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  1. Eeebil Goat, making me click ebil new forum features.

    However, in reading Chaos_Creator's sig, I got to wondering: Wouldn't everyone's gain also be his gain?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JDouble_NA View Post
    eventually your chances will get to the point where you will likely get one and reset your odds...Now wait a second for all the "experts" to come post why it's a horrible idea.
    Why do you need experts? Just take that puppy right to the devs.

    "Dear Mr. Posi, sir. You know those recipes you said were uber rare? I have this idea where they won't be uber rare anymore, and will favor hard core farmers. And I know you <3 hard core farmers."

    Let the market forum know how he responds.
  3. *applies some combo weaksauce to supper*

    Not great tasting, but tolerable.
  4. Someone IS going to tell us how many lanterns to light, right?

    *runs off to buy some lanterns*
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    The Nethergoat kisses were the best part.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Do...not...want...to hear Nethergoat Kisses playing on the radio.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    There is nothing further I can add to this discussion without risking offending one or more individuals deeply held personal beliefs.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Aw c'mon. You know you wanna go there.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, I will, since some folks I hung out with back in college would cast into doubt whether recreating in general was licit in the first place.

    And this is more of a food for thought post than getting up in one's face. The suggestion in the OP hinges on an unstated principle, that The Golden Rule is the critical aspect to be focused on in the development of and the enjoyment of a recreational activity.

    However, and this is the food for thought bit, I did a quick mental inventory in the shower this morning of what I humorously called the Operator's Manual above, trying to find strictly recreational activities (activities done to pass the time in an enjoyable fashion; activities that were not ordered to be done, one is not trying to "get" something, etc. Just fun stuff).

    I came up with 4 possibilities:
    1) Party after a wedding that happened in Cana
    2) Noah brews a tasty alcoholic beverage
    3&amp;4) (At least I think it was 2 episodes) Abraham, uh...enjoys some PDA time with his sister. Uh, wife, um...oops, perhaps the truth should have been told

    3&amp;4 might have to be tossed since they are more love-oriented than recreation oriented, but it's interesting to note in all the examples that

    1) Any culture's literature arts classes could dig in an analyze these 4 stories. The characters therein have some foibles, the settings are well described, and the outcomes not necessarily predictable.
    2) There are lessons to dig in and unpack in all 4 cases if one chose to do so.
    3) There is a time and place for recreating, though things can and often go wrong.
    4) No mention of the Golden Rule; other matters are being discussed (see #2).

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread, already in progress. And in the interest of full disclosure, I would ask the devs not to implement the suggestion. My lowbies like selling those drops; it's a lazy way to build up some bank with which to do other things (like buying back those cool drops around level 15-22 or so, crafting things with them, and selling again). And I happen to be a big fan of lazy.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    The Golden Rule forbids prices from rising or falling based on supply and demand.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    In a battle between theology and market forces, I am afraid market forces will win as not everyone shares that outlook.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not in the last analysis.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Different dev in charge of CoX, I'm afraid.

    And I didn't post an update last night, but by 10:30 when I logged, 17 of my desired Spell Inks bid at a newbie-friendly 5,125 had come in, approximately 16 of the Circuit Boards bid at 12,125 (not newbie-friendly, but well under the last 5 prices) and 19 of the 35/40 recipes bid at silly low prices.

    Since you are very set on referencing The Dev, I think you'll find in the operator's manual that patience is a virtue. Patience is the signature approach needed to use the market, whether dealing with white salvage or purple recipes.
  8. I suppose when the forums are theoretically down it would be a good time to redo this.

    Since it was patched awhile ago, table asplodes 5 minutes after casting without fail. The spontaneous closing, a bit less wonky, and the moving...well, I guess I'd rather that Castle wrestle with Oil Slick than the table.
  9. Inadvertent real time example of patient bidding at work:

    Going for Field Crafter on a lvl 33 blaster on Infinity (where I have but 2 characters). I'd like to do the 35/40 recharges. They need spell inks and circuit boards.

    Character in question has a fairly disrespectable 61 mil on hand.

    Spell inks were showing a last 5 price between 50K-100K when I logged on. Since last 5 prices mean pretty much nothing on high turnover items, I placed 2 stacks of bids on spell inks for 5,125 (a very newbie-friendly amount). While traveling to Founders Falls to find Akarist and his coven, 1 order already filled. The other 19 should come in during the night (or at least one stack of 10).

    I may have bid a bit too low on the circuit boards to come in overnight, but I can always rebid tomorrow night. I could also buy 2 stacks NAO, but I like having my 61 mil for when I finally re-enable exp.
  10. MA arranged for massive road construction throughout Wisconsin on I90/94 and some whiteout rain in the middle today.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    It is rather inefficient throwing tickets at random rolls for white common invention salvage, given that you may fill your inventory with junk before you get what you need, even if you sell all the unneeded stuff you got. You can also run out of tickets.

    On the other hand, when you go to sell your unneeded common salvage, another problem becomes obvious. More than 65,000 inf. for a Spell Scroll? Prices like that shock, especially since no 1-25 user can acquire the kind of inf necessary to purchase them at the AH without abusive play or abusive market manipulations.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No morals involved (no societal impact via CoX, no one's livelihood on the line via game play other than that of the devs, playing the game has no impact on the Common Good); therefore, title fixed.

