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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
    Perhaps, but only vaguely, really.
    true, same basic shape and size, though different guard and no materia slots, but i do love the cut out detail on the trailing edge, very snazzy. Still need a great hammer though, is more or less a deal breaker for me.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
    Holycrapheis, nice catch!
    Though somehow, I doubt that'll be possible on live.
    Unless it's released next week
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
    The Buster Sword from FF7 was a big-honkin' sword, but "big honkin' sword" does not automatically equal "Buster Sword".
    No, it doesn't. But the middle "big honkin sword" pictured is very reminicant if Mr Strife's/Zack's "Buster Sword" from said game.
  4. I too have fallen afoul of being genericed once. I had a mercs/pain dom MM with a name that was the greek/proto indo-european word for new and the german word for guide/leader. The idea was a failed east european military dictator who joined up with the 5th column then went his oen way when they were taken over by the council. I got him up to the early 40's till I logged in one day to find him Genericed. After petitioning I found out that the german word, though still commonly used in germany, was the offending word. And dipite providing legitimate usages of the word was not allowed it back. I submitted 4 alternate name, all were rejected even though they did not have the offending german word in. but still had the word Neo, which was essential as he was the leader of a VG, Neo's world order, that would make no sense without someone called Neo-something as leader.

    This was, incidently, at about the time the 5th column returned to the streets of PC and we gained the Reichsman TF. In the end I ended up just deleting him as I could not get a dozen name approved by the GM who was dealing with it. So yes, I can definatly advise caution.

    Originally Posted by CentralNexus View Post
    You could easily make an oversized blue guy in torn red pants-- but do green skin and purple pants? You ask too much. You can easily do stuff in the style, without crossing the line.
    Funny you should say that I did once make that exact toon, for an SG cossie/concept comp, "Failed comic book characters". He was called the miserable sulk and was an SS/inv tank, only got him to 14 for what I concidered the core powers and was actually enjoying playing him, till one hour before the comp was about to start. I was heading across the the Hollows towards Atlas when I get the tell "haha, you're gonna get genericed". So after the comp I deleted him, just in case. Though I really wished I hadn't. was my second attemp at an SS/Inv tank, and was actually working, and surviving, unlike my first one who at L7 couldn't get past a group of 4 vahz... but then, he was the first toon I created. St Angelius, who then went on to be re-rolled as a dark/dark scrapper.

    Well, I've started rambling so guess I should end this post now.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    It's actually the latter, not the former.
    Gah, That's what I meant to say, but was late here
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
    The diamond-shaped yellow kind or an actual crossbuck? 'Cause the former would be cool, but the latter would be awesome.
    it is the former, and yes it does, but I really need a big great-hammer for a concept to re-roll my WM brute.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by WanderingAries View Post
    You should get whatever perks are included w/ the box, the included month sub tacked onto your acct, the token (end of month), and stipend I believe. IE: I wouldn't buy anything that should be included in the box from market just yet. What people are saying that you don't get is the extra token for purchasing the box unless you've Never previously purchased a boxed product before. *awaits correction*
    Thank you, got the same response from the freedom friday FB thread. The only in-game extra's in the box are achest and cape symbol and yes, you are correct about only one token awarded irreguardless of the amount of boxed editions.

    I only asked as the confusion over the "paid time" awarding of the PRT.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
    Now we just need to be able to delete the Prestige Sprints before hitting claim all.
    agreed, i only take those sprint if they thematicly fit a toon, otherwise they just take up roon in the enc screen.

    Infact, would be nice if we could individually claim just the sprint we want. another thing that would be nice is to be able to hide the other sprints on the enc screen, some of my toons have 6 sprint and 5 of them just get in the way.
  9. reading some posts here has brought a question up for me. People are saying that free time for retail codes aren't awarded PP or PRT, is this correct or have they got it wrong?

    I asked as i have a CoV:CE box comming (new of course) as I want the arachnos cape and chest symbols. Will i get the Points and tokens along with the free time? I know my free time for CoH delux and GvE additions have counted to my current awarded tokens, but how will this new retail code affect my VIP perks?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morgan Reed View Post
    (Sarcasm alert!)

    Well, several forumites were trying to convince those concerned about what Freedom meant for VIPs in the game that NCSoft is paying us $5 a month because they give us $5 in points, $5 in a signature arc, and $10 in a server transfer every month.

    There you go. Your monthly payment is now -$5.
    And I am perfectly happy with that logic, because, after all, my sub never used to get those items and those are the costs of those items to non-VIP's.

    Originally Posted by Lacklight View Post
    In any case, if McDonalds started charging for packets of ketchup, discussing the economic value and whether McDonalds would make or lose money out of the deal while eating your meal in the McDonalds dining area will not convince McDonalds to give back your free ketchup. Neither will discussing it with the staff of any individual store, who are rarely consulted in what changes ought to be made to the company. Buy the ketchup, or don't, and if that doesn't change the situation, and you cannot live without the ketchup, then go back to buying the ketchup, or go to Burger King.
    Funny you should say that. a few years ago, McDonalds in the UK did actually start charging for all the perviously free sauces other than ketchup (BBQ, curry, sweet & sour, etc) unless you were also buying McNuggets.
  11. OK, for the confused 3/6/12/14 month people, though you pay your in 3/6/12/14 month increment you are still on a monthly rotation. PP are awarded on the aniversary of your renewal date, this if you sub started on the 21st of a month you will get 400/550PP every 21st. PRT reward at the end of your monthly billing cycle, so in the case of a sub date of the 21st you will recieve your tokens on the 20th (approx from what i understand).

