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  1. I *think* he wants a squirt gun option for water blast?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
    ... let the Battalion be comprised of space orkz.

    - Your humble servant.
    I understand this post. I get it, and understand what you are saying.

    But I seem to be missing some context. Was it just out-of-the-blue speculation about the Battalion, or was there some hint that I missed?

    (Oh, and I want the Battalion to be composed of cosmic space pirates, preferably using the Cosmic Corsair costume bits.)
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BViking View Post
    Use GURPS. It usually handles those sorts of numbers more cleanly and wouldn't be too hard to compare CoH attack damage numbers versus the HPs of parking meters, cars, and so on. Thenagain, never a fan of Hero system.
    I respectfully disagree - in my opinion, Hero breaks down at low power levels, and GURPS breaks down at higher power levels.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Harry_Canyon View Post
    I can actually be of great assistance here, as I have ran Super Hero games since 87' on a regular basis. In fact, tonight is gaming night for me!

    Conversions and calculations are easy to achieve, with only a few variables needed. In this case, Hurl will give you the best metric standard to go by. All I need is how big is that rock/hunk of street/dirtball?

    *Weight: A one ton boulder (Depending on material, but assuming generic "stone" Would measure 3' x 3' x1.5, and the one in game (Also depending on character size, but aiming for average super-heroic strong guy) seems to be 3' x3' x3' (Again, averaging, as the object is irregular) So we are tossing a 2 ton hunk of matter.

    *Range: Strength will be determined by how far you can throw any appreciable weight.
    Hurl Range: Un-Enhanced- 80 Feet
    2-slot ----112-----119.8

    Now the thing to do is to realize that damage is dealt based on a number of factors; boxing gloves blunting a blow, angle of attack, pulling a punch, striking a weak point, materials of both the target and object striking the target, and so on. But to lift and project an object requires almost solely brute force (In the manner that hurl is used, not in general. Inertial and centrifugal force play a role in things such as catapult and hammer-toss for instance.)

    To propel an object weighing 2 tons:

    Un-Enhanced- 15-20 tons
    1-slot--20-25 tons---25-30 tons
    2-slot--30-35 tons---35-40 tons
    3-slot--40-45 tons---45-50 tons

    This is an average and in no way takes into account variable factors, but is close enough for scrutiny. Much stronger than most heroes, but still pale shades of the likes of Blue Boy or The Green-Skinned Goliath. Although I like to pretend that the range we have is not absolute range but effective range, which is what I use in my head to explain hitting targets that run as the animation starts and hits them like 100 yards away (Nearly 100 tons!)

    For fun, lets assume a baseball:

    Un-Enhanced- 1500 yards
    1-slot--1750 yards---2625 yards
    2-slot--2350 yards---3500 yards
    3-slot--4160 yards---5200 yards

    **Note Earth powers are exempt from this rule, since they are assumed to be able to manipulate stone specifically, and their powers could lend to distance. I don't see stone melee as strength based as much as it is control of stone, they can wield stone as if it were Styrofoam, because to them it is.
    Yes, but what about Shields/SS? The hurl animation there is a one-handed baseball pitch as opposed to a two=handed overhead throw.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
    Yeah that and the author seems unduly enfatuated with that one author I've never in my life heard of but is apparently the "writers writer"... >_> yeah, okay guys.
    I've not read Gene Wolfe, but I've certainly heard of him.
  6. I remember Tsoo Sorcerors being the absolute bane of my tanker.

    Unyielding was unyielding stance - which meant you couldn't move to follow them when they ported. You couldn't turn off unyielding stance, because that meant you would be held. Even if you managed to get close enough to hit them, that wouldn't last, because their Hurricane could debuff the range of melee attacks. To zero.

    Good times.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    I also don't think that there's a show on it that's been off the air over 25 years, or even 20.

    For Tenzhi's benefit:
    1. Doctor Who
    2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    3. Arrested Development
    4. MST3K
    5. X-Files
    6. The Wire
    7. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
    8. Star Trek: The Next Generation
    9. The Comeback
    10. My So-Called Life
    11. Lost
    12. Firefly
    13. Twin Peaks
    14. Veronica Mars
    15. Battlestar Galactica (2004)
    16. Community
    17. Undeclared
    18. Fringe
    19. Wonder Showzen
    20. Supernatural
    21. Popular
    22. Party Down
    23. Farscape
    24. Better of Ted
    25. Archer
    26. Pushing Daisies
    Twin Peaks, the oldest on that list, aired from 1989-1990, if I recall correctly. So, 22 years.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    The only Rularuu invasion I know of was at the start of Issue 2, Sept 2004.
    Yes, but I remember my old perma-Unstoppable tank jumping into a spawn of green Rularuu and being utterly slaughtered.

