Problem since July 16 Mini-patch?
Got the same problem
I've got the same problem. Now I'm also rubberbanding constantly and I can't attack anything/anyone due to so much lag.
It's not my connection, though. It's working perfectly for everything else and my computer is up-to-date.
CoX is virtually unplayable for me at the minute and I'm just holding it out on Counter Strike till something is done about it!
I've not had that problem, but have been experiancing sewveral graphical bugs/lag like issues since the update. mob, and occasionally players flicking back and forth between 2 places rubberband like and mobs animating kb effects to fly off on one direction, then flickering and landing aproximatly the same distance away in the oppocite direction, been very annoying on my scrapper chasing phantom mobs!
Then it's time for them to get off the cross, use the wood to build a bridge, and get over it.
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Since 2 days me and many of my friends get crashes to desktop with verif image on a regular basis when doing AE.
It really gets annoying to wait till the image verifies every 20 min .
Since 2 days me and many of my friends get crashes to desktop with verif image on a regular basis when doing AE.
It really gets annoying to wait till the image verifies every 20 min .
[/ QUOTE ]
To get around the verify thing create a shortcut to your CoH executable and add the following to the end :
-project "eucoh"
[/ QUOTE ]
You should get something like:
"C:\Games\City of Heroes\CityOfHeroes.exe" -project "eucoh"
[/ QUOTE ]
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.
Got the rubberbanding as well. Just logged out as it's virtually unplayable at the moment.
Got the rubberbanding as well. Just logged out as it's virtually unplayable at the moment.
[/ QUOTE ]
It was the same for me last night, I was only in a 4 man team doing radio missions, the rubberbanding was the worse I've seen in-game.

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GGRRR Comic Series GGRRR Comics on Facebook
Maybe I should say that the rubberbanding for wasn't really rubberbanding as I've interpreted it before. It was more like I had one position on my screen that did not correspond to the actual position I had on the server. That is, run up to a mob, start fighting and four seconds later you're "TP'd" back to place where you were preparing for the mob.
Or you can't fight the mobs but they can hurt, which is kinda worse allmost.
Rubberbanding for would be the effect when ingame graphics like walking NPCs or cars stretches out like long ... rubberbands.
For everyone experiencing the rubberbanding issue (time-delayed bounce back to a previous position on the map), is the /sync command able to mitigate this at all?
For the record, no, I'm not suffering from this problem at all. It is not universal. Had a 7-man missioning team last night with zero problems.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

As I said in my reply, the rubberbanding I experienced wasn't on my, but on other mobs/players, and using /sync made little to no difference. when it does, the positions reset to their true possition then it just starts again right away!
Then it's time for them to get off the cross, use the wood to build a bridge, and get over it.
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Aha, I have found that nVidia currently have a so called 'Beta' driver available. If anyone other than me actually had this problem then download their new 'beta' drivers.
Also as far as the 'rubber-banding' goes. I can't say I have experienced too much. Here and there, nothing to deter me from playing however.
Ive had some really bad lag and also some graphical problems.
1 such problem is my curser.. it turned itself into a luck of the gambler defence recipe once.. now its a arrow ontop of the normal curser.
Also had bad glitches when fightin mobs as they explained above.
Kin Hell Fire
Slushy Kins
Nuria Dark
Hey every since the 'Mini-Patch' I have got today I have been experiancing a slight issue with my mouse cursor. My mouse cursor now has a habbit of randomly flickering and going completly invisible when in menus/not moving. Sadly this makes it rather difficult to navigate the majority of the game.
I have had this problem before but it was easily fixed with a Graphics Driver update. However I am now fully up to date and the problem has returned.
My basic specs are as follows:
Windows XP 32Bit
E8400 @ 3.0ghz
BFG 9800GTX+
3.12 Gig of ram (Damn limit 32bit limit
Here is my DxDiag hosted on a Text Host site. (Dont know hwo to do attachments on this site?
Anyone got any suggestions?