    Points for any bill date in september should have been awarded at the start of the head start. If your bill date falls before the 11th of the month your points for october will award on the 11th then return to normal on your bill date in novemeber.

    Oh, and yes, once you have the full 42 reward tokens you do still continue to recieve tokens monthly fot the tier 9 repeatables and the tier 9VIP rotated rewards.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lavos View Post
    i see nobody cared to reply to me or possibly just dont know the answer to what i asked
    It's my understanding that yes, they will rotate in and out. what the rotation cycle is though I can't say.
  13. St_Angelius

    Servers down?

    Originally Posted by Frost Warden View Post

    In all seriousness, he wrote 4 words, and got 2 spelled wrong. Can't take anyone serious with that kind of record.
    And just looking at his location tells you he isn't a native english speaker.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
    If those of us with a billing date around the beginning of the month will all receive our points on the 11th of each month, can we please make sure whatever is for sale during the first week of a month stays on sale for 2 weeks? My billing date is, of course, on the 2nd so I'm having to wait an extra 9 days before I get my points. It would be nice if the current sale could be extended another 7 days. At least this one time with the confusion. I was very disappointed not to get my points this week as I expected.
    it will only be around the 11th in october, novermber it will be back to your billing date.
  15. St_Angelius

    Servers down?

    Originally Posted by Frost Warden View Post
    Normal Thursday maintenance window, so they're probably down for that.
    But they took the servers down yesterday for a, relatively, minor patch.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by opprime28 View Post
    To go back to your car analogy, it's like my automaker suddenly deciding to hire 5 mechanics who will be designing new features for the car I lease. I continue to get my car for my current lease fees just as I always have, including all of the maintenance and upkeep that was part of my lease deal. If and when I want some of the new features I can but them. Except a month in to it it looks like they're moving oil changes to "new features" and offering me "free points" to pay for them...only the free points only cover one oil change per 7000 miles. It's not enough to cover it, and Im feeling like Im getting less for my lease price, not more. Having a second car Im leasing, it makes it even less appealing. I may decide it's time to trade my lease in for another.
    No, actually you'll still be getting the free oil changes (as we'll still be getting free power sets, the devs have stated this many times) and given the option to get additional oil changes with your free points or hard cash.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lorax View Post
    And Mids just got us our Beam Rifle update last week.
    And updated for StJ today.

    Think they must have had it coded and ready to go already. Kudos to the team
  18. never mind, been so long, i forgot the memorised badges were under a seperate catagory.
  19. I got the invention badges a few years ago on my main (badge) toon. I used to be able to craft the IO's without the recipies. I have gone to craft some today and at neither the base worktables or my portable work table will it let me craft IO's without buying the recipies first.

    Have I missed some change to how the Memory badges work or is this a bug?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    You're one of those people who finishes RPGs with 100 Potions of Heal Everything and your Staff of Hideous Agony still fully charged and unused in your inventory, aren't you Cry?
    Can't speak for Cry, but I know I am, save the perishables for when you really need them. and same with PP, bought a few bits I just had to have. undecided on StJ as of yet, wanna see it in action first, so holding out for titan weapons. Already got one toon planned out, and depending on weap customization, a reroll of a war mace bute.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    Ah, I figured it'd be at least 800 points (which'd be just shy of the monthly rate for annual subscriptions). If I ever went preem, I'd definitely want at least one unlocked... so I could get those juicy HVMs easily
    That's why we do it, 2 merits for a nice global bonus IO.

    And yes, I know ya gotta buy each one, but the first one is a quick 2 HM's for each of our new toons and another per week. and as for getting them to sub, that's more a long term goal for me with them at the mo. But then, my partner didn't even get to the end of the first week of her free trial before she decided to buy and sub, and then 2 days later freedom was anounced. But still, we both think it was worth buying the GR collectors edition for her then rather than holding off and making her a new vip once freedom launched.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Selina_H View Post
    I think what The_Spad means is that there is already a gating system in place for TFs - e.g., if you have a character on your team who's under the minimum level for the TF, it won't start at all. So it seems likely that they just added another gate to the existing TF mechanic, where if you have a player on your team who hasn't paid for the arc it won't let you start.
    Ah, right, am with you now. Though will be suggesting they (at least) buy a small points bundle when they can (if not go vip) for the first time reward token, can just sugest they use it to buy the arc, so hopefully only a temporary problem.

    Thank you all.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Canadian_Stars View Post
    He hit you with the Technically word lol. If you start the Sig. Story Arc in you team window it says quit Taskforce instead of just quit team.
    Oh, i know that, and when you start you get the TF/Ouro arc TF window and you "agree to form task force" but like ouro arcs it isn't a TF. And it don't really answer the original question.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Canadian_Stars View Post
    They are not locked out of Posi, Synapse, Sister Pysche, Manitcore, Numina, and Citadal or the other basic TFs. iTrials and other Incarnate related stuff would be locked to them.
    I know incarnate trials are, but the way The Spad was talking sounded like TF's were lock from perms by his logic that was what locked free/prems from sig stories.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
    Normal Missions aren't a problem, but the Sig arcs are technically TFs (which now makes sense as a way to gate them from free players, who'd buy them if they can just piggy back on a VIP's mission?) and if they don't have the Arc purchased (or are VIP) then they can't join the TF.
    I don't recall anything about free/prems being locked out of TF's either.