
P.E.R.C. Representative
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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by capitaine_quebec View Post
    Hi Stalemate...

    Not being a big event fan (cause of my other activities in life), i don't think i will be involve in PERC or other Protector Events...


    I'm too curious to see whats this is AND to not... at least... make the effort to look more closely at the calendar you talk about.. and other things... and i'm kind of happy to see you still have the courage to manage that thing and get involved.

    Long live to you.


    Capitaine Quebec
    The french quebecer guy who can't write in english properly... sigh

    Salut Capitaine!

    Thanks for the well wishes and don't worry about the language issue - it's fine. I'll make it a point to contact you if any special events are happening that might fit your schedule.

    That is, if Archiviste doesn't beat me to it.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    As my Senator, how do you plan to decrease the extortion that is the Auction House fees?
    But... how will I get my usual kickbacks if the prices decrease?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    I shoulda thought of that! Yeah! (I am trying to go light on Freedom, Virtue, Exalted SG's to keep some inf for the rest of em.)

    Want to do the honors?

    Link for the sticky MP thread is in my sig below.
  4. So, this* happened.

    *points to first line in sig.

    Basically, I'm doing what I've been doing on Protector as always. But now with the added incentive of having the Player Event Resource Committee backing me up on the Protector, as I will undoubtedly be assisting fellow reps on other servers. I am continuing my involvement in the Mentor Project as well.

    With P.E.R.C., I will (still) be working with ToxicStriker and Healing Phoenix - who is still involved, but more in a consultancy role from the last info I have.

    As far as events and activities go on our fine server, I want to make this clear:

    I'm a facilitator.

    I'm not out to try to replace or try to control everything that happens on this server. Not only is that impossible, it would disrespect the efforts of the many who are involved in creating and leading events.

    These are the people I want to encourage and help out in any way I can.

    My return to P.E.R.C. is another way for me to do this, like the relaunch of the Protector Vigilance global channel and the revamp of the Protector Calendar (and Twitter feed) were before.

    These resources are at your disposal, whether you're an event planner, or a participant.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask below, or PM me.
  5. What a great idea to encourage new players to get into base building (and thereby help retain them).

    May I let the Mentor Project folks know about this offer?
  6. Stalemate

    Mentor Project

    These are all great ideas guys.

    Keep them coming so that other mentors can see if they can use them to "pay it forward" during their own gameplay.
  7. I'm surprised but touched to see there is still interest in the Welcoming Committee.

    CoH Freedom is giving us new opportunities to reach out new players.

    This is one thing that most Protectorites appreciate about our community, so let's keep celebrating it.

    Also, if you're really wanting to get into helping out the new players directly, follow the Mentor Project link in my signature.

    I'll be continuing my usual promotions and inf distribution.

    Anyone know what the maximum trade is for Premium players?
  8. The league re-organizing theory would explain why I got the temp power / merits twice, and no badge yet.

    I was a latecomer on my first attempt, but actually led the other attempt where we were about a dozen players, perhaps a little less. People were moved from team one to team 2 to balance out, others lost connection and came back on Team 3 and were moved.
  9. Thanks guys!

    And Falcon, you may want to adjust that beam...

  10. Aw shucks, thanks guys.

    Almost makes getting older worthwhile, seeing your wishes today.

    I'm going to need two cakes soon just to have room for all the candles.


    Well, maybe growing older is not so bad after all.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Make sure to nickname the new nephew "Tank" in retribution.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NuclearMedicine View Post
    Unfortunately I don't always get a chance to post to the host server's forum. But you can usually follow the TT schedule in the Tankers forum.
    That, and it had been in the server calendar for a number of days.

    I also missed it, but because of a prolonged power outage and the arrival of a brand new nephew.

    Still ticks me off since I was really looking forward to it, but couldn't help Real LifeĀ™ intruding.
  13. RtR, as Drake mentioned, had been placed at 8PM, but with an indication that the official starting time was still 9PM. IIRC there had been an issue with people starting it earlier and earlier as the zone filled and creating confusion.

    I think that notice was only in the event details, so "glancers" would have missed it.

    As for Kult's Mean Monday, I see the event as created by her directly at that time. I hesitate to change it but... let's pester her until she does.

    Also, and I can't believe I forgot to mention this earlier: StarGeek is now an editor for the website the calendar is embedded into (link in my sig). Thanks for volunteering / caving in. Your experience and keen eye for spotting improvements are much appreciated.
  14. Wife and I will be praying for you and your family, J.

    Hit me up ingame whenever you're online and see me around.
  15. Scrapper: 22 to 28
    Blaster: 37 to 40
    Controller: 38 to 40
    Peacebringer: 43 to 48
    Stalker: 22 to 24

    Total levels: 18, and not counting the slow ITF (defeat almost all) I ran yesterday that took 2:45 hours.

    Best Double XP run ever for me in 7 years.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stalemate View Post
    Not sure if that was the one my wife needed on one of her toons, but I'll check.

    Add it to calendar Zaloopa?
    Wife and I are in, if spots are still available.
  17. Feeling ambivalent: glad it's Double XP, sad vacation is ending.

    MOAR XPs!
  18. I don't think it was a "public" run, in any case.
  19. Not sure if that was the one my wife needed on one of her toons, but I'll check.

    Add it to calendar Zaloopa?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
    While on the calendar subject, wasn't the Weekly Kheldian SuperTeam Task Force canceled? It looks like it's still on the calendar.
    Could be the owner of the event forgot to remove it. Thanks for pointing that out, Geek.

    I've removed it as I typed this up.
  21. Stone Daemon joins the calendars editors as of today.

    This will simplify his sharing info on Kheldian Fridays, the current Laylapalooza and other upcoming events he's been handling.