Costume design help!
And Ooooold Spine/regen Stalker of mine (old as in, CoV Beta)
Xia Lin May
Chinese-American born in New York during the height of the Vietnam era. Her Parents were not Vietnamese, but that did not matter to the racial bigots living around them. From an early age, Xia Lins only escape from the Chinatown ghetto around her, was study.
At 14 she was nearly qualified to graduate high school, with dozens of college credits already under her belt. Also a Multi-year champion in kung-fu for her age group, Xia Lin was a shining star on her way to greatness.
At 15, she started getting sick very often, before 16 she was never fully recovered from one illness before the next set in. at 16 and a half, she was diagnosed with leukemia.
Enduring years of painful half successful treatments, never getting worse, but never getting better, Xia Lin continued with her first escape, study. She studied chemistry, biology, oncology, anything remotely related to her disease or treatments, until she knew more than the specialists treating her. At 21, frustrated with the same repetitive, painful and only semi successful chemotherapy, she took her treatment into her own hands. She had her parents smuggler her in a variety of chemicals, some of them legal, most of them not.
During her next chemotherapy session, the chemical treatment in her blood, reacted with the poisons the doctors were feeding her. Her body began to regenerate itself. Rapidly. Too rapidly.
Screaming in agony as her bone structure grew out of control, her doctors and parents could only watch in horror and spines and toxins ripped through her flesh, killing her everyone in the room but her. Anyone who touched her sent waves of new agony cascading through her, as if every bone in her body was broken.
Xia Lin escaped into the night before authorities could arrive, her broken bleeding body repairing itself even as it destroyed itself. Her treatment worked, the leukemia was no longer killing her. Unfortunately it didnt go away either. Xia Lin still suffers from a poor immune system, and the constant agony of the poisons and tissue damage that never fully heals before being reopened.
Midnight Swan found Xia Lin trying to starve herself to death, since no other method of suicide could get past her amazing regenerative abilities. Comforting words and promises won Xia over to the marauders, where she seeks a cure for her new condition.
don't have the character anymore but I used a male model with barechest with a darkish red dot pattern and tattered pants. Was going for the impression that the dots were scars from the spines.
here's my attempt at Andromalus
Because of his mutation, his skin has developed a boney exoskeleton.What's left of his hair has been bundled into a ponytail. His outfit is aquired from a regenerative Nanotechfiber which requires the energy belt to stablize the polymer-based nanites. The wrappings are terminus points for the suit and allows for tactile functioning.
If it's not what your looking for, that's ok. PM me with your thoughts if you like. sometimes there are too many threads to keep up.
Here's my shot.
The concept behind his costume is that... Well, he's wearing tights. The yellow bits of him are actually past bone protrusions he has crafted into helmet, shoulderpads and belt.
Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it. I really liked yours Dursagon, I think I might be able to create a costume I like for him now. But Green Regis, sorry but I cannot stand the alien head on anything :-D Other then that, I will use elements of both in my attempts to create a satisfying look for Andromalus.
I'm glad we could help.
Could someone please help me create a costume for a Spine/Regen or show me the costume of one of thier Spines scrappers? Basically my character is named Andromalus and he's a mutant who has the ability to control the bone marrow of his body's growth speed allowing him to regenerate or protrude bones from his body. If you need more info, I will be happy to provide it. Thank you.