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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    I hate the common MMOG convention of having to visit a trainer to level up, and I'm so glad that I don't have to in this game. I can just click the flashing icon on my minimap and immediately level up.
    Yeah, I caught onto that after I had left the tutorial. >_>; At least now I know for my next alt.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    Lir: "The happy ending cannot come in the middle of the story."
    Molly: "But what if there isn't a happy ending at all?"
    Schmendrick: "There are no happy endings... because nothing ends."
    ... I'm gonna have to pull that DVD out again.
  3. Video driver crashes during missions and especially inside bases. Thanks, ATI!

    Unexpected mapserves, especially during iItrials. :P

    The cake map.

    Hunts and kill 'em alls on outdoor maps.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
    There's no one left to sticky it!
  5. I'm still following your Twitter feed so I'll know what game to start looking in to next. You put the 'Community' in Community Management, and it was one heck of a ride for all of us. We'll see you 'round, Z.
  6. I was finally able to create a character last night with a costume that I can actually admire. I'm not sure how much it'll run me in alterations as I putter with her outfit, but Foxfire the fairy cop on the edge is now alive and fluttering.

    I'm also amazed that I want to stick with her after dying literally a dozen times through the bloody tutorial. Maybe it was playing a freeform hybrid, but fell off one cliff of difficulty going into the open mission and another at the final boss fight. Blocking doesn't feel quite as intuitive as dodging does in GW2, at least not just yet. And they really need to drop a powerhouse or a trainer in the tutorial somewhere.

    Note to self: Add CoX channel.
  7. SpyralPegacyon

    Good news all..

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    It's surprising to me that there seem to be people who specifically go looking for instances of people being hopeful, happy or at least satisfied with the situation with the express purpose of "tempering expectations." And I don't get that.
    I've said it before and I'll say it again: Some people just want to watch the forum burn.
  8. I think this should just get automatically tagged to any of A_K's posts:

  9. SpyralPegacyon



    Still curious as to who the other Menders were, if anyone. I'll keep checking back to see if more answers were added. Thanks!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Checked it out at PAX. It's Diablo with Marvel Superheroes.

    And yes, you're limited to playing as one of Marvel's superheroes, and not able to create your own :/

    Though the list of which characters you could be seemed pretty high!
    Give me Deadpool and The Ever-Lovin' Thing and I'll give it a try.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
    This thread just screams what was said about SWTOR last December, right after the much more versatile SWG was shut down to make way for it (which ALSO feels eerily familiar to the current situation)

    Then came the Tortanic iceberg. EA's (another rather evil mega game corporation usually referenced by 2 letters) stocks crashed like a stone, half the population left, and SWTOR is going F2P in the fall.
    I bought and played TOR. After two weeks and fifty levels across three alts, I knew the TORtanic was down by the bow, hit a lifeboat back to Paragon City, and haven't been surprised at all at how badly the Small World ride masquerading as a game cratered.

    I bought and play GW2. After two weeks and something like sixty levels across three alts, this ain't no TORtanic - not by a long shot. Its honestly the closest experience I've had to CoH in a fantasy MMO.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
    For you to have your eyes wide open and still make the choice to give them money and in effect your validation for what they have done? Oh yes - I see that as betrayal. Betrayal and selfishness. Because you've decided you'd rather be selfish and choose your own enjoyment and fun over the principled stance. I don't hate you for it. I pity you. Because you've proven not to have the moral understanding necessary to make a principled stance. And in this case, it's so EASY to make the principled stance. But you chose to be selfish.
    In nearly 20 years of online gaming, I can't recall anyone ever taking the pretendy fun-time game this seriously before. ... Congratulations?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by American_Knight View Post
    Bumping this thread to remind people there are still games to be played no matter who makes them. There are some toxic trheads out there from people wishing ill to certain companies and thus wishing more people will lose their jobs. I can't stand by and see these people do this to others with doing something.
  14. SpyralPegacyon

    Don't give up.

    Because Char's post deserves to get back on the front page.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Signal of Truth View Post
    2) Is Mender Lazarus in reality Doctor Aeon?
    2a.) Is Mender Ramiel a Dream Doctor, if not our future Dream Doctor?
  16. Mister Green in the foyer with the revolver.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Something else to cogitate on.

