
  • Posts

  • Joined

  1. I'm still about. no plans of leaving as of yet. Have plenty to keep me going.

  2. Bye FFM, take care. Hope you do return to us in the future.
  3. take care Riff, sad to see you go as well. Hope you will be back one day. Enjoyed the teams and your posts

    i dont normally post in leaving threads mainly as folks do so often end up returning back.
  4. I generally dont post in leaving threads as folks so often do return. And feel that is not needed.

    But as you have been a great person to team with and have enjoyed all the fun we have shared in game Coin i wish you all the best and take care. Do hope our paths cross again in some MMO out there. As im often playing a few of them, but i cant see me leaving COX as of yet. i still enjoy the game and the folks in it.
  5. Snow

    MA Farm

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    I am against all the farming spam in Atlas, it really creates a bad first impression of the game.

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    Indeed, its not very pleasent, i to would like to see the spam moved to another non newbie area.

    Boomtown might be the best area, no one goes there, it will fill the zone up, bring some live into it
  6. Snow

    MA Farm

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    [ QUOTE ]
    umm why does everyone hate farming?
    i mean i won't be doin it as soon as i've got my first lvl 50 but it's useful

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    I have nothing against farming, as long as they were doing their own thing in Peregrine Island but right now Atlas has become the place for people to farm.

    I popped into the AE building in Atlas tonight and there were around 25 people in there. The broadcasts were fast and frequent with people asking to go on farm teams and people offering places on a farm team.

    I just felt kind of sad that it had come to this. It really didn't feel like the game I've been playing for years at all.

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    yip sad times in Atlas now, used to be regulat cossie comps and general gather places for so many to have a bit of a chat and general feel good factor. now its a horrible place to frequent due to the overdose of farming spam, and all the pl requests. Lost its warming feel it used to have has poor old Atlas

  7. I enjoy playing GW and all its add ons, and still load it up on a regular basis.

    And as its free , you dont have to worry about your subs to play it. its there in that respect if want to take a break as well.

    Plus its a mighty fine game to play.

  8. Snow

    To much farming

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    Simple way to stop extreme PLing. Make trainer visits mandatory before you can start earning xp towards your next level. Done.

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    Not sure if this good, as i'm a terrible one for soildering on even if i level and not even cashing in my levels to really need to. I'd still like to be getting xp to my next level even tho ive still to claim ones ive got banked.
  9. I've had my refund for the over charge.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Quick solution. Remove the MA building from Atlas. That way the farmers will move to other, hopefully, less obnoxious places.

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    That would work to.As well as Galaxy.

    they could slap one in Boomtown, maybe get some life out of that old run down zone that no one visits
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    To be honest, I'm not finding this MA thing as enjoyable to use for design or play as I'd hoped and I'm on the verge of just forgetting about it and reverting back to the normal game missions - guess I'll be soloing for a while though

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    I sorta feel this way about the MA as well at teh moment. i still enjoy doing the proper missions and running around the zones. The MA is just to handy for staying in one place and never moving, never experianceing the other fab content out there in game, granted its maybe a bit stale to a lot of vets. But to me id rather enjoy coh as it was inteneded.
    Not some stand about in one zone selecting random arcs, with OTT mobs and lack of emmersion, over and over.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Union Atlas is a mess as well. Horrible (even moreso than usual).

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    I agree. I moved out of Atlas. When i last logged on there i noted that within 30 seconds of loggin in the first four broadcasts were all requests for farming teams...

    I feel it's a shame that new players to the game are going to see this all over broadcast now. It might put some people off? Are new players getting dragged into MA teams from day one now and missing all the other content? I hope that's not the case, but it's worrying.

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    I logged a lowbie alt in this weekend into Union Atlas, was horrified with what i heard over broadcast there. If i was new player it would not be a very welcoming introduction to the game. they would think that COH is nothing but one big huge farming game, and theres a lot of good content in COH , but they may not ever find thier way out of Atlas due to the farmers shouting all come join farm plz, pl you is no prob. is very very sad to see the first zone you enter as a lowbie to be swamped with loud obnoxious broadcast spam from farmers.

    Atlas on Union at the moment seems to be a very unfriendly place, not friendly at all for your average new player or any one starting off a lowbie alt there.
  13. Snow

    Quite shocked

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    The MA in Atlas should be for level 10 and lower only IMO, no-one else should be able to access missions there.

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    Thats good idea as if can put a vanguard security dude to stop low levels getting into a buildin in Atlas they can put a AE security guard to stop players of a certain level gaining acces to the building as well.

    Would prob move the broadcast spam to another zone but least wouldn't be the first zone you enter as you start the game.
  14. Snow

    Quite shocked

    I logged an alt onto Union, this weekend. Very low alt so was in Atlas park. How things have changed on Union atlas. I guess its the AE building that all the broadcasts where orginating from. But if i was a new player to the game and made my first char on union id really be shocked to be flooded with nothign but farming requests all over broadcast the minute i logged in.

    Is sad times now when one of the major meeting places, your first zone of the game is now crawling with the farmers and the like not a very welcoming place at all any more is atlas if folks then get caught up with farming at low level , and even tho if new the game is not gonna do much for them all taht content zones they will miss as the farmers bag them for thier ill gotton gane.

    Sad to see Union atlas this way.

  15. I'd like a long skirt option to, but unfortuantly many a time Sexy J and the other devs have said its not possible without serious problems, as is so many animations and the like that it just looks ghastly. So i read.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Seriously. It's nothing. I died and I was like "Meh". People used to fear dying. BBD! Bring back debt! Bring back debt!

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    BBD,BBD,BBD !!

    Yip, that sounds a good plan, game is far to watered down nowadays, no one i know fears dying anymore.

  17. [ QUOTE ]
    They really should have made some announcement about it on the site or launcher, I was just trying to log on was wondering why all the servers were grayed out as well.

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    they used to mention on the forums well im sure Bridger /Rockjaw used to announce when server down time was gonna happen., maybe give us some notice.
  18. And once again i come home Friday for my lunch and to have a quick game of COH, only to find the servers are down yet again !! Just like they where last Friday . What is going on !

    maintenace used to be like 8am in morning when it would not really effect anyone now seems bringing it down every Friday lunchtime GRRRRRR
  19. No

    is fine way it is just now, just like the ah dont count for inf badges, MA should not count for kill x amount of mobs.

  20. [ QUOTE ]
    *Sends in some cows, sheeps, pigs and a barn*

    There you go, Farm all you like.

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    hehe, made me chuckle