    A few reactions:

    1) If you fill up with junk, delete junk (Improvised Cybernetic, I'm looking at you). Continue rolling.
    2) If you run out of tickets, go get more (rather easy to do).
    3) Any newbie can get a 65K spell scroll: Kill some Hellions until one drops. Sell it. Between 5K-75K should result. Repeat as necessary. Or roll tickets until several drop. Go sell them.
    4) As some have pointed out already, wins at the market are via patience. Bid 1-5K on some Spell Scrolls. Go play, come back, pick up patient loot.

    No "abusive" market practices necessary. Telling as many people as possible to bid patiently, and do things that might result in a sought drop will solve any individual's lack of salvage within the existing game mechanics.
  12. Just got back from a drive around town.

    Heading north: Construction
    Heading east of destination 1: Construction
    Turning south, then exiting at destination 2: Construction
    Heading west: No more construction since it was recently finished (but there is construction south of my house)

    Responsible party, both for the construction and the break in continuity of the last example? That darn MA.

    *shakes tiny fist*
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm sure [Smurphy] know[s] alot more about economics than [JDouble]

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [ QUOTE ]
    but this isn't as complicated as real world economics.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ...since no player controls the means of production.

    Lots of real world activity around protecting such things and forecasting industry trends to not be put out of business.

    CoX is way more predictable.

    Bid early in the week, be willing to wait, price slightly above any observed flipping activity, bid on 2 (1 to use, 1 to sell), and then go out and do things that might net you the desired item while you wait.

    Easy. I do it across over 80 characters. No price hats necessary.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    but the majority of folks that spend more time actual playing thru content shouldn't have to pay the price becuase folks like you rather spend their time manipulating the market.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I spend my time playing quite a bit of content (just finished the somewhat horrible Willy Wheeler in fact).

    I should have to pay high prices for items that are scarce that I can't get by other means.

    Scarce item = low supply = high price (if it's in demand).

    I use the other side of the equation when selling, I fully expect the other side of the coin when I go to buy if I don't feel like being patient with my bids.
  15. 4 out of 5 dentists have determined that AE can lead to tooth decay.

    What is disturbing is that AE was already in cohoots with that 5th dentist.
  16. The real reason we don't have carp melee and air guitar emotes in the game?

  17. Thanks for posting this thread. My playlists recently went poof, and now I know why.

  18. Been the jackpot giver on occasion as well.

    On new characters I will often set up some sniping bids on crafted lvl 50 IOs. Not quite as huge a payoff, but nice payoffs nonetheless.
  19. No, I'M Spartacus!

    Sorry, I got excited there.
  20. Squez

    Thank you Devs

    [ QUOTE ]
    That very little in this game actually rewards indivudual or team accomplishment with any meaningful reward.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Brett Favre hasn't formally committed anywhere. Perhaps the devs could hire him to visit TF finishers' houses? Beyond that, it's a video game. What kind of meaning did you have in mind?

    [ QUOTE ]
    That you must repeat the content ad nauseum on the same toon to reach its full potential,

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Huh? I'll give you an example, my scrapper who turned 50 yesterday. He was part of a non-level pact duo with a buddy. Couldn't play the scrapper when buddy wasn't on, so I took to playing the market with him. Got him Field Crafter at level 19. Was pretty much drowning in cash compared to my other characters. Laid in lots of patient bids for all the good lvl 33 sets (excluding the big 3; seemed overkill on a /regen scrapper). Did mostly mission contacts when the duo was online. Somewhere mid 30s he was pretty much at his full potential.

    At level 45 buddy decided to race me to 50. I went after Portal Jockey (even though I hate the contacts involved), did some PvP missions, and cruised several tank-centric AE missions (always had to rotate those since they got pulled a lot).

    Not a lot of content repetition (other than selecting favorite contacts in Fault, Striga, Croatoa, etc. since I like them). Full potential reached way prior via the market. Still has almost 400 mil on him. Could outfit with purples via more patience, but seriously--it seems like overkill on a /regen scrapper.
  21. Steps worked, even though I had been playing for several hours, then couldn't quickly find a character that was parked at the market (usually impossible since all my characters log off at the market, but I guess I was lazy this week). And I had already done some searching.

    Once I got back to a fresh log in with no values typed in the search box, marching through the steps produced the error.
  22. Wish I could see the looks on everyone's faces as they bid creep.

    Til the servers shut down, there will always be a luck charm.

    /em toast
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Huh. Why would removing the Fog of War be useful?

    ... unless... Maybe you can use it in the Shadow Shard?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Shard would be cool, as it would also in the troll tunnels for the odd Cavern. But there are mission I want to cruise through that if I could hit the fog off, would eliminate some branch guessing (especially those huge dang lab maps). Nostalgic quick Katies (2nd mission) it would be gold.
  24. Now THAT's a set of steps.

    I'll run through them later and hopefully some others will, too in case Castle's proposed fix doesn't catch this. (Did you really need to buy 2 different things--did you try it with 1?)

    Though at this point I'm just sort of hoping they let us custom color our chat bug in I16...
  25. Squez

    Cap AE XP/Day

    [ QUOTE ]
    I've yet to seen any proof that AE hurts the game. I'm sorry, but folks enjoying the game in a way you don't enjoy personally is not "hurting the game". The only thing that can hurt the game is people unsubbing - and no, threatening They'Re Going To Leave If The Devs Don'T Fix This NOW!(tm) isn't the same thing.

    Only suscriber numbers will tell us the truth, when they're released ; and don't even try to claim the AE ruined the game if there's a slight drop proportionally equivalent to the same population drop there has been since years ; it'd have to be a bigger decline than that to be able to blame it on AE, especially as CO's open beta is opening soon.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Your silly appeal to facts and data is insignificant next to the power of YAFCT.*

    *Yet another farming complaint thread.