    Or maybe he wasn't there yet - which would have meant trying to jump into the spawn and then turning on Unyielding Stance. I was one of those crazy invuln tanks who refused to teletank back in those days.

    The old days certainly weren't all good.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Sept 1st I believe.

    Edit: Dang, missed it by that much.
    But you do a great Don Adams impersonation.
  10. I'm just astounded that no one's pointed out the Oscar potential of such a film.

    Keanu Reeves starring in the role he was born to play.
  11. Smersh

    Tank Mage i24?

    Originally Posted by Beelzy View Post
    I have occasionally heard people refer to the concept of a tank mage (similar to Iron Man), High survivability with ranged attacks. And was wondering if the new Sorcery pool power is a good fit for that theme.

    What I was looking at was KM as a secondary (Repulsing Torrent, and Focused Burst) with Energy Mastery (Laser Beam Eyes, and Energy Torrent). Mix in the two ranged attacks from the Sorcery Pool and you have a set of six ranged attacks.

    Question, would this be a good fit for a character that has a similar feel for Iron Man, and how playable would this be?
    I think you'd be better served with a Claws brute.

    Protip - widow claws very nearly disappear within large gloves.

    That said - Sorcery is very clearly just that, and does not fit an Iron Man theme in any way.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
    You're willing to give up weave? How will you make up that massive loss of defense? iCap is 59 percent, that's non-trivial to reach on an Invuln.
    On an iTrial, there are enough buffs flying around that I don't worry about the iCap. In DA, I duo with my wife's cold/rad defender.

    I'll need a new Mids before I see what giving up Weave will cost me. As it is, I could still drop Tough and pick up, say, Cross Punch.

    I'll have lots of options to investigate, and I consider that a gain.
  13. My Invulnerability tanker will be able to drop tough and, potentially, the entire Fighting pool. Might spec into Leadership instead. Or possibly the new upgraded Presence pool.

    Copied from live, he had 65% resists to fire and cold.

    I'd say that there are benefits to invulnerability tankers in I24, yes.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
    Anyone confirm if you get the debuff resist with IOs? Or is that specific to powers.... Because if the IOs provide rdd, that is obscene.
    That's how resistance works. There is no separate resistance debuff defense attribute.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    Don't make plans just yet unless you doing it just for fun. This is just the first wave of beta. Thigs are extremely likely to change. In fact, Synapse already mentione he will look at x2 and x3 bonuses.
    Oh, I'm just theoretically building at this point. I'm not making any purchases just yet.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    To be fair, and I have been attempting to argue this for a while:

    Invuln does not have a huge advantage in SL, not directly. Invulns "advantage" is how much more powerful Fighting > Tough is for them, and this in turn, of course, makes them so powerful against SL.

    It was also an advantage that was not fully inherited by the Brute and Scrapper versions of the set.

    At first I thought this would be a bad thing, but now I realize it may be a good thing.

    Invuln has kept what I would consider to be damage type holes for every damage type but Smashing and Lethal due to how insanely strong Invuln Tankers can be, once they take Tough. Now that this advantage is not so big (since most other tankers will be able to do similar) we can finally get tanker's weak spots looked at, at least I know I will do my best... as soon as I'm done looking at this huge IO list of changes.

    And Willpower. *glup*

    Hmmm, I got to admit I am not sure I agree. We have, for most purposes, a darn well balanced offensive game system. Most offensive sets are, thanks to heavy rebalancing and the work of players like you, been improved to be within a few percentage points of each other in sustained DPS.

    Survival sets, though, are all over the place, some with holes to things entire groups the game forces you to fight [if you do story content]. As long as the delivery (HP/Res/Def/Abs/etc), and build paths are different, you will retain distinction.

    I don't want homogenization, but I would like some standardization on survivability performance. The IO change may help in that direction.
    Datapoint - my Invulnerability tanker will be dropping Tough in I24 (ceteris paribus, of course.) I won't need it anymore.

