaurd base. Pass the word and call out to everyone to come back one last time for this event.

    -RWZ 2 will be the over flow zone when RWZ 1 caps. both pics will be uploaded to forums and most of all saved for memories.
  11. SteelDominator


    In case you missed it.....

    Ima and I will like to say goodbye as well to all we have played with these past 4 years, this really comes as a shock and I'm just as dissapointed about this news. I want say goodby; goodbye as we might see again in another game, COH2, or who knows. I want say a special goodbye to everyone with too many names to mention and freinds we have made over the years.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by 1 BAD View Post
    Steel if you want to join us in vent you're more than welcome as an old timer

    Maybe we even be lucky enough to give you a home for your toons on virtue. Vent info is on website

    1 BAD
    Now I know your not the old man becuase he would have never in his day give me an invite back into invite or the SG, thanks I might consider that.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frostyblue View Post
    Hi Steel, how u been buddy. You still on virtue? Scooter has not returned by the way, after he left we shut UH down and reformed as The Razors Edge totally Scooterless Has been great fun running with old sf and uh members, and meeting a lot of new peeps too. Hope you are well, tell Ima I said hi and hope to see you in game.
    Retracting that last reply in this post, hope all is well good luck with the SG! I do miss the old days sounds even better without that other guy. I might even pop my head in on the Mother ship raids. I have few toons on Virtue, sorry for the inconvienance.
  14. Might need to open the wallet again and burn influence into the Prestige Pit, our favorite guy is back
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    Really sorry I had to miss this. I'd already had my MoUGT on Liberty posted for the same time slot.

    We got our Mo, though. Hope you guys gave the Jello all it could handle.
    Gratz on your Master, Hami raid was like riding a bike after years of not being on it. Nice Hami enhancement to go with it!
  16. SteelDominator

    Radio Paragon

    Hey WB Myrm! Recently activity at Radio Paragon with lots more DJs and Public relations folks in game has really exposed this channel. Not to mention the events they cover especially Tanker Tuesday, most of the DJs are on the Tanker channel and can be seen interacting in there. MOst notably the Witty death tracker!
  17. SteelDominator

    Radio Paragon

    Full schedule for can be found here

    Tune in all DJs cover various events most notable Tanker Tuesdays and countless CCs. Join us in game channel at "Radio Paragon" open channel and most of all music to listen to while getting your COH on!
  18. I transferred a toon form the server, now i'm down to one here
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    You're welcome...

    You Big Doofus.