22 -
The other powerset that you could "revamp" into a "new" powerset is the Dark set. This is a very underused power, IMHO, and one that should be modified to be available to a number of other ATs.
Of course, the order of the powers could be adjusted as needed, or even a couple of substitutions made, if necessary to balance. But I tried to keep them balanced to the other sets in each AT. Some possibilities I've come up with include:
[u]Dark Control[u] (For Controller and Dominator Primary)
1) Petrifying Gaze
2) Tar Patch
3) Tenebrous Tentacles
4) Life Drain
5) Cloak of Darkness
6) Dark Pit
7) Fearsome Stare
8) Black Hole
9) Dark servant
[u]Dark Assault[u] (For Dominator Secondary)
1) Dark Blast
2) Smite
3) Gloom
4) Shadow Maul
5) Soul Drain
6) Nightfall
7) Dark Regeneration
8) Moonbeam
9) Blackstar
[u]Dark Blast[u] (Blaster Primary)
1) Dark Blast
2) Gloom
3) Moonbeam
4) Dark Thoughts (Aim-type power)
5) Nightfall
6) Torrent
7) Touch of Fear
8) Dark Obliteration
9) Blackstar
[u]Dark Manipulation[u] (Blaster Secondary)
1) Shadow Punch
2) Tar Patch
3) Smite
4) Cloak of Darkness
5) Soul Drain
6) Dark Regeneration
7) Dark Consumption
8) Oppressive Gloom
9) Midnight Grasp
Sometimes you don't have to re-create the wheel....or design a new wheel altogether....to come up with something that could bring new interest to a variety of ATs.
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This. Except blackstar on a dom is a bit much and instead of turning dark miasma into a prime set, make adjustments to the mezzes and make it a troller secondary and create a brand new shadow/dark control set. Those shadow imps Black Swan has would be perfect for lvl 32. And add shadow meld to the scrapper dark epic set.
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All of this, but somehow try and get cloak of fear on both Doms and Blasters! -
Isn't it also the return of the 5th Column?
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The 5th column is the TF/SF part. Then there is the 20 new faces, which is cool and long over due....but if that is the best part of the issue....c'mon, seriously? Hope there is some more snuck in there that hasn't been announced yet. Atleast give claws to Brutes or something
Honestly though, issue 12 was cool. We got an awesome new zone, new enemies, and a great TF/SF. We also got VEATs, power proliferation, and other game play improvements. It was a great issue for just about everyone. That was exactly one year ago.
Since then we got a small issue 13 that gave us a bunch of garbage like Merits and dayjobs. Two new powersets that are ok, but nothing special IMO. Dual builds....meh. Alot of little things that improve over all gameplay, but pretty damn boring.
Then we get issue 14 which is basicly just the MA. Now if you love farming, the MA is bees knees, but for me it has not so far been what I had hoped. I can never find teams to run quality missions anyways. Everyone just uses it to farm, so I end up doing the same ol' TF/SF and Trials just like I have for the last 2 years.
All I'm saying is while I enjoy and appreciate all the QoL improvments, the last year has been really freakin boring to me. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I just want new zones, new enemies, new events, new power sets, and more proliferation. Going Rogue sounds like it will make me happy, but the more I read about issue 15, the more it sounds like more of the same.
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LMAO! Wow I only agree with 10 percent of what you just said...but i can't debate i must sleeporz goodnite.
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What's to debate? That's how he/she feels. I agree with most of what they said, minus the MA farming. I find MA to be a breath of fresh air. There are some very good and interesting missions, and then there is some garbage too. -
This is the best idea, I've seen since the light bulb. Seriously, The could just make the Rouge Isles a place for the anti-hero. Then I'll never have to wait for villian content, since its never gonna show up anyway.
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I like my Villains. I'd rather play them over Heroes almost any day. That idea stinks under my nose and I would never support it. So!
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That comment was tongue in cheek. Villains need more content, and since they aren't getting it. The only way to get what you crave is to join them. But yeah, I'd rather be a villain as well. -
In addition the sf and trial rewards are laughable compared to heroside. I said this all in beta and you stuck straight with your " story archs balance the 2 sides". I call cowmalarkey. Sorry.464 merits for all hero sf's compared to 142 for all villian tf's is a load of crap.
