245 -
well, if I haven't gotten any public help in the next 72 hours or so, I'll resort to PMing, I always preffer questions like this to be where anyone (who might have the same questions) can see them
I thought of DJ esspecially, and a few others. But you never know who's out there.. lurking.. with a folder full of helpful bookmarks! -
I think the portals of portal corp are perfect, Chariot also tends to mean Progress and innovation or technology
So. That's ideal!
as an aside, is anyone else having awful troble with DA today? it's - so - slow. and half the pictures won't load unless I download them to view -
I recently found out there's a good chance I'll be getting Poser for x-mas. Excitedly I immediately googled "poser tutorials" to begin learning what kinds of things I can do (and what I'll need) to jump in right away...
...and was quickly overwhelmed by the vast array of sites offering to tech me EVERYTHING I NEED TO KNOW... EVAR! for just a nominal subscription fee of course.
...and the "buy R 3d poser objs NOW!!!!' sites
So.. here's my question(s):
- Is there a reliable (and free (for now) site where I can learn the basics of Poser to get up and running?
- Does Poser come with any models and props to start? Or do I need to find some (hopefully free) ones to start messing around with?
The latest version of Poser is.. what.. 7? I think I am getting a slightly cheaper (and used) copy of 5 or 6, if that matters. I think it's 6.
I know we have a few poser artists out here, can they be kind enough to share their favorite links to a base newbie so I can start becoming a masterful 3d artist? (in just 24 hours!! *cough*) -
It looks fine Rob
and until we know what symbol's DB is going to use for the suits in the end (so they are all uniform) it'd be fruitless imo to try and come up with any. -
So >.>
I took it upon myself to start the Minor Arcana, one of the court cards specifically. In case this project ever goes that far. Either way, the idea of the project and the great stuff so far inspired me to try my own hand at it. inspiration for art can't be bad right?
So, here we go, a screenshot manipulation of Foxlily to be the: Queen of Wands
Here's two summaries of the card that I went by:
The Queen here is surrounded by lions (symbols of Fire) and sunflowers (symbols of the growth and energy of Wands). The black cat at her feet is a reminder of the dark side of Venus. The Wand and sunflower in each hand illustrates her control over nature.
This card focuses on family matters and the home, and possibly spiritual or metaphysical pursuits and personal fulfillment. When in doubt remember that important decisions usually make themselves when the time is right. A sacrifice may have to be made because you will not accept less than the best.
As with all Court cards, it is also possible for a Queen to represent a person. The astrological sign for the Queen of Wands is Leo. This is a woman who is honorable and well-liked and fond of her home. Other adjectives to describe this person might be: fun-loving, proud, honest, aloof, impulsive, determined, loyal and generous. This Queen may represent the vocations of: actor, artist, athlete, fashion figure, entertainer, or any profession where she can be the center of attention.
As a suit, Wands are direct, determined and connected to Will and its appropriate application. The Queen of Wands represents a woman who knows exactly what she wants out of life, and aims at her goals with great dedication.
She is often a woman who has experienced conflict and trauma, and learned from these. She's usually independent, forthright and self-motivated. As a friend she will be loyal and honest, though sometimes given to handing out unwelcome advice, and taking over.
As a parent she can be quite dominant, claiming that she wants her off spring to be self-reliant and confident, but sometimes tending to become impatient, and do things on their behalf in her own way, rather than allowing her children to make up their own minds.
She's a fighter, who does not suffer fools gladly. She will support and assist those who are vulnerable and needy, offering unceasing energy and determination. She takes up causes readily, and proves herself a worthy adversary. However she has a tendency not to know when to stop, and enjoys being at the forefront of the battle, rather than beavering away on the more routine aspects of any campaign.
This is a forceful and proud woman. She applies high standards to everything she becomes involved in. As a result, she can sometimes be somewhat intolerant of people who do things differently.
So - The Queen of Wands - a fine ally, and a dangerous enemy!
So, Fire, Growth, Determination and a strong Warrior Woman. That's what I was aiming for.
and, since it's a screenshot manip, thought I'd so the original cut outs I used. and a few WIP's WIP1, WIP2,
WIP3. -
And Ooooold Spine/regen Stalker of mine (old as in, CoV Beta)
Xia Lin May
Chinese-American born in New York during the height of the Vietnam era. Her Parents were not Vietnamese, but that did not matter to the racial bigots living around them. From an early age, Xia Lins only escape from the Chinatown ghetto around her, was study.
At 14 she was nearly qualified to graduate high school, with dozens of college credits already under her belt. Also a Multi-year champion in kung-fu for her age group, Xia Lin was a shining star on her way to greatness.
At 15, she started getting sick very often, before 16 she was never fully recovered from one illness before the next set in. at 16 and a half, she was diagnosed with leukemia.
Enduring years of painful half successful treatments, never getting worse, but never getting better, Xia Lin continued with her first escape, study. She studied chemistry, biology, oncology, anything remotely related to her disease or treatments, until she knew more than the specialists treating her. At 21, frustrated with the same repetitive, painful and only semi successful chemotherapy, she took her treatment into her own hands. She had her parents smuggler her in a variety of chemicals, some of them legal, most of them not.
During her next chemotherapy session, the chemical treatment in her blood, reacted with the poisons the doctors were feeding her. Her body began to regenerate itself. Rapidly. Too rapidly.
