6298 -
Quote:How is releasing a different aura a compromise?I know I see the Wisp Aura a TON and it was a promotional thing. With the ordeal behind the Tweet code Thursdays and the Dark Matter Aura a lot of people want it for sale. However, so far they have said no since its a promotional item.
So how would you feel if as a compromised they released the Wisp Aura for sale? I think it would sell fairly well as I see a LOT of people using this aura.
For what it is worth, I have both auras and I don't have any problem with either being put on the market.
Also count me in the camp that believes that all the exclusives should have only a LIMITED exclusive period attached before being widely released. -
Quote:Well you can't run them for the badges before you go full-villain, so don't worry about that.Though I'm guessing an Incarnate will have a far easier time with Efficiency Expert than was the case before level-shifting, Lore, Judgement, et al.
He actually has Pither as a contact from running a set of newspaper missions in Grandville. I knew about the one-time tricky nature of the badge, so I haven't run any missions for him yet. I didn't know, but worried that I'd ruin my chance at the badge if I ran them before going full-villain.
Mini-Badge Guide and Popmenu: Efficiency Expert ( http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=277110 )
If you use the pop-menu, you'll see the names/objectives of the needed missions and if you've done them right.
It is best to solo them, unless you have a minimal attack build. The kidnap mission ignore everything but the holder group, then just go to the exit after you have got the person (don't fight your way out, just head to the exit). -
I'm just amazed that people don't know how to use or seem to be unwilling to look up easy info on the internet.
Quote:Edi: Oh, and for the record, the time for the UK you've posted there? Yeah, it's wrong. Apparently it's at 6.30pm UK time. in about 15 minutes or so.
See how easy it is to get it wrong?
18:30-12:00 = 6:30 pm. Nope, I got it right.
GMT = 5:30 pm, but I also posted GB time.
Logitech G15v1, Logitech MX500 (and I'm annoyed that the drivers aren't Vista/Win 7 compatible for the mouse). -
Quote:Oh come on. Doing an internet search comes up with more time zone converters than anyone could possibly use.I do wish that the times in different zones would be put in these announcements, I'm assuming that it's due to start 5.30pm UK time? As in about now?
Here is one.
US/Hawaii 07:30:00 25-Jul-2012
US/Pacific 10:30:00 25-Jul-2012
US/Central 12:30:00 25-Jul-2012
US/Eastern 13:30:00 25-Jul-2012
GMT 17:30:00 25-Jul-2012
GB 18:30:00 25-Jul-2012
Paris 19:30:00 25-Jul-2012
Japan 02:30:00 26-Jul-2012
What next? Someone asking for Swatch .BEAT time? -
Quote:1) They don't have a web development department. They out-source.I'm sad to hear this. I honestly don't think it would be too hard to ask your IT department to whip up something with the Twitter API that Posts a tweet, gets the first 100 users to retweet that tweet, then send a DM to each of those user with a line from a text file of codes with just a push of a button for each command, but I haven't have had much experience with APIs myself (or else I'd try to write it for you).
2) If they made a Twitter program like you describe, that app would be instantly banned from Twitter given Twitter's usage policies (I checked two weeks ago).
Quote:As for your assertion of simplicity while admitting to dearth of experience with the API. Standard code rant applies.The community team would post a code/website combo on Twitter, players log into the named website and they'd get an unique code from a code pool to use.
How long of a delay? I use 0.5 second delay (500 ms) and it seems to work.
Quote:Only if they applied it to two separate game accounts. I also think the other accounts have to be active when the code is entered.Here is my question now that I got that out of my system. If someone redeems a code is there anything that prevents them from redeeming a second one? I know the second one would not get them anything but they might do it just to "code-block" everyone else. Basically just a way to make sure that as few people succeed as they could.
Quote:No, and they can't use any Loyalist/Resistance doors.1) Can non Praetorians enter the Resistance areas? (Underground areas with the trainers)
Quote:2) If they cannot, can Praetorians that finish and leave Praetoria as Loyalist enter? I know Resistance can.
If the Praetorian character is villain aligned, they can access any of the loyalist doors. -
Both Galaxy City and the old Dark Astoria got echoes so you can still visit them and get any badges/plaques.
The portal to both is by the med porters, at the back of the main building in Ouroboros. -
I finally got a password (didn't need, but okay), and security question reset. Nearly twelve hours after the second support was submitted.
You know the worst thing? I was able to verify that I did, in fact, enter the security questions correctly yesterday. You see I have a secured, strong password protected hidden partition on a seldom used thumb drive with all my NCsoft information (not being paranoid or anything).
