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  1. 29.95 + tax + S&H >.>
  2. [ QUOTE ]

    Are you trying to imply that I'm cheap?

    *Glances down at signature. Facepalms.* Alright, she doesn't count, damnit.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll have you know 25.00 dollars is a very decent price around these parts! >.>

    And for the record, I had absolutely no intentions of selling off random forumites as desktop pets >.>; never crossed my mind! Not at all!
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I have a slight addition to this idea that I think will push it to the next level of yummy goodness:

    Everyone draw pictures of my toons, so we have a new standard for comparison. TA and Kat are overexposed, so my guys will be perfect! Okay, get started!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Lol >.>;;
  4. Mwahhaha >.> <carries box away and resets trap> <. .> <puts "25.00 dollar" tag on the side>
  5. >.> I will post the finished version here when its... uhh finished! <,< But I'm really happy how the ink came out <'x'> so... I'm uhhh... basking in the warm glow of a freshly inked drawing whilst slaving away coloring it? <,<

    Yeah thats the ticket! >,>

    Nemesis Mountains

    <squirrel places a box over artwork, then puts a stick in front of the box>


    <. .> mwahahaha... no one shall be able to defeat my clever trap! >.> <runs into the bushes to wait> <. .>

    (PS: Lemee know what you think! <,<!)
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks for the comments guys, I'll have to fix those problems before I ink it! Heres another costume concept, not very detailed but im sure the girls will like it

    CatBoy Concept

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You realize, I've worked since I was 16 to become a manga artist <;.;> and you're making me cry because I'm not half as good as you.


    Excellent work man <,< excellent!
  7. I suspect perhaps this wasn't such a great idea hehe <^_^>;;;;

    <hides original post in the briney depths> <,<;; It was just one of those random things that struck me <@_@> apparently slightly too hard! <,< Jarred something loose <. .>;
  8. So... I was inking just a minute ago, and I thought of something <O.@> This may be stupid >.>; but...

    In the interest of all of us trying to improve our art skills, I've come up with an idea for critiquing work that'll allow perhaps a little more depth to a critique. As they say, 'a picture is worth a thousand words' - so...

    What if we were to say "I love this piece but I think you should..." and then circle the image slightly, and post up the version with the circle? Err... I'll make an example >.>



    And afterward explain what the marks mean?

    Its purely an idea >.> to give more focus to given areas.

    (Like in this piece... I think the hair up top needs more shading, she needs an ear (oops!), and I didn't give her neck enough depth I don't think.

    I dunno, what do you all think? >.> Good? Bad? It was one of those random "out of the blue" thunderbolts hehe <,<
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Herr Automan is sweet!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Seconded >.< that pic is *awesome* I love the fire! <O_O>

    Buuuuurn baby burn! >.>
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    More new art by another deviant over at DA. This one was done by sjsegovia!! He took some liberties with the costume and powers but I rather like the way it came out!

    Thor's Assassin - Artwork by sjsegovia!

    Find more of his work in his Deviant Gallery here.

    Enjoy!! I know I am!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This piece makes me think "Thorhammer 40k" <,<;;

    Its *really* REALLY nice <@_@> congratutions TA, that is a *really* cool piece.
  11. Squirrel_Mark1

    Missy K - by LJ

    <'x'> I can't say anything, I've done the saaaaaame thing lol >.>;;;
  12. I love Sanguine... that is *really* nice <@.@>m Good costuming in the first place!
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    I decided to make a new topic for just my works (not requests or taking requests topic) hopefully I'll get some positive tips and crits on my work ^_^

    heres a Villains outfit concept I did, hopefully these types of outfit parts will be in issue 8!

    Villain Concept

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I love it! <O.O> I will agree however - the feet look a little funny.

    Other than that though; I *really* like it... it reminds me (slightly) of Roy Mustang from Full Metal Alchemist; among other characters I rather like.

    Great job <@_@>b
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Thank you all for the comments. They are all very much appreciated. I don't mind constructive criticism at all; it is very welcome, and it is the only way I'm going to improve. DJ, you know I value your opinion highly, and I eagerly receive any advice you throw my way!

    One thing I have to clarify, though, is that I can't take credit for the city scene. I didn't render it myself; I simply used an existing image as a backdrop. I tried using several "city block" props I had acquired, but they didn't look good enough. So, while I'm gratified that I apparently chose the right backdrop image, I certainly cannot take credit for having created it.

    All of the critiques offered here and in private are quite valid, and as I said, appreciated. I'll be revising this one with these comments in mind, and I hope to have an updated version posted here shortly.

    Again, thank you all for the feedback!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ya know, there's a reason people pay interior decorators to pick out wallpaper for their home <^,~>m

    What I'm saying is - sometimes, its less important to be the orginator of an image (so long as you give credit where you can of course) than to cast the image in an appropriate role that makes it stand out.

    You definitely picked the right cityscape >.< very very effective! <^_^>m Trying to say - don't devalue yourself in that regard; its good to say you didn't make it; but take pride in that you did choose the right part for the job.
  15. Squirrel_Mark1

    Missy K - by LJ

    [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah the legs aren't my favorite part, but I didn't want to redraw her because I was happy with the pose... oh well live and learn. Thanks all for the comments.

    [/ QUOTE ]]

    Only way to learn <^-^> practice practice practice! One thing I did when I was having a hulluva time doing hands (hands are my absolute *worst* >.> was I spent an entire day drawing nothing but hands in various poses.

