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  1. Ok, had quick look and couldn't find anything to answer my question, and can't quite remember seeing it being mentioned in anything i read prior to launch about it. So....

    Premium can't get the contact for the new signature story arc and run them. but how does that affect a team of vip's that has a free or premium meber or 2 on the team? can the team leader not start the psudoTF or does the free/prem not get to enter the missions, or can they take part and not get the reward or something else?

    I ask, coz my partner (who's only been playing a few months) and I have invited a couple of friends to try out freedom, and our general order of play now has our new toon's running the sig arc pt1 al L10 for the 2 hero merits. Can we still do that with one or both our free (for now hopefully) friends on the team or are we best skipping it for the old free arcs (frostie, midnighters, radio/safeguards)?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark Quill View Post
    Do I receive these things on October 10th or on November 10th?
    (1) 400 paragon points
    (2) 1 paragon reward token
    (3) 1 free character transfer
    In my understanding in a patition to CS, PP are awarded at the begining of your billing cycle, with septembers being given out early for many. PRT are awarded at the end of your billing cycle, as they are awarded for time played not time paid. So for multi month subs that would be after each month played. I neglected to ask about transfer tokens at the time of my petition as I completely forgot that was now part of the subscription deal, but I assume they will be awarded on or around the start of your billing cycle with your PP rather than the end like reward tokens.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LaserAddict View Post
    Yes, and when I examined and counted the sales receipt, all twelve items listed as 33 each adds up to 396 on 400 point bundle that claims you are getting a discount. Which is why I made the OP in the first place. The sales receipt is still giving false information, and gave me my reason to post.

    Telling someone to look at the individual item prices when the bundle prices are what are being listed wrong, is not helpful. Individual item pricing should have separate pricing anyways, even if the Bundle pricing get listed accurate. Sure, 400 and 396 are both less than what the individual sales prices would add up too. But it does not change the fact the sales receipt numbers add up to something that was less than 400.

    I'd have made a similar topic if the sales receipt pricing added up to more than 400, because the sales receipt would still be wrong even though I didn't lose anything.

    I wouldn't have had any reason to make this topic if the sales receipt was accurate.
    Are you seriously asking for the breakdown to list each item at 33.33333333333333333333333.... ad infinitum, in the shop screen?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    No, being a Hero is prereq for Vig. Being a Villain is a prereq for Rogue.

    If you never become a Villain, your Hero cannot become a Rogue. Likewise, if you never become a Hero, your Villain cannot become a Vigilante.

    Hero <-> Vigilante -> Villain <-> Rogue -> Hero
    Originally Posted by mogura View Post
    She's right. You can earn all the badges and powers, too.
    I stand corrected. But then, is still new to me. I prepurchased going rogue and the my gaming rig started having oppen GL crashes and my laptop wasn't good enought to handle CoX. As a from about 2 days after GR's release till about 2-3 months back when i got a new lappy to replace my old one which was stolen I was unable to play. Though kept my sub going all that time and am so glad I did, especially with the release of I21 and the new vet reward system. From the info i read I got the impression that it was hero <-> Vigilante <-> Rogue <-> Villian. At least that make the switching a little better than i first though and though badges are quite a long wait for each (yippie!).
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by seebs View Post
    The world is full of things which require something else, but are not part of that thing.
    A fact that has been demonstated many times in this thread and been declared irrelevant, aparently.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
    So you are saying that there is a part of the incarnate system you can access WITHOUT having access to GR?
    currently, all of it. as long as you are vip, the purchase of GR is not neccersarry.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Remidi View Post
    After reading this thread, I've come to the conclusion I am the only player who bought GR because it was, you know, an expansion to the game I loved. Period. I never gave a flip about Incarnates. The Incarnate System sounded - still does, for that matter - too much like WoW-style raiding for me to want to spend much time on it. I bought GR for Praetoria, and side switching, and new costumes and power sets and all the cool, neat things that come with an expansion. Incarnates were the least part of it.

    Personally, I'm staying VIP on both my accounts. I have paid a subscription for over six years so that I would have access to everything the game had to offer, and I plan to continue doing so. I don't want to run up against any walls blocking my way. That was worth $15 a month before, and it's worth $15 now.
    You are not the only one. I prepurchased GR for the alignment system. I had no expectation about the incarnates system being included. I'll take part in the incarnate sytem where I can, but as for Ifarms, I'll probably do them once or twice on my main badger for the badges, if I can get a team with a dual energy blaster if my SG aren't interested. but till the longer less group grindy way comes out, i'll be doing so incredibly slowly.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by King_Moloch View Post
    However, the doublespeak and sidemouthing what's available with what account type and is not is bad business.
    there has been no doublespeak or side mouthing over incarnates being vip only, as long as there has been info on who gets what incarnates has been listed as VIP.