Here's the thing. It has now been almost 5 hours (I last updated at 1 pm PDT), and I now can expect that I won't get a response until Monday.
For a security question reset.
Not a password reset (I've been able to do that), not anything to do with my game account (though at this point I fully expect them to somehow <pancake> that up), just a security question update after providing around 30 pieces of identification related to my account. -
Quote:I think I can be hard on them for:The folks in Customer Service also cannot do much more than they have been able to do so far, so please don't be too hard on them.
- Closing a support ticket and telling me that I have to submit a new one, despite giving them:
- 25 serial codes applied to my account
- my credit card info (last 4 digits)
- my physical address
- my birthday
- my unique plaync account ids.
- Telling me that I had to submit another support ticket, despite having all the information given to them.
- Telling me that someone would be back to me in under an hour, and instead taking almost double that.
- Having a second customer support representative (supposedly an account support specialist) tell me that they can't find my first and last name when I submitted most of the previous information again (they only took 1 serial code and didn't ask for my unique plaync accounts).
- Despite that they had at least 4 other means of identification, they still didn't reset my security questions.
They can't do anything about my IP changing my address. I fully expect that my security questions got erased with the move last week. However, they can control their own actions.
Closing an account support question, despite going through the website "ask a question" support site and being given more than enough identification to properly verify an account, should be completely unacceptable. The first CS person should have escalated the support question if they couldn't deal with it themselves. This despite the fact the original support question was sent through the web form directed at the account services, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten "hey does all this Aion Account help pages solve your problem?". - Closing a support ticket and telling me that I have to submit a new one, despite giving them:
Follow-up. I still don't have access to my master NCsoft account. The customer support rep only gave me a link to re-submit my ticket and CLOSED the original support ticket.
The following is my survey feedback over the original ticket handling:
Quote:I don't appreciate being treated in this manner by customer support.Even though I provided every detail needed (Full name, account, serial codes applied to the account, last 4 digits of my credit card used to create the account, physical address, birthday, and unique account ids), I was told that I had to re-submit the exact same information again to gain access to my account. Then the customer support representative immediately closed the ticket. I'm NOT happy with this level of treatment.
Original support ticket: 120720-000246
New support ticket: 120720-004123
My original submission was flagged as an account problem, yet I was directed to resubmit to a special "account specialist".
After resubmitting the info via the new form, CS was supposed to get in touch with me inside an hour. They took almost 2 hours. Even though I resubmitted many other pieces of ID (physical address, birthday, last 4 digits of my Credit Card, a serial number from a retail package, my master account name, and my game account name) in the second support ticket, the CS person that responded "couldn't find" the name that created the account. That was 2.5 hours ago, and I still haven't received a response. -
Quote:I've had enough. I submitted a support question (that thankfully still works, even though the captcha is garbage). I'm just glad that I've kept every single code that I've applied to my account.It was just a thought, especially since I'd been presented with new information I didn't have before (you blocking Meta redirects).
Good luck on the password capitalization.
Good thing I decided not to participate in today's giveaway, as I can't get into my account anyway. -
Quote:Bull. Now I can't even access my master account in-game. I was able to last week.To everyone that was having problems logging in to their NC Soft master accounts at https://login.ncsoft.com/login/loginform Try it now. It seems they have fixed it finally.
This is crap.
Support ticket filed, which prompted the "Ask a question" site to give me two pages of Aion crap related to accounts before letting me fully submit my "question".
Support ID #120720-000246 -
Quote:Nope. It was a password authentication failure on the website. This afternoon, without changing anything on my side, I was able to get past that screen and then get blocked by their asinine IP check scheme.Snow Globe - Is it possible that you blocking all of these meta redirects could be affecting your being able to log in to and access your Master Account?
Is it possible that there is a meta redirect taking place during the authentication process that your settings are specifically prohibiting?
Since part of what they did was to split the Aion and Lineage II off to a different authentication and billing system (using the email address now instead of the account username) they could be doing meta redirects at that point to direct traffic from one generic login page to different sites based on the credentials supplied.
In other words, your overly restrictive settings may be causing the problems you are experiencing.
Now I either have to wait till next week for a security question clear, find a way around the settings, or by some miracle remember how I capitalized the answers to the poor choice of security questions because my ISP decided to change my IP address after 10 years.
And NOW I can't even access my account in-<pancake>-game. -
Quote:URL Meta redirects are a security concern. I've specifically blocked all meta redirects that I can.When I go to that website, I'm immediately redirected to http://us.ncsoft.com/en/ which has City of Heroes prominently featured.