With all of the changes in this issue I seriously dont understand why they just dont do away with redside alltogether. Do away with cross faction pvp altogether. Hell? Just get rid of pvp in the game alltogether too. Make it City of Hero's again, pretend there never was a game called Citty of Villian's and call it all good.
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This is the best idea, I've seen since the light bulb. Seriously, The could just make the Rouge Isles a place for the anti-hero. Then I'll never have to wait for villian content, since its never gonna show up anyway. -
I think it is a perfect idea considering macs are generally owned by more creative people (artists, writers, etc.) and this game is the only MMO that really lets you be creative.
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Ummmm, what? That is the most stereotypical post, I've ever read in my entire life. Next all democrats have Powerbooks, right? WoW, just Wow. Think highly of yourself? If you think, these types of people have apples, because, they are more creative, think again. I bet its because, they don't know how to use windows, cause, you know the parts inside the machine are the same. -
Do I read things correctly? Is.. this..... exclusive Villain Content? Not just more.. Co-op?
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I'm not jumping for joy yet. I got the distinct impression it was just "save the world... villainously".
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From reading it, its more of, Heroes can't get into sharkhead, type of contact. -
Love the lists so far, but I just want to add, that not only should the villians get A 30-35 SF, but that they should get two, along with 2 more 25-30 SFs to match heroes. They have variety, we don't. Along with the fact, that the hero respecs have 3 vastly different mobs, and that the villians fight CoT in all three final missions. No one else wants the nictus seed. I find that very difficult to believe.
Edit- I want to mention that the heroes PI contacts have larger and more grand missions/story arcs, as oppposed to Villians. While they both have some very neat missions, it has always been my feeling that they heroes can farm many many more maps as opposed to the handful Villianside. I know this is minor, but there are lots of complaints about the Black Market, which with better missions, could result in a better market.
Soph again -
Have you seen the zone, to talk of quality? I'm asking for new contacts that have Strike Forces. They are in more need red side than a minor zone revamp, in my opinion.
Soph -
Cal, makes some points that you are ignoring. Wasting time on redoing the hallows is a waste. Considering there are not enough Strike Forces red side. There is a huge imbalance. You can not argue that. So redoing a hero only zone, is a waste. CoV has been out over 2 years, and only has several zones. So, to me, and apparently others, ANY TIME, they spend on a hero only zone, is a slap to the face, of villians clamoring for more content.
Spin it anyway you want. It won't change those facts. Villians are suppose to be happy they finally get VEATs, I was never worried or cared about them, they came out only a year and half to late. But how hard would it be to add a contact to several zones and add missions to them in the form of a Strike force? I mean what maybe 4-6 new maps. A few lines of text and where on our way. Instead we get a zone, redone, that quite frankly didn't really need it.
Soph -
I'd be interested to know how you guys justify investing all the time required in revamping a Hero zone (which they have PLENTY of) vs making a NEW zone for Villains, new trials for villains, and new SFs for villains.
Sure, villains get a (much delayed) EAT with some story arcs, but, come on, at least revamp Lagville, give us something closer to a true hazard zone, and more team content before you screw around with the Hollows. Last time I checked there were PLENTY of players in that zone. It's not like it doesn't get used in its current incarnation.
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Ironically, I was going to post the same exact thing! Surpisingly when someone makes sense in this thread its left alone.
If they are revamping this zone, then it needs to be like Ritki War Zone, CO-OP. If its not then it was wasted intentions. The villians are lacking Strike Forces. Especially if they do combine markets, most villian Infamy will come over to the blue side. I can't see how one market should be able to dictate over the other.
The revamp maybe nice, but really was it necassary?
Soph -
I double checked both my login to the forums and NCSoft. They have the correct email address. I double checked both my PC and My laptop, no sign of the emails. The last emails I received where the thanks for purchasing wedding pack, and the upgrade email. I didn't receive a notice about double xp or the wedding/spring fling. I had a conversation with a long time vet, wednesday morning about the wedding edition. They new nothing about didn't get an email either. So its not just me.
Woot-1st time a red named quoted me.....I think 8P -
I wonder if they don't send them out to you, if you spend blanketie blank blank amount of time in the game. I know of others that haven't gotten them as well.