    And it's not elietest to say prems are lucky to get anything without a sub, even by your own argument we are all lucky to be playing the game at all after 7 years, not all MMO's make it thus far, and though many have gone free to play now all have, and COH is at least not as limiting as a certain other overbloated monstrosity that has given a very limited free to play service. We are all lucky, just some are more lucky than others. The game could have closed up shop and none of us would be able to play and NCSoft could have moved on to something else that was subscriber only.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    See, every time people say the system isn't a part of the expansion, they keep the conversation within defense against someone vying for something to do with the Freedom business model.
    That is not necessary.

    And what about the fact that it is connected through purchase as well?

    I just see it as a matter of semantics. To me, in the case of an mmorpg expansion, your "prerequisite" = part of the expansion.
    What is the difference?

    I'm not addressing the "in the real world" comment. I'm keeping it respectful and reasonable.
    I am also trying to keep it respectful and reasonable, as i have done with all my posts in this thread.

    The reason people keep saying that is because the whole reason this thread was created and has been continued this long is some prems want incarnates for free coz they bought GR. Which, as you said, you don't aggree with and is far from reasonable.

    As for the Difference, because the Dev say it isn't and make no mention of it in reguards to GR in any official documentation. and really, what is part of what and what is free, or purchasable, to prems is their choice, not the players.

    Yes, I agree that in the past, Incarnates could have been concidered a part of GR under a completely different business model. But that is the past, that is not what we have now.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    In all sincerity, why do you make that distinction, with this content that was only accessible through the purchase of that expansion, as opposed to it just simply being a part of it?
    I make the distinction, because that is how the real world works. What you are saying is what the people that are claiming that incarnates were part of GR are using, and thus should be free to those who bought GR.

    The fact that the Ifarms are centred around the characters and locations of GR just means, to my mind at least, that the devs just wanted to get a bit more post L20 use out of them.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    This isn't a false premise nor is it a satellite/cable service...
    It is epic endgame content, that centered around the locations and main villains of Going Rogue, that you're claiming was not a part of the Going Rogue expansion even though that you had to purchase that particular Going Rogue expansion in order to participate in it.
    Just like the cable/satalise servise provides and epic TV package compared to what is availible for free that requires the purchase of a particular decoder box to use. No, it is not exactly the same, because there is nothing exactly the same as COH, GR and Incarnate abilities, but it is the same deal. Purchase of product A grants access to Service B, that is only accessable through the purchase of product A but not a direct part of it.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    Oh, yeah. I think they have to keep the Incarnate System within VIP in the business model they're going with, Makes perfect sense and would be crazy not to.
    And I am honestly not just being the devil's advocate in what I was bringing up.
    I just don't like seeing weird twistings of things, whether they come from marketing-talk, misconceptions or whatever... Honestly, I especially don't like truth to be twisted in order to defend a valid point.
    The whole slant just sounds like something George Carlin would pick on with great humor.
    This makes no real sense:
    "The epic endgame content, that centered around the locations and main villains of Going Rogue, was not a part of the Going Rogue expansion that you had to purchase in order to participate in."

    It was a part of it, heeehee!

    Honestly though, perhaps I shouldn't have bothered to continue it in this thread (as the OP and main topic is far from reasonable). I talked about it elsewhere on these forums and it was a nice reasonable conversation.

    Since so many were talking about this aspect here, I thought I'd get a good discussion about it.
    That is the thing, you are giving people that are making those claims extra ammunition bassed on a false premise. Just because I have to buy a satalite/cable TV decoder from one of the digital TV providers here does not mean the satalite/cable servise is part of that purchase. There is absolutlely no other way for me to use their servise without buying the box first, but buying the box does not mean i get access to their servise. As is the case here.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aquila_NA View Post
    Nit-pick, but being a Villain is pre-req for being a Rogue.
    Isn't this whole thread just one long nit-pick at the end of the day?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MTS View Post
    And the pope hat isn't that much taller than the hat from the magic pack.
    wouldn't think it was much taller than tha cabal witches hat either.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Or being a Hero is a prerequisite to becoming a Vigilante.
    Or being a Rogue, but yes.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Justice Blues View Post
    I certainly hope they meant monthly on your billing date, because if they actually mean at the end of my subscription, they are going to have a lot of really pissed off customers.
    I believe it does. I think the point is, you pay for the comming month/s, you have to play the month/s to get the token for each month played.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mogura View Post
    From the dictionary:

    So what that means to me is that Incarnate content is not part of the Going Rogue package, but that the Going Rogue package is prerequisite to Incarnate content.

    Much like French 201 is a prerequisite to French 351 (Francophone Society), but French 351 is decidedly not a part of French 201.