    Internet Attention Span. (Or more correctly Internet Attention Deficit Disorder.)

    Due to the more or less instantaneous gratification provided by the Internet for various information and entertainment outlets, there's some expectation of rapid response from corporate entities to various social pushes.

    Large, multi-million dollar corporations are amongst the slowest animals on the planet. Due to legal concerns, ongoing business negotiations, and the simple need for standard business continuity (coming in to work and getting all the busy-work done) it can take some companies astoundingly long times to actually respond to things unless they have a lawyer, a process server, or a police officer there.
    Yep. We may not find anything out for another two weeks. Or another two months. Or, brace yourselves, past November 30th. That's just how it is. They're not working on our time, and they have no need to work on our time.

    So you can either rant at the winds, or you can continue to work positively in letting the MMO industry know that we have money and we're willing to spend it on a quality superhero MMO like City of Heroes. Even if NCSoft doesn't hear us, that doesn't mean someone else isn't listening. Don't give up.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
    If you want to make a real impression go with physical instead of electronic. Start a fund. Get a paypal account. Pay some guys in SK to go physically dump bags of letters and boxes of comic books in the lobby of NCSoft Korea.

    Jericho wasn't given another season because people sent emails. It was given another season because fans sent 25 tons of peanuts to the studio offices. Chuck got a third season because a campaign to buy Subway sandwiches and leave fan notes about Chuck in their feedback boxes led Subway to sponsoring the third season.

    As was mentioned before the most those executives are likely to see is a note that there have been a lot of messages about saving CoH in their inbox lately. Yes that could help but physical gestures always seem huge in comparison.

    Think about it. What would impress you personally more. Opening your email in the morning and seeing that you have 10,000 new messages or having the USPS truck pull up and drop off bag after bag of physical letters. Which would you be more likely to ignore and which would you be more likely to start looking through out of curiosity?
    I think that was the 'cape and mask' effort, though y'know... Comics would work really well too, wouldn't they?
  19. SpyralPegacyon

    Don't give up.

    Originally Posted by Charcoal View Post
    This is the way I see things- Call it optimism or stupidity, it doesn't honestly matter to me. The NDA has been brought up several times- We know they're talking, but neither side will say what they're talking about, when they're talking, why they're talking. That's because the NDA swings both ways- Paragon can't say anything, neither can NCSoft. Just because NCSoft hasn't made a statement doesn't mean they're ignoring us.

    I work and go to school 4 days a week. Every day, I come home, sit down at my desk and load up the Titan Network along with these forums, and scour the posts for the declaration of victory, that our voices have been heard and some arrangement has been made. Clearly, this hasn't happened yet. Does it stop me from coming home with that hope every day? Absolutely not.
    And this.

    My point is, ignore the haters. Don't let the silence discourage you. I'm going to keep fighting until a redname tells me to stop. I'm going to to run TFs and level characters and RP and hold torches and signs in Atlas on my downtime until December 1st. And if December 1st rolls around and I can no longer log into City of Heroes, I'll be satisfied knowing I did everything I could.
    And this (even if I'm not playing nearly as much now).

    Don't let anyone tell you you're wrong for standing up to defend something important to you. Don't let them tell you you're being ignored when the others are just unable to speak. Don't let them tell you you're alone in this fight, because thousands of others are standing with you.

    You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't care.
    And this too. Well said, Char.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
    If there's people who could send in a clear-headed, convincing letter that demonstrates City of Heroes has more worth selling off than by sitting on the IP, but won't because they don't agree with what TonyV has done here, while the trolls and anti-fans send off their death threats and nastygrams, thereby decreasing the signal-to-noise ratio and giving the bigwigs the impression that the CoH fanbase is an internet hate machine ... That's a pretty good example of evil triumphing because good men did nothing, isn't it?
    Hooray, guilt-tripping. :|
  21. I've got a bad feeling about this.

    Originally Posted by Ashe T'Dust View Post
    Personally what I find sad/amusing is that the CEO uses davinci for his email.