    And it looks as though I won't be giving up very much, if anything, for that - the current IO build he has on live gives him 81% S/L resist on beta with Tough toggled off. Throw on the (buffed) Shield Wall proc, and that leaves about 4% S/L resist to chase down. Trivial with the new values. (As a purely side benefit, F/C resists will be somewhere north of 70% on that build, as well.) That's in addition to softcapped S/L/E/N defenses and a goodly bit of global recharge.

    Once Mids updates, I'll be looking at other options that may be in the realm of possible. S/L resist capped Shields tanker? S/L resist capped Fire Armor brute? Multi-resist capped Masterminds? The mind boggles.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DaemonDivinity View Post
    So I got working on the build in the last post, with a couple of minor changes:

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    It's not done, but it's getting closer every day and it does indeed feel quite Invulnerable, as my old tanker was. I want to thank everyone for their assistance to this point. It was nice to recapture some of that feeling that made me love this game and this character so long ago.

    Of course, they're about to roll out some new changes. Nothing that will hurt this build, but apparently a lot of sets are getting improved Resists. It looks like I'm missing out (getting a bit of F/C, some irrelevant S/L, and pretty much no E/N/T/P).

    Is there anything I should flip around to get a piece? I don't see a way to get a lot of E/N/T/P out of it. I was thinking that I could de-slot Tough, use it to mule the Gladiator (it work's regardless of power level, IIRC), and toss 2 in RPD with the 3x Aegis, and the one remaining in Rage for Adjusted Targeting. This might be sufficient to actually cap S/L with Tough off. Or a slot could be tossed in KO-Blow or Jab for the new Tanker ATO proc (I don't know if I should feel compelled to try and slot the whole set).

    Should I even give this a second thought? Should I maybe do something like rearrange slots to get a 3x Adjusted Targeting in Rage? One interesting thought I had was reversing RPD and Tough, if the S/L bonuses totall up to 10ish, thus allowing me to cap without needing the toggle.
    Didn't look at your build, but I will say this: My current Inv/Fire on live gains huge amounts of F/C resist on beta, without a single change. He also gained a fair bit of S/L - such that I'll be able to cap S/L resists with relatively minor slotting changes, while dropping Tough completely from my build. He'll still be softcapped to S/L/E/N, as well. I won't even need to sacrifice any global recharge to do it, just a small amount of regeneration bonuses. And my F/C resist will probably end up somewhere north of 70%.

    I can't wait for the Mids update, but I know that it'll be a hell of a project.

    Edit: To be completely fair, that is running an unlimited budget build and Cardiac.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    have not a single clue about who is this Joss Whedon guy is but the first movie was good and the second should be also from the bits and pieces about it that has been floating around since part one.
    /em breaks out the popcorn
  19. Smersh


    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I can scream ten times louder than him.
    This just in: Arcanaville confirms Sonic/Mathematics blasters for I25.
  20. Smersh

    Worst MMO ever

    Originally Posted by Sparkly Soldier View Post
    On the one hand, we should always be looking for a chance to wrest power from him when he least expects it and escape that way. But on the other, if a criminal has a gun drawn on you and says "dance like a chicken and I'll let you go," would you really choose to instead let him pull the trigger, just to make a philosophical point about free will?
    Just because you dance like a chicken when the gun is on you doesn't mean you can't be looking for another way out while you're doing it.

    Nor does it preclude observation of the gunman's behavior while you're dancing, so that you can try to get inside his head.
  21. Smersh

    Worst MMO ever

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    The problem with questions like this is that they present real life as an extremely simple set of choices, when in reality you're never presented with such simple and direct choices. I don't believe in the no-win scenario. When presented with a choice to either exit the game and die, or stay in the game and kill, I will inevitably take the third option: frack with the game designer until he wishes the power would go out in my house.

    Basically, I would take the Garibaldi option:

    I'd watch that show.
  22. Smersh


    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    I can't fault the guy for thinking the Moran family needs to get a brain.
    Oh, and here I was, thinking the sign was referring to Rick Moranis.
  23. Smersh

    Scrapper Love

    Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
    Oh boy do I remember *that* conversation. Suddenly everyone as a munitions expert, and guns could not, under any circumstance, for any reason, be used at a range of under 15 feet. I really got sick of listening to the forums during that little debate.

    Still, I think the Martial set coming out for blaster in addition to all the other fun things Blaster is getting will largely satisfy my "gun-fu" itch.
    What was worse was the use of maximum ranges from the real world, which would have had Pistols Scrappers operating at the same range as AR Blasters...

    I still think a Pistols Scrapper set would have played not dissimilar to Spines. Ah, well, that's a 'what could have been.'