389 -
I know SD don't give debt, but putting in harsher punishments for death like some have sugeste in this thread would make that chain less apealing!
Part of the problem here is, death can sometimes be good.... think of it as making a sacrifice for the good of the team. such powers as vengence from the leadership pool and the warshade one (Don't remember the name) The buff off the corpse of a team mate cand turn the tide of a loosing battle.
Plus chancing to a bigger consequence of dying would kill my inferno>self destruct>RotP atack chain... admitedly, i don't use it much, it is more of an emergency chain in the case of immenant team wipes! i take the debt and deal a whopping blow to the mobs, alowwing a team mate to fire off vengence to buff the surviving team members then rise to continu on fighting.... definatly usefull if i'm nearly out of health/end as i raise with more then i self destructed with!
Also, i'd like to remind you, it's only instance debt that has decressed, street mob debt is a lot higher, and being sent into +1/+2 areas of a zone on a street hunt in a arc can be a right pain, especially in areas with no hosital like striga.
Oh, and i much prefer CoX's debt system over FFXI's xp loss/delevel system! -
*You have hit the 500 badges marker
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Hmmmmm, i like that idea, if that was in force i would have got 2 extra slots on my main 'coz i have hit 500 badges on it twice now! And second time coz me 50mil+ inf to do it! -
going Lovecratian for DS would be ok if they take things carfully, i see no problem using some lesser entities, such as the hounds as JD mentioned, Mi-go, flying polyps, deep ones, soggoths, dimentioanl shamblers and other bindable creaturs would be fine, but having 3 Nyarlathotep's 2 yog-suthoth's and a hastur would just make the whole thing laughable!
And don't give me any dribble about it being endemic to what they are, because the exact same reasoning can apply to green fireballs or pink ice
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Bad choice. Fire can burn pretty much any colour. Didn't you do flame tests for detecting metals in chemistry? And ice could refract any colour as well. Red dark powers does seem a bit odd, but the idea is to vary the roleplay aspect.
Now, Khelds do have a specific roleplay background...
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Yeah, but my PB isn't actually a Kheld... he's a member of a much older alien race, who just happens to have shape changing abilities, (which now thanks to SB3 i can have real fun with) So being able to change the colours of his powers would make sense RP wise!! -
ah, well, maybe I read the guide slightly wrong then. thanx for clearing it up. just glad I put the quotes in all the time anyway.. find it better to be safe then sorry! and yes, I remember the under score is ignored.
As I said in my reply, the rubberbanding I experienced wasn't on my, but on other mobs/players, and using /sync made little to no difference. when it does, the positions reset to their true possition then it just starts again right away!
nope, not worked.. happened to me 3 times tonight... once on defiant events i believe!
Stalkers get to swing their own mighty Broadsword.
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what is the assassin strike going to be called?
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Behead? Would love to see the animation for that! LOL -
I've not had that problem, but have been experiancing sewveral graphical bugs/lag like issues since the update. mob, and occasionally players flicking back and forth between 2 places rubberband like and mobs animating kb effects to fly off on one direction, then flickering and landing aproximatly the same distance away in the oppocite direction, been very annoying on my scrapper chasing phantom mobs!
Hmmmmmm, from guides i have read the quotes are optional and are actually ignored by the system and are just used generally as seperators to make them more easily read.
I could be wrong though, am very much a NooB when it comes to binds and macros *Ducks in anticipation of being busted* -
I have toons on both servers, and used to have a good mix of heroes and villians on both servers. But after getting invited to a great SG on defiant i kinda settled down there. Most of my villians got slowly pushed out as my altism took over so now out of 2 full pages of toon slots i have just 2 villians there. And when the idea of a villian super team came up in the SG i used one of my union villians to start a VG over there for that (and many of the players in the SG had no room left on defiant) and slowly my union heros have been pushed out till now only having 2 heroes out of a full page +1 slot on union. and the only reason i've mainly been playing on defiant is because of the great SG that i was invited to join the leader team of and the great alt's i'v been kinda hooked on there. and yes, i too created my first toon over there because of the name!
but gotta say, my most annoying moment in game came from a blind invite on defiant. joined, entered mish, where 2 of the 3 other players just started to critique the build of my nrg/nrg blaster, "Why no build up?", "why no melee attacks?", "why sprint and hurdle?" etc and when i responded with "Because that's what fits the concpet of my toon" was promptly kicked from the team. Did i let this put me off of blind invites or PuG's in general on defiant? Nope, i plugged on, and though it took me a day shy of 1 year to get my first 50 (Damn my altism and the ability to by toon slots) I've had many great teams both in and out of the SG, even of late when so many pople are complaining of not being able to get them!