    Warning sign people. He aspires to be some sort of super genius that he clearly isnt.
    That ain't helping it either.
  22. Quoting myself? QUOTECEPTION.

    Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
    Tangent #1: My condition damage thief just had a good chuckle. Let's give the game a couple months before we start debating balance.
    Actually, let me pull this tangent back into discussion on what I'd like to see in CoH 2: Multiple methods of active defense. Combat became a lot more intriguing and fun once I started putting together all the ways my thief could bounce and stealth his way out of trouble. I'm still feeling my way through my warrior's crowd control but the learning is half the fun anyways. It feels a lot more interactive and entertaining to have more options beyond set rotation and keep out of red stuff, and I'd love - love - to see that done in a superhero MMO.

    (Yeah, I know CO has blocking, but everyone blocks the same with the same twitch timing. And why the heck does my tanker build have to pancakin' block!?)
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    I think someone making a new super hero MMO could borrow a lot from Guild Wars 2.

    Like the dynamic events system; having random crimes happening in the world. The problem I've always had with CoH is there's really no reason for the city zones. They just exist as space between mission doors, and to me that doesn't compute when Spider-Man or Bats spend like 90% of time swinging around the open city on patrol. So I'd love to see the same thing brought into the super hero context. To further the idea, completing these events could lead to revealing "clues", if you have investigative skills, that in turn lead you to an instanced mission and part of a greater story arc. Or if you're not the detective type, it's off to the next random disaster.

    I think half of their power system is a good idea. If you're a "fire guy" you have access to all the fire powers, but you can only equip so many. If you want to control you can grab the ring of fire type powers and if you want damage you can go for the fire ball type powers. Obviously, I don't think super heroes would be swapping out "weapons" on the fly. You shouldn't have a super strength guy switching to a martial artist or swordsman whenever he feels like it. Although maybe if they grouped them together in sets; super strength+titan weapons and martial arts+swordsmanship for example.

    They've got a rudimentary system for environmental interaction with their "weapon bundles". You can find bits of rubble to pick up and toss. Now if only they were cars. You have Elementalist I believe that can create ice weapons; that could be expanded upon greatly by having everyone's attacks create different weaponizable items as a side effect.
    Well, that was pretty much everything I wanted to say, so consider it a vote in favor.

    -Hair-pulling difficulty for TFs (and no difficulty setting in general).
    Eh, I can live with or without a difficulty setting, I'd vote in favor just so you can have the beat 'em up option.

    -"We got rid of the trinity!" Yes, you just made everyone a glass cannon or fragile speedster and made sure allocating points to anything other than crit damage is meaningless.
    Tangent #1: My condition damage thief just had a good chuckle. Let's give the game a couple months before we start debating balance.

    -You like crafting? To level it up, produce a mountain of worthless common junk nobody will ever buy! And then spend more to break it down again! Just for a Legendary weapon skin that wont be all that unique in a month.
    Any superhero game absolutely has to seperate costumes and gear from stats. Once you do that, then there's no real need to require levels for crafting skills.

    -Pay to win like you wouldn't believe.
    Tangent #2: Sure, I can convert gems to gold. With no such thing as gear progression and no real need to blitz to 80 other than having all your traits, though, then why the heck would I?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by srmalloy View Post
    And it's things like this that make me believe NCSoft shut down City of Heroes because it was an embarrassment to them -- they bring Korean-style grinders to the US market again and again, and they keep sliding off into oblivion as people realize what a horrible, endless grind the game is for little payoff... while City of Heroes, almost the complete antithesis of Korean-style grinders, keeps bumbling along -- no sweeping success, but still making steady money for the company.
    Guild Wars and Wildstar are Korean-style grinders? I get NCSoft priding their home products more, sure, but again it wasn't anything that malevolent.

    Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
    Do we have data on that, though? The amount of people continuing to play, I mean. The IR chart I saw stopped recording active accounts years before that point.
    The last quarterly report had Paragon's revenues at something over $2.4 million. Its been on a decline since Freedom.
  25. Reserving my spot for throwing in my own ideas when I'm feeling less beat.

    Short form: Getting Guild Wars 2 in my City of Heroes and getting City of Heroes in my Guild Wars 2. Also, vehicles.