Soph -
I think you need to look into your emailers. I haven't changed email addresses since starting CoH nearly 45 months ago, and I didn't get a double xp mailer or wedding package/Valentines day mailer, either. I am not alone on this. Surprisingly, I did buy 1 Wedding package and got 2 emails, 1 verify the purchase and 1 saying my account was upgraded. Oh and if I thought it was really worth buying, I would have bought 2 one for my second account that's nearly 36 months old.
Soph -
You're Darwin ... We suck !!!
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Corrected for you. Its sorta funny because, I never thought it was possible for Superman to solo Lex Luther. hrmmmmm. Food for thought.
Soph -
Are you sure, I see the impaled Corpses in the background. that is looks like a still from the intro scene of the Bram Stokers' Dracula game.
Soph -
The problem stems from the fact, that it seems all nerfs come in regards to the builds that consistently solo those situations that aren't meant to be solo'd.
And fighting an AV solo is usually in that realm. So the publicizing of it on here, is usually a red flag saying "Please, this is too easy ... ramp up the difficulty for this build"
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Yeah, becuase if you have access to empowerment stations and some large inspirations, you too could possible solo an AV. I say kudos to Ultimus. That is one AV, I wouldn't try solo, but then my Dom is only 24.....
Its not like he is saying he soloed the entire tyrant story line of AVs solo. He took out 1, single AV. This is a game, where you CAN play solo and/or team IF you want to. I see nothing wrong with what he is saying or doing/did. Good Work
Ps. Ultimus is your Avatar from the Bram Stoker's Dracula Video game? It was one of my favorites!
Soph -
Global @sophy @sophy3030
Gender male
age 30
Loc Chocolatetown, USA
height 5'10"
SG Pandeminoun, V The Pandemic
Most Reckognizable Sophy, V Vick Toree -
first of all furvy cake that is all. now back to the topic i did notice some1 did a very nice movie of their base so i decided to do the same yeah mine is soooooo lousyier then their's lol pm me of what u think of it =D my movie :P btw we r the demonic titans. we r on triumph
[/ QUOTE ]
Nice Base. I really loved the clip. It had me smileing from ear to ear.....BTW I stole the Cookies! -
You are forgetting one of the easiest ways to prevent a AS strike. Its also one of the the hardest learned lessons non-combat experience aviators in a war zone ever get...
If you don't move - you are just a target. And your probably dead. Its one of the reasons experience pilots have low attrition rates...
Also any aoe effect around you will interupt a strike - even if you don't see it coming..
PvP zones are WAR ZONES!
See him first...
set up defences...
keep moving - or your probably going to die...its the same in any PvP fight..Stand there - give THEM the initiative...expect to die...
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Sorry to quote you Wen, since we are homies, but you are wrong about the AoE interupt. I was in Siren's Call running my Rad/Arrow defender, Chokeing Cloud was on and failded to interupt the Assassin Strike. The odd part was I stopped to look/talk to my wife for 5 seconds and that was all it took! No chance of retaliation. If that is not cheap, I'm not sure what is? Seeing as how we've teamed together before, you know I am a very vigilant player, who knows what to do and how to react to almost every situation.
I'm thinking since the problem tends to be Hide+build up + Assassin Strike and maybe a red. How about changing Build up to Aim type damage? -
Doesn't china have like a Billion people? whats 3 million of a billion?
Hmmmm Apparently Slowing down bosses isn't an advantage
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I'm in melee range, they're mostly going to be staying put and docile anyway.
Hmmmm Apparently have a travel power at lvl 6 isn't an advantage either!
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Concidering it only takes a few hours to get from lvl 6 to 14 if you know what you're doing, no. It's not.
Hmmmm Apparently not get the Accuracy Penalty associated with Super Speed isn't an advantage either!
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SS doesn't have an acc penalty.
Seriously, If you have a comment, by all means state it, but this kind of hostile post really doesn't further the conversation at all.
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A docile Boss, never met one of those before
and 8 lvls in a few hours, sure, not saying it can't be done.
Just for those 8 lvls I'll be there before you
its just your prefence and mine -
Siphon Speed: Not recommended. I just don't get any use out of this power.
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Hmmmm Apparently Slowing down bosses isn't an advantage
Hmmmm Apparently have a travel power at lvl 6 isn't an advantage either!
Hmmmm Apparently not get the Accuracy Penalty associated with Super Speed isn't an advantage either!