Screaming in agony as her bone structure grew out of control, her doctors and parents could only watch in horror and spines and toxins ripped through her flesh, killing her everyone in the room but her. Anyone who touched her sent waves of new agony cascading through her, as if every bone in her body was broken.
Xia Lin escaped into the night before authorities could arrive, her broken bleeding body repairing itself even as it destroyed itself. Her treatment worked, the leukemia was no longer killing her. Unfortunately it didnt go away either. Xia Lin still suffers from a poor immune system, and the constant agony of the poisons and tissue damage that never fully heals before being reopened.
Midnight Swan found Xia Lin trying to starve herself to death, since no other method of suicide could get past her amazing regenerative abilities. Comforting words and promises won Xia over to the marauders, where she seeks a cure for her new condition. -
I echo what Darke said. I like the egocentric view of Statesie.
Of course, I'm an Aberrant RPG nut. States always reminded me of Cetus Pax. I like seeing him like this.
Honestly thats one of my favorite pics of him to-date, very nice SL! -
Spent the last few hours tossing together this manip. All in fun, no offense to anyone.
But am I the only one that wonders if it was a coincedence that Police Band Missions and the Eat Donut emote were in the same patch?? *jarringchord*
1024x768 Wallpaper of my characters Foxlily and Snowlily. Mostly just recolors, Snow's hair and the repose of Fox sitting and eating at the same time (not that you can tell, I picked images too small :-/) -
Been meaning to get this up for a while now. Esspecially with all the new costume changes I've made.
Here is my costume shots and bio page for the main characters I play. Feel free to comment on the costumes, a lot of them are new with the last patch, and I am still iffy on a lot of them.
Bio's are at the bottom if I've writen one -
*is pounced* @_X
hiya.. Mist... How's it.. going?
.. my spleen!
and I am busy catching up on all the nifty art that happened.. not to mention Issue 8 :-)
I love this tarot project. Can't wait to see more! -
plus anyone can take a screenshot and photoshop it...well anyone can draw also but I agree...it would be interesting to tackle an all screenshot tarot deck, but the character models are so limited, wouldn't the all look alike for the most part?
[/ QUOTE ]
*sniff* I go away for a little while and everyone gets delusions of grandeur...
And I assume you just mean take a screenshot, slap a frame around it and call it a card. real photo manips are a little more involved.
Not that I am saying 'zmg let us do screenshots!!' Just defending the medium!
And Hi all! I am kinda done with my month of madness, I should be back more regularly again. (And zmg, I have play time now too!) -
That's so awesome! (both actually, but esspecially Snow and Fox!)
Re comments on your DA:
The wait was well worth it! And besides, I think you're the only person I can think of more swamped with life stuff than me atm, heh, so no worries.
And. .. uh.. I don't have a Deviant page o.O I have no idea who you linked, but it's not me, heh. -
Next up for chibification (probably on the weekends) will be:
Derek Fayte
Snowlily and Foxlily
And Kllrjatt's character and his angel
[/ QUOTE ]
<3 <3
Also doing Nano - and another huge project... I should drop Nano, but I really don't want too.. saddly it's what I am using to unwind o.O -
Awesome work Star. :-D
I wish I was playing regularly, heh my Main's (Snowlily and Foxlily) are teens, and while I'm not looking for a SG, would be fun to hang with you guys.
But.. arg... so much work to do.. (Even being on the forum right now is bad.)
Maybe in a month or so :-/ -
I miss hanging out here all the time, unfortunatly, when you are a freelancer, your work schedule goes from drought to downpour overnight sometimes. I haven't even been able to log into CoH in like.. 2 weeks. My work time is full to bursting, and my freetime is currently consumed with another project. Hopefully a project that will make my freelancing days a thing of the past.
This side project _should_ be done in novemeber though.
Don't worry, not going to dissappear altogether, just probably won't see 8-10 posts a day from me any more until then :-)
And, sadly, art takes a back seat to writing, cause writing is how I feed myself and my family.
Game time takes an even further backseat to art, so.. -
I'm not playing much at the moment (Heck I'm barely on the boards anymore. Got a contract with a deadline I need to finish. Plus, been busy doing un CoH related stuff) But I plan on playing again a lot in december, so I'll make sure I login and join before too long ;-)
I love her stuff. I'm very pleased with myself if I can get even 1/10th of her quality and detail.
Another trick I have very recently 'stumbled upon' that more experienced artists who work digitally will probably go 'duh!' on is: Work in as high of resolution as you can. If you have to, crop your hair/head out, blow it up in a new image, work it and then paste it back in and rescale it down. When you scale it down, a lot of the detail still keeps and its much finer than you would have been able to achieve working in the lower resolution. I've started doing this and it helps a lot. A 1 pixel brush on a 400x600 pic is a lot finer detail than a 1 px brush on a 100x150 pic. Really helps fror layering and stray hairs.
Anyway, this may have been obvious to everyone else, but it honeslty just occured to me recently, I saw some big improvements in hair when I started doing it. -
New chibis!
awesome as always Star -
WoW WP. you certainly got quality work on that, the perspective and mood of the pieces is fantastic
DJ. great work as always, I love the wings. -
*adds more prise to the heaping mound Graver keeps in the back of his trunk. In case he ever needs to bury someone quickly.*
I went the same place Rox.... <.<
The pyro mouse one is very cool (not that the rest aren't, but mouse is my fav)