    I still don't draw hands perfectly... or even well... but... they *do* come out acceptably more often than not >.>

    Can't wait to see how you improve <^-^>m /cheer!
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Okay, first off, I have to totally second Kat on that cityscape... damn! Nice work there. The texturing you did on Plas' outfit isn't half bad either. However, for latter reference, you could have done a bit more with the pose. That's a very classic flight pose, but you didn't wring it for all it's worth. In such a pose, it's almost like the hero is flying due to their shear desire to reach the sky, like they are grabbing a hold of it and pulling themselves up into the heavens. Plas seems... very bored with the whole matter and is using that pose to fly because, well, she had to do something with her arms, and, hey, why not... eh. For a more dramatic flight shot, her shoulders (and as a result, her ribs) should be angled to the side, like she's really REACHING for that height. The shoulder of the arm that is outstretched should be pulled forward while the other shoulder is pushed back. The hips should be opposite the shoulders (remember contraposta?) which would give the spine an excellent curvy bend. The more bent the spine, the more dramatic the pose, the more strait the spine the more uptight and boring the pose

    As for the eye glow, a very simple on could be achieved in PSP by creating a new layer and coloring in the glow in the darkest purple that the glow is to be over the eyes. I did this in about 1.5 minutes. Once I put the color down, I used the smudge brush to pull the color out to each side and then I just set the layers blend mode to dodge. It's not all thgat good, but it's a starting point and can be worked off of. Seriously, take some time to just fiddle with the layers in PSP, what all the blend modes do, and fiddle with the tools... best way to learn it.

    Good work so far, but you really need to push your post production skills.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Gonna agree with Graver completely ^^

    Your background is *wonderful* ^^ the character could use work in a couple areas though; but Graver pretty much said what I'd say.

    Still; its a nice piece of work >.<b its one of those "You did good - but we know you can do even better!" types of things <,< Looking forward to more <^_^>
  17. I'm glad nobody was upset with me <x.x>m thanks all. I've got this tendancy to be very whiny and annoying; or sometimes come across very judgemental - and all that has made me a little paranoid about myself.

    This has long been my favorite section on these forums; and you all prove why without question. I'm glad you understood what I meant Feral <~.~>; I just really really REALLY hate feeling like I accidently singled someone out <;.;>

    Anyways; thanks again all; glad no one was as upset as I thought they were hehe <~,~> I worry alot; so, its a relief!

    *giant squirrely hugs everywhere >.>*

    Oh <. .> and Scarf_Girl - don't feel bad; but I'm a guy <'x'> not that its the most obvious thing hehe (my online personality is why I only play female chars >.>; I'm not exactly masculine on the internet <,< and the incongruity is disturbing even for me when playing a male char <'x'&gt

    Just the same, I will buy some cookies >.> Thin Mints ftw!

    Ok I'll shuddup >,< I gotta get back to work hehe; thanks for being so supportive all. The squirrel <3s you all <;.;> he's just a little nutty >.> (Pun!)
  18. I've been thinking and thinking for the last several days... and well... I kinda wanna appologize to everyone here; not the forums in-general; but this section.

    You all have been very nice to me; and while I've been as polite as possible, my own neurosis have caused me to more than once whine in front of you all - often in your threads where you're attempting to showcase your hard work.

    So I guess I just wanted to say I'm sorry about that; and I want to especially appologize to Feral Kat, I feel something I said didn't come out so very good and well, it wasn't intended the way it may have sounded <~.~>

    Anyways, sorry for being such a troublesome rodent <~.~>m I shall be back to your regularly scheduled nutcase shortly. I've been getting counselling for some things and well, RL is getting better for me slowly, and thats helping me see some stupid things I've done here. Thanks for putting up with me everyone <x.x>; I appreciate it, even if I sometimes don't seem to!

    Well, anyway, just wanted to say that before I went to bed, I shall endevour to be better!
  19. Squirrel_Mark1

    Missy K - by LJ

    I *love* the way you did her upper body, and the portrait too.. >.< both *quite* nice. The K was an excellent idea compositionwise as well.

    The only thing I'll mention is her legs... bother me somehow >< slightly. They just seem... bent a little? Maybe? I'm not sure how to explain it. I'm too much of an art noob to know how to describe what I'm seeing just yet <~.~>;

    Still, everything else is *great >.<* I love your work!
  20. Overall I *really* like it Pep <^-^> its funny >,<; which suits Square Woot perfectly <'x'>b

    I do have 2 suggestions though >.>

    1) You are right about her right leg... to me it looks... I dunno... chunky? I guess? I dunno >< its not *quite* right imho; but thats just me; I'm hardly a genius at this stuff.

    2) Her eyes seem a tad low... I know she's got her head down a bit, but they seem even a bit low for that.

    Other than that though, I like it alot ,@_@>m keep it up!

    PS: The assault rifle is amazingly nice. Great work there!
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Me after the computer incident.

    TROGDOOOOOR! - Drawn on the way to Key West.

    Bird - Drawn a few days ago.

    Forest - Drawn at Key West.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I really like that bird >.< something about it just strikes me as "right". Its not realistic necessarily... but its quite well done just the same. I dunno <,< I like it!
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    That is really nice! Her face is beautiful!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wow! Very nice pic there <@_@> You got the Ice Blast look almost exactly like in the game even... crazy!

    I also liked your gallery <^-^>
  23. Pretty cool overall ^^ Pose is a bit static; but I love the outfit! Nice work!
  24. Squirrel_Mark1

    Roxstar by Pep

    Funniest part - you *know* the roach is alive >.>;

    Very funny and very cool Pep <,< Rawr!