    Pretty simple, huh?
    Or to put it another way in purely game terms, being L50 is a prerequiste to bein an incarnate, but being level 50 doesn't automaticatlly unlock incarnate abilities.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
    Going Rogue is a paid expansion, and a result it is not subject to what Issues introduce freely. As for the sub, you receive a free month of Going Rogue with the purchase, but the net result in most cases is that it is greater than $15, so it is more than the monthly fee. Thus, you are paying more than a sub, and are entitled to the extra perks part of GR which was Incarnate Access.
    Don't forget the signature story arc, and time manip and other little perks. VIP's get a fair bit More than thier $15/£8.99/whatever per month, which is the way it should be.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
    Hmm, the value of the server transfer is questionable, but its a fair point. And the points.definitely. Do the server transfers stack? I would hope so as I wouldn't use them very often.
    I believe they do, as they always have done and as they would if you bought them from the store. I also agree that sometimes there is a world of difference between worth and cost. think to many thing in the store cost more than they are worth, but then again, sometime a product is worth as much as people are willing to pay. So as long as enough people pay those prices that is what they are worth to NCSoft.
  20. ok, Had a reply from CS, won't post the full message here, but the basic answer is, paragon points for any sub renewal in september were awarded when the headstart launched. which would explian, I suppose the different award date for the last lot of points.

    Paragon reward totens get awarded at the end of your current subscription, as the are awarded for time played, not time paid. so won't get my token for 21st sept - 20th oct till about 20th oct.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
    I would hope that we would get close to $15 worth of extra stuff free a month (on average) to make subscribing worth it.
    As claws said, 400PP =$5 1 server transfer = $10. So really you are, everything else is free.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    It still does not change the fact that it did not ship with Incarnate content included.

    People had ample time to cancel their purchases. Yet they didn't. Possibly because there were other worthwhile things in the expansion?
    Actually, no they didn't, it was a pre purchase not a pre order. The money was taken at the time so there was nothing to cancel. Still doesn't change the fact that Pre purchases started just prior to beta and anyone doing so should realise that anything in beta may not make it to the final product.

    I'm EU, I prepurchased as soon as I could, based on side switching and wanting early access to dual pistols. At that time i don't remember anything anbout incarnated being talked of as an upcomming posibility. After My prepurchase there was something about an intro to incarnates, and then it was removed.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    that's like saying a key and a steel door are two different things when, without the key, you're not getting through that door any other way.
    Sorry techbot, I've always respected you, but this is wrong. The correct way using your key and door example, There was a house that you payed a 1 off fee to be able to rent a key to (CoX) They started building an extention (GR). While building the extention they had all sorts of items they were going to put in that room, one of those items was a big vase of flowers (Alpha slot) when they finished the room they didn't think the flowers were right and removed them. When the room was finished they put i big locked door on it. For a one off fee you could rent another key to that room. Later the built another room off that extention (Incarnate content) that room contained the flowers that were removed from the first room plus many many more flowers. Anyone that that had bought the rental to the first and second keys got access to the new room with their rental.

    Now they have changed the locks, The key to the house is now being given away free. The key to the extention can be purchased if you never had before and if you rent you are given it free. The key to room off of the extention still has to be rented.
  24. I too am getting this problem. Resubbed, on a monthly basis, on the 21st, no tokens, no points as yet, and have a petition in the system. had 2 responses so far, first was asking for more details, like confirmation of zip/postal code and actual date of renewal, and the second was the automated 24 hour response message.

    My account has been active, all baring 2 days where there was a snaffu with my bank early on in my subbing history, since 19th december 2007 with 2 retail codes +GR prepurchase. When the new system went live i recieved 19 tokens and 1600 point, which seemed right, then 2 days later another token suddenly appeared, bringing me to 20. about 19-20 was what i was expectin depending on when freedom when live ad before my sept bill date i was a 42 month vet and with my sept renewal would be a 45 month vet. Though i admit my calculations were just a rough guestimate. Everything i have read up till know since all this information reguarding freedom has been being put out, I too got that reward tokens, for multi month subs, would be awarded "up front" with the points awarded on the aniversary of the billing date.

    There is also precident for reaward tokens being awarded on the billing day, as that is how the old system did it. if it is not awarded at the end of the cycle that makes no sence (to me at least) and is counter to how they have been working since vet rewards were first introduced and how they have been saying they will work ing future.

    Anyway, with the weekend hitting I don't expect to hear back from CS till Monday. Will let you all know what happens.
  25. My partner and I started a pair of new toons yesterday and during the course of our play started up Twinshots arc. First Mission, "Meet the team" went fine, till we exited.

    Zoned back to atlas park and went to move away, only couldn't. We were trapped behind the mission door and unable to move. A quick /stuck ported us to the police station lift, but with a raft of new player due when freedom goes live for all who are unable to file support and have limited chat, that could be a big problem for them.