The way i see it is, there ar ean equal amount of good and bad on both servers, but with higher numbers on union, you'll just be getting the highs and lows more often! -
I think it means that you can switch between the screens from AT/Power Selection/Costume Creator/ID freely without losing what you already did.
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Er... can't you do that already???
I'm I'm sure i've rolled a toon, chosen origin, scosen AT, selected powers desided on size, sex and build, spent half an hour on a cossie, then another half an hour on the name and bio only to hit finished and get "name already exists on server" (or whatever) to then have to create a new name, thus a new bio, which means some tweaking of the cossie and swaping the origin, and going back through, apart from having to re-click the powers, my size, sex, build, cossie and ID info have all stayed as i clicked back through! -
Writes a brill SG comic... and it was not a bra!
has a thing for a certain vampyre primogen
has bert and ernie as their DP!
I recently got my 18 month vet reward and with the new samurai armour have been able to make my samurai nekomatta, YAY!
But have encountered a little problem. The samurai leg armour attaches as a belt, as do the tails. So, as it stands my Samurai nekomatta is a manx samurai nekomatta!
So how about moving tails to an extra lower body option, maybe add some waist capes (As I seem to remember some people complaining of thier placement too in an old post)in there for some extra options, and maybe some leg armour peices, like greaves and kneepads and such. -
A couple of days ago I was sweeping round the carpark of Atlas town hall gaining the first few levels for my shiney new Archery/Energy (Extreme range sniper)blaster that I was inspired to create from a forum post when I got a blind invite from another player. I acepted and watched as 3 ohers were invited. Then to my surprise, we did propper missions, and all players seemed to be enjoying themselves. So I took the oportunity between mishes to check the info of the team members, and, except the leader and I, all other members had no vet badges, one had none at all. And only one had a handfull of MA badges.
We all had a great hour or so of teaming through atlas before I had switch toons to finish off a posi run with my SG. But it demonstrated that there are people out there that do put together non-MA teams, and new players that want to experience things other than MA PLing!
Now, I'm not against PLing, Or even using MA for doing so as I myself use some MA farm teams to get up from late 20's to early 40 with my Fire/Mind blaster tank (also inspired by a forum post) But once I got up to the power levels that really brought her alive I switched back to regular teaming and have been enjoying her no end, and have recently Dinged 50 with her with the help of some great SG teams. I also last night got 5 quick levels SK'd in an SG team in PI. But again only done to advance through the low levels with the aim of getting to the magic of the toon. But even that said, I'd never dream of being PLed from 1-50. And wouldn't expect to spend the whole time caccooned in stacked bubles... don't see the point of not really doing anything in a team like that, but that's just because I like to contribute rather than leach XP.
Though I have witnessed the odd player that has no idea how to play thier toons, like the blaster that constantly ran off on her own in a team of 8, thus missing any buffs and would charge into large mobs with her fire blasts and die within seconds, they have been a minority, especially of late.
I do think something about MA, I've had an arc up since nearly the launch of the issue, and only been played by 7 members of my SG. Lost in the flood like that has kinda put me off making the changes to it I had planned on from some beta test suggestions, and making any more. -
Why don't all you guys who can't get teams form a super group?
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Hmmmmm, tried that about 15 months ago and got no takers to join, so not that easy... thankfully though, got an invite to another SG about a year ago and disbanded that SG. Was the best move I ever made. Great people, great players, and rarely a shortage of teams!
So rather than forming an SG, just try joining a good (active) one! -
ok, here are a couple of suggestions Skin tight leather is always good for Dommes, as are thigh highs or fishnets. the spiked collar can also give off the right feel (Yes, some Dommes wear them too!)
Here are the preliminary VG cossies i have been working on for Dominator and Corruptor female toons for my VG. feel free to use anything you think works for your toons. -
Hmmmmm, must have looked straight passed it. will have a look again when i get back in game. thanx
I seem to remember a few updates back the ability to usethe mouse wheel to scroll when over a window was either added, or altered... can't quite remember which. is there a way to alter the speed of the scrolling?
I ask because half my toons (mostly toons from before said update, but not limited to only them) scroll like a pixal as a time while others have a fair scroll rate of about a coule of lines a click.
Now, fair enough there are the scroll bars, but if i'm doing other things while trying to scroll, like fighting or in the middle of typing a message having to claick a scroll bar can be very annoying. causing either a death if in combat or just the annoyance of having to reclick the chat entry box.