No, I don't care a whit about your point that other MMOs do this. The MMOs that do this have a lot more customer turnover but are either big enough to survive the people leaving or are so new that the MMO can expect people to still see the shiny. City of Heroes doesn't have either. They can't afford to lose customers over these promotions.
Quote:Exclusive content is a thing in MMOs. The big fantasy MMO gives out companion pets and other items to fans who go to their big convention. The big space MMO made by the company that originally made City of Heroes gave out an exclusive playable race to people who signed up for lifetime subscriptions. It's hard to find a large-market (or wanna-be large market) MMO that doesn't provide exclusive content.
The 2nd example also re-released their lifetime deal for their superhero MMO.
Quote:That's overreaction -- even if everyone on the forums decided to quit, that would be a small percentage of the overall subscriber base, most of which probably wouldn't notice or even care.
Quote:The point is that a Twitter promotion doesn't really serve the community team's purpose if all it does is get people who are already following on the forums or on Facebook to go to Twitter. Zwillinger made that specific point very early in this thread when asked why they're even doing this promotion -- only small portions of your fanbase frequent any particular place in online space, so your goal is to be in as many of those spaces as possible so that you can find people you're not already communicating with.
Quote:Which is why pretty much every big MMO has permanently exclusive items. Because they hate their customers.
Quote:Look, I understand that you and others posting in this thread don't care for permanent exclusives. Given the tone used by those who don't care for permanent exclusives, though, I have to wonder if the bigger jerks are the people who want exclusive content, or the people who don't want anybody to have it.
Quote:It is *not* a wise investment of my teams time to spend an entire day on another project and cause other aspects of the Community to suffer as a result. At the same time, when faced with the option of do something or do nothing, I choose to do something. I respect those of you who disagree and choose not to participate. Please know that your concerns have been heard. This is simply the best possible option that we have currently available.
I hope you got the concern over -permanently exclusive- items. If you said that "oh, we're giving this cool aura for free during the summer, but come winter everyone will be able to buy it on the Paragon Market." You wouldn't have had this reaction. I'm sure you know this, but you have to convince whatever hair-brained person that insists that permanently exclusive items are a "good thing" that they are wrong.
And the "best option" isn't what you are doing. The "best option" is being upfront that these giveaways are exclusive for a limited time and afterward will be widely available. I get that you can't promise that, but you need to get the person that IS responsible to commit to that.
Quote:On a similar note, Hit Streak and I have invested a rather large amount of time in this conversation. While I appreciate everyone's concern, this is one of those decisions that I have to make that won't make everyone happy. I apologize if you're one of those people. For now, this is how we're going to operate Tweet Code Thursday, until we have a better solution. -
I got it to recognize my account/password, but now I have to guess the correct capitalization of my security questions because my computer "isn't trusted".
This is <pancake>. -
Quote:Still does zero to address the concerns for players. The codes are gone within seconds. It literally is not worth my time to look at Twitter and try to load any site to enter the code, much less the game to actually access my master account to put the code in. The community team is aware that some players do not have website access to their master accounts.Hey everyone, we've obviously learned a lot from just one day of this program. We're making a few more tweaks to it to accommodate those of you who aren't available during our normal business hours and also so we can live within Twitter's limitations.
Quote:Starting at 10AM PDT, we'll post an image of 15 codes for an in-game item (redeem it at www.plaync.com).
Quote:This will go on until 10PM PDT. For those of you counting at home, that's 12 hours of codes, 30 codes an hour for a total of 360 codes. This is more codes than we were able to distribute last week due to Twitter's direct message limit of 250/day.
Again, there is literally no point for a player to do this. All that will result from me even -trying- will be my blood pressure rising and me being pissed off at the community team. There will be absolutely nothing of benefit for either me or Paragon Studios in this if I try to participate. -
Quote:Wasn't that the exact point of Issue 21? In fact, wasn't that one of the major selling points and the reason for the issue to be called "Freedom"?Exclusive giveaways of this type bring out the people that think they are entitled to have an avenue they choose to gain the item in question.
Quote:Those people think that they have some sort of inalienable right to these items and argue to remove the exclusivity.- CoH CE
- CoV CE
- Dark Matter Aura
- Coralax Boss Costume
- Seven Years of Super stuff you can't buy access to or get in game.
- Salute to Statesman items.
Quote:IMO those that have the audacity to complain about Paragon giving things away, exclusive or not, are the ones with the problem.
It was never about Paragon giving things away. It was about ticking off customers by telling them that they could not eventually purchase items that don't cost Paragon Studios money to make more.
And I've been gaming since the mid to late 70s. So I've also have over 30 years of gaming experience. I don't think you are making your point.