Kichi and Bob Mayhem!




He heeee heres the fire/kin corruptor Kichi and the feral mole from outerspace Bob (beloved pet of Cruse) engaged in some hijinks! Go get her Bob!!!

Members of the Teen Squadron seem to be having a good time watching too Maybe putting feral moles in mayhem missions wouldn't be such a bad idea!!

I know that Kichi wears the face mask, but it just didn't seem as funny without her screaming in horror XD If Cruse decides she wants the mask I can put it on for her

Kichi and Bob!



Oh so cute! I love it!

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



Very nice




/homestar runner voice on

That'th Gwweeaat!

/homestar runner voice off



very cool Star



*SQUEEEEE* Awesome!



LMAO!!!!! I love it so much. Almost done with your chibister, too.

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